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Importation Étrangère.

Alcool et eau-de-vie simples jusque 50 degrés
Alcool et eau-de-vie supérieurs à 50 degrés

Eaux-de-vie préparées, cognacs, genièvres, liqueurs, et

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Par hectolitre.

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Eaux-de-vie préparées, cognacs, genièvres, liqueurs, et

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Eaux-de-vie préparées, cognacs, genièvres, liqueurs, et
autres boissons distillées ..

§ 1. Les alcools et eaux-de-vie fabriqués dans les districts de Mozambique et du Zambèze, de la province de Mozambique, resteront soumis à un impôt de 126 reis par litre jusque 50 degrés, qui sera augmenté de 2,52 reis par litre pour chaque degré en plus.

§ 2. La disposition du § 1 de l'Article 7 de la Loi Organique du 17 Mai, 1897,* est étendue aux territoires de la Compagnie du Mozambique.

4. Les droits fixés par le Tarif Douanier du 16 Avril, 1892, pour les alcools et eaux-de-vie importés dans la province de la Guinée Portugaise, sont portés à 12$600 reis par hectolitre jusque 50 degrés, et seront augmentés de 2,52 reis par litre pour chaque degré en plus. § unique.-Les alcools et eaux-de-vie fabriqués dans la province de la Guinée Portugaise restent soumis à un droit de 126 reis par litre jusque 50 degrés, augmenté de 2,52 par litre pour chaque degré en plus.

5. Il est expressément entendu que le chiffre de la taxe proportionnelle par litre pour chaque degré en plus sera toujours appliqué en entier, en ce sens que les fractions de degré seront considérées comme un degré entier.

6. Est maintenue, avec tous ses effets, la Notification faite par le Gouvernement Portugais en date du 1er Octobre, 1892, déterminant les zones de prohibition des boissons alcooliques dans l'ancien district du Cap Delgado, formant actuellement les territoires de la Compagnie du Nyassa et dans une partie de la province de la Guinée Portugaise.

§ unique. Dans les territoires de la Compagnie du Nyassa, sauf * Vol. LXXXIX, page 1024.

la zone de prohibition ci-dessus mentionnée, les droits d'importation et de fabrication des alcools et eaux-de-vie seront égaux à ceux établis dans l'Article 3, §1, du présent Décret, pour les districts de Mozambique et du Zambèze.

7. Sont rapportées les dispositions des Tarifs Douaniers du 16 Avril, 1892, et du 29 Décembre, 1892, relativement à la prime différentielle accordée à la réexportation et à l'exportation des alcools et eaux-de-vie.

Le Ministre et Secrétaire d'État de la Marine et des Colonies est chargé d'exécuter le présent Décret.

Au Palais, le 7 Juillet, 1900.



AGREEMENT between France and the Argentine Republic, on the subject of Intestate Estates.-Signed at Buenos Ayres, February 26, 1889.*

A LA suite d'un incident survenu à San Nicolás de los Arroyos, au sujet de la succession d'un Français, son Excellence le Docteur Don Norberto Quirno Costa, Ministre Secrétaire d'État au Département des Relations Extérieures, et M. Charles Rouvier, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de la République Française, réunis à Buenos Aires, capitale de la République Argentine, au Ministère des Relations Extérieures, le 26 Février, 1889, ont décidé de consigner dans ce Protocole les points suivants :

Le Ministre des Relations Extérieures rappelle que l'Article 13 de la Loi Argentine du 30 Septembre, 1865, établit que les droits reconnus par cette Loi aux Consuls étrangers relativement aux successions de leurs nationaux sont accordés seulement aux nations qui les concèdent également aux Consuls et aux citoyens Argentins.

Le Ministre de France répond que tous les avantages ou prérogatives contenues dans la Loi précitée sont accordées en France aux citoyens Argentins et concédées aux Consuls Argentins.

Le Ministre des Relations Extérieures déclare que la réciprocité existant ainsi dans les conditions demandées par la Loi Argentine, les prescriptions de l'Acte Législatif du 30 Septembre, 1865, sont applicables aux Consuls et citoyens Français dans la République Argentine.

Son Excellence ajoute que le présent Protocole sera communiqué aux autorités Argentines lorsqu'il aura reçu l'approbation du Gou

* From the "Boletin Oficial" of December 14, 1900.

vernement Français, approbation que le Ministre de France déclare réserver.

Ont signé en double exemplaire, et apposé le sceau de leurs



SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT to the Agreement between Zanzibar and Italy of August 12, 1892,* for the provisional Administration by the Italian Government of the Benadir Ports for the Term of three Years.-Signed at Zanzibar, May 15, 1893.†

THE Government of His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar and of the Dependencies on the East Coast of Africa grants, by the present Supplementary Agreement, to the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy the right to administer provisionally for a term of three years, according to the stipulations of the Convention of the 12th day of August, 1892, signed ad referendum by M. Pierre Cottoni and Sir Gerald Portal, the ports, towns, and territories on the Benadir Coast enumerated in Article I of the said Convention, on the conditions specified in the following Articles :

ART. I. Should the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy or the Company by which they shall be represented evacuate the said Benadir towns within or at the conclusion of the term of three years, dating from the 16th day of July, 1893, and thus abandon the Agreement signed ad referendum on the 12th day of August, 1892, the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy undertakes to pay to the Government of His Highness the Sultan, immediately after the evacuation, a sum of 50,000 rupees as an indemnity for the expenses which the re-establishment of the Sultan's Administration in the Benadir towns and ports would occasion to the Government of His Highness; this indemnity to be raised to 100,000 rupees if any warlike operations have taken place in the country during the three months preceding the evacuation.

II. Should the evacuation of the towns and ports on the Benadir Coast contemplated in the previous Article take place, such public works as roads, leading marks, or other works to which a money value cannot be assigned, which the Italian Company could not

• Vol. LXXXIV, page 630.

This Agreement was approved by the Italian Chamber of Deputies, and came into force in the middle of July 1893.

transfer to a third party nor continue themselves to work for profit, shall revert without compensation to the Government of His Highness the Sultan. The disposal of all other public works shall be regulated by Article VII of the Convention of the 12th day of August, 1892.

III. The premium of 40,000 rupees which the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy has undertaken to pay to the Govern ment of His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar, in accordance with Article VIII of the Agreement of the 12th August, 1892, shall only be paid when the said Agreement shall come definitely into force, to wit, after the termination of the three years of provisional administration granted by the present Supplementary Agreement, and on condition that the country be not evacuated by the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy at the conclusion of this provisional period.

IV. The provisional administration for three years in accordance with the stipulations of the Agreement of the 12th day of August, 1892, which is the object of the present Supplementary Agreement, shall commence from the 16th day of July, 1893, and shall terminate on the 15th day of July, 1896, during which period all the clauses and conditions of the Agreement of the 12th August, 1892, shall be held to be in force, subject to the modifications made therein by the present Agreement. '

V. Should no evacuation of the towns and ports on the Benadir Coast have taken place before the 15th day of July, 1896, the Agreement signed ad referendum on the 12th day of August, 1892, by M. Pierre Cottoni and Sir Gerald Portal shall, with all its clauses and conditions, from and after that date have full force.

VI. The present Agreement shall be of none effect until it shall have been approved by the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and by the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy.

VII. The present Agreement has been drawn up in six copies, three in English and three in French.

In faith of which Mr. Rennell Rodd, Her Britannic Majesty's Acting Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General, and M. Pierre Cottoni, Acting Consul for His Majesty the King of Italy, have signed these presents and affixed their seals.

Done at Zanzibar, this 15th day of May, 1893.

(L.S.) RENNELL RODD, Her Britannic Majesty's Acting Diplomatic Agent and ConsulGeneral.

(L.S.) COTTONI, Acting Consul for Italy.


The Sultan of Zanzibar to Mr. Rodd.

(After compliments.)

Zanzibar, May 14, 1893.

As to the wishes of our friends the Italians regarding the Benadir ports, I hereby appoint you and give you full power in that matter to do what may seem good to you, and it is better to have this matter settled by your Honour. I have faith in you that you will do nothing but good for us.

Written by his order by his slave


ADDITIONAL ARTICLE to Agreement of August 12, 1892, between Italy and Zanzibar, respecting the Benadir Ports.— Signed at Zanzibar, September 1, 1896.*

On the occasion of the Convention of the 12th August, 1892,† between the Government of His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar and the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, coming definitely into force, the Undersigned have agreed, on behalf of their respective Governments, to the following Additional Article, which will be understood to form an integral part of the above-mentioned Convention :

Additional Article.-The Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, having already paid the premium of 40,000 rupees, as stipulated in the Convention of the 12th August, 1892, undertakes, in accord with the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, to pay a rent of 30,000 rupees for every complete quarter of European year, instead of 40,000 rupees, as laid down in Article VIII, paragraph 2, of the above-named Convention.

This rent of 30,000 rupees for each quarter of European year will be paid at the end of each quarter dating from the 15th July, 1896, at which date the Convention of the 12th August, 1892, came into full force with all its other clauses and conditions.

The present Article has been drawn up in six copies, three in English and three in French.

In faith of which, Signor Antonio Cecchi, Consul-General for His Majesty the King of Italy at Zanzibar, and Basil S. Cave, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty's Acting Diplomatic Agent and Consul

* Signed also in the French language.

+ Vol. LXXXIV, page 630.

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