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Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 73,

Chase Manhattan Bank, 111

Chemical weapons, 71, 82, 166, 168
Chiao Kwan-hua, 174

China. See People's Republic of China
Chou En-lai. (See Zhou Enlai)
Chronicle of Current Events, 118
Chuikov, Vasily I., 131

Churchill, Winston, 159

Civil aviation, 93, 103, 129
Clements, Mr., 174

Clift, A. Denis, 12, 92, 128
Colson, Charles, 27

Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC),

9, 11

Conference of the Committee on

Disarmament (CCD), 82
Conference on Security and

Cooperation in Europe (CSCE):
Brezhnev U.S. visit (1973), 126
Geneva Conference (1974), 175

communications/meetings, 30,

32, 34, 70

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 107,
155, 158, 175, 184
Kissinger-Haig communications, 46
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 107, 116

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1974), 166, 167, 168
Kissinger-Senate Foreign Relations
Committee meetings, 58

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 37,

38, 43, 46

Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),
186, 189, 196

NIE 11-9-73, 119

Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 1,

4, 26, 71, 152, 153, 184
Nixon-Gromyko meetings, 137, 159,

Nixon-Senate leadership meetings,

Sonnenfeldt assessments, 30, 70, 77
Stoessel assessments, 162
Washington Post-Kissinger luncheon,

Connally, John, 70, 111, 125, 134

Cooke, Hope, 144

Cooper, John S., 58, 155

Copyright Convention, Universal, 14

Council for International Economic
Policy Decision (CIEPDM), 14, 64
Cox, Tricia N., 61
Cranston, Alan, 177

Credit issues/terms. See Under
U.S.-Soviet economic/trade
Cromer, Rowley, 86
Cuba, 9, 18, 155, 156
Curran, Joseph, 70
Cyprus, 107, 177, 180

Coup d'etat, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,

206, 207

Cyrankiewicz, Jozef, 105

Czechoslovakia, 104, 167, 186

David, Edward, 10, 72

Davies, Dick, 12

Davis, Jeanne W., 12, 66, 70

Dayan, Moshe, 142

De Gaulle, Charles, 160
Deng Xiaoping, 160
DePalma, Samuel, 66

Détente (see also Bilateral cooperation),
151, 172, 181

Dobrynin, Anatoli (see also


Brezhnev proposed U.S. visit, 80, 101,

Brezhnev U.S. visit (1973), 124, 126,

Geneva Conference (1974), 176, 177,


Haig meetings, 2

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 55, 158,

Kissinger Israel-Moscow trip, 142,
143, 144

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 105, 107, 108, 109, 111
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1974), 165, 166, 167, 168
Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 37,
38, 43, 44

Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),

182, 186, 187, 188, 190, 195, 196,
197, 198

Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 4,

Nixon-Gromyko meetings, 56, 137,

159, 173

Nixon-Guzhenko meetings, 61

References are to document numbers

Dobrynin, Anatoli-Continued

Nixon meetings, 8, 80, 150, 154, 156,


Nixon-Patolichev meetings, 65
Peterson meetings, 29

Soviet Jewish emigration issues, 27,


Doder, Dusko, 70

Donaldson, Mr., 168

Donovan, Hedley, 25

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 160

Downey, John T., 94

Doyle, Adm. James H., Jr., 66

Dubinsky, Mel, 99
Dubs, Adolph, 54

Dulles, John F., 44

Eagleburger, Lawrence, 201, 202
Eban, Abba, 155, 167

Egypt (see also October Arab-Israeli War
of 1973), 55, 81, 112, 154, 160, 162,

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 157

Eisenhower, Julie N., 61
Eliot, Theodore L., 63, 128
El Paso Natural Gas, 8, 125
England. See Great Britain
Environmental warfare, 175, 193, 195
Europe (see also German Federal

Republic; German Democratic
Republic; Mutually Balanced Force
Reductions; individual countries):
Atlantic Charter, 168

Frontier inviolability principle, 158,

166, 189

Geneva Conference (1974), 175
Kissinger-European leaders meetings,

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 107, 116

Kissinger-Senate Foreign Relations
Committee meetings, 58
Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 37,
38, 39, 41, 43, 46

Moscow Summit (May 22-30, 1972), 1
Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),

186, 189, 196

NATO and Warsaw Pact members,
negotiations between, 153
Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 1,
4, 26, 71, 152, 153, 184
Washington Post-Kissinger luncheon,


Evans, Rowland, 92

Export-Import Bank, 14, 19, 21, 38, 88,

98, 111, 168, 177

Fahmy, Ismail, 167, 174
Finland, 189

Fisher, Max, 27, 85, 88, 99, 135

Flanigan, Peter, 24, 61, 125
Lend-lease issue, 13, 40, 64

Natural gas issues, 69
Nixon-Guzhenko meetings, 61

U.S.-Soviet economic/trade relations,
14, 65

U.S.-Soviet grain deal, 9
Fletcher, James, 70, 170
Foisie, Philip, 161
Ford, Gerald, 47, 94
Ford, Henry, 21
40 Committee, 118
Foster, John S., Jr., 58

France (see also Pompidou, Georges), 55,
104, 155, 160, 166, 168, 187, 189, 200
Fulbright, J. William, 58, 134, 151

Galanshin, K.I., 170

Garment, Leonard, 33, 48, 53, 99, 135
General Motors, 100

Geneva Conference (1974), 175, 176,
177, 178, 179

German Democratic Republic (GDR):




Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 158,
160, 174

Quadripartite Agreement, 158, 174
Stoessel assessments, 162
Brezhnev-Shultz meetings, 84
Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 55, 158,
160, 173

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 104, 107

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1974), 166

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 38,


Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),
186, 189, 200
Nixon-Senate leadership meetings,


UN membership, 55, 107, 137
German Federal Republic (FRG):





References are to document numbers

[blocks in formation]

Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 120
Nixon-Senate leadership meetings,

Treaty of Non-Aggression Between
Germany and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, 155
United Nations admission, 55, 107,

Geyelin, Philip, 161
Giap, Vo Nguyen, 131
Gierek, Edward, 104

Gleason, Thomas W., 9, 30
Goldberg, Lawrence Y., 53
Goldwater, Barry, 23
Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 105
Goodman, Jerry, 92, 99
Great Britain:

Germanies UN admission, 55
Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 155
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 104

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1974), 168

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 37,

Kissinger's Soviet Union visit, 37
Nixon-Senate leadership meetings,


Nuclear issues/weapons, 25, 86
Grechko, Andrey Antonovich, 81, 162,

168, 200

Greece, 107, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206,


Gromyko, Andrei (see also

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings):
Brezhnev U.S. visit (1973), 125, 126,
127, 129, 132

communications/meetings, 6, 16,

34, 157

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 104, 105, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111, 112

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1974), 165, 166, 167, 168, 170
Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 37,
38, 41, 42, 43, 44

Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),

170, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 198
Natural gas issues, 168

Nixon meetings, 56, 137, 159, 174
Nixon-Soviet leadership

communications, 74
Sonnenfeldt nuclear issues
assessment, 52
Guzhenko, Timofey, 41, 60, 61

Haig, Alexander, Jr., 46
Dobrynin meetings, 2

Kissinger communications, 39, 40, 46,


communications/meetings, 3

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 38,
39, 41

Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),

186, 187, 189, 190, 196, 198
Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 4,
10, 26

Nixon-Dobrynin meetings, 150
Nixon-Podgorny meetings, 171
Peterson assessments, 19

Peterson/Flanigan assessments, 40
Shipping issues and maritime

agreements, 18, 20

Soviet Jewish emigration issues, 12,
27, 28, 30, 33, 46, 48, 53

Haile Selassie, 112

Haldeman, H.R., 46

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 55

Hammer, Armand, 29, 111, 172

Hartke, Vance, 123

Hartman, Arthur, 158, 165, 166, 168,

170, 174, 178, 189, 195, 198
Harwood, Richard, 161

References are to document numbers

Heath, Edward, 37

Heikal, Mohammed H., 30
Hellman, Yehuda, 99
Helms, Richard, 66, 73
Hertzberg, Arthur, 99
Ho Chi Minh, 112
Hoffman, Phillip, 99
Holland, 166, 167
Honecker, Erich, 104

Howe, Jonathan T., 38, 42, 43, 44
Huang Hua, 144

Human Rights Commission, 85
Humphrey, Hubert, 46, 47, 70
Hungary, 95, 104, 141, 156, 167
Hussein, Sadam, 167
Hyland, William:

Geneva Conference (1974), 178
Kissinger Israel-Moscow trip, 142,
143, 144

Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip

(1974), 165, 166, 168, 170

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 41,

Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),

186, 187, 188, 190, 193, 195, 197,

Senior Review Group, 66

Soviet Jewish emigration issues, 183

India, 177

Indochina (see also Vietnam War), 131
Inter-continental ballistic missile

(ICBM), 116, 165, 170, 178, 181
International Commission of Control
and Supervision (ICCS), 95
International Longshoreman's
Association (ILA), 9, 30

Iraq, 167

Ismail, Hafez, 81, 109

Israel (see also Middle East; October
Arab-Israeli War of 1973), 30, 38,
55, 96, 112, 174, 177

Ivanov, Igor, 23

Jackson Amendment (SALT), 23, 44, 55
Jackson, Henry M., 187, 190
Brezhnev-Dent meetings, 172
Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 142,
165, 167, 170

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 155,

Natural gas issues, 69

Jackson, Henry M.-Continued
Nixon-Gromyko meetings, 159
Nixon-Kissinger communications, 85
U.S.-Soviet economic/trade relations,
108, 176

Jackson-Vanik Amendment:

Geneva Conference (1974), 175, 176,

Kissinger-AFL-CIO meeting, 100
Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 166,



communications/meetings, 70
Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 175
Kissinger-Jewish leaders meetings,

Nixon-Brezhnev communications,
124, 125

Nixon-Jewish leadership meetings, 99
Nixon-Kissinger communications, 115
Nixon-Rogers communications, 76
Nixon-Soviet leadership meetings, 89
Sonnenfeldt assessments, 88, 89, 96
Stoessel assessments, 162
Washington Post-Kissinger luncheon,

Jacobson, Charlotte, 99
Japan, 21, 29, 34, 44, 111, 168
Jarring, Gunnar, 130

Javitis, Jacob, 33, 46, 47, 58, 76, 168, 175
Jerusalem, 112

Jobert, Michel, 155, 168
Johnson, Col. Harry, 66
Johnson, U. Alexis, 9, 66
Jordan, 55, 160

Kama River project, 19, 21, 38
Katushev, Konstantin, 30
Kekkonen, Urho, 104

Keldysh, Mstislav, 70

Kelly, Grace, 107, 144

Kendall, Donald, 100

Kennedy, John F., 58, 157
Khan, Ayub, 105

Khrushchev, Nikita, 55, 58, 157, 166, 189
Kirilenko, Andrei, 30

Kirillin, Vladimir, 10, 70



Arms control, 70

Berlin, 134

Bilateral cooperation, 70, 72, 98
Brezhnev proposed U.S. visit, 34, 70,
72, 78

References are to document numbers

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- Kissinger-Dobrynin



Brezhnev U.S. visit (1973), 134
Cambodia, 134

Conference on Security and

Cooperation in Europe, 30, 32,
34, 70

Cyprus, 201, 202, 203

Détente, 151

German Democratic

Republic/German Federal
Republic, 134

Gromyko, 157

Khrushchev, 157

Kissinger Soviet Union trip, 16, 17,
23, 34

Lend-lease issue, 6, 25
Leningrad consulate, 34

Middle East, 1, 16, 25, 34, 81, 134, 138,

147, 148, 157

Moscow Summit (May 22-30, 1972), 1
Mutually Balanced Force Reductions,
30, 32, 34, 70, 72, 134, 157
Natural gas issues, 23, 25, 70
Nixon reelection, 67, 68

Nuclear issues/weapons, 17, 23, 25,

34, 72, 81, 86, 95, 157
People's Republic of China, 5, 6, 34,
81, 134

SALT agreements, 3, 6, 16, 23, 34, 70,
72, 81, 157

Soviet Jewish emigration issues, 33,

47, 70, 95, 134
Spy cases, 23

U.S.-Soviet economic/trade relations,
6, 23, 34, 70, 157
Vietnam War:

Brezhnev's suggestions for ending
the war, 4
Military supplies from Soviet
Union, 81

Nixon communications, 5, 31
Peace talks, 6, 16, 23, 32, 62, 67
Sonnenfeldt assessments, 72
Soviet delegation visit, 3
Soviet interference with ceasefire,

U.S. presidential elections, 25
Kissinger-Gromyko meetings:
Arms control, 193, 195

Conference on Security and

Cooperation in Europe, 107, 155,
158, 175, 184

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings-


Geneva Conference (1974), 175, 176,

177, 178, 179

German Democratic

Republic/German Federal
Republic, 55, 158, 160, 174

Jackson Amendment/Resolution, 55
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip
(1973), 107, 112

Kissinger Soviet Union trip (1972), 38,
41, 42, 43, 44

Middle East, 33, 55, 112, 130, 142, 143,
144, 160, 174, 175, 176, 177, 197
Moscow Summit (June-July 1974),
188, 192, 193, 195, 197
Nuclear issues/weapons, 55, 188, 192,
193, 195

People's Republic of China, 160, 174
SALT agreements, 55, 155, 174, 175,
176, 178, 194, 195

Soviet Jewish emigration issues, 55,
175, 176, 177

Syria, 55, 160, 173, 176, 177

Vietnam War, 55, 110, 112, 160
Kissinger, Henry A. (see also

Kissinger-Gromyko meetings;
Kissinger pre-Summit Moscow trip

AFL-CIO meeting, 100

American businessmen in Soviet

Union, 43

Arms control, 70, 82, 166, 168, 170,
193, 195

Berlin, 162

Bilateral cooperation:


communications/meetings, 70,


MFN status for Soviet Union, 38,
41, 46, 88, 111, 168
Nixon-Brezhnev communications,

NSDM 215, 103

NSSM 176, 83

Pre-Summit Moscow trip (1973),

107, 111, 113, 116, 162
Pre-Summit Moscow trip (1974),
165, 168, 169, 170

agreements, 70

Sonnenfeldt assessments, 88

References are to document numbers

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