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sociation in the world are honored by the Associations on the Canal Zone. The activities promoted include those usually found in similar organizations elsewhere. Members form themselves into groups and arrange for tournaments in chess, checkers, pool and billiards, and bowling. Anoth er group finds interest in the gymnasium, where boxing, fencing, wrestling, work on mats and bars, basket ball, field and track work take up their attention. Then others find enjoyment and profit in study. Classes are organized in Spanish, mechanical drawing, mathematics, and the Bible. Camera and debating clubs are conducted; hiking, riding and excursion parties in season. The Sunday Club is an organization that takes charge of the various activities of the day, such as arrangements for afternoon addresses, concerts, and in a general way looks after the welfare of men who are in the hospitals.

The work of the associations is carefully supervised by an Advisory Committee, and the Executive Councils. The Advisory Committee consists of five representative men appointed by the Commission, whose duty it is to have general supervision of the work of the organization as a whole. Each Association has its Executive Council. and its duty is that of outlining the policy of the Association it represents. It is composed of representative men of the local Association.

The following men are the secretaries in charge of the work: Wm. H. Baxley, Culebra; Robert G. Goodman, Assistant Secretary: J. Floyd McTvier, Empire: Ralph R. Wolf, Gorgona; L. F. La Rose, Assistant Secretary; M. J. Stickel, Cristobal; F. C. Freeman. Traveling Secretary; A. Bruce Minear, General Secretary.

The Young Men's Christian Associations of the Canal Zone extend the most cordial invitation to all strangers on the Zone to make themselves at home in the buildings, and upon application at the desk a guest's ticket will gladly be given them.

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The following selection is from the pen of the Isthmian poet, Mr. Alejandro Dutary, who has contributed largely in the past to the "Heraldo del Istmo" and other publications. Some time ago the Pilot and Guide requested Mr. Dutary to let it have his favorite production, for publication in this volume.

"Rondel" was his choice.

Al pié de la entreabierta celosía
Templa el galan con manos misteriosas




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Su sonora guitarra, y amorosa
Canción entona, llena de armonia.

Al escuchar la dulce melodia
Deja el lecho la virgen pudorosa
Y asoma su perfil de reina Diosa,
Tras la entreabierta y vieja celosía.

Y mientras el galán con alegria
Canta y toca, la calle tenebrosa
Iluminan con luz de medio dia
Los ojos expresivos de la hermosa
Reclinada en la vieja celosía.


The Union Oil Company of California is one of the largest independent companies which produce, transport,

Piping Oil Across Isthmus.

397 refine and market petroleum in the state of California. It was one of the earliest companies to establish itself in that state and has been one of the first to open up foreign markets for California oil. The main office of the Company is located in the city of Los Angeles, and its principal stockholders and directors are men of the highest standing in the oil industry, as well as in the financial world.

The eight inch oil pipe line crossing the Isthmus from La Boca to Mount Hope was installed by this company for the purpose of doing away with the long journey by sailing vessels around Cape Horn in order to market its products on the Atlantic coast, as the trans-continental railroad freight rates are absolutely prohibitive. The plant consists of a large pumping station at Petrolia, near La Boca, connected by an eight inch pipe line forty-eight miles in length with another pumping station on the other side of the Isthmus at Mount Hope. The actual laying of the line was commenced on April 16, 1906, and completed on October 16, 1906. The company has four 37,500 barrel tanks at each terminal site, making a total storage capacity of 300,000 barrels. The ocean-going oil-carrying vessels of the company land in specially dredged berths on either side of the Isthmus and discharge their cargoes by means of a flexible hose into the company's tanks, and receive their cargoes from the same source and in the same manner. The oil comes from Santa Barbara County, California, and is loaded on the ships at Port Harford, the Voyage south occupying from twelve to fourteen days. Besides supplying the needs of the Atlantic coast, the company purposes to furnish such oil as may be needed to the Isthmian Canal Commission and the Panama Railroad Company, thus giving them the advantage of a very substantial economy in fuel and relieving the congestion of transportation to some extent.

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Panama, although forming the connecting link between North and South America, shows its greatest dimensions ranging from east to west. Broadly speaking, the Republic represents a bent finger, the average width of this finger, 70 miles, being about equal to the state of New Jersey; its greatest length, about 430 miles, three times as great as that state. Although only about one-fifteenth the area of Colombia, and less than one-half the size of Uruguay, Panama compares favorably with many other countries which play an important role in the commercial life of the world. Compared with European countries, Panama is three times the size of Belgium, and more than twice the size of Switzerland. It has about the same area as the state of Maine, and is about two-thirds as large as Pennsylvania. The Republic contains about 32,000 square miles.


In the treaty of limits between Panama and Costa Rica, the boundary line was definitely fixed. Commencing at Point Mona on the Caribbean coast, it follows the Sixola and Yurquin Rivers to the Cordillera, thence to the Santa Clara Mountains, and from there follows the Golfito River to its mouth in the Golfo Dulce. The treaty was signed March 5, 1905. The boundary line between Colombia and Panama is still an unsettled question. It is expected however, that the pendmg treaty between the two countries will permanently determine the limits. At the present time, Panama claims the territory to the Atrato River, which would form a natural boundary, while Colombia disputes Panama's right to take more territory than what belonged to it before the secession, and under the former departmental division. The question is a very important one, and its solution is looked forward to with interest.

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