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Barnett, Margaret, leave to withdraw the papers ....279 Barrere, Nelson, a Representative from Ohio...66 remarks concerning the Gardiner Claim and the prosecution of claims against the Government, t, by by members of Congress........111 Bartlett and Gray, proposition authorizing the purchase of copies of the explorations in New Mexico, by..... ..309, 312 Bayard, James A., a Senator from Delaware, 284, 305, 306, 307, 317 remarks on the proposition to give extra compensation to the Superintendent of Public Printing.... ....295 remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Ringgold's charts.........317, 318

Bayly, Thomas H., a Representative from Vir- || Brodhead, Richard-Continued. ginia.......


Beale, Robert, late Sergeant-at-Arms, proposition to continue salary to, and remarks thereon,

284, 296, 305

Bell, John, a Senator from Tennessee........169 remarks on the bill for erecting a railroad and telegraphic line to the Pacific.......221, 224

Bell, Hiram, a Representative from Ohio

remarks in regard to the annexation of Cuba and Canada..


[blocks in formation]

Bright, Jesse D., a Senator from Indiana....245,
299, 300, 301, 311, 312, 313, 317, 322
resolutions by.......
remarks on the proposition to give pay and
mileage to Mr. Yulee
280, 281, 283
remarks on the proposition to give extra com-
pensation to the Superintendent of the Public

Brodhead, Richard, a Senator from Pennsylvania,
257, 282, 305, 323, 330
resolutions by...................257, 309, 310 Π

remarks on the call for information of the amount of United States stocks held in Europe, 310, 311 remarks on the proposition for extra compensation to the Superintendent of Public Printing. .......293 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians.....296, 303 remarks on the call for information in regard to the duties on iron.... ...304 remarks on the proposition in regard to reporting and publishing the debates..........315 Brooke, Walter, a Senator from Mississippiremarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant..165 Brown, Albert G., a Representative from Mississippi

remarks on the tariff.

...55 Butler, Andrew P., a Senator from South Carolina........224, 284, 294, 300, 301, 317, 323 remarks on the subject of a mail and a telegraphic line to California and Oregon.......177, 221 remarks on the resolution relative to colonization in North America... 95, 96, 97, 131, 132 remarks in regard to the purchase of coal for the Japan expedition.


remarks concerning pay and mileage to Mr. Yulee. .281 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians..298, 299, 303 remarks on the proposition for a reading clerk in the Senate. ...307, 308 remarks concerning the printing of the report of the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett and Gray

.......313 .......321

remarks on the proposition for purchasing a machine for voting..... remarks on the proposition for publishing the debates in the Intelligencer...324, 326 remarks concerning the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 274, 275, 276

[blocks in formation]


Cabell, Edward Carrington, a Representative from Floridaremarks in regard to completing the fortifications at Tortugas and Key Wo est..............47 Calhoun, Mr., the opinions of.... Canada, remarks in the Senate in regard to the acquisition of... ....90, 97, 118, 156, 170 remarks in regard to-see Colonization. Canadas, remarks in the House of Representatives on the acquisition of, by Mr. Bell........58 Cape Fear river, Mr. Badger's defense in regard to the non-action of the Senate on a proposition for an appropriation for the improvement

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[blocks in formation]

Chase, Salmon P., a Senator from Ohio.....299,
300, 304, 306, 307, 321
resolutions by.257, 262, 312, 319
remarks on the proposition for extra compensa-
tion to the Superintendent of Public Printing
and clerks..

remarks on the alleged fraud of Alexander Ram-
say and others, on the Sioux Indians....297,
299, 303

remarks on the proposition for the purchase of
copies of Captain Ringgold's charts......317
remarks on the proposition for transacting Ex-
ecutive business with open doors........319
remarks on the proposition for publishing the
debates in the National Intelligencer....323,
326, 327, 329, 330

Coal interests, remarks in regard to the......210
Coal for the squadron in the Chinese seas or Japan
expedition, resolution in regard to, and re-
marks thereon in the Senate, by-
Mr. Butler

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Pearce....

.256, 279

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

remarks, by-

Mr. Clayton......245, 247, 258, 259, 266,
268, 269, 270, 271, 276
Mr. Douglas......256, 257, 258, 260, 267,
268, 269, 271, 274, 275, 276, 290

Mr. Mason.263, 270, 271, 280, 290
Mr. Butler...
......274, 275, 276
Mr. Everett...
....280, 284
Clayton, John M., a Senator from Delaware, 243,
246, 266
resolutions by..245, 246, 284, 323
remarks concerning the Clayton-Bulwer trea-
..245, 247,
258, 259, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276
correction of an error in the publication of the
speech of, (note)..
Clemens, Bryant & Co., leave to withdraw the
papers of...
Clemens, Jeremiah, a Senator from Alabama-
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative
to colonization in North America........156
Clerk, proposition for a reading, for the Senate,
301, 305, 307
Clerk to the Committee on Claims continued...257
Clerks to Committees.
.....290, 310
Cleveland, Chauncey F., a Representative from



Clingman, Thomas L., a Representative from

North Carolina.


remarks concerning the tariff...........31, 55
Clinton, Thomas G., withdrawal of papers of, 322
Cuba, remarks in the House of Representatives on
the subject of the annexation of, or the policy
of the Administration in regard to, by-
Mr. Bell.

Mr. Giddings.

[blocks in formation]

Debt-see Texas Debt.
Delay of public business, remarks concerning..194
Dickins, Asbury, elected Secretary... .283
Diplomatic correspondence, concerning.......41,
78, 250, 255, 291, 303
District of Columbia, the affairs of the........22
Committee on the....


Dixon, Archibald, a Senator from Kentucky-
remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution, relative to
colonization in North America......102, 125
Documents, proposition to continue the folding of,
by messengers...

Dodge, Augustus C., Senator from lowa....283,
292, 312, 327
remarks on the proposition for extra compen-
sation to the Superintendent of Public Print-
293, 294, 295
remarks in regard to the purchase of a machine
for taking the yeas and nays..... ....322
remarks in favor of the principles of the home-

stead bill.....


[blocks in formation]

Douglas, Stephen A., a Senator from Illinois, 243,
292, 294, 309, 314, 323
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative
to colonization in North America.......159,
160, 170, 174, 176

remarks on the proposition for pay and mileage
to Mr. Yulee...


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Mr. Clemens...

Mr. Davis.

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Mr. Soulé..

..102, 103, 118


Mr. Underwood

...132, 177

Mr. Howard


Commanders-in-chief, their position in battle..57

Mr. Marshall, of California..


Commerce, Committee on.


remarks in regard to the acquisition of.....90,

Mr. Borland..............

...319, 320

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discharged from subjects


118, 156, 170

[blocks in formation]

Commercial regulations, proposition for printing

remarks in regard to see Colonization.

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Committee to wait on the President, and their re-

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Exploration, of Africa, remarks concerning...231

of the Red river-see Marcy, Captain.

.245, 326


Committees, standing.....



.179, 323

[blocks in formation]

Davis, John, a Senator from Massachusetts-
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative

Explorations, by Bartlett and Gray, in New Mex-

ico, proposition for purchase of copies of, 312

remarks, by-

remarks, by-

Mr. Badger..

Mr Bayard...

Mr. Borland.

Mr. Bright

Mr. Brodhead

Mr. Chase.

.293, 294, 295





.294, 295

to colonization in North America.......133
Dawson, William C., a Senator from Georgia-
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative

to colonization in North America... 133, 134
Debates of the Senate, propositions to pay the
National Intelligencer for publishing the, 257,
321, 323

remarks, by-

Mr. Chase...323, 326, 327, 329, 330
Mr. Butler.
.324, 326
Mr. Weller..326, 327, 328, 330

Mr. Hunter................312, 313, 314

Fees and costs in the circuit and district courts of
the United States, remarks in the Senate on
the bill to regulate, by Mr. Bradbury....207

Mr. Borland

Mr. Butler...

Mr. Hamlin...

Mr. Houston.......

Mr. Mason

Mr. Pearce....

....312, 314

...312, 313, 314

....313, 314
.312, 314


[blocks in formation]

Georgiana, remarks in the House of Representa-
tives in reference to the seizure and confisca-
tion of the, by the Spanish authorities, by
Mr. Smart

Geyer, Henry S., a Senator from Missouri-
remarks on the subject of a telegraphic line and


a railroad to the Pacific.. .....186
Giddings, Joshua R., a Representative from Ohio
remarks on the subject of the annexation of
Goodenow, Robert, a Representative from Mas-
Grants of land for railroad purposes in the West,
remarks in the House on the policy of, by
Mr. Sibley
Gwin, William M, a Senator from California. 212,
304, 306, 309, 311, 314, 316, 319
resolutions by.........284, 304, 305, 311, 317
remarks in regard to the gold coin in Califor-
remarks on the resolution in regard to coloniza-
tion in North America..100, 130, 131, 132, 133
remarks concerning the proposition for the im-
provement of Cape Fear river... ...247
personal explanation by, in regard to the report
of the Committee on Frauds.

remarks on the proposition for additional pay
for publishing the debates.
remarks on the proposition for the purchase of
copies of Ringgold's charts.........317, 318


Hale, John P., a Senator from New Hampshire,
138, 139
remarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant, 160
remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution relative to col-

onization in North America. 97, 98,
100, 126, 131, 160
Hall, Willard P., a Representative from Mis-

remarks on the coinage bill...
Hamlin, William T., a Senator from Maine, 284,
292, 296, 312, 315, 317, 319, 323
resolutions by. ..291, 292, 309, 311, 319
remarks in regard to the proposition for the im-
provement of Cape Fear river.... .247
remarks on proposition for extra compensation
to Superintendent of Public Printing, 291, 292
remarks concerning the printing the report of
the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett
and Gray......


remarks in regard to the reporting and publish-
ing the debates....
...315, 316
remarks on the proposition for purchasing John-
son's machine for voting
Harris, Isham G., a Representative from Ten-




Holland, Isaac, elected doorkeeper of the Senate,
Homesteads, remarks in the House of Represent-
atives on the subject of granting, by Mr. New-


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Charlton, of Georgia.............205
Mr. Dodge, of lowa......


Houses for the Vice President and Cabinet officers,
the propriety of building, discussed.......22
Houston, George S., a Representative from Ala-

...2, 296, 299, 300, 301, 309
remarks in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia,
concerning the causes of delay in the trans-
action of public business.

Houston, Sam, a Senater from Texas.......243,
279, 300, 309, 316, 322, 323
resolutions by.309, 312, 317, 319
remarks on the bill to provide for the payment
of the debts of Texas...
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative
to colonization in North America...133, 176
remarks on the proposition for per diem and
mileage to Mr. Yulee...


remarks concerning the printing of the report of
the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett
and Gray.
.312, 313, 314
remarks in regard to the purchase of Johnson's
machine for voting..


Howard, Volney E., a Representative from Texas,
remarks on the duty of the United States to take
possession of Cuba.
Hunter, Robert M. T., a Senator from Virginia,
243, 290, 300, 301, 317 319, 330

resolutions by......
.304, 323,
remarks on the bill to provide for the payment
of the Texas debt...
remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander
Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians.........296,
297, 298, 302, 303
remarks concerning duties on iron.........304
remarks concerning the purchase of copies of
Bartlett and Gray's report of the Mexican
........312, 313, 314

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Liberia, remarks in the Senate in regard to recog-
nizing the independence of, by Mr. Miller. 231
Library, of Congress-see Capitol.
Committee on the.....


Lieutenant General by brevet, remarks in the
House of Representatives on the bill to confer
the title of, by-

Mr. Skelton

Mr. Smith, of Alabama......



Lindsay, William, withdrawal of papers of..245
Louisiana-see Sugar interests.
Louisiana, resolution of the Legislature of, concern-

ing the seat of Senator Benjamin........245
Lumber trade, remarks in regard to the......211

[blocks in formation]

remarks on the conduct of the Administration in
regard to Cuba and the foreign policy gener-

Mason, James M., a Senator from Virginia..245,
246, 256, 257, 262, 266, 271, 284, 291, 296,
299, 300, 301, 304, 307, 309, 311, 314, 316,
317, 321, 322


resolution by....,
remarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant, 134,
remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution in regard to
colonization in North America.........100,
132, 134, 159

remarks on the proposition for pay and mileage
to Mr. Yulee

remarks on the proposition for the purchase of
copies of Ringgold's charts, &c.........306
remarks on the proposition for a reading clerk
in the Senate
.307, 308
remarks concerning the printing of the report of
the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett
and Gray
313, 314
remarks on the proposition in regard to report-
ing and publishing the debates..........315
remarks concerning the construction of the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty............263, 270,
271, 280, 290

Maury, M. F., letters from, in regard to the route
to the Pacific, &c....
...236, 239

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