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PEDRO, S. another, of the province and corregimiento of Tomina in the same kingdom; 'annexed to the curacy of Sopachui. 10PEDRO, S. another, a small settlement or ward of the district and jurisdiction of the city of Valladolid in the province and bishopric of Mechoacán and kingdom of Nueva España.

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PEDRO, S. another, with the surname of Martir, in the head settlement of Tepalcaltepec, and alcaldia mayor of Nejapa in Nueva España; situate on the plain of a deep glen, surrounded by many mountains of a great height, and on which the Indians, the inhabitants, plant their fig trees. PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Popayán in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada on the shore of the river Caquetá, near its source.

PEDRO, S. another, of the island and government of Margarita: on the s. coast, opposite the coast of Tierra Firme."


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vernment of Sonora in Nueva España, in the country of the Cocomaricopas Indians; on the shore of the river Grande de Gila.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and alcaldía mayor of Vera Paz in the kingdom of Gua


PEDRO, S. another, of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile; on the shore of the river Quillota.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru; of the jurisdiction of the city of Córdoba; on the shore of a river.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, in the same kingdom as the former; on the shore of the river Paraná, and at the mouth where it enters the Sala. [This settlement constitues a parish, lying on the w. bank of the Parana, about 70 miles n.zo. of Buenos Ayres. Lat. 33° 39′ 47′′ s. Long. 59° 53′ 20.]

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[PEDRO, S. a settlement of Indians, of the province and government of Buenos Ayres; situate on a branch of the Parana, about 100 miles n. of Santa Fé. Lat. 29° 57' s. Long. 60° 17' w.]. PEDRO, S. another, of the head settlement of the alcaldía mayor of Juchipila in Nueva España. Six leagues w. of its head settlement."

PEDRO, S. another, a small settlement or ward of the head settlement of Texmelucán, and alcaldía mayor of Guajozingo in the same kingdom. PEDRO, S. another, of the missions which were held by the Jesuits, in the province of Tepeguana and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.


PEDRO, S. another, which is a real of mines of silver, of the province of Taraumara and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya; on the shore of a river which enters the Conchos, and 120 leagues from the capital Guadiana, in about lat. 28 n.

PEDRO, S. another, of the missions which were held by the Jesuits in the province of Topia and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya; in the midst of a sierra of that name, and on the shore of the river Piastla.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Venezuela in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada: founded in the sierra in the seventeenth century.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Quijos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito one of the missions of the Sucumbios Indians, which were founded and held under the charge of the Jesuits.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and go

Granada; between the coast and the great lake.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and corre gimiento of Rancagua in the kingdom of Chile; in the district of which, towards the coast, is a lake called de Santo Domingo, as it is between an estate which belongs to the convent of the religious of this order in the city of Santiago, and another called Bucalemu, where the Jesuits had a good college, and the rich and abundant goldmine which was discovered 50 years since.

PEDRO, S. another, with the addition of Nolasco, of the missions which were held by the Carmelite fathers of Portugal, in the territory and country of Las Amazonas; on the shore of this river.

PEDRO, S. another, of the missions which were.. held by the Jesuits in the province and government of Mainas and kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the river Napo, and at the mouth where this is entered by the Aguarico.

PEDRO, S. another, which is a real of silver mines, of the province and government of So


PEDRO, S. another, of the province and go-vernment of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; on the shore of the river Cañas, near the coast, in the country of the Taironas Indians.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guatemala.

PEDRO, S. another, of the island of Guadalupe, one of the Antilles; situate at the n. head, with a good fort for its defence.

PEDRO, S. another, of the island Martinique, where the French have a fort.

PEDRO, S. another, of the missions which were held by the Jesuits in the province and government of Mainas, of the kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the Marañon, and distinct from the other of the same name, of which we have already spoken. It is near the settlement of San Pablo de los Omaguas.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Moxos in the same kingdom as the former. It was the military rendezvous of the expedition unsuccessfully undertaken by brigadier Don Francisco Pestaña in 1768.

PEDRO, S. another, of the island of Curazao; situate on the coast of a bay in the n. part.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Maracaibo; on the shore of the lake of this name, and the river Cuervo to the s.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and alcaldía mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and alcaldía mayor of Chiapa in the same kingdom.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zacatopeques in the same kingdom. PEDRO, S. another, of the province and corregimiento of Vera Paz in the same kingdom.

PEDRO, S. another, with the addition of Nuevo, in the province and captainship of Todos Santos and kingdom of Brazil; situate on the shore of the river Paraguaca, near the bay.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and kingdom of Guatemala.

PEDRO, S. a large city in the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil; at the mouth of the great lake of Los Patos.

PEDRO, S. a town of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile.

PEDRO, S. a large river of the province of Taraumara and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya in N. America. It rises in lat. 28°, runs nearly from e. to w. and enters the Grande del Norte on the confines of the province of Coaguila, where this province is divided from the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico. It is very pleasant, since its shores are covered with poplar trees, and as it has in one part an extensive pasture where neat cattle are bred.

PEDRO, S. another river, of the province and government of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the part of the s. coast by the mountain of Tabaraba, and following its course to that rhumb, enters the Martin Grande just before this runs into the sea.


PEDRO, S. another, of the province and kingdom of Quito, which rises near the settlement of St. Domingo, and runs n.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Venezuela in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in a mountain near the city of Nirua, runs nearly from n. to s. and unites itself with another to enter the Coxede.

PEDRO, S. another, a large and abundant river of the kingdom of Brazil, formed from several which rise in the mountains of the country and territory of the Guaranis Indians in various directions. It follows its course along the coast, and very close to it, resembling a large lake, until it enters the sea, close to the fort of San Pedro; but detaching another arm to form the lake Imeri.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Texas in Nueva España.

PEDRO, S. another, of the kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya in N. America.

PEDRO, S. another, of the name of San Pablo, in the province and alcaldía mayor of Tabasco, which at its source is called Lodazal.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Venezuela in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in the sierra, runs n. and enters the lake Maracaibo.

PEDRO, S. another, of the province and government of Florida, which runs w. and enters the sea between the fall of Anclote and those of St. Martin.

PEDRO, S. another, called also De San Pablo, in the province and government of Vera Cruz, in the alcaldía mayor of Tabasco. It enters the sea close to the settlement of Almeria.

PEDRO, S. a bay in the s. coast of the straits of Magellan, close to the cape of La Perdicion. It is called also by some, De la Navidad.

PEDRO, S. another, on the e. coast of Florida, without the channel of Bahama.

PEDRO, S. a port on the s. coast of the island of Cuba; between the Capilla de Santiago and the river De Sevilla.

PEDRO, S. another bay, on the s. coast of the island of Jamaica.

PEDRO, S. a bay on the coast, which lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan. It is in lat. 51° 20' s. between the river of Los Gallegos and the bay Grande.

PEDRO, S. a small island of the S. Sea, in the bay of Panamá, of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme; opposite the gulf of San Miguel.

PEDRO, S. another island, also small, of the


gulf of California; situate in the interior of the same, and close to the coast of Nueva España.

PEDRO, S. a fort of the kingdom of Chile; situate on the opposite side of the river Biobio, as a frontier to the Araucanos Indians, who burnt and destroyed it in 1599.

PEDRO, S. a lake in the kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, formed from the river Las Nasas. [PEDRO POINT, Great, is on the s. coast of the island of Jamaica. From Portland point to From Portland point to this point, the course is w. by n. about 11 leagues. About s. three-quarters e. distance 14 leagues from point Pedro, lies the easternmost Pedro key.

[PEDRO POINT, Little, on the s. coast of the same island, lies e. of great Pedro point, within a shoal partly dry; but has five fathoms within, and 10 on the outer edge of it.]


PEDROSA, a settlement of the province and captainship of San Vincente in Brazil; situate between the settlements of Cubar and Escamel.

PEE, Port, a settlement of the French, in the part part they possess in the island St. Domingo. Fourteen leagues from Guarico.

[PEEK'S Kill, a small post-town in W. Chester county, New York; on the e. side of Hudson's river, and n. side of the creek of its name, four miles from its mouth. It is 14 miles s. of Fish Kill, and 40 n. of New York. In the winter of 1780, General Washington encamped on the strong grounds in this vicinity.]

PEGEBSCUL, a fall of the river Amariscoggin in the province of Continent, near its mouth.

PEGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito, who dwell between the rivers Chamangui to the e. and Puninú to the w. It was anciently very numerous, and occupied nearly the whole of the province. The principal settlement had the name of the former of the two rivers aforesaid, as being situate on its s. shore. This nation is at present reduced to a few Indians, who wander about the woods in the vicinity of the river Napo, maintaining themselves by fishing and the chase.

[PEGUNNOCK, a n. w. branch of Passaik river in New Jersey, which rises in Sussex county. The town of its name lies between it and Rockaway, another branch s. of this river, n. w. of Morristown.]

[PEHUENCHES, a valley of the Andes, inhabited by Indians of this name in lat. 34° 40's. in the kingdom of Chile. In it are 11 springs of

very clear and limpid water, which overflow the surface, and become crystalized into a salt as white as snow. This valley is about 15 miles in circumference, and is entirely covered, for the depth of six feet, with a crust of salt, which is collected by the inhabitants in large pieces, and used for all domestic purposes.

For a description of the Indians inhabiting these parts, see Index to additional matter concerning CHILE. Chap. IV.]

PEINE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Atacama in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

PEJENA, a small river of the province and government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It runs w. and enters the Orinoco close to the

settlement and torrent of the Carichana.

PEJENDINO, a settlement of the province and government of Popayán in the kingdom of Quito; belonging to the district of the town of


[PEJEPSCOT, or PEJIPSKAEG Falls, in Androscoggin river. See KENNEBECK River, &c.] PELADO, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil; situate w. of the settlement of Porcos.

PELADO, a very lofty mountain, destitute of tree or plant, in the province and government of Darien and kingdom of Tierra Firme, on the coast of the S. Sea, on the side of the point of Garachiné; which may be discovered at a great distance at sea.

PELADO, a river, called Caño Pelado, of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It runs s. s. e. and enters the great lake of Los

[blocks in formation]

PELAN, a small river of the island St. Christopher, one of the Antilles. It enters the sea on the s. w. coast, between the great road and the point of Palmites.

PELAYO, S. a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, and of the district of the town of Tolù; founded in 1776 by the governor D. Francisco Pimienta.

[PELDEHUES, a mine of the kingdom of Chile, near Santiago. It produced daily upwards of 1500 pounds weight of gold, but being suddenly inundated the workmen were compelled to abandon it.]

PELECAHUIN, a settlement of the govern

ment of Valdivia in the kingdom of Chile; situate on the shore and at the source of the river Valdivia.

PELE, PELER OF PELADA, a remarkable point of the n. coast of lake Erie in Canada.

PELE, also an island near the same point in the above lake.

PELECHUCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru. PELEHUE, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile; near the sea coast, and on the shore of the river Tolten.

PELEHUE, another settlement, of the same kingdom, in the island of Laxa; on the shore of the river of Los Sauces.

PELEPELQUA, a creek on the coast of the straits of Magellan, on the side of the river of the Pasage.

PELES, a settlement of the province of Pensylvania in N. America, where the English have built a fort for the defence of the establishment which they founded there; e. of the fort of Quene of the French, and not far from the river Ohio. [PELESON, a name sometimes applied to Clinch River; which see.]

[PELHAM, a township of Massachusetts, in Hampshire county, 11 miles n.e. of Northampton, and 78 w. of Boston. It was incorporated in 1742, and contains 1040 inhabitants.]

[PELHAM, a township of Rockingham county, New Hampshire, situate on the s. state line, which separates it from Dracut in Massachusetts. It lies on the e. side of Beaver river, 25 miles s. w. of Exeter, and 27 n. of Boston. It was incorIt was incorporated in 1746, and contains 791 inhabitants.] [PELHAM, a township of New York, situate in W. Chester county, bounded s. and e. by the Sound, n. by the n. bounds of the manor of Pelham, including New City, Hart, and Applesby's islands. It contains 199 inhabitants; of whom 27 are electors, and 38 slaves.]

[PELICAN, GREAT, an island a mile long and very narrow, e. of the bay of Mobile in the gulf of Mexico. Its concave side is towards the e. end of Dauphin island. Hawk's bay lies between these two islands. Little Pelican island is a small sand key, s. e. of great Pelican. Its e. curve meets a large shoal extending from Mobile Point.] [PELICAN, ISLANDS, on the s. coast of the island of Jamaica, are situate off the point so called, w. of Port Royal harbour.]

[PELICAN, a small island at the s. w. point of the island of Antigua.]

[PELICAN ROCKS, lie in Runaway bay, on the w. side of the island of Antigua, towards the

n. w. they lie under water, and are very dangerous.]

[PELICAN SHOALS, small patches of sand banks about half a mile from the shore of the s.w.coast of the island of Barbadoes.]

PELILEO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Riobamba, in the district and jurisdiction of Ambato of the kingdom of Quito; celebrated for the ability and ingenuity of the natives in carpenters' work; articles being made by them which vie in elegance with those of European manufacture. The climate here is benign and healthy. Its parish church is one of the best in the kingdom; 10 miles s. e of Ambato, and three w. of Palate, in lat. 1° 21's.

PELINGARA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru. It runs w. and passes opposite the settlement to which it gives its name, and which is situate on its shore, and enters the Catamayu, opposite the settlement of Quirocotillo by the s. part, in lat. 4° 44′ s.

PELISIPE, a river of N. Carolina, which runs 5. s. w. and enters the Cherakees.

PELOTAS, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil, near the coast, and at the source of the river Uruguay.

PELOTAS, a river of the above province and kingdom; which runs s. s. e. and enters the great lake of Los Patos.

[PEMAGON, a settlement of the district of Maine, seven miles from Denney's river, and 14 from Moose island.]

[PEMAQUID, a bay on the sea-coast of Lincoln county, district of Maine. It lies e. of Sheepscot river, and contains a number of islands, many of which are under cultivation.]

[PEMAQUID POINT, on the w. side of the above bay, lies two miles e. of Booth bay, and about four leagues n. w. of Menhegan island. Lat. 43° 48′ n. Long. 69° 27′ w.]

[PEMBROKE, a township of Massachusetts, in Plymouth county, 31 miles s. by e. of Boston. It was incorporated in 1712, and contains 1954 inhabitants. It lies 18 miles from the mouth of the North river, and vessels of 300 tons have been built here. See NORTH RIVER.]

[PEMBROKE, the Suncook of the Indians, a township of New Hampshire, in Rockingham county, on the e. side of Merrimack river, four miles s. e. of Concord. It lies upon two small rivers, Bowcook and Suncook, which run a s. by w. course into Merrimack river. In 1728, it was settled, and called Lovewell's town. It was incorporated in 1759, and contains 956 inhabitants.] [PEMIGEWASSET, a river of New Hamp

shire, which springs from the e. part of the ridge called the Height of Land. Moose-hillock Mountain gives it one branch; another comes from the s. w. extremity of the White Mountains, and a third comes from the township of Franconia. Its length is about 50 miles; its course generally s. and it receives from both sides a number of streams. Winnipiseogee river, comes from the lake of that name, and unites its waters with the Pemigewasset at the lower end of Sanbórn town. From this junction, the confluent stream bears the name of Merrimack, to the sea. See MERRIMACK.]

PEMBERRY, a river of the province of Pennsylvania, in N. America.

PEMAPECKA, a river of the same province as the former.

PEMNAQUID, a river of the province of New England in N. America.

PENA, LA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of the city of La Palma, in the corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; situate in a country rough and mountainous, and full of swamps. It produces cotton, tobacco, maize, sugar cane, plantains and gucus, and breeds much swine cattle: this being its principal commerce. It contains 300 housekeepers and a few Indians. PENA, BLANCA, another settlement, of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile.

PENA, another, with the surname of Oradada, in the coast of the province and corregimiento of Cercado in Peru, opposite the island of Fronton. PENA, another, called Rancho de la Peña, in the missions which are held by the religious of San Francisco of Nuevo Mexico.

PENA, a cape or point of land on the n. coast of the island St. Domingo, between the bay of Balsamo and cape Frances the old.

PENA, another point, on the coast of the province and captainship of Seara in Brazil, between the coast of Porcelados and the bay of Iguape. PENACHI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in the kingdom of Quito. PENAGARA, a very lofty mountain of the province and country of Guayana, towards the w. It is celebrated for the brilliant appearance of its sides, which gave rise to the fable of its being entirely of gold and precious stones. The fact is, that it abounds in the metal called marcasite, and that from this arises the glitter which is so universal on every part of it.

PENALOLEN, a settlement of the kingdom of Chile; situate in the llano, or plain of Tango. PENAS, CABO DE, a point of land on the

coast of the island of Fuego, between the points of Arenas and Santa Ines.

PENAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru; e. of the capital.

PENAS, NUESTRA SENORA DE LAS, a celebrated sanctuary of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos in Peru; annexed, as a chapel of ease, to the curacy of Huariña.

PENAS, a very lofty mountain of the province and country of Chaco in Peru; on the shore of the channel of Galbán.

PENASCO, SAN MATEO DEL, a settlement and head settlement of the district, and alcaldía mayor of Tepozcolula, in Nueva España. It contains 600 families of Indians, with those of the wards of its district, who are employed in cultivating wheat and cochineal; five leagues s. of its capital.

PENASCO, a small river of the district of Repocura in the kingdom of Chile.

PENCO. See CONCEPCION DE CHILE. PENDELEC, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuenca in the kingdom of Quito, in the district of which are the estates of Lluglúĺ and Quinaloma.

[PENDLETON, a country of Virginia, bounded n. w. by Randolph, and s. by Rockingham countries; watered by the s. branch of the Patowmack. It contains 2452 inhabitants, including 73 slaves. Chief town, Frankford.]

[PENDLETON, a country of Washington district, S. Carolina, on Keowee and Savannah rivers. It contained, in 1795, 9568 inhabitants, of whom 834 are slaves; and sends three representatives and one senator to the state legislature. The court-house in this county is 22 miles n. n. e. of Franklin court-house in Georgia, and 45 w. of Cambridge. A post-office is kept at this courthouse.]

PENE, a cape on the s. coast of the island of Newfoundland; one of those which form the bay of Trespassés.

PENEDO, a large settlement of the province and captainship of Perambuco in Brazil; situate on the shore of the river Grande S. Francisco, 19 miles from its entrance into the sea; and here the Portuguese have the fort of S. Mauricio to defend the pass of the river.

PENEHUE, or PENHUE, a settlement of Indians of the district of Boroa in the kingdom of Chile; on the shore of the river Tolten.

PENENIO, a river of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito; it enters the Putumayo just after its


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