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10. Nov.1895.

Nr. 11012. their first efforts will be employed in restoring order by conciliatory means, Türkei. if possible, and advice to all classes of the population. This is a still further proof of my good faith. || „Let then England help me by giving good advice to the Armenians, or even threatening them that nothing will be gained by their present conduct, and by telling them that, on the contrary, reforms cannot be carried out as long as they continne to agitate and create disorder. Why is it that England will not help me? I cannot understand it. Does. Lord Salisbury not wish to help me? In spite of all my sincerest efforts I see that the English papers still abuse me. Can they not see that I am carnestly striving to put things straight? Cannot something be done to stop them? I expect England to give me great assistance."

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Nr. 11013.



Nr. 11013. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an die Botschaft in Konstantinopel. Antwort auf die Botschaft des Sultans.

Foreign Office, November 11, 1895, midnight.

Telegraphic. I have received your telegram of to-day, in which you Gross- transmit a further message from the Sultan expressing surprise at having 11. Nov.1895. received no answer to his former message, in which His Imperial Majesty renewed his promises respecting the execution of reforms in the Armenian provinces, and appealed to Her Majesty's Government for assistance in his task. || In reply, you should explain to His Imperial Majesty that my answer to his last message was deferred until he had fulfilled the promise conveyed in it to publish immediately the scheme of reforms with a further Iradé, and you may express my great regret and disappointment at the postponement of the publication. You will convey to His Imperial Majesty my respectful acknowledgments for his assurances of friendship to this country, and inform him that Her Majesty's Government are still desirous of assisting him, but that they consider it indispensable that measures should be taken to repress and prevent the attacks on the Christian population by the Mahommedans, which are taking place in various portions of the Ottoman dominions. The reports which have reached us show that the Sultan is mistaken in his belief that the Armenians have provoked these disorders. We are informed that on nearly every occasion this was not the case, and that in too many instances the Turkish authorities and troops have encouraged and even taken part in the outrages which have occurred. || The fact that the Sultan recently decorated an officer, whom he had dismissed on the ground of gross misgovernment, does not encourage Her Majesty's Government to feel any confidence in the earnestness of His Imperial Majesty's intention to give serious effect to the promised measures of reform.

Nr. 11014. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Die Botschaft in Konstanti

nopel an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Russland


schlägt vor, ein zweites Stationsboot heranzuziehen. Constantinople, November 12, 1895, 10.35 a.m. (Received November 12.) Telegraphic. There was another meeting of the Representatives of Nr, 11014. the Great Powers last night, when M. de Nélidoff made the following proposal: britannien. That each Representative should apply to his Government to hold a gun-boat 12. Nov. 1895. or light-armed vessel in readiness to dispatch to Constantinople to act as second "stationnaire," such vessel to have a crew of not less than 100 or more than 200 men; that as soon as we have all received answers from our Governments, and if they approve, another meeting will be held to decide whether the vessels shall be sent at once or not. || M. de Nélidoff insisted that the presence of six gun-boats with 600 men must produce a great moral effect here, and hinted that the adoption of his proposal might obviate the necessity of having recourse to measures involving political complications. || A similar measure was adopted in 1876, when each Government had two "stationnaires" here. || If your Lordship approves the proposal, will you inform me of the name of the vessel designated, and of her whereabouts?

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Nr. 11015. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Wien. Unterredung mit dem österreich. Botschafter über die türkische Frage.

Foreign Office, November 13, 1895.


Sir, yesterday the Austrian Ambassador called upon me by special Nr. 11015. appointment, and stated that the object of the interview was to put to me britannien. two questions which he had been instructed by his Government to ask. In 13. Nov. 1895. the first place, he wished to know whether I thought that a revolutionary crisis in Constantinople was impending; and secondly, if so, to know what proposals I was prepared to make for meeting it. I replied that, without expressing any very confident opinion, it was my impression that, for the moment, the danger of revolution had passed by, though it would probably recur. I did not, however, anticipate immediate danger. To the second request I mentioned to him the proposal of the Russian Ambassador that each Power should call up to the Bosphorus two "stationnaires" instead of one, which it is believed that, under the Treaties, they have the power to do. I said that it seemed to be the opinion of those most competent to judge that the Embassies with that protection would not be in serious peril. || His Excellency replied that there were large bodies of Christians outside the Embassies, most of them perhaps subjects of the Porte, but many of them belonging to other European nations, who would be placed in very considerable jeopardy if the existing order in Constantinople was overthrown by any outburst of Mussulman fanaticism. What remedy had I to suggest for this


Nr. 11015. danger? I asked him whether he contemplated acting through the Sultan, Gross- or in despite of the Sultan. He replied that, of course, his Government only 13. Nov.1895. contemplated acting through the Sultan. I said that if the mere impression ever gained ground, that so conservative a Government as Austria was prepared to act with the unanimous concurrence of the Powers, but without the assent of the Sultan, that assent would not then be difficult to obtain. Salisbury.

Nr. 11016.

Nr. 11016. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Die Botschaft in Paris an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Anschauung der französischen Regierung.

Paris, November 13, 1895. (Received November 15.)

My Lord, I called on M. Berthelot this afternoon, and asked his Exbritannien, cellency the following questions: What instructions had been sent M. Cambon 13. Nov.1895. on the subject of the Russian proposal to send a second "stationnaire" to Constantinople? and whether the rumour in the press as to the intention of the french Government to strengthen their squadron already sent to the Levant was well founded? || M. Berthelot to my first question replied, as I have had the honour to telegraph to your Lordship, that the French Ambassador at Constantinople had been instructed to inform his colleagues that France was willing, to hold a vessel in readiness to act as a second "stationnaire", provided that all the other Powers were unanimous in agreeing to do the same. ! In answer to my second inquiry, his Excellency stated that the rumour I had mentioned was virtually correct, inasmuch as the French Government would send additional ships to the Levant should the situation there require such a step. Henry Howard.

Nr. 11017.

Nr. 11017. TÜRKEI.

Der Sultan durch die englische Botschaft in Konstantinopel an den engl. Minister des Auswärtigen. Verpfändet sein Ehrenwort für die Durchführung der Reformen.

Konstantinopel, 14. November 1895.

I am very grateful for Lord Salisbury's message with regard to the assistance he is ready to afford me, and I desire Mr. Herbert to convey my 13. Nov.1895. sincere thanks for the same, and for the expressions of friendship in that


message. I have, however, seen a résumé of a speech of Lord Salisbury, in which this phrase occurs: "I have little confidence that the promised reforms will be executed." This statement has pained me very much indeed, as the carrying out of the reforms is a matter decided upon by me, and, further, I am desirous of executing them as soon as possible. I have already repeatedly told my Ministers so. This being so, the only reason why Lord Salisbury should thus throw doubts on my good intentions must be the intrigues of certain persons here, or else falshe statements have been made to cause such


an opinion. The execution of reforms is absolutely decided upon, but it is Nr. 11017. first necessary that quiet should exist in the country. The most complete britannien. measures have been taken, and are being taken, to restore order and re- 13. Nov. 1895. establish tranquillity. There is no doubt that the result of these measures will soon be apparent, if they have not already become so. || For instance, at Trebizond, Érzeroum, Bitlis, and Diarbekir, there have been no fresh disorders for some days past. But I repeat I will execute the reforms. I will take the paper containing them, place it before me, and see myself that every article is put in force. This is my earnest determination, and I give my word of honour. I wish Lord Salisbury to know this, and I beg and desire that his Lordship, having full confidence in these declarations, will make another speech by virtue of the friendly feeling and dispositions he has for me and my country. I shall await the result of this message with the greatest anxiety. I further ask that the Embassy will itself advise the Armenians, and instruct its Consuls to advise them in the strongest manner possible, to remain satisfied with the reforms, as Lord Salisbury says in his speech that they should be, and to keep quiet. And they ought to be made to understand that the reforms cannot be carried out if they create disturbances.

Nr. 11018. TÜRKEI.

Mitteilung an die Botschaften in Konstantinopel über die Absendung einer Untersuchungskommission.

Konstantinopel, 14. Nov. 1895.


14. Nov.1895.

Translation. On account of the disturbances which have occurred in Nr. 11018. certain vilayets in Anatolia, and as the first of the measures adopted under the directions of His Imperial Majesty, besides the 4th and 5th Corps d'Armée, 128 battaillons of Redifs have been called under arms, and are being gradually dispatched to the necessary places. || Similarly, for the complete re-establishment of order and tranquillity, the dispatch of officials to carry out the requisite administrative, military, and judicial undertakings to the places where such are necessary has been approved, and by Iradé of His Majesty, Sami Effendi, Councillor of State, Lieutenant-Generals Saad-ed-din and Abdullah Pashas, Jemal Bey, of the Commission of Control, and Ibrahim Bey, of the Requests Department of the Court of Cassation, and Hussein Rushdi Effendi, member of the Criminal Section of the Court of Cassation, have been appointed. || They are divided into two sections, one of which is to visit Trebizond, Gumushkhane, Baibourt, Erzeroum, Mush, Bitlis, and the other Samsoun, Amasia, Tokat, Sivas, Malatia, Kharput, Erghana Madeni, and Diarbekir. Both sections proceeded to their posts on Tuesday last on steamers specially provided for that purpose.

Nr. 11019.

15. Nov.1895.

Nr. 11019. TÜRKEI.

Tewfik Pascha an Rustem Pascha. Mass

regeln zur Wiederherstellung der Ordnung.


Constantinople, le 15 Novembre, 1895. (Communicated Nov. 15.) Télégraphique. | En vue de mettre fin aux désordres surgis sur certains points en Anatolie et de sauvegarder complètement l'ordre et la tranquillité publique, le Gouvernement Impérial, entre autres mesures, a appelé sous les armes 128 bataillons de réserves, indépendamment des contingents des 4 et 5 Corps d'armée Impériaux, et a adressé de nouvelles recommandations fermes et péremptoires aux Valis et Commandants pour que le calme et l'ordre soient promptement et définitivement assurés par l'application d'un traitement égal et juste envers tous les sujets de Sa Majesté Impériale sans distinction de race ni de religion. Il n'y a pas de doute que, grâce à ces dispositions, l'apaisement des esprits ne soit sous peu obtenu partout. || En outre, le Conseiller d'État Samy Effendi, les Généraux de Division Saadeddin et Abdullah Pachas, Djemal Bey, membre de la Commission du personnel, et Ibrahim Edhem Bey et Hussein Ruchdi Effendi, Conseillers à la Cour de Cassation, ont été chargés d'appliquer les mesures administratives et militaires pour le maintien de la sécurité et de l'ordre publics. Ces fonctionnaires formeront deux corps dont l'un se rendra à Trébizonde, Gumuchhané, Baïbourt, Erzeroum, Mouche, et Bitlis, et l'autre à Samsoun, Amassia, Tokat, Sivas, Malatia, Mamouret -ul-Aziz, Diarbékir. Ils sont partis hier par bateau spécial pour ces destinations. || La Commission chargée de veiller à l'application des réformes arrêtées pour les six vilayets a, de son côté, commencé dès aujourd'hui ses travaux et les dites réformes se trouvent déjà en cours d'exécution.


Constantinople, le 15 Novembre, 1895. (Communicated November 15.) Télégraphique. || Les émeutiers Arméniens de Zéitoun et de Marach ont attaqué les villages de Fersakh et de Bitchli. | Ceux d'Azirlou et de Tchokmerzemenk ont saccagé Pias et d'autres villages Musulmans, tué un grand nombre de leurs habitants, mis le feu à plusieurs maisons. Des mesures ont été prises pour le rétablissement de l'ordre. || Le Vali de Sivas nous informe de son côté que grâce aux dispositions adoptées par les autorités Impériales les maraudeurs qui étaient venus au chef-lieu pour se livrer au pillage ont été arrêtés. || Nonobstant les fausses rumeurs répandues au sujet de la situation à Hadjin, la tranquillité n'y a point été troublée. || Le Vali d'Erzeroum télégraphie aussi que des Commissions spéciales instituées au chef-lieu du vilayet et à Passinler pour la découverte et la restitution à leurs propriétaires des objets enlevés pendant la dernière bagarre fonctionnent activement, et qu'un grand nombre de ces objets ont été restitués. || Le Maréchal Chakir Pacha informe que la Commission formée dans le même but à Khouns a déjà

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