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18. Apr. 1896.

Nr. 11233. Finora tale condizione fu da noi osservata, non dai tigrini, i quali, non solo scorrazzano a nord di detta linea, ma hanno pure occupato a tradimento Ambra-Debra in Scimenzana. || I prigionieri italiani si lamentano del cattivo trattamento; feci fare rimostranze. || Parlasi che Menelich voglia obbligare gl'italiani di costruirgli una città europea. || I ras tigrini sono tutti in Agamè; dispongono circa 10,000 fucili. Dicesi che attendano rinforzi dal mezzodì. || I dervisci hanno chiesto a Menelich cartucce; questi limiterassi probabilmente inviare doni e aizzarli contro di noi. || Il capitano Nobis, il giorno 12, .......... in seguito alle ferite. || Il messo inglese, con lettera della Regina, il 14 non era stato ricevuto. Baldissera.

Nr. 11234.

21.Apr. 1896.

Nr. 11234. ITALIEN.

Der Ministerpräsident, die Minister des Krieges und des Auswärtigen an den Gouverneur von Erytrea. Dasselbe.

Rom, 21. April 1896.

Telegramma. || Governo, preoccupato sorte prigionieri, che presume allo Italien. Scioa, desiderando accertare numero e nomi e loro situazione, crederebbe utile mandare qualche indigeno da Assab, via Aussa, alla ricerca prigionieri. Quando nulla osti, governo autorizza l'Eccellenza Vostra disporre subito Assab per pronto invio informatori, i quali riuscendo tornare con elenco prigionieri, e qualche loro lettera, riceveranno lauto compenso, tanto più elevato quanto più pronto sarà ritorno con elenco e notizie scritte. Occorrerà portare nostri prigionieri oggetti per scrivere. Rudini Caetani Dal Verme. Nr. 11235. ITALIEN. Der Gouverneur von Erytrea an den Kriegsminister. Brief von Menelik und Mangascha.

Nr. 11235. Italien. 21.Apr. 1896.

Nr. 11236.

21.Apr. 1896.

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Asmara, 21. April 1896.

Telegramma. || Oggi due contadini mi recarono una lettera di Menelich ed una di Mangascià. Il Negus scrive che, non essendo stati accettati preliminari convenuti tra lui e Salsa, egli chiede restituzione delle relative sue lettere, trattenendo per intanto Salsa quale ostaggio, promettendo rilasciare maggiore tosto ricevute lettere. || Da parte mia, non avendo alcun interesse conservare tali documenti, glieli mandai senz'altro. || Mangascià, nella sua lettera, assicura che l'Imperatore gli dice di fare amicizia col generale Baldissera; aggiunge di proprio che egli ama e cerca la pace. || A questa mi limitai rispondere che io pure amo la pace. || In conclusione il Negus rompe trattative. Baldissera.

Nr. 11236. ITALIEN. General Lamberti an den Kriegsminister.
Uebersendet die Briefe von Menelik und Mangascha.

Massaua, 21. April 1896. (22.)

Telegramma. || Comunico, secondo ordini avuti dal governatore, la se

guente traduzione delle lettere di Menelich e ras Mangascià:

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Vincitore dei leoni, discendente famiglia di Giuda, Menelich II, eletto


21.Apr. 1896.

da Dio re dei re di Etiopia, che arrivi al generale Baldissera. La pace sia Nr. 11236. con te. Quando venne il maggiore Salsa, primo mandato a me, era per determinare le piccole cose della pace; dopo poi sarebbe venuto un uomo grande dal re col sigillo di Sua Maestà per determinare le cose definitivamente. Avevamo parlato così. Quand'è venuto ancora dopo, abbiamo parlato: di tutto quello che abbiamo parlato lo abbiamo messo in iscritto; quello che ha parlato lui lo ha dato a me, e quello che ho parlato io lo ho dato a lui. E lui è partito per parlare determinare con voi altri, e tornare con una lettera col bollo del governo. Ora, quando è tornato, ha abbandonato tutto quello che abbiamo parlato e ha portato altre cose nuove. Per questo, vedendo che la pace era abbandonata, e quello che avevamo parlato era cambiato gli ho detto: restituiscimi il mio scritto che ti ho dato bollato e prendi il tuo. E lui mi ha risposto: l'ho lasciato in Asmara quando sono venuto qui. Ed io ho detto: fino a che tu mi farai portare questo scritto aspetti qui con me. E non credere che lo abbia trattenuto per altri motivi. Quando avrò in mano queste lettere qui, lo manderò. Il 6 aprile 1896, anno del perdono."

„Mandata da ras Mangascià, figlio di re Giovanni, re di Sion, re dei re di Etiopia, che arrivi al generale Baldissera, governatore della colonia Eritrea. Tanti saluti; e come ha passato questi giorni Vostra Eccellenza? io sto bene, grazie a Dio. La lettera che proviene a Lei da Sua Maestà il Re, ecco ve la mando; però Sua Maestà mi ha detto di fare amicizia con Baldissera. Ora Lei cerchi la pace e l'amicizia, ed anche io cerco la pace e l'amicizia. Io cerco di vivere d'accordo come per lo passato, e voglio che ritorni la nostra amicizia come esisteva prima. Il 18 aprile."


Nr. 11237.


Der Grenzstreit zwischen Grossbritannien

und Venezuela*).

Nr. 11237. VEREIN. STAATEN. Der Gesandte in London an den englischen Minister des Auswärtigen. Bietet

die Vermittlung der Verein. Staaten an.

Legation of the United States, London, February 8, (February 9) 1887.**) My Lord, I HAVE received instructions from my Government to make to your Lordship a communication in its behalf on the subject of the dispute 8. Febr. 1887. which it is informed has arisen between Her Majesty's Government and that of Venezuela touching the boundary-line which separates that country from British Guiana. || I am instructed to tender to Her Majesty's Government the good offices of the United States to promote an amicable settlement of the respective claims of Great Britain and Venezuela in the premises, and the arbitration of the United States' Government in respect to the questions involved, which are understood only to refer to historical facts, should such arbitration prove acceptable to both parties.

In the instructions above mentioned the Secretary of State for the United States observes as follows:- ,,Her Majesty's Government will readily understand that the attitude of the United States' Government of friendly neutrality and entire impartiality touching the merits of the controversy is entirely consistent and compatible with the sense of responsibility that rests upon the United States in relation to the South American Republics. The doctrines we announced two generations ago, at the instance and with the cordial support and approval of the British Government, have lost none of their force or importance in the progress of time, and the Government of Great Britain and the United States are equally interested in conserving a status the wisdom of which has been demonstrated by the experience of more than half-a-century. || It is not supposed for a moment that any idea of political or territorial expansion of authority on the American Continent can control Her Majesty's counsellors in any action they may take in relation to

*) Die folgenden Aktenstücke bis 11246 entstammen dem Blaubuche United States Nr. 1 (1895). 7926. Red.

**) Die eingeklammerten Daten bezeichnen den Empfang. Red.


Venezuela. The declarations of Great Britain in the past, her just and ho- Nr. 11237. nourable disposition of the Bay Islands questions on the lines of harmonious Staaten. understanding with the United States, and her evident policy at the present 8. Febr.1887. day, negative any such conjecture. The dispute with Venezuela is merely one of geographical limits and title, not of attempted political jurisdiction. So believing, what can be more natural than for us to assume that Her Majesty's Government is now, as heretofore, earnestly inclined to accept our friendly suggestions, and, if need be, to avail of the offer of impartial co-operation of the Government of the United States in the interest of that peace and harmony in the Western Hemisphere which the two. nations have for so long a period co-ordinately and with mutual consideration maintained? || It is deemed unnecessary to emphasize more fully the desire felt by those charged with the administration of this Government, not only to avoid all action tending to the embarrassment of Her Britannic Majesty's interests in any quarter, but in a wise and broad spirit to promote their prosperity, in the full assurance that our motives will be recognized, and such action will be productive of mutuality."

I need add to the language of the Secretary of State no further assurance of the satisfaction that will be felt by the United States' Government if it shall perceive that its wishes in this regard are permitted to have influence with Her Majesty's Government. E. J. Phelps.

Nr. 11238. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Minister des Auswärtigen. an den Gesandten der Verein. Staaten. Die brit. Regierung kann wegen der Haltung Venezuelas nicht auf das Anerbieten eingehen.

Foreign Office, February 22, 1887.


Sir, I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Nr. 11238. the 8th instant, tendering the good offices of the United States to promote britannien. a settlement of the dispute which has arisen between Her Majesty's Govern- 22. Feb.1887. ment and that of Venezuela with regard to the boundary-line between that country and British Guiana, and suggesting the arbitration of the United States' Government in respect to the historical facts involved. || Her Majesty's Government fully appreciate the friendly feelings which have prompted your Government to offer their mediation in this matter. The attitude, however, which General Guzman Blanco has now taken up in regard to the questions at issue precludes Her Majesty's Government from submitting those questions. at the present moment to the arbitration of any third Power. || An offer to mediate in the questions at issue between this country and Venezuela has already been received by Her Majesty's Government from another quarter, and has been declined on the same grounds. I beg that you will convey to



Nr. 11238. the Secretary of State the cordial thanks of the Queen's Government for your communication, and that you will inform him that they have not yet aban22. Feb. 1887. doned all hope of a settlement by direct diplomatic negotiations with Venezuela. Salisbury.

Nr. 11239.


Nr. 11239. VEREIN. STAATEN. Der Gesandte in London an

den englischen Minister des Auswärtigen.


eine Konferenz von Vertretern Grossbritanniens, Venezuelas und der Verein. Staaten vor.

Legation of the United States, London, May 5. (May 6.) 1890.

My Lord, || AS I had the honour to intimate to your Lordship verbally to-day, I have been instructed by my Government to tender to Her Majesty's 5. Mai 1890. Government the earnest good offices of the United States with a view to bringing about a resumption of the interrupted diplomatic relations between Her Majesty's Government and that of Venezuela, as a preliminary step towards negotiations for the amicable settlement by arbitration of the long-standing questions respecting the boundary-line between Venezuela and British Guiana. | It is now more than three years since, at the time when diplomatic relations had just been broken off, your Lordship stated to my predecessor that Her Majesty's Government were for the time precluded from submitting the questions at issue to the arbitration of any third Power, and expressed the continuing hope of a settlement by direct diplomatic negotiations with Venezuela; and the Secretary of State of the United States feels that a propitious time has arrived for endeavouring to promote a settlement of the questions at issue, in view of the emphasis which has just been given to the principle of international arbitration by the joint proposals of Great Britain and the United States to Portugal. || I am accordingly instructed to suggest to your Lordship that an informal conference of Representatives of Great Britain, Venezuela, and the United States be had, either in Washington or London, with a view to reaching an understanding on which diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Venezuela may be resumed, the attitude of the United States therein being solely one of impartial friendship towards both parties. to the dispute in question. || Renewing the assurance of the great satisfaction which would be felt by my Government in a successful exercise of its good offices in this matter, I have &c. Robert T. Lincoln. Nr. 11240. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Gesandten der Verein. Staaten. Die engl. Regierung unterhandelt mit Venezuela und erwartet die Antwort auf ihre Vorschläge.

Nr. 11240.

Foreign Office, May 26, 1890.

Sir, I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of Gross- the 5th instant stating that you had been instructed by your Government to 26. Mai 1890, tender to Her Majesty's Government the earnest good offices of the United


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