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Renewal of patents,

IV. 559
IV. 559


Surrender of patents and grant of new

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V. 118
. V. 120

Interfering applications,
Sums to be paid for patents by citizens

of the United States-by the subjects
of Great Britain, and by other persons,
V. 121
Assignments of patents and records
- V. 121
Patents invalid from defective exemplifi
cations. Additions to patent, V. 122
Suits for violations of patents,
V. 123
Actions cognizable in the Circuit Courts,
V. 124
Library of the patent office. Models, V. 125
An act in addition to the act to promote
the progress of science and the useful
arts, March 3, 1837,
Patents issued, and assignments executed
and recorded prior to December 15,
1836, may be recorded anew,
Measures to be taken to obtain patents,
&c., to be recorded,
Certified copies of records to be evidence.
Renewal of new patents. Duplicates
of models. Patents returned for cor-

The third section of the act of March 3,
1837, chap. 43, extended to patents
granted prior to December 15, 1836,
though lost subsequently,
V. 543
Any alien, &c., who may have resided
one year in the United States, may ob
tain a patent on making an oath of his
intention to become a citizen of the
United States,
V. 543
Penalties for infringing patent rights, V. 544
Articles patented, when offered for sale
to be marked,

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V. 544

An act to divide the territory of Wiscon-
sin, and to establish the territorial go-
vernment of Iowa, June 12, 1838, V. 235
Notes of the acts relating to the territory
of Iowa,
V. 235
The President of the United States au.
thorized to cause the southern boun.
dary line of the Iowa territory to be
run, June 18, 1838,
V. 248
Salaries of officers in the territory of
V. 266
A grant of land to Iowa territory for the
erection of public buildings, March 3,
Compensation to the judges of the Su-
preme Court in Iowa, March 3, 1839,

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V. 330

V. 331
Eastern boundary line of the territory of
Iowa to be defined and established,
March 3, 1839,
V. 357

The Legislative Council of Iowa autho-
rized to provide by law for the election
of sheriffs, and of a delegate to Con-
gress, March 3, 1839,
V. 357
Assent of Congress to an extra session
of the Legislature of Iowa, April 30,

V. 657

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When specification has been too broad,
or a mistake made in filing a declara.
tion, may make disclaimer, &c., V. 193
Clerks to be appointed,
V. 194
V. 195

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Annual statement of expenditures, &c.,
to be laid before Congress, -
An act in addition to "An act to promote
the progress of the useful arts," March
3, 1839,
V. 353
Distribution of the Digest of Patents,
September 1, 1841,
V. 466
An act in addition to an act to promote
the progress of the useful arts, and to
repeal all acts and parts of acts here-
tofore made for that purpose, August
29, 1842,
V. 543
Moneys paid as fees under mistake to be
paid back,
V. 543

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VII. 136

Treaty with the Iowas. September 16,
Treaty with the Sioux and Chippewas,
Sacs and Foxes, Menomonies, Iowas,
Sioux, Winnebagoes, and a portion of
the Ottawas, Chippewas and Pottawa-
VII. 272
timies. August 19, 1825,
Treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, the
Medawah-Kanton, Wahpacoota, Wah-
peton, and Sissetong bands of Sioux,
Omahas, Iowas, Ottoes and Missou
rias. July 15, 1830,
Treaty with the Iowas.

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VII. 328
November 23,
VII. 547
October 19,
VII. 568
Treaty with the Iowas and Sacs and
Foxes. September 17, 1836, . VII. 571

Treaty with the Iowas.

Jackson, F. J.

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Resolution censuring the conduct of F.
J. Jackson, minister from Great Bri-
II. 612

Jackson, General Andrew.


Resolutions expressing the thanks of
Congress to Major-General Jackson
and the troops under his command,
for their gallantry and good conduct
in the defence of New Orleans,
Gold medal to be presented to him, III. 249
The fine imposed on General Andrew

III. 249

Jackson at New Orleans, on the 31st
day of March, 1815, to be repaid to
him with interest at the rate of six
per centum, February 16, 1844, - V. 651

I. 96

Recommendation on the subject of jails
to the state legislatures,
Resolution providing for jails in certain
cases, for the safe keeping of persons
committed under the authority of the
United States, March 3, 1821, . III. 646
III. 646
Notes of the acts relating to jails,

Java, Frigate, and Sloop Cyane.

Appropriation for rebuilding the frigate
Java and sloop Cyane, July 10, 1832,

IV. 570

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I. 676

Judgments on proceedings under the act
of March 3, 1825, relating to the Post-
See Courts.

Judgments released.

See Index to the Private Laws.


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IV. 113

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Acts relating to the judiciary, I. 73, 93,
122, 123, 126, 128, 184, 191, 216, 252,
275, 332, 333, 335, 352, 369, 395, 404,
410, 419, 423, 450, 451, 463, 475, 497,
517, 609, 627, 727
Suits revived in the Circuit Court of
Pennsylvania, which were discon-
tinued by the failure to hold the Cir-
cuit Court in October, 1799,
Jurors to be summoned to April term,
II. 3
Time of holding the District Court in
North Carolina altered, (obsolete,) II. 18
Persons employed in public arsenals ex-
II. 62
empted from serving on juries,
Mode of designating jurors to serve in
the courts of the United States,
An act to provide for the more conve-
nient organization of the courts of the
United States, February 13, 1800, (re-

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II. 159
162, 163
Cognisance of proceedings under com-
missions of bankruptcy, and appoint-
ment of commissioners of bankrupts,
II. 164

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Proceeding upon a petition for a com-
mission of bankruptcy,
District Courts,

District attorneys,

II. 164

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II. 165

II. 165

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II. 165

Courts in the District of Columbia, II. 166
Testimony of witnesses in chancery suits
II. 166
may be taken in writing,
Clerk of the District Court in Norfolk,
II. 166

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Terms of the District Court in Vermont,

11. 167

An act further in addition to an "Act to
amend the judicial system of the Uni-
ted States,"
. II. 471
Circuit Court of the second circuit, II. 471
Circuit Court of Georgia,
. II. 471
District Court of North Carolina, - II. 471
The act to extend jurisdiction in certain
cases to state judges and state courts
continued in force,
- II 489
An act supplementary to an act to
amend the act entitled "An act esta-
blishing Circuit Courts, and abridging
the jurisdiction of the District Courts
of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio,"

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III. 413

Courts of the northern district of New

Increase of the salaries of the judges of
the Circuit Court of the District of
Columbia, April 20, 1818, . III. 457
Pennsylvania divided into two districts,
and the districts called the eastern and
western districts,
. III. 462
Richard Peters to hold the courts of the
eastern district, and a district judge,
marshal, and district attorney to be
appointed for the western district, III. 462
Regulations of process and proceedings
in the districts,
III. 462
The judicial power of judges in Alaba-
ma extended to the counties in th
Mississippi territory, April 20, 1818,

III. 468
Original cognisance in equity and at law
given to the courts of the United
States in controversies respecting ter-
ritory and patents for useful inven-
tions, February 15, 1819,- - III. 481
An act to alter the terms of the court
for the western district of Virginia,
February 10, 1820, -
III. 540
An act establishing a Circuit Court with-
in and for the district of Maine, March
30, 1820, -

III. 554

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An act for the better organization of the
District Courts of the United States
within the State of Alabama, March
10, 1824,


Alabama divided into two districts, IV.
An act to change the terms of the Dis-
trict Court of the United States for the
Kentucky district, March 24, 1824,



IV. 11

An act to change the terms of the Cir-
cuit and District Courts of the United
States in the State of Ohio, and one of
the terms of the Circuit Court of Ken.
IV. 18
tucky, April 22, 1824,
The District Court for the district of Illi-
nois to be holden on the third Monday
in June and November, April 24, 1824,

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IV. 19

IV. 22

The Circuit Court of Kentucky to hold a
term on the second Monday of Octo-
IV. 19
ber, 1824,
An act to alter the times of holding the
District Court for the district of Mis-
souri, April 29, 1824,
Sessions of the Circuit Court in the Dis-
trict of Columbia, May 13, 1824, IV. 23
An act to alter the times of holding the
Circuit and District Courts of the
United States for the district of South
Carolina, May 25, 1824,
Notes of the acts relating to the Circuit
and District Courts in South Carolina,
IV. 34

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IV. 34

Organization of the courts in the terri
tory of Florida, May 26, 1824, - IV. 45
An act to alter the judicial districts of
IV. 48
Virginia, May 26, 1824,
An act for altering the time of holding
the Circuit Court for the fourth circuit
in the district of Maryland, May 26,
IV. 49

[ocr errors]

Acts of Congress relating to the Circuit
IV. 49
Court of Maryland,
An act to alter the judicial districts of
Pennsylvania, and for other purposes,
May 26, 1824, -

IV. 50

IV. 62

An act regulating the mode of practice
in the Courts of the United States for
the district of Louisiana, May 26,
Notes of decisions of the Supreme Court
as to the practice and principles regu-
lating the proceedings of the courts of
law, which prevail in the federal courts
IV. 62
of Louisiana,
The adjournment of the Circuit Court in
the District of Columbia by one of the
judges to be valid, March 3, 1825, IV. 94
The Circuit and District Courts of New
York for the southern district to be
held at the city hall in New York,
IV. 101
March 3, 1825,
Session of the Circuit Court at Colum-
bia, in South Carolina, to be on the
fourth Tuesday of November annually,
IV. 124
March 3, 1825, (altered,)
The time of holding the District Court
for East Louisiana changed to the se-
cond Monday of December, annually,
IV. 125
March 3, 1825,


The District Court in the western district
of Virginia to be holden at Staunton
on the first Monday in March and Au-
gust; at Wythe Court-house on the
first Monday in April and September;
and at Clarksburg on the first Monday
of June and November; March 3,

IV. 131
The District Court for the northern dis-
trict of New York to hold its session
in January, in each year, at Albany,
February 1, 1826,
The term of the District Court held at
Pittsburg altered to the third Monday
of October annually, April 5, 1826,

IV. 138

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Notes of the decisions of the courts of the
United States upon the law relating to
commissions to take testimony, IV. 197
Courts in Michigan, May 29, 1827, IV. 200
The times of holding the District Court
for the eastern district of Virginia al-
tered, March 2, 1827,

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IV. 239
The District Court for the district of
North Carolina to be held annually at
Edenton on the third Monday of April
and October, at Newbern on the fourth
Monday of April and October, and at
Wilmington on the first Monday after
the fourth Monday of April and Oc.
tober, March 10, 1828,
IV. 254
The Circuit Court of the United States
for Georgia to be held at Milledgeville
in November, and at Savannah in
IV. 331
Authority to the Supreme Court to ad-
journ in certain cases, January 21,
IV. 332
The Circuit Court of South Carolina to
be holden on the fourth Monday in
November, instead of the second Mon-
day of December, annually, - IV. 335
The terms of the Circuit Court in the
Maryland district to be held April 8th
and November 1st, annually, February
11, 1830,
IV. 372
District Court of Mississippi to com-
mence its sessions on the fourth Mon-
day in January and the fourth Mon-
day in June, May 5, 1830, . IV. 399
The mode of drawing and empannelling
jurors in the courts of the United
States in Louisiana to be conformably
to those of Louisiana, and the judge
and marshal of the United States to
conform to the practice in drawing
juries in that state,
IV. 404
Number of terms of the southern dis-
trict of New York increased to month-
ly terms, -
IV. 422

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Additional Circuit Courts to be held in
New York,
IV. 422

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Salaries of the district judges of New

IV. 422

IV. 422

Salary of the district judge of Massachu-

the district judge of South
borgia, Alabama, and the

of Pennsylvania, each
IV. 422

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