MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE RIGHT HON. EDMUND BURKE; WITH SPECIMENS OF HIS POETRY AND LETTERS, AND AN ESTIMATE OF HIS GENIUS AND TALENTS, COMPARED WITH THOSE OF HIS GREAT CONTEMPORARIES. BY JAMES PRIOR, ESQ. LONDON: PRINTED FOR BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY. 1824. ΤΟ JOHN WILSON CROKER, Esq. LL.D. F.R.S. M.P. &c. &c. SECRETARY OF THE ADMIRALTY. SIR, AN attempt to sketch the life and character of one of the greatest men of modern times may, with peculiar propriety, be addressed to one of his distinguished countrymen, who is himself connected with that part of Ireland where Mr. Burke spent his earlier days; who acquired his relish for learning in the same venerable academic retreat; who possesses much of his taste, much of his love for the fine arts, much of his literary talents, and no inconsiderable share of his laborious devotion to public business. That it is worthy of your acceptance, or of its distinguished subject, I am by no means vain enough to believe. To render full justice to his various genius and acquirements, demands some of his own powers; no wonder, therefore, if under so illustrious a burthen my pen should break down. But the intention at least may be excused by the admirers of one, whom to remember is to honour; and whom to honour is but another name by which to express our reverence for those venerable institutions, which, as forming the pride and boast of our country, he laboured to defend; and which, through their influence on the national spirit, proved the salvation of Europe in the great struggle now happily past. I have the honour to be, Sir, With much respect, Your most faithful, and obedient servant, JAS. PRIOR. |