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Türkei. 14.Sept.1895.

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Nr. 10976. portion des fonctionnaires Chrétiens dans les vilayets en question. Or, ainsi qu'il est spécifié dans le second des six points que nous avons acceptés en dernier lieu, le Gouvernement Impérial consent à nommer dans les dites provinces des fonctionnaires Chrétiens proportionnellement au chiffre de la population. Votre Excellence sait que l'Empire se divise en grandes contrées désignées sous le nom de vilayets administrées par des Gouverneurs - Généraux. Auprès des Gouverneurs-Généraux des six vilayets en question se trouverons des Adjoints Chrétiens (voir l'Article 1er de notre Contre-Projet). || Les vilajets se divisent eux-mêmes en plusieurs départements ("sandjaks"). Les Gouverneurs les plus importants de ces départements auront à côté d'eux des Adjoints Chrétiens. || Quant aux subdivisions des dits départements dénommés cazas (districts), les Sous-Gouverneurs qui se trouvent à leur tête seront nommés sans distinction de religion. Cependant dans les cazas d'une certaine importance si le Sous-Gouverneur est Musulman, son Adjoint sera Chrétien et vice versa (voir l'Article 4 de notre Contre- Projet). || Les districts (“cazas”) se composent de plusieurs communes ("nahiés") qui seront administrées par des Moudirs (Maires) sans distinction de religion et élus parmi les membres des Conseils Communaux (voir le dernier des six points). || Pour ce qui est des autres branches administratives provinciales, des fonctionnaires Chrétiens y seront nommés proportionnellement au chiffre de la population (voir le second des six points). || De plus, il y aura des officiers Chrétiens dans la police et la gendarmerie (voir le cinquième des points). || Je crois superflu de m'étendre sur les autres réformes résultant de notre Contre-Projet dont le résumé a dû être communiqué à Lord Salisbury par Sir Philip Currie, ainsi que sur les trois autres des six points acceptés en dernier lieu, qui se trouvent spécifiés dans un de mes précédents télégrammes, dont le plus important a trait aux communications à faire par les Drogmans à la Commission (voir le premier point). || Le désir de Lord Salisbury, qui est d'associer les Chrétiens aux Musulmans dans l'administration des six vilayets en question, se trouvant ainsi réalisé, nous aimons à espérer que sa Seigneurie voudra bien considérer la question comme résolue.

Nr. 10977.

Nr. 10977. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - -Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Paris. Unterredung mit dem französischen Botschafter.

My Lord,

Foreign Office, September 24, 1895. The French Ambassador called at the Foreign Office on the Gross- 20th instant to ask what was the state of the negotiations with regard to 24.Sept.1895. the introduction of reforms in the provinces of Asiatic Turkey inhabited by


Armenians. || His Excellency was received in my absence by Mr. Bertie, who informed him of my recent communications with Sir F. Lascelles and Rustem Pasha, and that I had caused the Russian Government to be told that I considered that the offer of the Porte must be a substantial acceptance in writing


of all the more important proposals of the three Ambassadors before it could Nr. 10977. be regarded as a substitute for my proposal for the appointment of a Mixed britannien. Commission. || Mr. Bertie also said that I had informed Rustem Pasha, with 24.Sept.1895. reference to a telegram from the Porte which was communicated by his Excellency on the 14th instant, and of which I inclose a copy, that I thought the negotiations had better be carried on at Constantinople as before. | Mr. Bertie read to Baron de Courcel Sir P. Currie's telegram of the 18th instant, stating, that he had been informed by the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople that the French Government had suggested that the three Ambassadors should jointly consider the best means of utilizing the proposals of the Porte respecting Armenian reforms. || M. de Courcel observed that this was not quite a suggestion of his Government, but that they were inclined to advocate the mode of proceeding indicated, subject to my concurrence. His Excellency added that Prince Lobanoff had informed M. Hanotaux that he had sent instructions of that nature to the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople. || M. de Courcel said that the French Government were anxious to continue the accord of the three Powers at Constantinople, and he inquired whether I would be content with the acceptance - a formal acceptance by the Porte of the proposals of the three Ambassadors, or rather the six points, as it was very important to close the question as soon as possible. || Mr. Bertie read to Baron de Courcel my telegram to Sir F. Lascelles of the 11th instant, in which I stated that I considered that the offer of the Porte must be a substantial acceptance in writing of all the more important proposals of the three Ambassadors before we could regard it as a substitute for the Mixed Commission. || M. de Courcel did not think there would be any difficulty in obtaining from the Porte an acceptance in writing, but he raised a question of form, not under instructions, but personally, viz, whether the Powers could insist upon a written and signed acceptance of a project which, though communicated to the Porte, had not been signed by the Ambassadors or sent in a signed note. || I have imformed M. de Courcel that I consider that we must not only have the assurances of the Porte in writing, but that they must contain satisfactory concessions with respect to the appointment of a Christian "Adjoint" of the Commissioner, and of Christian "Adjoints" of the Valis, if Moslems, and with respect to admitting Christians to a share of all offices below that of Vali, down to the rural police. Salisbury.

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Nr. 10978. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen. an den Botschafter in Petersburg. Eine Unterredung mit dem russischen Geschäftsträger.

Foreign Office, September 24, 1895.


Sir, The Russian Chargé d'Affaires called at the Foreign Office on the Nr. 10978. 21st instant, and was received in my absence by Mr. Bertie. || M. Kroupensky britannien. said that Prince Lobanoff had instructed him by telegraph, after an interview 24.Sept. 1895.

Nr. 10978, which his Excellency had had whith the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gross- to inquire what was my definite opinion on the telegram from the Porte, 24.Sept.1895. relative to Armenian reforms, dated the 14th September, which had been


Nr. 10979.

communicated to me by the Turkish Ambassador. I inclose a copy of the telegram from the Porte. || M. Kroupensky stated that Prince Lobanoff was of opinion, that the document constituted an acceptance of the most important points of the scheme of reforms communicated to the Porte by the three Ambassadors, and that it might be accepted by the Powers. || Mr. Bertie informed M. Kroupensky that the reply given to Rustem Pasha had been that I thought that the further negotiation had better be carried on at Constantinople as before. || M. Kroupensky said that Prince Lobanoff would be glad to know my personal opinion on Rustem Pasha's communication, and whether I would accept it if the three Ambassadors at Constantinople recommended it. | Mr. Bertie replied that, in my opinion, any acceptance by the Porte of the demands of the Ambassadors must be in writing. || I have informed M. Kroupensky that, if Her Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople reported to me that the Sultan had in writing accepted the material portions of the scheme of the three Ambassadors, I should be content; that the proposals which have proceeded from the Porte up to this time have been studiedly indefinite in all respects, and obviously insufficient in some; for instance, the appointment of Christian Valis or Mutessarifs is not admitted. Salisbury. Nr. 10979. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Paris. Frankreich teilt die Anschauung der englischen Regierung.

Foreign Office, September 30, 1895.

My Lord, || The French Ambassador called at the Foreign Office on the britannien. 24th instant. | Baron de Courcel stated that he considered my views as to 30.Sept.1895. what should be required from the Turkish Government in the matter of Ar

Nr. 10980.



menian reforms, as set forth in my despatch to your Excellency of the 24th instant, as coinciding with those of his Government. || His Excellency thought that the note which M. Hanotaux and Prince Lobanoff proposed should be addressed by the three Ambassadors to the Porte would elicit a written answer. He said that the French Government were anxious that the Ambassadors should proceed at once, so that the question might be closed. Salisbury.



Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Strassenkampf in Konstantinopel zwischen Armeniern und Türken.

Constantinople, Octobre 1, 1895, 8.30 p.m. (Received October 1.) Telegraphic. || I have received the following account of the riots which

1. Oct. 1895, took place yesterday in Stamboul from a trustworthy eye-witness: || About


2000 Armenians, mostly young men of the middle class, assembled near the Nr. 10980. Porte with the object of presenting a Petition to the Grand Vizier. The britannien. gendarmerie stopped them, and the officer in command summoned them to 1. Okt. 1895. disperse, and, on their refusing to do so, gave the order to seize their leader. The Armenians carried revolvers and knives, all of one pattern. Shots were exchanged, and the officer of the gendarmerie was killed. About fifteen gendarmes and sixty Armenians fell. The police then dispersed the Armenians, pursuing them and arresting large numbers. || The Softas and other Turks, who had been supplied with clubs, set on the Armenians in the streets and beat many of them to death under the very eyes of the police. About 500. Armenians were arrested. Other demonstrations took place at the same time in different parts of Stamboul. 1000 armed Armenians with women and children have taken refuge in the church of the Patriarchate, where they are besieged by the police. The police treated the prisoners with the greatest brutality; the Cavass of the British Consulate saw four men brought into the courtyard of the Ministry of Police and bayonetted in cold blood. The Grand Vizier sent twice for the Patriarch yesterday, who, however, did not obey His Highness' summons. Notwithstanding official statements that order has been restored, there have been several murders of Mussulmans and Armenians to day in Stamboul and Galata. || The attitude of the Moslem population causes great uneasiness, and apprehension is felt as to the safety of the Christians.

Nr. 10981. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an die Botschafter in Paris und Petersburg. Konstantinopel ist gemeinsames Handeln notwendig.


Foreign Office, October 2, 1895.



Telegraphic. It is necessary, in order to enable the negotiations at Nr. 10981. Constantinople for the introduction of reforms in the provinces inhabited by britannien. Armenians to proceed, that further instructions should be sent to the Am-2. Okt. 1895. bassadors. I request your Excellency to propose to the Government to which you are accredited to instruct their Ambassador at Constantinople to concert with the other two Ambassadors in regard to the points in the scheme communicated to the Porte on the 11th May last which in their opinion are necessary for the protection of the lives and property of the Armenians, and to report the result of their consultation.

Nr. 10982.


Nr. 10982. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Bericht über den Aufstand in Konstantinopel. Uebersendet eine Mitteilung des armenischen Revolutionskomitees, eine Petition der Armenier und eine Note aller Botschafter an die Pforte.

Therapia, October 3, 1895. (Received October 7.) My Lord, A communication bearing the seal of the "Hindchag", the Gross- Armenian Revolutionary Committee, was addressed to the Embassies on the 9. Okt. 1895. 28th ultimo, stating that a strictly peaceful demonstration was about to be made by the Armenians in order to express their desire for reforms. A copy of this communication is inclosed, together with a Memorial received from the same source, which appears to be a copy of an Address drawn up for presentation to the Porte. || The demonstration took place on the 30th ultimo, but unhappily it had not the peaceful character attributed to it.

The demonstrators were armed with pistols and knives of an uniform pattern which had no doubt been issued to them by the organizers of the movement. There is good reason to suppose that the object of the "Hindchag" was to cause disorder and bloodshed with the view of inducing the Powers of Europe to intervene on behalf of the Armenians. || It is stated that 3000 persons took the Sacrament in the various Armenian churches on the preceding Sunday in order to be prepared for death. || I am told that the Patriarch besought the congregation at the Cathedral church of Koum Kapou in the most earnest manner to abstain from deeds of violence, and to trust to the efforts which were being made on their behalf by some of the Powers, but his discourse was ill-received. A young Armenian springing up shouted, "We have waited long enough", and a rush was made towards the Patriarch, who took hasty refuge in his private apartments. || On the morning of the 30th ultimo, crowds of Armenians assembled in various quarters of the town, the largest assemblage being in the Armenian quarter of Koum Kapou. They proceeded towards the Porte in numbers, estimated by eye-witnesses at about, 2000, though this is probably an exaggeration. || The authorities appear to have taken some steps to organize a counter - demonstration, and it was observed that an unusual number of Softahs and other Turks armed with sticks were collected in the streets. The police made some effort to induce the crowd to retire peaceably. || According to the statement made by the Minister of Police to one of the Dragomans of the Embassy, he deputed Server Bey, a Major in whom he had special confidence, to urge the crowd to disperse. On their refusing to do so, and stating their intention of proceeding to the Porte, he ordered his men to drive back the crowd with the flat of their swords and the butt-end of their muskets. At the same time, two mounted gendarmes seized upon the leader of the procession, who carried the Memorial which it was intended to present to the Porte. Shots were then exchanged.

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