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The unprofitable servant. CHAP. XIX. Christ rideth into Jerusalem cause thou hast been faithful in which would not that I should a very little, have thou authority reign over them, bring hither, over ten cities. and slay them before me. - 18 And the second came, 28 And when he had thus saying, Lord, thy pound hath spoken, he went before, ascendgained five pounds.

ing up to Jerusalem.

19 And he said likewise to 29 And it came to pass, when him, Be thou also over five he was come nigh to Bethphage cities. and Bethany, at the mount call

20 And another came, say-ed the mount of Olives, he sent ing, Lord, behold, here is thy two of his disciples, pound, which I have kept laid 30 Saying, Go ye into the up in a napkin : village over against you; in the

21 For I feared thee, because which at your entering ye shall thou art an austere man: thou find a colt tied, whereon yet takest up that thou layedst not never man sat: loose him, and down, and reapest that thou bring him hither.

didst not sow.

31 And if any man ask you,

22 And he saith unto him, Why do ye loose him? thus Out of thine own mouth will I shall ye say unto him, Because judge thee, thou wicked servant. the Lord hath hath need of him. Thou knewest that I was an 32 And they that were sent austere man, taking up that I went their way, and found even laid not down, and reaping that as he had said unto them. I did not sow:

33 And as they were loosing

23 Wherefore then gavest the colt, the owners thereof not thou my money into the said unto them, Why loose ye bank, that at my coming I might the colt?

have required mine own with


34 And they said, The Lord

hath need of him.

24 And he said unto them 35 And they brought him to that stood by, Take from him Jesus: and they cast their garthe pound, and give it to him ments upon the colt, and they that hath ten pounds.

25 (And they said unto him,

Lord, he hath ten pounds.)

set Jesus thereon.

36 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the

26 For I say unto you, That way. unto every one which hath, 37 And when he was come shall be given; and from him nigh, even now at the descent that hath not, even that he of the mount of Olives, the hath shall be taken away from whole multitude of the discihim. ples began to rejoice and praise

27 But those mine enemies, God with a loud voice, for all Christ lamenteth over Jerusalem. LUKE,

He silenceth the chief priests

the mighty works that they had of prayer, but ye have made it


a den of thieves.

38 Saying, Blessed be the 47 And he taught daily in the King that cometh in the name temple. But the chief priests, of the Lord: Peace in heaven, and the scribes, and the chief and glory in the highest. of the people sought to destroy

39 And some of the Phari-him, sees from among the multitude 48 And could not find what said unto him, Master, rebuke they might do: for all the people thy disciples. were very attentive to hear

40 And he answered and said him.

unto them, I tell you, that if these should hold their peace,

the stones would immediately A

cry out.


Christ avoucheth his authority. ND it came to pass, that on one of those days, as

41 And when he was come he taught the people in the near, he beheld the city, and temple, and preached the goswept over it, pel, the chief priests and the

42 Saying, If thou hadst scribes came upon him, with the known, even thou, at least in elders,

this thy day, the things which 2 And spake unto him, saybelong unto thy peace! but ing, Tell us, By what authority now they are hid from thine doest thou these things? or eyes. who is he that gave thee this

43 For the days shall come authority? upon thee, that thine ene- 3 And he answered and said mies shall cast a trench about unto them, I will also ask you thee, and compass thee round, one thing; and answer me: and keep thee in on every 4 The baptism of John, was it side, from heaven, or of men?

44 And shall lay thee even 5 And they reasoned with with the ground, and thy chil-themselves, saying, If we shall dren within thee: and they shall say, From heaven; he will say, not leave in thee one stone Why then believed ye him upon another: because thou not? knewest not the time of thy visitation.

6 But and if we say, Of men; all the people will stone us: for

45 And he went into the they be persuaded that John temple, and began to cast out was a prophet. them that sold therein, and them 7 And they answered, That that bought, they could not tell whence it

46 Saying unto them, It is was. written, My house is the housel 8 And Jesus said unto them,


Of paying tribute

Of the wicked husbandmen. Neither tell I you by what au- said, What is this then that is thority I do these things. written, The stone which the

9 Then began he to speak to builders rejected, the same is the people this parable: A cer- become the head of the corner? tain man planted a vineyard, 18 Whosoever shall fall upon and let it forth to husbandmen, that stone, shall be broken : but and went into a far country for a on whomsoever it shall fall, it long time.

will grind him to powder.

10 And at the season he sent 19 And the chief priests a servant to the husbandmen, and the scribes the same hour that they should give him of the sought to lay hands on him; fruit of the vineyard: but the and they feared the people: for husbandmen beat him, and sent they perceived that he had him away empty. spoken this parable against

11 And again he sent another them. servant: and they beat him also, 20 And they watched him, and entreated him shamefully, and sent forth spies, which and sent him away empty. should feign themselves just 12 And again he sent a third: men, that they might take and they wounded him also, and hold of his words, that so they cast him out. might deliver him unto the

13 Then said the lord of the power and authority of the vineyard, What shall I do? I governor. will send my beloved son: it 21 And they asked him, say may be they will reverence him ing, Master, we know that thou when they see him. sayest and teachest rightly, nei

14 But when the husband-ther acceptest thou the person men saw him, they reasoned of any, but teachest the way of among themselves, saying, This God truly:

is the heir: come, let us kill 22 Is it lawful for us to give him, that the inheritance may tribute unto Cesar, or no? be ours.

23 But he perceived their

15 So they cast him out of craftiness, and said unto them, the vineyard, and killed him. Why tempt ye me? What therefore shall the 24 Shew me a penny. Whose lord of the vineyard do unto image and superscription hath it? They answered and said,


16 He shall come and destroy Cesar's. these husbandmen, and shall 25 And he said unto them, give the vineyard to others. Render therefore unto Cesar And when they heard it, they the things which be Cesar's, said, God forbid. and unto God the things which 17 And he beheld them, and be God's.

The Sadducees confuted.


Christ is David's Lord.

26 And they could not take the angels; and are the children hold of his words before the of God, being the children of people: and they marvelled at the resurrection. his answer, and held their 37 Now that the dead are peace. raised, even Moses shewed at

27 Then came to him cer- the bush, when he calleth the tain of the Sadducees (which Lord the God of Abraham, and deny that there is any resurrec- the God of Isaac, and the God tion) and they asked him, of Jacob.

28 Saying, Master, Moses 38 For he is not a God of wrote unto us, If any man's the dead. but of the living: for brother die, having a wife, and all live unto him. he die without children, that 39

Then certain of the

his brother should take his wife, scribes answering, said, Master, and raise up seed unto his thou hast well said. brother.

40 And after that, they durst 29 There were therefore not ask him any question at all. seven brethren: and the first 41 And he said unto them, took a wife, and died without How say they that Christ is children. David's son?

30 And the second took her 42 And David himself saith to wife, and he died childless. in the book of Psalms, The 31 And the third took her; Lord said unto my Lord, Sit and in like manner the seven thou on my right hand, also: and they left no children, 43 Till I make thine enemies and died.

32 Last of all the woman died also.

thy footstool.

44 David therefore calleth him Lord, how is he then his

33 Therefore in the resurrec-son? tion, whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.

45 Then in the audience of all the people, he said unto his

34 And Jesus answering, said disciples, unto them, The children of this 46 Beware of the scribes, world marry, and are given in which desire to walk in long marriage: robes, and love greetings in the

35 But they which shall be markets, and the highest seats accounted worthy to obtain that in the synagogues, and the chief world, and the resurrection from rooms at feasts; the dead, neither marry, nor 47 Which devour widows' are given in marriage : houses, and for a shew make long

36 Neither can they die any prayers: the same shall receive more: for they are equal unto greater damnation

Jerusalem's destruction foreto.a. CHAP. XXI.


The signs preceding 1 Nation shall rise against na

Destruction of the temple predicted. tion, and kingdom against king


ND he looked up and saw dom:
the rich men casting their

11 And great earthquakes gifts into the treasury. shall be in divers places, and 2 And he saw also a certain famines, and pestilences: and poor widow, casting in thither fearful sights, and great signs two mites. shall there be from heaven.

3 And he said, Of a truth I 12 But before all these they say unto you, That this poor shall lay their hands on you, widow hath cast in more than and persecute you, delivering they all. you up to the synagogues, and

4 For all these have of their into prisons, being brought beabundance cast in unto the offer-fore kings and rulers for my ings of God: but she of her pen- name's sake.

ury hath cast in all the living

that she had.


13 And it shall turn to you for a testimony. And as some spake of 14 Settle it therefore in your the temple, how it was adorned hearts, not to meditate before with goodly stones, and gifts, he what ye shall answer. said,

15 For I will give you a mouth


6 As for these things which and wisdom, which all your adye behold, the days will come, versaries shall not be able to in the which there shall not be gainsay nor resist. left one stone upon another, that 16 And ye shall be betrayed shall not be thrown down. both by parents, and brethren,

7. And they asked him, say- and kinsfolks, and friends; and ing, Master, but when shall some of you shall they cause to these things be? and what sign be put to death.

will there be when these things

shall come to pass?

17 And ye shall be hated of

all men for my name's sake.

18 But there shall not a hair

8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for of your head perish. many shall come in my name, 19 In your patience possess saying, I am Christ; and the ye your souls. time draweth near: go ye not 20 And when ye shall see therefore after them. Jerusalem compassed with ar

9 But when ye shall hear of mies, then know that the desolawars, and commotions, be not tion thereof is nigh. terrified: for these things must 21 Then let them which are first come to pass; but the end in Judea flee to the mountains; is not by and by. and let them which are in the

10 Then said he unto them, midst of it depart out; and let

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