A new covenant. CHAP. IX. Of the sacrifices of the law and shadow of heavenly things, know me, from the least to the as Moses was admonished of greatest. God when he was about to make 12 For I will be merciful to the tabernacle: for, See (saith their unrighteousness, and their he) that thou make all things sins and their iniquities will I according to the pattern shewed remember no more. to thee in the mount. 13 In that he saith, A new 6 But now hath he obtained covenant, he hath made the first a more excellent ministry, by old. Now that which decayeth how much also he is the medi- and waxeth old, is ready to van ator of a better covenant, which ish away. was established upon better promises. THEN verily the first cove CHAP. IX. Blood of Christ above all sacrifice. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should nant had also ordinances no place have been sought for of divine service, and a worldly the second. sanctuary. 8 For finding fault with them, 2 For there was a tabernacle he saith, Behold, the days come, made; the first wherein was the saith the Lord, when I will candlestick, and the table, and make a new covenant with the the shew-bread; which is called house of Israel and with the the Sanctuary. house of Judah: 3 And after the second vail, 9 Not according to the cove-the tabernacle which is called nant that I made with their fa- the Holiest of all; thers, in the day when I took 4 Which had the golden centhem by the hand to lead them ser, and the ark of the covenant out of the land of Egypt; be-overlaid round about with gold, cause they continued not in my wherein was the golden pot that covenant, and I regarded them had manna, and Aaron's rod that not, saith the Lord. budded, and the tables of the 10 For this is the covenant covenant; that I will make with the house 5 And over it the cherubims of Israel, after those days, saith of glory shadowing the mercythe Lord; I will put my laws seat; of which we cannot now into their mind, and write them speak particularly. in their hearts: and I will be to 6 Now when these things them a God, and they shall be were thus ordained, the priests to me a people : went always into the first taber 11 And they shall not teach nacle, accomplishing the service every man his neighbour, and of God: every man his brother, saying, 7 But into the second went Know the Lord: for all shall the high priest alone once every The necessity of Christ's death HEBREWS, to confirm the new covenant. year, not without blood, which that by means of death, for the he offered for himself, and for redemption of the transgressions the errors of the people: that were under the first testa 8 The Holy Ghost this sig-ment, they which are called nifying, that the way into the might receive the promise of holiest of all was not yet made eternal inheritance. manifest, while as the first ta- 16 For where a testament is, bernacle was yet standing: there must also of necessity be 9 Which was a figure for the the death of the testator. time then present, in which 17. For a testament is of force were offered both gifts and sa-after men are dead: otherwise crifices, that could not make him it is of no strength at all while that did the service perfect, as the testator liveth. pertaining to the conscience; 18 Whereupon neither the 10 Which stood only in meats first testament was dedicated and drinks, and divers washings, without blood. and carnal ordinances, imposed 19 For when Moses had spoon them until the time of re-ken every precept to all the peoformation. ple according to the law, he 11 But Christ being come a took the blood of calves and of high priest of good things to goats, with water, and scarlet come, by a greater and more wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled perfect tabernacle, not made both the book and all the people, with hands, that is to say, not 20 Saying, This is the blood of this building; of the testament which God 12 Neither by the blood of hath enjoined unto you. goats and calves, but by his own 21 Moreover, he sprinkled blood, he entered in once into likewise with blood both the the holy place, having obtained tabernacle, and all the vessels eternal redemption for us. of the ministry. 13 For if the blood of bulls 22 And almost all things are and of goats, and the ashes of by the law purged with blood; a heifer sprinkling the unclean, and without shedding of blood sanctifieth to the purifying of is no remission. the flesh: 23 It was therefore necessary 14 How much more shall the that the patterns of things in the blood of Christ, who through heavens should be purified with the eternal Spirit offered himself these; but the heavenly things without spot to God, purge your themselves with better sacrifices conscience from dead works to than these. serve the living God? 24 For Christ is not entered 15 And for this cause he is the into the holy places made with mediator of the new testament, hands, which are the figures of CHAP. X. for the remission of sins. Christ's perfect sacrifice the true; but into heaven itself, into the world, he saith, Sacrinow to appear in the presence fice and offering thou wouldest of God for us : not, but a body hast thou pre 25 Nor yet that he should pared me: offer himself often, as the high 6 In burnt-offerings and sapriest entereth into the holy crifices for sin thou hast had no place every year with blood of pleasure. others; ! 7 Then said I, Lo, I come 26 For then must he often (in the volume of the book it is have suffered since the founda-written of me) to do thy will, tion of the world: but now once O God. in the end of the world hath he 8 Above, when he said, Saappeared to put away sin by the crifice and offering and burntsacrifice of himself. offerings and offering for sin thou 27 And as it is appointed wouldest not, neither hadst pleaunto men once to die, but after sure therein; which are offered this the judgment: by the law; 28 So Christ was once offered 9 Then said he, Lo, I come to bear the sins of many; and to do thy will, O God. He unto them that look for him taketh away the first, that he shall he appear the second time may establish the second. without sin unto salvation. F CHAP. X. Of Christ's perfect sacrifice. 10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once OR the law having a shadow for all. of good things to come, and 11 And every priest standeth not the very image of the things, daily ministering and offering can never with those sacrifices oftentimes the same sacrifices, which they offered year by year which can never take away continually, make the comers sins: thereunto perfect. 12 But this man, after he had 2 For then would they not offered one sacrifice for sins, for have ceased to be offered? be-ever sat down on the right hand cause that the worshippers once of God; purged should have had no more 13 From henceforth expectconscience of sins. ing till his enemies be made his 3 But in those sacrifices there footstool. is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. 15 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after 5 Wherefore, when he cometh that he had said before, 4 Exhortation to a steadfast HEBREWS, faith and perseverance 16 This is the covenant that 27 But a certain fearful look I will make with them after ing for of judgment and fiery inthose days, saith the Lord; I dignation, which shall devour will put my laws into their the adversaries. hearts, and in their minds will 28 He that despised Moses' I write them; law, died without mercy under 17 And their sins and iniqui- two or three witnesses: ties will I remember no more. 29 Of how much sorer punish18 Now, where remission of ment, suppose ye, shall he be these is, there is no more offer- thought worthy, who hath troding for sin. den under foot the Son of God, 19 Having therefore, breth-and hath counted the blood of ren, boldness to enter into the the covenant, wherewith he was holiest by the blood of Jesus, sanctified, an unholy thing, and 20 By a new and living way, hath done despite unto the Spiwhich he hath consecrated for rit of grace? us, through the vail, that is to 30 For we know him that say, his flesh; hath said, Vengeance belongeth 21 And having a high priest unto me, I will recompense, over the house of God; saith the Lord. And again, The 22 Let us draw near with a Lord shall judge his people. true heart, in full assurance of 31 It is a fearful thing to fall faith, having our hearts sprin-into the hands of the living kled from an evil conscience, and God. our bodies washed with pure 32 But call to remembrance water. the former days, in which, after 23 Let us hold fast the pro-ye were illuminated, ye endured fession of our faith without a great fight of afflictions; wavering; for he is faithful that 33 Partly, while ye were promised: made a gazing-stock both by 24 And let us consider one reproaches and afflictions; and another, to provoke unto love, partly, while ye became comand to good works: panions of them that were so 25 Not forsaking the assem-used. bling of ourselves together, as 34 For ye had compassion of the manner of some is; but me in my bonds, and took joyexhorting one another; and so fully the spoiling of your goods, much the more, as ye see the knowing in yourselves that ye day approaching. have in heaven a better and an 26 For if we sin wilfully after enduring substance. that we have received the know- 35 Cast not away therefore ledge of the truth, there remain-your confidence, which hath eth no more sacrifice for sins, great recompense of reward. The nature of faith, and CHAP. XI. its acceptableness with God. 36 For ye have need of pa- possible to please him: for he tience, that, after ye have done that cometh to God must bethe will of God, ye might re-lieve that he is, and that he is a ceive the promise. rewarder of them that diligently 37 For yet a little while, and seek him. he that shall come will come, 7 By faith Noah, being warnand will not tarry. ed of God of things not seen as 38 Now the just shall live by yet, moved with fear, prepared faith: but if any man draw back, an ark to the saving of his my soul shall have no pleasure house; by the which he conin him. demned the world, and became 39 But we are not of them heir of the righteousness which who draw back unto perdition; is by faith. but of them that believe to the 8 By faith Abraham, when he saving of the soul. CHAP. XI. Of faith, and its fruits. was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and TOW faith is the substance he went out not knowing whi NOW of things hoped for, the ther he went. evidence of things not seen: 9 By faith he sojourned in 2 For by it the elders obtain-the land of promise, as in a ed a good report. strange country, dwelling in ta 3 Through faith we under- bernacles with Isaac and Jacob, stand that the worlds were the heirs with him of the same framed by the word of God, promise: so that things which are seen 10 For he looked for a city were not made of things which which hath foundations, whose do appear. builder and maker is God. 4 By faith Abel offered unto 11 Through faith also Sarah God a more excellent sacrifice herself received strength to conthan Cain, by which he obtained ceive seed, and was delivered of witness that he was righteous, a child when she was past age, God testifying of his gifts: and because she judged him faithful by it he being dead yet speak-who had promised. eth. 12 Therefore sprang there 5 By faith Enoch was trans-even of one, and him as good lated, that he should not see as dead, so many as the stars of death; and was not found, be- the sky in multitude, and as the cause God had translated him: sand which is by the sea-shore for before his translation he had innumerable. this testimony, that he pleased 13 These all died in faith, not God. having received the promises, 6 But without faith it is im- but having seen them afar off, |