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bouillet, after having paffed the winter in the neighbourhood of Bourdeaux; and from the time of their original departure to that of their final arrival, about three fcore of them died. The furvivors gave rife to the extenfive flock now kept at Rambouillet; and to the confiderable number which have been fold to individuals, as the breed progreffively increafed. At first, several rams and ewes were given to encourage enterprising farmers; but as it appeared that these were defpifed merely because they were a gift, a fale was fubftituted. The provincial administrations, then established, made application for them, and had a preference. Since that time, and especially of late, the prices at Rambouillet have been much increased, and have indeed reached a height, which appears extraordinary in a country, where it is not cuftomary, as in England, to expend confiderable fums for the purpofe of acquiring a fleep particularly fuited to the breeder's purpose. The Merino race having thus beeu proved to carry as valuable a fleece in France as in Spain, an oppofition has next been made to the mutton; thofe, who wifhed to depreciate it, having asserted that the animal was not disposed to fatten kindly, and that its flesh was very coarse; affertions, which have both been experimentally proved to be totally deititute of foundation. There are at prefent in France more than fifteen thousand of the pure Merino breed, besides an immenfe number improved by the crofs.


"There are few regions of Europe, whofe temperature and foil differ more than thofe of Spain and Holland. The Merino fheep, transported from a fcorching climate to a cold and marthy country, have, nevertheless, preferved, in Holland, the qualities which diftinguish them from other breeds, and have remained vigoronfly healthy. It was not till 1789, that Mr. Twent made the firft finall importation, which he placed upon his farm between Leyden and the Hague. It confifted of two rams and four ewes, which are now increased to two hundred, befides thofe fold from it, this being the number to which Mr. T. is obliged to confine himfelf by the limits of his farm. It is by parting with the leaft perfect animals, and preserving thofe which bear the longeft as well as finest wool, that he has formed a valuable flock; preferable, indeed, to any in Holland. Mr. Twent has alfo croffed the different breeds of Holland, particularly thofe of the Texel

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"Agriculturists have told us that animals, which are tranfported from North to South, viz. from a climate lefs warm than that to which they are removed, will de generate, whether they breed among themfelves, or crofs any other race of the country; and that, vice verfa, animals taken from South to North, improve thofe with which they are connected. Many facts, however exift, in opposition to this opinion; befides which, it is easy to prove that the degeneracy complained of, fhould be afcribed to other caufes than those which are adduced. When a fufficient number of experiments fhall have been made by accurate obfervers, it will be found from a comparifon of them, that want of knowledge, a bad choice, neglect, and improper nutriment, tend as much and even more towards degeneration of the fpecies, than the greater or lefs degree of heat which prevails under a different latitude. The fuccefs of finewooled fheep at the Cape of Good Hope, proves that this general opinion is not founded upon facts. I am convinced, indeed, after the obfervations which I have collected in Spain, upon the breeds of that country, upon their mode of rearing, upon the nature of the foil and cli mate, that the general caufes of their fine wools are not thofe ufually fuppofed. The prefervation in its utmoft purity of the Merino race, at the Cape of Good Hope, in the marthes of Holland, and under the rigorous climate of Sweden, add an additional proof to this my unalterable principle: fine-wooled sheep may be reared wherever induftrious men and intelligent breeders exift. The Spanish breed was taken to the Cape in 1782, and Lord Somerville received fpecimens of its excellence, with an affurance from his correfpondent, that the wool had rather gained than loft in quality, from its growth of eighteen years in that colony.

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her? Has her connexion with France, a nation hitherto fo fatal to her, produced an electrive movement which leads her to objects of real utility? Piedmont

poffeffes many flocks both of the pure and improved native breeds. Count Graneric, a man of genius, and a found patriot, a warm protector of arts and of commerce, becoming a member of administration, on his return from his einbaffy to Spain, conceived the project of fecuring to Piedmont this fource of wealth; for which purpose he obtained from the court of Madrid permiflion to take from that country one hundred and fifty of the beft Segovian breed, felected by the Prince of Mafferaw. The war, which prevailed at this period, did not permit the government to pursue the progrefs of this new eftablishment; and the Jofs of the minifter would have been followed by the lofs of the fine-wooled race, but for the interference of the Academy of Agriculture, and fpirited individuals, who have thereby encreafed the prefent flock to five thoufand; and unanimoutly affert that the fleece is not inferior in quality to that of the animals originally imported; that in no other refpect has it degenerated; that the cross with the Roman, Neapolitan and Paduan breeds, has been moft fatisfactory in its refults; and that the fleth of the Merinos is infinitely more delicate than that of the native sheep.

When the com

have been introduced.
mercial fpirit and patriotism which ani-
mate this nation are considered, no doubt
can exift but that the Merino theep will
speedily be naturalized in that island, and
become a new fource of wealth to a
people ever ready to avail themselves of
fources opened to their habitual industry.
The papers on this fubject, published by
the Board of Agriculture, the efforts of
various Agricultural Societies, as well as
of individuals, prove that a breed, fo in-
timately connected with the prosperity
of their manufactures, will meet with the
reception due to its vaft utility. The
late Duke of Bedford, a powerful patron
of agriculture, Lord Somerville, the King
of England, and fome other agriculturifts,
have procured Merino fheep, from which
the ftock is beginning to increase. It is
gratifying to fee the head of a govern-
ment, as well as the men moft diftin-
guilhed by their influence, their wealth,
and their knowledge, encourage, by all
the means in their power, the most useful
of the arts."

As I thall here, Sir, conclude my sketch
of Monfieur Lafteyrie's publication, it
remains for me only to point out (which
I do with a blufh) that Great Britain is,
not from any apparent national antipathy
on his part, but defervedly placed the lait
in his account. Great Britain, whole
fuperfine manufactures are far more ex-
tentive than thofe of any other nation,
whofe vital interefts are therefore mate-
rially connected with the internal produce
of the article, which forms the fubject of
this paper-Great Britain is ftill inactive,
when the difficulties of procuring the ar-
ticle mult, to all appearance, annually
increafe, and the power to grow it at
home, in full perfection, as well as with
immenfe advantage, is become incontro-
Your's, &c.
Hill Lodge, ncar Nottingham,
January 4th, 1807.

66 GREAT BRITAIN, "England, which has of late years fhone fo pre-eminent in her various improvements, muft, nevertheless, be charged with neglecting almoft to the prefent moment the improvement of fine wools, Thofe for combing, not lefs useful in certain kinds of manufacture, have had the preference in that country, and the perfeverance of breeders has been rewarded by producing admirable wool of its kind. The prejudices of other countries have found their way hither; and it has been conftantly afferted that the fineness of the ficece depended upon climate, foil, and pafturage; confequently that in England, the quality of Spanish wool muftHE Hiftory of the County of BedTord, given by the Rev. Mr. Lyfons, degenerate. The merchants and manufacturers, mified by the fame prejudices in the 1ft vol. recently published, of his as the breeders, have embraced the fame Magua Britannia, a work of immente opinion; but the firft were guided, in fome degree, by different motives: they feared that interior fuccefs might diminish the advantages which importation produced to them. Little more than a dozen years ago the English nation did not know the Merino breed, in its living ftate; ince hich, fome few of that valuable race

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


Every British patriot will readily acknowledge the obligations of the Country to Mr. Thompfon, for his well-timed publication on a fubject fo important to our Commercial and Agricultural interefts, but which at this moment is rendered of fuch fingular confequence by the restrictions recently adopted in Spain.


extent and labour, is deemed by perfons who poffefs the belt information refpećting multifarious fubjects treated in it, to contain a confiderable number of errors and inadvertencies; fuch indeed as are fcarcely to be avoided in a compilation of this nature, and which that gentleman will, no doubt, be glad to correct. I fhall beg leave to point out a few which happen to come within the compafs of my own perfonal knowledge or immediate obfervation.

Page 2. Edward the Elder is faid by Mr. Lyfons to have built a fortrefs at Bedford, on the fouth fide of the river Oufe. In the fame page we are told that Bedford Caftle was built by the Beauchamps, probably on the fcite of King Edward's fortrets. Nevertheless, Mr. L. truly remarks, p. 46, "that the veftiges of the Caftle are to be feen at the back of the Swan Inn. On the Keep is now a Bowling Green." But the Swan Inn is, and the Cattle was, not on the fouth, but the north, fide of the river Oufe. Mr. L. fubjoins "that the fcite of the Caftle, with the Swan Inn, is now the property of the Duke of Bedford, and it is prefumed that it paled from the Goftwicks, by purchafe, to the Marlborough family, and from then: with feveral other eftates which had been in the Goftwicks, to the Duke of Bedford's grandfather." But why rifque random prefumptions in a work, whole ellence it is to exhibit plain matter of fact? The Swan Inn and Castle Clofe adjoining, were purchafed by the late Duke of Bedford foon after he came of age, of John Staines, efq. of Biddenham, a village near Bedford, who inherited the eftate from his father, to whom it was about half a century ago deviled by the will of Mr. Henry Horton, an attorney of great eminence and refpectability, many years refident in Bedford.

P. 3. We are informed that Sir Samuel Luke's houfe was either Hawnes or Wood-end. But this was never before fuppofed to admit of a doubt. Sir Samuel Luke's houfe was unquestionably fituated at Wood-end, in the parish of Cople, about five miles from Bedford. It is now a farm-houfe, belonging to the Duke of Bedford, and contains many curious remains of antiquity. In his account of Copla, p. 71, Mr. L. exprefsly affirms,. that Wood-end was the refidence of the family of the Lukes; to the memory of whom various monuments are erected in the parish-church. Mr. L. obferves, p. 92, "that the manor of Hawnes is

fuppofid to have paffed by purchale from

the Newdigates to the Lukes of Cople, who appear from the parith-register, to have refided at Hawnes occafionally, from 1626 to 1654." Some of that family may poffibly have refided at Hawnes, but the ancient estate and refidence of the Lukes, according to univerfal tradition, was at Wood-end, which is ftill vifited as an object of historical attention, and established celebrity.

P. 14. "The eftates of the Duke of Bedford now form (Mr. L. affirms) what may be confidered as by far the largeft landed property in the County." This is not perfectly correct. The Duke of Bedford is certainly the principal landproprietor, but Lord St. John and Mr. Whitbread are not very far inferior to him. Their united poffeffions in this finall County, of which the rental is, however, in proportion to the extent very large, (not lefs it is fuppofed than three hundred thousand pounds per annum) are estimated at more than forty thoufand pounds yearly value; and are probably little inferior to thofe of any other ten proprietors. The Marquis of Bute, the Earl of Offory, Lord Hampden, Lady Lucas, Sir Philip Monoux, Sir George Otborne, and Mr. Pym, rank high in the fecond clafs.

P. 16. Flitwick Houfe is not in the occupation of the Right Honourable John Trevor, who relides at Bromham, the Bedfordshire Seat of his brother Lord Vifcount Hampden, but of Robert Trevor, efq. a different branch of the fame family.

P. 18. The village of Lidlington, where, occupying a farm of the Duke of Bedford's, lives the ruftic Poet Batchelor, author of "Village Scenes," &c. affords very pleasing prospects, as does the neighbourhood of Houghton Conqueft, Flawnes and Harlington; but for the most beautitul and picturefque fcenery in the County, is to be found on the north-west fide of it along the fertile and fecluded vale, through which the Oufe, fince the publication of Cowper's charming Talk, a claffical ftream, winds its placid meandering courfe, occafionally fpreading into broad and magnificent expanfes of water. From Chellington, Odell, and Felmersham, the views are particularly rich and striking.

P. 23. There is no turnpike-road from Bedford to Eaton Socon, on the north. fide of the Oufe. The old and new roads join, not at Barford bridge, but at the foot of Wroxton hill, beyond the village of Great Barford.

P. 47. Caldwell priory near Bedford,


was, till about the year 1790, the property of a family of the name not of Gar diner, but of Garnow. The last pro prietor of that name, was a merchant refident in the City of London.

P. 51. "A confiderable trade," Mr. L. remarks, "is carried on in coals brought by the Oufe to Bedford from Lynn and Yarinouth." Bedford being the head of the navigation, a confiderable trade is not only carried on with Lynn for coals, but for corn, timber, iron, falt, and various other commodities. There is no conimunication whatever between Bedford and the port of Yarmouth.

Ibid. The population of Bedford has not increased, as Mr. L. afferts from erroneous information, of late years. Per haps no town in the kingdom has remained more ftationary than Bedford, for feveral centuries paft. From Speed's Map, of which the date is 1603, it appears to have been at that period of almott exactly the fame dimenfions as at prefent. The number of houfes is fomewhat dininifhed of late years, in confequence of the fire mentioned by Mr. L. which happened on the 25th of May, 1802, by which about feventy habitations were burnt down, moft of them very inean and miferable cottages, wattled and thatched. The far greater proportion of them has fince been re-built in a manner that reflects credit upon the town. Many other tenements, old and ruinous, have alfo been taken down within thefe few years, and new habitations erected, to the great improvement, but by no means the general enlargement of the town.

P. 53. There is no houfe now occupied by the fingle brethren in the fociety of the Moravians. It was fome years tince converted into a school. The number of thefe reclufe and inoffenfive fectaries has of late confiderably declined, and that enthufiaftic fpirit by which they were once fo much diftinguifhed, has very much abated. It might have been mentioned that there has been at Bedford, for forty years paft, a Method:ft Chapel of the Welleyan perfuafion. Mr. Wetley is reported to have faid, that the Methodifts would not flourish at Bedford, because they experienced no perfecution. Within thefe few years, however, their numbers have, as in almost all other places, greatly increafed, and a handtone chapel has been newly raised on the feite of the old Que. A fmall Jewish fynagogue alfo has been established within the laft three years, encouraged by the fpirit of toleration which remarkably prevails in this place. The Jews settled at Bedford are

perfons of unexceptionable conduct and morals.

Mr. Lyfons' has noticed the recent erection of the County Goal, the County Infirmary, and the houfe of Industry; all of them buildings remarkably well adapted to their refpective purposes, and planned by the fame excellent architect, Mr. John Wing, of Bedford, a man equally efteemed for his talents and integrity. In confequence of the laudable exertions of the inhabitants, very great improvements in the courfe of the laft ten or fifteen years have been made, chiefly under the fuperintendance of Mr. Wing, in this ancient, but by no means unpleasant or unfocial town; and many others of confiderable magnitude are in no diftant contemplation.

P. 82. Elfton is not a vicarage, but a perpetual curacy or donative, tenable with any preferment, and in the gift of Mr. Whitbread; by whom it was a short time fince prefented, in a moft generous manner, to the worthy and refpectable clergyman who now enjoys it, without the leaft folicitation or expectation on his part.

P. 85. Jemima Marchionefs Grey, grand-daughter and heirefs of the laft Duke of Kent, was not the wife of the Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, as ftated by Mr. L. but of the late Earl of Hardwicke, fon of the Chancellor, and uncle of the prefent Nobleman of that name.

P. 86. The only fon of the Duke of Kent was not known by the title of Earl of Harold, but fimply Lord Harold: his father being Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Kent, and Baron of Harold. He died when juft of age, (and faid to have been a young man of great accomplishments). in the year 1723, by a very fingular accident; being choaked with an ear of bar ley, inadvertently taken into his mouth, and which working its way into the throat, it was found impoffible to extract.

P. 89. No manor in Goldington or elsewhere, could have been purchased by the grandfather of the prefent Duke of Bedford, of the Duke of Marlborough, or of any other perfon in the year 1774, as John Duke of Bedford died in the month of January, 1771. The fame mistake occurs in the account of the parish of Ras vensden, p. 126.

I make no apology for troubling you with thefe obfervations, which, if not wholly undeferving of notice, you will have the goodness to infert in your excellent mifcellany. Your's, &c. Bedford, WM. BELSHAM.

Jun. 12th, 1807.


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For the Monthly Magazine.
FACTS relative to the PRESENT STATE of
the CITY of TRIPOLI; communicated



Malta, July 10, 1805. HANKS to the aétivity of our navy, and to the efforts of General Eaton and his few but valiant men, who much aftonithed every Muffulman in Tripoli, and put the whole regency on the point of a revolution, we were liberated on the 3d of June, for 60,000 dollars, as a balance of prifoners.

We left about 200 flaves, who were fubjects of the King of Naples, much regretting that they could not claim fo happy a country as ours, whofe fovereignty had the fpirit to deliver its Subjects from flavery and mifery. I have fince visited the once opulent and powerful, but now wretched, Syracufe. We arrived here yefterday, and find the people of Malta very civil, polite, and commercial, and the immenfe fortifications filled with British troops. *



The city of Tripoli ftands on the north coaft of Africa, in north latitude 32° 54′, and longitude eart from London 13° 11'; and is built upon the ruins of the ancient Oca, on a fandy foil. It contains about 40,000 Turks, 5,000 Jews, and 1,000 Roman Catholics and Greeks. It has eight mofques and one chriftian church; forme of the mofques are very large.

The baths are places of confiderable refort, on account of the injunctions of Mahomet, which direct the keeping the body clean: but I have feen many deviate from this, and rub their bodies with dry fand instead of water. This custom, I am informed, originated from the pilgrims and travellers not being able to find water while travelling over the defert. The Bedouins, a kind of fojourn ing Arabs, and people from the interior of Africa, often prefer this imperfect method of purification, even when water is at hand.

Many of the buildings have the appearance of great antiquity, of which the Turks can give no account. Among them is a Roman palace and a triumphal arch. The caftle stands on the water's edge, in the north-easternmoft corner of the city. Its ramparts are of 'different heights; on the land fide they are from 40 to 80, and on the water fide they are from 35 to 40 feet in height. Twenty-five pieces of brafs ordnance, of different iizes, are Monthly Mag., No. 153.

mounted on different parts of the castle, to command the city, adjoining country, and harbour. Several of the apartments in the west end of the castle are large, commodious, and airy, ornamented with a variety of fine marble, mofaic and stuc. co work, and richly furnithed in the Turkish style.

Here the Bashaw receives and holds audience with foreign ambaffadors and confuls; holds his divan, which he often. imperioufly over-rules; and gives his mandates, which are often enforced by the moft cruel torture and death. Here are a great number of fmaller apartments; a large open court and fpacious gallery, for the accommodation and refidence of the Bafhaw, his wives, children, and attendants: here is alfo a bomb-proof room, to which the Bafhaw flies in times of danger. The apart ments in the caft end of the castle are tables for the Bafhaw's hores, and pri fons where our officers and myself were confined, and where the Bafhaw confines his hoftages and criminals; and in the midit of which is the magazine of gunpowder. Thefe gloomy manfions of horror are in bad repair, full of vermin, and is the filthieft place in all Tripoli. I was taken out of this prifou fome months before our liberation, and put on a very limited parole, to attend the fick and lame of our crew.

The city, including the caftle, is three miles and a half in circumference. The country about Tripoli, nearly to the foot of Mount Atlas (which is two days' journey from Tripoli), is all, except the gar dens and orchards near the city, a fandy and barren defert. The houfes, the raniparts and batteries which furround it, are built of the ruins of the ancient cities of Oca, Leptis, and Sabrata, which are chiefly of marble and a variety of other calcareous fiones, and columns of granite, many of which are very large, put together with a cement of lime and fand; but without the regularity of fquare, plumb-line, or level. The walls are generally white-wafhed with new-flacked lime, at the commencement of the Ramadan or Carnival. The tops of the houfes are flat, and covered with a compofition chiefly of lime, which (when dry) forms a very firm terrace. To ward against the vengeance of their enemies, the whole city is fire-proof.

The fresh water ufed in Tripoli (except in time of fcarcity, or the fear of a ficge, when it is brought from the wells in the Defert on mules, affes, and chrifB


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