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Die Botschaft in Konstan

tinopel an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die Pforte

verlangt Abberufung der Missionare.

Constantinople, October 30, 1895, 10.10 a.M. (Received October 30.)


Telegraphic. || A letter from the Minister of the Interior to the Minister Nr. 11000. for Foreign Affairs, requesting that the missionaries should be recalled from britannien. Sasun on the ground that the Bitlis authorities regarded their distribution of 30. Okt. 1895. relief as giving rise to serious objections, was yesterday communicated by the Porte to the Acting First Dragoman. || Mr. Marinitch expressed his regret that the Bitlis authorities should so misunderstand the charitable intentions of the missionaries, and deprecated the receipt of such a communicasion. || I do not propose to take any notice of this communication of the Sublime Porte.

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Pforte will das Reformprojekt dem armenischen
Patriarchen nicht mitteilen.

Constantinople. October 30, 1895, midnight. (Received October 30.)


Telegraphic. In view of the action of the Porte in persisting, in spite Nr. 11001. of our representations, in their refusal to communicate the plan of reforms to britannien. the Armenian Patriarch, I, to-day, having previously informed the Russian and 30. Okt. 1895. French Ambassadors of my intention, handed to his Beatitude printed copies of the reforms, and of the correspondence accompanying them. I propose tomorrow to renew my request to the Grand Vizier to have the reforms communicated to the Patriarch, and, in the event of bis refusing, I shall request permission for his Beatitude to print an Armenian translation of the reforms in the form of a pamphlet for distribution among his people.

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Constantinople, November 1, 1895, 11 a.m. (Received November 1.) Telegraphic. On 31st October Mr. Hampson telegraphed as follows:- Nr. 11002. || "I had a meeting this evening with the chief Armenians and Mussulmans of the town, at the invitation and in the presence of the Mutessarif, to discuss 1. Nov. 1895. the question of the public peace and the missionaries. We finally agreed that the missionaries should leave Sasun as soon as possible, and direct the relief work from Mush, that the Mutessarif should send two officials to be present at the distribution of relief, and that, in this way, peace would be insured, and all suspicion averted. || "This gives us all we ask for, as it appears that the missionaries already intended to leave for Mush in a fortnight to direct operations from there, and the Turkish Committee was always supposed to have cognizance of the proceedings of the missionaries. || "This meeting has, in my opinion, contributed greatly towards assuring the maintenance of order here."

Nr. 11003.


Nr. 11003. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Dieselbe an Denselben. Pro

test gegen die Ernennung Schefik Beys zum Präsi

denten der Kontrollkommission.

Constantinople, November 1, 1895, 10.40 p.m. (Received November 1.) Telegraphic. || I have the honour to state that the Russian and French Gross- Ambassadors and myself have been sounded by the Porte in regard to the 1. Nov. 1895. appointment of Shefik Bey as President of the Commission of Control. ShefikBey was formely President of the Court of Appeal in Constantinople, and was last year appointed President of the Mush Commission. || Whe have replied that, in our opinion, the fact of his having served on the Mush Commission, was an objection to his appointment, and that we did not consider him a man of sufficient importance for the post*).

Nr. 11004.

Nr. 11004. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an die Botschaften in Paris, Berlin, Petersburg, Wien, Rom. Sollen den Grossmächten die üble Lage der Missionare in Bitlis mitteilen.

Foreign Office, 1. Novembre 1895.

Telegraphic. || Communicate to Minister for Foreign Affairs telegram Gross- from Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Constantinople, just repeated to you, 1. Nov. 1895. respecting dangerous position of missionaries at Bitlis.


Nr. 11005.


Gross- on. britannien.

Botschaft in Berlin an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die deutsche Regierung will an der Besserung der Lage in der Türkei mitarbeiten.

Berlin, November 2, 1895, 4.15 p.m. (Received November 2.) Telegraphic. | Your Lordship's telegram of yesterday has been acted The Imperial Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated that he yester2. Nov. 1895, day received a telegram from Constantinople, reporting that the agitation in the Turkish provinces was increasing. No further details, however, were given. || Baron von Marschall repeated that the Imperial Government earnestly desired to co-operate with other Powers in order that this alarming state of affairs might be brought to an end.

Nr. 11006.


Botschaft in Petersburg an
Anschauung der

den Minister des Auswärtigen.
russischen Regierung.

St. Petersburgh, November 2, 1895. (Received November 2.) Telegraphic. || Prince Lobanoff, to whom I have communicated the subGross- stance of the telegram from Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires of the 1st instant, 2. Nov. 1895. told me that Mr. Herbert would, no doubt, be supported in his representations by M. de Nélidoff, whose instructions were to act with his colleagues in


*) Shefik Bey trat am 12. November zurück.


all cases where loss of life could be prevented by prompt action. || According Nr. 11006. to reports received from M. de Nélidoff, Prince Lobanoff continued, serious britannien. disturbances were apprehended, as the excitement among the Turks in Con- 2. Nov. 1895. stantinople against the Government, and even the Sultan, was daily increasing. In consequence of this, instructions had been sent to the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople to concert with his colleagues as to the proper measures to be taken, in the event of any serious outbreak, for the protection of their respective nationals; and Prince Lobanoff had also impressed upon his Excellency the importance of conducting such deliberations with the greatest prudence, in order to avoid any premature alarm. He added that he hoped Mr. Herbert would receive similar instructions from your Lordship.


Der Botschafter in Wien an den Minister des Ausw. Anschauung Goluchowski's.

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Telegraphic. With reference to your Lordship's telegram of the 1st Nr. 11007. instant, I am informed by Count Goluchowski that, as the Ambassadors are britannien. doing their utmost to save the Turkish Government from the consequence of 2. Nov. 1895. its own apathy, it appears to him useless to send them any further instructions. Nr. 11008. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen. an die Botschaft in Konstantinopel.

des britischen Geschwaders.


Foreign Office, November 3, 1895.


Telegraphic. I have repeatet to you Mr. Goschen's telegram of yester- Nr. 11008. day, reporting the instructions sent to M. de Nélidoff to concert with his britannien. colleagues as to measures for the protection of foreigners in the event of 3. Nov. 1895. serious disturbances at Constantinople. || You will, of course, be ready to take part in any deliberations which the Russian Ambassador may invite for this purpose, and you should report to me the result of any such consultation. || You are at liberty, if you think it desirable, to inform your colleagues that it is proposed to move the British Squadron to Salonica from Lemnos, and you may also acquaint the Grand Vizier.

Nr. 11009. GROSSMÄCHTE. Identische Note an die Pforte

über die armenischen Unruhen.

November 5, 1895.


Les Représentants des six Grandes Puissances ont échangé leurs vues Nr. 11009. sur la situation dont la gravité leur est signalée par tous leurs Agents. Ils mächte. sont très inquiets de l'état des provinces, où règne une anarchie complète 5. Nov. 1895. qui n'a plus de rapport avec l'agitation Arménienne et qui menace les Chrétiens de toute nationalité. || A Diarbékir le massacre et le pillage ont frappé indistinctement les Chrétiens des différents rites sans aucune provocation de leur part. A Mossoul, à Bagdad, en Syrie, où il n'y a pas d'Arméniens, l'effervescence prend des proportions inquiétantes. || La Porte doit savoir par

Staatsarchiv LVIII.



Nr. 11009. l'exemple de ce qui s'est passé en Syrie en 1860 que cette anarchie ne peut durer impunément. || Les Représentants des Puissances sont obligés d'en référer 5. Nov. 1895. à leurs Gouvernements, qui se concerteront dans le cas où la Porte ne prendrait pas immédiatement des mesures efficaces. || Ils prient le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères de leur faire savoir ce que le Gouvernement Ottoman compte faire pour mettre un terme aux désordres actuels.

Nr. 11010.



Die Botschaft in Konstantinopel an den Minister des Ausw. Verhandlung mit dem Sultan über die Publikation der Reformen. Constantinople, November 8, 1895. (Substance received by telegraph, November 8.)

My Lord, as I had the honour to report to your Lordship in my teleGross- gram of the 5th instant, the Sultan sent me on that day a message containing, 8. Nov. 1895. amongst other things, a promise that the reforms should be published in the press of the capital "to-morrow." As they did not appear in the papers of either the 6th or 7th, I sent Mr. Block yesterday to the Palace to express to the First Secretary my astonishment and regret at His Majesty's failure to carry out his promises. In reply, I received the following message: His Majesty had intended to make the publication, but he now hesitated from fear that the result would be an increase of jealousy on the part of his Moslem subjects, who would perhaps visit their resentment on the Christians; in fact, His Majesty had decided that this was not the moment. Even were they published, what good would it do? A résumé had been published in the press, and the Armenians should thus know that reforms would be given them. What advantage would it be to the Armenian peasant to know that such and such an Article of the law would be carried out? People could not go about with the "Destour" open searching for various Articles of the Law. || The Sultan complained that, although the Powers were satisfied with the reforms, the Patriarch had never expressed a word of thanks or gratitude. || His Majesty desired me to telegraph to your Lordship that deeds and not words were, in his opinion, what was necessary at the moment. He had already said he would carry out the reforms, and he intended loyally to do so, but the first thing was to put an end to this deplorable bloodshed in the provinces, provoked by the Armenians. This he was striving to do by sending the strongest instructions, holding the authorities responsible, and enjoining upon them the necessity of first using conciliatory measures before allowing the troops to use their arms. He trusted your Lordship would instruct the Consuls to urge the Armenians to return to their vocations, and not provoke disorders and arouse the Turks, and that the Embassy would also urge the Patriarch to use his influence. With regard to the reforms being communicated in detail to the Patriarch officially, the same objections held good, as the Patriarch would publish them in the Armenian press. Michael H. Herbert.

Nr. 11011. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Die Botschaft in Berlin an

den Minister des Auswärtigen. Der deutsche Bot-
schafter in Konstantinopel soll mit den übrigen

Berlin, November 9, 1895, 4.40 p.m. (Received November 9.)


Telegraphic. || According to a report received from the German Am- Nr. 11011. bassador at the Porte, the situation since the fall of Kiamil Pasha is de- britannien. cidedly worse, and it is possible that an outbreak may occur in Constan- 9. Nov. 1895. tinople. | M. de Saurma, the German Ambassador at Constantinople, has been authorized generally to take part in any steps which all the other Embassies may adopt.

Nr. 11012. TÜRKEI.

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Der Sultan durch die englische Botschaft in Konstantinopel an den englischen Minister des Auswärtigen. Beteuert seine Absicht, die Reformen auszuführen und ruft Englands Beistand an.

Constantinopel, 10. Nov. 1895.


10. Nov.1895.

"How is it that after all my messages of friendship, and the expressions Nr. 11012. of my good intentions, I get no answer from Lord Salisbury? || "I hope for assistance from England, and I repeat that England should be convinced of my earnest desire to carry out my promises. The reforms have been granted; there is no reason in the world to suppose that they will not be faithfully carried out. It is to my interest and that of this country that the reforms should be introduced, and naturally we look to our own interests in this respect. The execution of reforms, however, is dependent on the re-establishment of order, and they can only be put in force when quiet exists. || "The Armenians, by their intrigues and sedition, and by provoking disorders, have delayed, and are still delaying, the reforms. Directly Shakir Pasha got to Erzeroum, he began to enrol Christian gendarmes. This is a proof that I desired to set to work at once. Then the trouble began at Erzindjian, followed by that at Baïbourt and Erzeroum, and I do not know if Shakir Pasha has been able to do anything more, but he began to work on the day of his arrival, and if he has been unable to continue it, it is only the troubles which have stopped him. || "To put an end to disorder I have had to call out at great sacrifice large numbers of troops with the ultimate object of executing the reforms as soon as possible, and I think I shall be able to complete them directly order is restored in less than two months. Thus I do not anticipate that much time will elapse before being able to get the reforms into working order. || "To further this end I am sending to-morrow two Feriks, Abdallah Pasha and Saad-ed-din Pasha, with some civil functionaires, the first to go to the Erzeroum district, the second to the Bitlis district, and

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