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it will not forget the 66th Article of the same Charter, which has confided the rights of the press, as well as all other rights consecrated by the Charter, to the patriotism and courage of the National Guards, and of all French citizens."

The King opened the French Chambers on the 27th of December, with the usual ceremonies. He read from the Throne the following Speech :—

"Gentlemen, Peers, and Deputies,

"Since the close of your last Session, the questions which excited in the East our just solicitude, have reached their term. I have concluded with the Emperor of Austria, the Queen of Great Britain, the King of Prussia, the Emperor of Russia, and the Sultan, a convention which consecrates the common intention of the Powers to maintain the peace of Europe, and consolidate the repose of the Ottoman empire.

"The great burdens imposed upon the country, have already experienced considerable reductions. It would have been my lively wish, that a balance should have been immediately re-established between the expenditure and revenues of the State. This is the result which we must now prepare, and which you will achieve without weakening our military organization, and without deferring the execution of those works which are to increase the national prosperity.

"A project of law will be presented to you, for constructing the principal lines of a great system of railroads, calculated to ensure those rapid and easy communications with all parts of our territory,

which will prove a source of force and riches to the nation.

"I am endeavouring at the same time, by negotiations, prudently conducted, to extend our commercial relations, and to open new markets for the productions of our soil and of our arts. Such labours honour peace, and render it stable and fruitful at the same time. I have reason to reckon that it will not be disturbed, receiving from all the Powers the most amicable assurance.

"I have taken measures to prevent any external complication from disturbing the security of our African possessions. Our brave soldiers are pursuing on that land, henceforth and for ever French, the course of their noble labours, in which I am happy that my sons have had the honour of concurring. Our perseverance shall complete the work undertaken by our courageous army; and France will introduce into Algeria her civilization, as the consequence of her glory.

"The financial laws and others, having for their object to introduce useful improvements in the public administration, will be presented to you immediately.

"Whatever may be the burdens of our situation, France would support them without difficulty, if faction did not unceasingly obstruct the course of her powerful activity. I will not dwell upon the intrigues and crimes of the factious; but let us not forget, Gentlemen, that it is that which debars our country from fully enjoying all the blessings which Providence has conferred upon it, and which retards the development of that legal and pacific liberty, which France has at last achieved, and of which I make

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"We shall follow up this task, Gentlemen. My Government will do its duty. It will maintain everywhere and constantly the authority of the laws, and cause them to be respected, as it will respect them itself. Your loyal support will aid me in enlightening the country, with persevering sincerity, with regard to its true interest: we shall strengthen by its support, and by our union keep entire the sacred deposit of order and public liberties, which the Charter has confided to us. Future generations will reap the fruit of our endeavours, and the gratitude of our country will be our recompense."

When the Chamber of Deputies assembled the next day, it proceeded to the election of a president. The result was very decidedly in favour of Ministers. M. Sauzet, the Government candidate, obtained 193 votes. M. de Lamartine, the Opposition candidate, 64. M. Odillon Barrot, put forward by the Gauche party, 45. The four Vice-Presidents also subsequently elected were all Ministerialists.

On the Jour de l'An, according to custom, the Chamber of Peers, the Chamber of Deputies, and other great functionaries, presented Addresses to the king.

The Marquess de Brigole-Sales (Ambassador of Sardinia), as senior member of the corps diplomatique, congratulated King Louis Philippe in its name, on the providential escape of the young princes, his sons, from the attempt of assassins, and on the adhesion of France to the treaty of July, which “had drawn close the bonds of union between the great Cabinets -2

union so necessary to the repose of nations, and to the preservation of general peace."

The king, after returning thanks to the ambassadors for the expressions of sympathy conveyed to him by M. Brigole-Sales, observed, that "the year 1841 had been produc tive of happy results, since the great Cabinets had given in that year, by their own accord, a new pledge of security to general peace, which His Majesty trusted the Powers would continue to maintain unimpaired."

The Duke de Broglie, VicePresident of the Chamber of Peers, who addressed the king in the name of that body, observed, that "the foundation of a free and regular government was a laborious undertaking;" that "the wisdom of princes, the interests of nations, and the enlightened vigilance of the public powers, were inadequate to the task, without the protection of God and the effects of time. We return thanks," added the duke, "to Him, whose goodness has preserved your life for us, and preserved your children for our chil dren. The past is a guarantee for the future. Our cause is good, and our success certain. Nothing besides in the aspect of events seems to forbode new storms; there is nothing to dim our joy and our hopes on this day."

The king replied, that "it was not only in preserving his life, and that of his beloved children, that Providence had displayed its protection, that it was also by enabling the power of the State to preserve France from the encroachments of anarchy, under whatever form it presented itself. It was, as you remark," added His Majesty, a laborious undertaking, to found in France a free and regu

lar government. The support which I have ever found in the Chamber of Peers, was one of the great means of attaining that end. That government will derive from its duration the consecration of stability, which, by discouraging factions, will contribute to arm the authorities with the vigour necessary to maintain the laws, to cause the rights of all to be respected, and repress those incessant attacks against property, which are calculated to shake society to its very foundation. The noble attitude of the Chamber of Peers impresses us with the salutary confidence, that the Throne to which France has raised me for the guarantee of her laws and liberties, shall not be placed in danger by those miserable attempts; and that we shall continue to defeat the culpable in trigues of the men who tamper with a credulous ignorance with a view to insure the success of their sinister projects."

M. Sauzet, President of the Chamber of Deputies, commenced his address by congratulating His Majesty as identified with the future security of the constitutional Throne and the public prosperity. The president next congratulated the king on the noble example offered by His Majesty and the royal family, whose lives were devoted to the practice of every virtue, and the dispensation of favours. M. Sauzet concluded by assuring His Majesty that the Chamber of Deputies would devote their attention to the interests they represent, and to the public works which France expected. He observed, that when the debates should commence, the different opinions would be expressed independently, according to their prerogatives, but that on this oc

casion all parties coalesced in assuring His Majesty that they are the sincere defenders of his per


The king replied, that he was much affected at the sentiments expressed by the Chamber of Depu ties.

He thanked them in the name of his family, and assured them that his sons were, like himself, always ready to shed their blood for their country. His Majesty reminded the deputies that eleven years since he promised that the Charter should thenceforward be a truth, which promise had been performed; that all prerogatives have been respected, all rights guaranteed by general se curity. His Majesty concluded by observing that there are parties who would deprive the country of those blessings by exciting alarm, but with the assistance of the Chamber of Deputies, he would triumph over all those attacks upon social order and private property, and guarantee to France the maintenance of repose, and the development of her prosperity.

M. Martin du Nord (Minister of Justice) next addressed the king in the name of the Council of State, of which he is President. "Each year," said M. Martin, "adds to the blessings which France owes to your Majesty; each year adds to public gratitude. Your reign, Sire, has saved France from irreparable misfortunes.

Menaced from without, menaced at home-with the aid of Providence, and thanks to the perseverance of your wisdom, she has passed triumphantly through all her perils: her liberty, honour, and prosperity, confided to your royal hands, in the most difficult circumstances, after eleven years of trials, are all safe."

The King in reply, said, that he felt greatly flattered by those sentiments; that it was for the sake of saving the country that he had undertaken the fearful task of conjuring the hurricane which was gathering round France; that he was happy to find that, thanks to the progress of public tranquillity, the institutions were daily acquiring additional strength; "but," observed His Majesty, "the depositaries of authority, in order to crown the work, must have the courage to obey the dictates of their conscience; they must not be discouraged by chimerical dan gers, nor suffer themselves to be deluded by the desire of gaining a vain popularity; the laws must be executed with equitable firmness, so as to afford protection to all, and to be oppressive for none."

The debates that took place during this Session of the French Chambers were singularly devoid of interest. Both the Chambers adopted addresses in answer to the Royal Speech, which were echoes of it. In the Chamber of Deputies, however, an animated discussion took place, relative to the recent treaty between the principal European powers, mutually granting the right of search for the suppression of the Slave-trade. Several amendments were proposed on this subject; amongst others the following, by M. Jacques Lefebvre :

"We have also the confidence that in granting its concurrence to the suppression of a criminal traffic, your Government will know how to preserve from every attack, the interest of our commerce and the independence of our flag."

This amendment was after considerable discussion adopted unanimously with the exception of

the votes of the five ministers who were deputies.

M. Thiers, in the course of the debate, vigorously attacked the treaty.

The address contained the usual paragraph, a protest concerning the oppression of the Poles, in the following words:-"The Chamber reminds Europe of the rights of the Polish nation so positively stipulated by treaty."

A subject of dispute had arisen with Spain, which, although it seemed to turn merely upon a point of etiquette, was unfortunate in the precarious state of the relations between France and that country. An ambassador, M. de Salvandy, had been sent to Madrid as an acknowledgment on the part of France of the rights of Queen Isabella. As she, however, was a minor, and Espartero was the sole Regent of the kingdom, the latter required that the credentials of M. de Salvandy should be presented to him. This the French ambassador refused to do, and an undignified dispute ensued, which terminated in the departure of M. de Salvandy from Madrid.

During the debate on the address, M. Eustace de Beaumont moved an amendment, which expressed a hope that the differences which had arisen between France and Spain would not seriously disturb the friendly relation existing between the two countries,

M. Guizot opposed the amendment, on the ground that it was full of inconveniences for the Government, for the country, and for the dignity of the Chamber. He declared that Government had complied with all the chief demands of Spain: the Carlists who were flocking to join the late insurrection were sent into the interior,

and so were the Christino emigrants. Government had only refused the expulsion of Queen Christina. And then, as a mark of affection and deference (France considering herself the natural protector of the young Queen), an ambassador was sent to Madrid

"The presence of the ambassador, besides, must have facilitated the adjustment of the differences between the two governments. The French government could not expect that the presentation of his credentials would have led to any unpleasant consequences. The claims of the ambassador were in conformity with the practice observed in every monarchy, with the public law of Europe, and with all the precedents. In Greece and the Brazils, during the minority of the sovereigns, the same pretensions had been raised by the regents, and all the powers had declared against them. The presentation by an ambassador of his credentials to the real sovereign was an European right; and the moment the affair became known, the governments, both absolute and constitutional, and Great Britain among the rest, supported the demand of France."

M. de Beaumont's amendment was rejected.

With reference to the Spanish question M. Guizot in the Chamber of Peers on the 12th of January said, "That the speech from the throne was silent on the subject, but that silence was im perative in consequence of the negotiations pending between France and Spain. He admitted that the treaty of Bergara had given the French government great pleasure, because it had put an end to the civil war, but it had never expected that this treaty would terminate

all the differences between France and that country. As respected the last insurrection, France, he declared, had taken no part in it, either directly or indirectly. When the Spanish government had demanded of France to remove the Christino refugees into the interior, that demand, and several others equally reasonable, had been immediately acceded to one request only (the expulsion of Queen Christina) had been formally refused, for considerations which the Chamber would appreciate. The government was actuated by two feelings towards Spain-namely, a desire to contribute with all her might to the consolidation of a regular monarchy, and the pacification of the country; and secondly, a firm resolution to prevent any exclusive influence from establishing itself in the Peninsula to the prejudice of France, without pretending to monopolize for France an exclusive influence of the kind. Proceeding afterwards to examine the eastern question, he announced that he would confine himself to recapitulate the facts which had occurred since the accession of the cabinet of the 29th of October to power. After describing the painful opposition in which he and his colleagues had been placed, and the ingratitude with which the services they had rendered had been requited, he compared the situation in which they had found the eastern question and what it now was. When they took office the Pasha of Egypt was driven from Syria, and his very existence menaced. Now the Pasha's existence was no longer in danger, and all the Powers of Europe had solemnly pledged themselves to protect him. The hatti-scheriff of 13th of February only granted

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