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ARRETE du Conseil Fédéral Suisse, dénonçant la Convention avec l'Italie, pour la Garantie Réciproque de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique.-Berne, le 17 Novembre, 1899.

LE Conseil Fédéral Suisse,

Considérant qu'en exécution des ordres du Conseil Fédéral la Légation de Suisse à Rome a dénoncé la Convention avec l'Italie pour la garantie réciproque de la propriété littéraire et artistique du 22 Juillet, 1868,


1. La Convention entre la Suisse et l'Italie pour la garantie réciproque de la propriété littéraire et artistique du 22 Juillet, 1868, cesse d'être en vigueur le 17 Novembre, 1899.

2. Le présent Arrêté sera publié dans la "Feuille Fédérale" et dans le "Recueil Officiel" des Lois et Ordonnances.

Berne, le 17 Novembre, 1899.

Au nom du Conseil Fédéral Suisse :

HAUSER, Vice-Président.

SCHATZMANN, Vice-Chancelier.

NOTIFICATION de l'Abrogation par le Gouvernement Suisse des Conventions avec la France et la Belgique, concernant la Garantie de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique, ainsi que de la Convention avec la France concernant la Garantie des Marques de Fabrique et des Modèles.-Berne, le 17 Novembre, 1899.

Il est rappelé au public que les Conventions avec la France, du 23 Février, 1882, concernant la garantie réciproque de la propriété littéraire et artistique, et la garantie réciproque des marques de fabrique et de commerce, des noms commerciaux, des dessins, et des modèles industriels, ont été, sur l'ordre du Conseil Fédéral, dénoncées par la Légation de Suisse à Paris, le 21 Janvier, 1891, et que par suite elles ont cessé d'être en vigueur le 31 Janvier, 1892.

Il est rappelé, en outre, que la Convention avec la Belgique concernant la garantie réciproque de la propriété littéraire et artistique du 25 Avril, 1867, a été dénoncée par le Conseil Fédéral et a cessé d'être en vigueur le 7 Mai, 1890.

Berne, le 17 Novembre, 1899.

Au nom du Conseil Fédéral :

(Chancellerie Fédérale.)

CONVENTION between Germany and Uruguay, reviving the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of the 20th June, 1892. -Berlin, June 5, 1899.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, January 23, 1900.]

SEINE Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen, im Namen des Deutschen Reichs cinerseits, und Seine Excellenz der Präsident des Freistaates Uruguay andererseits, gleichmässig von dem Wunsche beseelt, die vertragsmässigen Handels- und Schifffahrtsbeziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern wieder aufleben zu lassen, haben beschlossen, zu diesem Zwecke eine Uebereinkunft abzuschliessen und haben zu Ihren Bevollmächtigten ernannt:

Seine Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen, Allerhöchstihren Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amts, Staatsminister Bernhard von Bülow; und

Seine Excellenz der Präsident der Orientalischen Republik Uruguay, den Uruguayschen Minister-Residenten in Deutschland, Doctor Luis Garabelli;

Welche, nach gegenseitiger Mittheilung ihrer in guter und gehöriger Form befundenen Vollmachten, sich über folgende Artikel geeinigt haben:

ART. I. Der zwischen dem Deutschen Reiche und der Orientalischen Republik Uruguay am 20. Juni, 1892,† abgeschlossene Handels- und Schifffahrtsvertrag, welcher mit dem 31. Juli, 1897, ausser Kraft getreten ist, wird, die Bestimmungen des Artikels VI ausgenommen, wieder in Kraft gesetzt.

II. Die gegenwärtige Uebereinkunft soll sobald als möglich ratifizirt und die Ratifikations-Urkunden sollen in Berlin ausgetauscht werden.

Die gegenwärtige Uebereinkunft tritt mit Beginn des 30. Tages nach dem Tage, an welchem der Austausch der RatifikationsUrkunden erfolgt ist, in Kraft und bleibt in Geltung bis zum Ablauf eines Jahres nach dem Tage, an welchem einer der vertrag. schliessenden Theile dem anderen seine Absicht, die Wirksamkeit dieser Uebereinkunft aufhören zu lassen, amtlich kundgegeben haben wird.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die beiderseitigen Bevollmächtigten die gegenwärtige Uebereinkunft in doppelten, in Deutscher und

* Signed also in the Spanish language.
† Vol. LXXXVII, page 1025.

Spanischer Sprache ausgefertigten Originalen unterzeichnet und


So geschehen zu Berlin am 5. Juni, 1899.


AGREEMENT between the United States and Hayti, for the Arbitration of the Question of the Liability and Amount of Damages to be awarded John D. Metzger and Co.-Signed at Washington, October 18, 1899.*

PROTOCOL of an Agreement between the Secretary of State of the United States and the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Hayti, for submission to an arbitration of the question of liability and amount of damages to be awarded in favour of John D. Metzger and Co., American citizens, against the Republic of Hayti.

THE United States of America and the Republic of Hayti, through their Representatives, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and J. N. Léger, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Hayti, have agreed upon and signed the following Protocol:

Whereas the said John D. Metzger and Co., citizens of the United States of America, have claimed, through the Government of the United States, from the Government of Hayti, indemnity on account of the seizure and sale of their goods at Port-au-Prince for the non-payment of certain licence taxes; and on account of the alleged failure to furnish them an adequate supply of water for the operation of their mill at Port-au-Prince; and on account of the alleged liability of Hayti on account of a quantity of lumber alleged to have been sold by them for a Relief Committee on the occasion of devastation by fire at Jacmel, it is agreed between the two Governments:

ART. I. That the question of the liability of the Republic of Hayti to pay an indemnity in each of said cases, and, if so found by the Arbitrator, the further question of the amount of the said indemnity to be awarded, shall be referred to the Honourable William R. Day, sometime Secretary of State of the United States, and now Judge of the Circuit Court thereof, who is hereby appointed as Arbitrator to hear said causes, and to determine the

* Signed also in the French language.

questions of said liability and the amount of said indemnity, if any is found by the said Arbitrator to be justly due.

II. The Government of the United States will lay before the Arbitrator the claimants' evidence and all correspondence, either between the Haytien Government and the United States' Minister at Port-au-Prince, or between the Department of State and the Haytien Minister at Washington, and the despatches, with their inclosures, from the said Minister, reporting documentary or other evidence to the Department of State in relation to said claims.

Reciprocally, the Haytien Government shall have the same rights of presentation of evidence in its own behalf as are above stipulated for the Government of the United States.

Each Government will furnish to the other a duplicate of the evidence and correspondence at the same time they are by them respectively laid before the Arbitrator.

If, in the opinion of the Arbitrator, it shall be deemed desirable in the interests of justice to take further evidence, he shall communicate to both parties his opinion, and shall indicate the questions of fact on which the same shall be taken. Likewise, either Government, on notice to the other, may apply to him for that purpose. Each Government shall, in case the Arbitrator orders the taking, name an Agent to take such evidence in its own behalf, who shall each have the right to be present at the taking thereof, and to cross-examine the witnesses and take copies of documentary evidence offered by the other. All questions of procedure shall be left to the determination of the Arbitrator. Each Government agrees to abide by such determination, and, in default thereof, the said Arbitrator may proceed in such manner and at such times as he may determine, in order to close the proofs and make final award.

III. The Government of Hayti agrees to pay any amount or amounts which may be awarded by the Arbitrator if he finds that it is liable therefor.

IV. The evidence is to be submitted to the Arbitrator, and finally closed on or before the 1st day of March, 1900, and his decision is to be rendered within four months thereafter.

V. Each Government shall furnish to the Arbitrator an argument or brief not later than the 1st day of April, 1900, a copy of which each party shall furnish to the other at the same time as to the Arbitrator; and the claimant and the Commune of Port-auPrince may also file briefs in the cause on the same terms; but the Arbitrator need not for such purpose delay his decision.

VI. The Government of Hayti shall pay the indemnity awarded by the Arbitrator, if any, as soon as the Legislative Assembly of Hayti shall authorize the payment; but the time thus allowed shall

in no case exceed six months from the day the decision is pronounced, unless an extension of time of its payment should be granted by the Government of the United States.

VII. Reasonable compensation to the Arbitrator for all his services and expenses, and the other expenses of said arbitration, are to be paid in equal moieties by the said Governments.

VIII. Any award given by the Arbitrator shall be final and conclusive.

Done in duplicate in English and in French, at Washington, this 18th day of October, 1899.

(L.S.) J. N. LÉGER.

CONVENTION between France and Mexico, on the subject of Trade and Industrial Marks and Patents.-Signed at Mexico, April 10, 1899.

[Ratifications exchanged at Mexico, September 11, 1900.]


THE President of the Republic of Mexico and the President of the French Republic, being desirous of facilitating commercial relations between Mexico and France, have decided to conclude a Convention on the subject of industrial property, and have named their Plenipotentiaries for the purpose, that is to say:

The President of the Republic of Mexico, Licenciado Ignacio Mariscal, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and

The President of the French Republic, M. Hugues Boulard Pouqueville, Secretary of Embassy of the first class;

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles:

ART. I. The citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties will enjoy, in the territory of the other, the same rights as the natives of the country, with respect to patents of invention, trademarks, labels, name scrolls, mercantile and manufacturing names, firm names, designs, and manufacturing models; also with respect to indications and names of the place of manufacture.

II. In order to secure the protection guaranteed by the foregoing Article, applicants belonging to either State do not need to fix their domicile, residence, or mercantile agency in the country whose protection they seek; but they, will be required to observe

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