VOLUME V The New REPUBLIC A Journal of Opinion PART TWO INDEX TO VOLUME V NOVEMBER 6, 1915 TO JANUARY 29, 1916 PUBLISHED BY THE REPUBLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 421 WEST 21st STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. SATURDAY, JAN- + INDEX TO VOLUME V Anglo-German negotiation in 1914, 168 Anti-Prohibition Manual, 45 Anti-Suffrage. See under Woman Suffrage Architect, the, 222 Architecture. See Human scale Arizona Anti-Alien law, 4 Mining strike, 304 Ballet, Russian, 271, 302 Bandbox Theatre, 310 Baralong case, 287 Bark, M., 166 BARKER, H. GRANVILLE Letter on H. Smith's "Recruiting in Trafal- Making copy of the war (letter), 121 Barrès, Maurice, 20 Nov., Part II, 16 Barrington, Mrs. Russell, 313 Barron, Clarence W., 20 Nov., Part II, 9, 10 BAUR, Eva E. vom. Man's h failure (letter), 306 help in woman's Bazon, René, 20 Nov., Part II, 16 Wasteful administration, 3 Human scale, 326 A. S. J. A peasant dynasty, 50 Reviews of 7 books on preparedness, 20 Nov., Part II, 12 On British arms in the war, 211, 212 Auburn Prison, 274 Auditing the War, 134 Austria-Hungary, Ancona, 53 262 Ancona sinking and U. S. note, 156 French Novelists in Wartime, 20 Nov., Part Freudian Wish, The (Holt), 101 "Genius," The (Dreiser), 20 Nov., Part II, 5 Guerre et Religion (Loisy), 100 Habits that Handicap (Towns), 282 Happy Phrase, The (Carr), 23 Hilltop on the Marne (Aldrich), 179 Homo Sapiens (Przbyszewski), 150, 251 House on Henry Street (Wald), 255 Ivory, Apes, and Peacocks (Huneker), 20 Nov., Part II, 20 Japanese literature, 256 Jerusalem (Lagerslöf), 50 Laughing Muse, The (Guiterman), 25 Law of the Constitution (Dicey), 338 Letters to a Friend (Muir), 20 Nov., Part II, 24 Mechanistic View of War and Peace (Crile), 228 Nationalism and War in the Near East, 285 Natural History of the State (Ford), 151 Of Human Bondage (Maugham), 202 Passionate Crime, The (Thurston), 155 Plasher's Mead (Mackenzie), 129 Preparedness, books on, 20 Nov., Part II, 10 Ralph Waldo Emerson (Firkins), 230 Reconciliation of Government with Liberty (Burgess), 20 Nov., Part II, 2 Research Magnificent, The (Wells), 20 Nov., Rise of Modern Religious Ideas (McGiffert), Case of American Drama, The (Dickinson), Bowman, James Cloyd, 122 Beach, Lewis, 310 Beer, George Louis, 56, 173, 253 BEER, GEORGE LOUIS America's part among nations, 62 Anglo-German negotiation in 1914, 168 Reply to letter of J. R. Charter, 253 Beggary, 237 Belgian children's letters to America, 144 Belgium, 164 Commission for Relief in, 104, 159 Relief work, 158, 159 Trade, 158 United States' lost opportunity, 290 Vivisection of, 228 Whitlock's services, 86 Bell, Commissioner, 123 Belloc, Hilaire, 184, 235, 251, 280, 306, 307 Bennett, Arnold, 125 Benson, Arthur C., 232 Best, cult of the, 275 neath (letter), 98 Bill of rights, 132 Bimson, of Paterson, 81, 106 Birth control, The Unborn (play), 123 Birth of a Nation, 123 Births, higher rate of better wanted, 139, 252 Bissing, Baron von, 158 Björkman, Edwin, 146 Björnson, 149 Authority, literary, 254 Authorship, 245 AVERCHENKO, ARKADYI. A spiritual drama: the life of man, 10 Aylmer, Gen., 317 Blake, Robert, 13 Blankenburgh, Rudolph, 92 Blockade, 290 Bok, Edward, 110 Book reviews America at Work (Husband), 341 America's Coming of Age (Brooks), 229 Around Old Chester (Deland), 155 Art of the Moving Picture (Lindsay), 201 Belgium's Agony (Verhaeren), 103 Bent Twig, The (Canfield), 314 Brown Mouse (Quick), 129 1, 18 20 Nov., Part II, Civilization and Climate (Huntington), 258 Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke, 177 Collected Works of Walter Bagehot, 313 Duke Jones (Sidgwick), 179 Escape and Other Essays (Benson), 232 Establishment of Minimum Rates in the Tailoring Industry (Tawney), 204 France at War (Kipling), 103 Brazil, 55 Chicago Crime, 7 COHN, MEYER. The classical compromise, 328 Collective bargaining, 217 What is it for? 127 Military training in, plan (letter), 335 174 Egoism in poetry, 20 Nov., Part II, 6 Commerce International, 262 Peace readjustment, 236 Commonplace, the, 125 Compensation, 208 Federal inadequacy, 288 Congress Free debate, 105 Stale, 111 Congressional Union, 191 Conscription, 22 Constantine, King, 117 Constantinople, 55, 261, 317 Constitution, U. S., amending the amending Efficiency, effect of climate on, 258 clause, 4, 14 Constitution-making, 59 Compulsory, 28 Ideal, wrong, 59 Woman's, 219 See also Schools Egoism in poetry, 20 Nov., Part II, 6 Egypt, invasion of? 188 Election of Nov. 2, character, 1 Consumers' League anniversary, 81 ELLIS, CHARLTON. This still gullible age (let- Converts, are they human? 273 ter), 122 Consumers' League, 138 COOKE, J. FRANCES. The French servant in ELLIS, HAVELOCK. Remy de Gourmont, 166 CORWIN, EDW. S. Undefined preparedness Embargo, 291 Dirt and smoke, 158 Etching, 70 Garment workers, 217 The Loop (poem), 226 Child Labor Day, 289 Children, more births wanted, 139, 252 China, 136 Advice to, 64 Foot-binding, 170 Japan and, 157 Christianity, Eastern, 231 Church, In, (poem), 72 Church, the, 175 City government, 96 Civil War Analogy (letter), 251 Present war, parallel, 235 Civilization and climate, 258 Claptrap, pure, 224 Classical compromise, 328 CLAY, WHARTON. Plan for military training in college (letter), 335 Cleveland, Grover, 21 Climate, effects of, 258 CLOD, THE (play), 310 Dickinson, Thos. H., 20 Nov., Part II, 18 Discipline, 122 Ditrichstein, Leo, 74 Dogs of Joe Gone, 40 DOLCH, E. W., JR. American intentions (let- ter), 120 Doty, Madeleine Z., 196 DOTY, MADELEINE Z. War cripples, 38 Douglas, Norman, 178 Drama Books on, 20 Nov., Part II, 18 Modern stage, 149 See also titles of plays Dreadnoughts, 82 Dreiser, Theodore, 20 Nov., Part II, 5 Emerson anew, 230 Mr. Herrick's Empire and Zollverein, 247 England Concession to Germany in 1914, 168 Effect of war on leaders, 90 Nationalism, 62 Opinion of Germany (letter), 280 Responsibility for the war, 170, 253 See also Great Britain Englishmen in America, 290 Enver Bey, 188 new E. S. S. Review of Mackenzie's Plasher's Mead, 129 Eternal Magdalene, The (play), 47 Europe, attrition, 82 See also War in Europe Excise, on munitions, 317 Ezekiel, 26 Falaba, 54 F Far East; Japan and the U. S., 136 Farley, Cardinal, 123 Farm credits, 294 See also Marketing Fear, 117 Federalism, 338 Federation, imperial, 338 Female line, 332 Femininity, 242 Feminism Professional women, 219 See also Shaw, A. H.; Woman suffrage "F. F.," 71 F. H., 251 Biologist's view of war, 228 Brooke (Rupert) and his poems, 177 Drama of the Pittsburgh steel mills, 336 Drink and the devil, 282 Immortal residue (verse of A. Crapsey), 312 Literary criticism, candor in, 254 Permanent war, the (review of Wald's The House on Henry Street), 255 Poet at the movies (review of Lindsay's book on motion pictures), 201 Pole discovered, a, 150 Reicher and the Washington Square Play- ers, 310 Who's Who and Why (Huneker), 20 Nov., Fiction in public libraries, 55 Finance |