THE POWERS, DUTIES & LIABILITIES OF AN ELECTION AGENT AND OF A RETURNING OFFICER AT A PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION IN ENGLAND AND WALES BY THE LATE FRANK R. PARKER FOURTH EDITION (With a Summary of the Duties of a Registration Officer) EDITED BY OSCAR F. DOWSON OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW (Assistant Legal Adviser to the Home Office) ASSISTED BY H. W. WIGHTWICK OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW AND CHARLES N. T. JEFFREYS, OF THE FIRM OF SHARPE, PRITCHARD & CO., London: CHARLES KNIGHT & CO., LTD., 227, TOOLEY STREET, S.E. 1. H D Lith. 2.3-30 20197 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. ERRATUM AND ADDENDUM. P. 346, II. 20-21, omit the words "should be given as P. 474, 1. 18, after "In Lewis v. Edwards (May 7th, 1925, unreported) it was held by the Divisional Court, on appeal from a summary conviction at Swansea, that a person aged 19, whose name was on the register and who had voted at a parliamentary election after warning by the presiding officer, was rightly convicted under C.I.P.P.A., s. 9. sub 1." 101 спуса, ини working has failed to provoke any serious criticism of its provisions. Of the several amending enactments passed since 1919, and dealt with in their place in the text, only one provision need be mentioned, viz., The Representation of the People (No. 2) Act, 1922 (12 & 13 Geo. 5, c. 14), which amended Section 34 of the principal Act by defining the position of V. |