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Natural gas, use of, in stoves and Ohio, occurrence of oil in, 101

[blocks in formation]

of petroleum in, 8

bitumen in, 4

natural gas in, 661
pipe line, 222, 223

trunk pipe line, passage of
the, under the Hudson
River, 225, 226

New Zealand, petroleum in, 20
Niagara limestone, 158

Nineveh, use of semi-fluid bitumen

in the construction of, 2, 3

Nitric acid as substitute for sulphuric
acid, 311, 312

Nitrogen in petroleum, 50, 51, 144
Nobel and Wittenstrom's step fur-
nace, 634

Brothers, improvements in the
Russian oil industry by the,
235, 236

improvement in tank-transporta-
tion by, 210, 211

Nobel's system of continuous distilla-
tion, 335-339

Nordhausen sulphuric acid, action of,

North American, marine formations
in, 130, 131

Nugent, Dr. N., account of the Trini-
dad pitch lake by, 3
Nürschau, gas shale of, 146

[blocks in formation]


petroleum, sulphur combinations

in, 312

pits in, 4, 5

pressures and productions of gas
in, 108, 109

shale, bitumen of the, 162, 163
wells drilled in, 13

Alsace, photometric tests of, 529,

American crude, analysis of, 251
photometric tests of, 526, 528
artificial, criterion of a, 252
-balance, Stelling's, 407
Canada, purification of, 312
Caucasian, photometric tests of,
525, 527

Creek, curbed pits at, 5, 166
spring, early working of the,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Oils, blue, 667

Caucasian, results obtained by
fractional distillation of, 411-413
commercial machine, flashing

and burning points of, 457, 458
conclusions regarding the direct
testing of, as to their lubricat-
power, 509-551

crude, difference in, 155-157

shale, processes of refining,
385, 386
cylinder, 642

determination of mineral salts in,
540, 541

physical properties of,

the specific gravity of,

fat, and fats, determination of,

German lubricating, examination
of, 643. 645

green, 667
heavy, 75

heavy, and residuum, lamps for,

hydrocarbon, early objection to,
for lubrication, 637
illuminating, 75

classification of, 554
determination of acidity of,
odor of, 538

viscosity of, 458, 461
light, 74, 75

lubricating, apparatus for exam-
ining, 414, 416, 417

behavior of, towards sul-
phuric acid, 538, 539
chemical purification of, 365–

classification of, 554
cold test for, 543-545
color in judging, 537, 538
determination of acidity of,
539, 540

fat oils and fats in,
paraffin in, 541

resin and caoutch-

ouc in, 541

rosin oil in, 541-543

the constancy of,
549, 550

examination of, 414-417
flashing point of, 447–458
from residuum by simple dis-
tillation, 349

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Paraffin, specific gravity of, 397
Thorn's apparatus for extracting,
403. 404

Parafins, fossil, 62

presence of, in petroleum, 59, 60
Parallel pipe-condenser, 288, 289
Paraxylol, 67

Paris-Lyons Mediterranean Railway,
testing machine of the, 494-497
Parran, theory of, 123
Parrish naphthometer, 432-434
Paul, C. M., 101, 125, 137

and Tietze, investigations by, of
the occurrence of petroleum in
the Carpathian mountains, 100

structure and melting point of, Pease's tester, 444

[blocks in formation]

Pennsylvania oils, results obtained | Petroleum, calorific value of, 79

by fractional distillation of,

petroleum, formation of, 151
pits in the oil regions of, 4, 5
State Legislature, introduction of
a bill for building a pipe line in
the, 220

system of drilling, 175-184

Co., charter

[blocks in formation]

upon, 307-310

Alsace, results of distillation of,
413. 414

analyses of, 49, 50, 77, 78

and its products, use of, for driv-
ing motors, 561-578
natural gases, 105-111
petroleum products, utiliza-
tion of, as fuel, 599–636
residuum apparatuses for fir-
ing boilers with, 608-620
residuum apparatuses for fir-
ing hearths with, 634-636
residuum apparatuses for fir-
ing locomotives with, 627-

residuum apparatuses for fir-
ing steamers with, 620-627
Argentine, properties of, 16, 17
as an antiseptic, 648
behavior of, towards sulphuric
acid, 538, 539

benzine, 75

Besson's experiments with, as
fuel, 604

boiling point of, 47, 48

brine with, 104, 105

burning point of, 418

[blocks in formation]
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