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desire especially to record the high satisfaction and gratitude to the Great Head of the Church, with which they learn from the Report now presented, that all the matters embraced in the original Programme, or subsequently suggested by the Committee of this Church, have been maturely discussed, and that the result has been to bring out an amount of agreement amongst the several Committees very gratifying in itself, and exceeding the expectations which were entertained prior to these deliberations.

"III. The Synod, on a careful review of the Findings of the Joint Committee, especially on the subjects of Evangelical Doctrine and the Duty of the Civil Magistrate, rejoice to find, that, on the former subject, all the negotiating Churches unreservedly hold the same Confession of Faitha Confession, with the adequacy of which this Synod is perfectly satisfied, -and that, on the latter subject, the Statement now given of principles held in common, includes a recognition not only of Christ's sole Headship over the Church, but of that moral dominion over the nations which has been given to Him of the Father-principles for which this Church has always contended, and which are very precious to her. In view of this ascertained agreement, the Synod feel themselves shut up to the conclusion that the Findings of the Committee, should these be accepted by the respective Churches, disclose no such difference of principle as would justify this Court in refusing to go forward in this movement, with a view to the preparation in due time of a Basis of Union, and the termination of the separations existing among the non-established branches of the Scottish Reformed Church.

"IV. Since the intelligent consent of the general membership of the Churches is indispensable in order to any real union, the Synod resolve to send down the completed Report to the Kirk-Sessions for their information; reappoint the Committee, with instructions to have the Report, and also the Revised and Completed Findings of the Joint-Committee, circulated among the members of the Church; and authorise the said Committee to confer with any similar Committees that may be appointed by the other negotiating Churches, and to take what steps may seem necessary for the purpose of carrying forward this great movement, which the Synod once more commends into the hand of the All-wise Head of the Church, with the earnest prayer that He would speedily heal the divisions of His Church in our beloved land."

The Clerk of Synod was instructed to furnish a copy of this Minute to the General Assembly of the Free Church, the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church, and the Synod of the English Presbyterian Church.

As it is desirable that fuller opportunity be given for the perusal of the Report and of the appended documents, as also for a full expression of opinion by the members of Court thereanent, it agreed to resume consideration of the whole subject at the sederunt of Thursday forenoon.

The Report of the Church Building Committee (henceforth to be designated the Committee on Church Property) was read by the Convener.


By a resolution adopted at last meeting of Synod this Committee was charged with the investment of the £550 received from the sale of the Kelso Church and Manse. The money was recently lent upon good heritable security, and it will now regularly yield five per cent. interest.

No plans for new buildings have been submitted to the Committee during the year.

The circumstances attending the receipt of the money just mentioned, and the recent disposal of the Church and Manse belonging to another

congregation, have induced the Committee to give some consideration to the conditions on which Congregational properties are usually held. The titles are very varied; but so far as is known to this Committee, none of them provides that the consent of the Synod shall be obtained before the property can be alienated. It seems very desirable that some such provision should be introduced into all titles of Church property; or the object contemplated might be attained in some more simple manner. The Committee recommend Synod to give this subject serious consideration, as it does not seem right that a congregation should have power to dispose of its whole property without being required to repay any portion of the sums which may have been given from Synodical funds for the erection of church or manse, or for the payment of debt upon them. While grants for the support of ordinances may in some measure be regarded as free gifts, grants for building or for liquidation of debt should rather be regarded as investments, in respect of which Synod should be entitled to claim a voice in the disposal of the property for which such grants were made.

The Report was received, with thanks to the Committee, and especially to the Convener, Mr T. Binnie. The Committee was reappointed, and the matters referred to in the Report remitted to its consideration, with instructions to report at next meeting of Synod in regard to them, as also on the Tenure of Church Property throughout the Church—the Committee to consist of Revs. William Symington, John Torrance, James Naismith, and David Taylor; with Messrs R. G. Finlay, John Robertson, John M. Robertson, and James Parlane, sen.—Mr John M. Robertson, Convener.

The Committee on Foreign Correspondence stated, that they had received during the past year no communications from other Churches requiring them to meet. The Report was received, and the Committee was reappointed, consisting of Revs. Dr Graham, John M'Dermid, Wm. Milroy, and John H. Thomson; with M. S. Tait, Esq.-Rev. John M'Dermid, Convener.

The Report from the Presbytery of Edinburgh, in reference to the Church Property at Kelso, was laid upon the table, and read. Synod receive the Report, and learn with satisfaction that for the proceeds of the said property (amounting to £550) a good and safe investment had been found, and arrange for said proceeds being applied according to the wishes of the members of the Congregation of Kelso, which is now dissolved.


GLASGOW, 5th May 1869. 11 P.M. Mr Finlay, Treasurer, intimated his intention of resigning, during this meeting of Synod, the office of Treasurer for the Funds of the Church. The Court learn Mr Finlay's intention with much regret, and appoint the Moderator and Clerk of Synod, with Dr Graham and Mr Hamilton, a Committee to prepare a minute expressive of Synod's high appreciation of the services which Mr Finlay has rendered to the Church, and to report as to the appointment of a successor.

Synod resumed consideration of the Protest and Appeal taken by Rev. D. D. Robertson against decision of the United Presbyteries of NewtonStewart and Dumfries, when, parties having been heard and removed, the following motion was agreed to:-"This Court, while acknowledging that the proceedings of the Presbytery in the case were in form strictly correct,

yet, on the ground that Mr Robertson had withdrawn the paper in which they originated, and that all members admitted to the Church by any of its ministers are admitted on the principles of its Testimony, agree to dismiss the case."

From this decision Mr Kay and six other members of the Presbytery dissented.


GLASGOW, 5th May 1869. 6.30 P.M. The Overture from the Presbytery of Paisley, left upon the table from last meeting of Synod, anent "Proxy Votes and Mandates," was taken up. After discussion, it was agreed to remit the Overture to the following Committee, with instructions to report at next meeting of Synod-the Committee to consist of Revs. John M'Dermid, William Milroy, and J. H. Thomson; with Mr James Parlane,-Mr Thomson, Convener.

The Report of Children's Contributions for the Support of the "Dayspring" was submitted by JAMES PATERSON, Esq. Synod feels gratified to find that this Scheme has been so liberally supported by the children of the Church, and hereby tenders them its warmest thanks; commends the Scheme again to the efforts of the young; and expresses its hearty thanks to Mr Paterson for his devotedness to this work, and for the labour bestowed upon it; and feels that the fact of £1283 having been contributed, during the past four years, by the youth of the Church, is ground of gratitude to the Head of the Church, and will serve to encourage still further Mr Paterson and the other members of the Foreign Mission Committee. The Report of the Committee on Foreign Missions was read by Rev. JOHN KAY, Convener.

The Report was adopted, and the thanks of the Synod cordially tendered to the Convener.

The following Deliverances were given by Synod in reference to the various points brought up in the Report:

"I. The recommendation of the Foreign Mission Committee, that, while heartily approving of the object contemplated by the Insurance Fund for theDayspring,' the Committee of Management in Melbourne be requested to deduct from the £250 sent annually by Synod for the support of the mission vessel, Synod's proportion of the insurance as at present paid, and add it to the Capital Fund, till a sum equal to that requested shall have been attained.

"II. That the question of Missionaries' Salaries be remitted to the Committee on Foreign Missions, with power to decide the question, availing themselves of the suggestions of Synod.

"III. That the Committee continue, as during the past year, to give their best attention to the question of the Slave Trade, as brought up in the Annual Report; that the Government be memorialised in name of Synod; and that no effort be spared to urge the interference of Government, for the purpose of putting a stop to this inhuman and degrading practice. Synod also express their sympathy for their Missionaries in the difficulties which they are called to encounter in connection with this system, and in the injury which may result to the Mission through the feelings of hostility excited by the practice of manstealing, as carried on among the islands of the Western Pacific. They also instruct the Committee, in name of Synod, to memorialise the Colonial Government of Queensland, as having, it may be unwittingly, given rise to slavery, in a very odious form, in a part of Her Majesty's dominions.

"IV. Synod heartily responds to the suggestion of the Committee on

Foreign Missions, that its best thanks are due to the Honourable Arthur Kinnaird, M.P., for the warm interest manifested by him in the above mentioned and other matters referred to in the Report; and hereby instructs its Clerk to forward to Mr Kinnaird a copy of this Minute, together with Extract from the Report laid this evening on their table."

The Committee was reappointed, consisting of Revs. John M'Dermid, William Symington, George Clazy, John H. Thomson, David Taylor, Dr Graham, Dr Goold, John Torrance, James Naismith, John Kay,—Rev. Samuel B. Stevenson, of Milford, Ireland, Honorary Member; with Messrs R. G. Finlay, M. S. Tait, James Paterson, and Thomas Binnie,-Rev. John Kay, Convener and Secretary.

Synod proceeded to hear David Macrae, Esq., whose commission from the American Missionary Association was laid upon the table, and read. After hearing Mr Macrae, Synod unanimously agreed to the following Resolutions:

"I. That Synod, having respect to the historical position which the Reformed Presbyterian Churches in America, and in this country, have from the first taken up in reference to slavery, cannot but sympathise in the object for which Mr Macrae has appeared, and expresses its thankfulness to God that, even though it has been by a war unparalleled in the history of the world, the fetters have been struck from off four millions of their coloured brethren, and the prospect opened up of their social and religious amelioration.

"II. That Synod has listened with deep interest to the account which Mr Macrae has given of the operations of the Missionary Association of America among the Freedmen, and heartily sympathises with that Association in its labours, and commends its operations to the blessing and favour of Him who of old brought His chosen people out of bondage.

"III. That Synod rejoices to learn that, through the education of the freed black population of America, the prospect is afforded, that they who were so long in bondage will be enabled to discharge, for the good of the Church, the duties of Christian membership, and, for the good of the State, the duties of good and useful citizens.

"IV. That Synod recommends to the prayers and to the liberality of the Church the cause which the Missionary Association of America seeks to promote, and, in order to the better outcarrying of this Resolution, remits to its Foreign Mission Committee to take such steps as may secure some of the objects suggested by Mr Macrae.

"V. That Synod tenders, through its Moderator, its cordial thanks for the very able, interesting, and eloquent address delivered by Mr Macrae in advocacy of the operations of the above mentioned Missionary Association of America."

The Moderator, accordingly, conveyed from the chair to Mr Macrae the thanks of Synod.


GLASGOW, 6th May 1869. 10 A.M. Conference upon the state of religion throughout the Church was then entered upon. At the close of the conference, it was agreed to record satisfaction with the conversation held; and appoint a Committee to consider the whole question of Synodical conferences, the manner in which they should be conducted, and the subjects upon which they should enter, together with the circumstances in which they should be held-the Committee to consist of Revs. Mr Martin, Mr Robt. Naismith, Mr Thomas Easton, and Mr Edgar,--Mr Martin, Convener.

Rev. John Edgar reported for the deputation appointed last year to visit the Eastern Reformed Presbyterian Synod of Ireland, and introduced the Rev. Mr Stevenson, deputy from that Synod, who addressed the Court. Synod having heard the Rev. Mr Stevenson, the deputy from the sister Church in Ireland, resolved to record-1. Their continued and unabated sympathy with the brethren in Ireland, and their deep sense of the importance of their labours amid the peculiar difficulties by which they are surrounded. 2. Their thanks to Mr Stevenson for his interesting address, and their desire that he should convey their fraternal greetings to the Church which he represents, and the expression of their most fervent desires for the prosperity and comfort of that Church in the work of the Lord. At the same time, Synod record their thanks to the Eastern Reformed Presbyterian Synod for the interest they have expressed in the Mission to the New Hebrides, in their agreeing to send contributions to its funds, and desire Mr Stevenson to report accordingly to his brethren; and nominates Mr Stevenson an honorary member of their Foreign Mission Committee.

Synod also instructs the Secretary of the Foreign Mission Committee to take steps for affording to the Eastern Synod in Ireland all the information possible, in reference to this Church's Foreign Mission operations. They also appoint the Moderator and Rev. Mr M'Kenna as a deputation to the next meeting of the Eastern Reformed Presbyterian Synod of Ireland. Synod resumed consideration of the Report on Union, when the motion and resolutions tabled on this subject were unanimously adopted, and the Clerk instructed to forward copies of the same to the General Assembly of the Free Church, to the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church, and to the Synod of the English Presbyterian Church.

The Committee was reappointed-to consist of the following ministers and elders, viz. :-Revs. Dr Graham, Dr Goold, John_M'Dermid, Thomas Martin, William Symington, Dr Binnie, John Kay, George Clazy, M. G. Easton, and John H. Thomson, Ministers; with Messrs J. M. Symington, M. S. Tait, Matthew Fairley, Thomas Rowatt, George M'Kie, and James Knox, Ruling Elders,-Dr Goold, Convener.

The Convener of the Committee appointed to consider Formula for Admission of Members, gave in the Report of the Committee. The Report was received, and thereafter "a Memorial anent the Terms of Communion," transmitted by the Presbytery of Paisley; Overture from United Presbyteries of Newton-Stewart and Dumfries, anent Synod's Committee on Terms of Communion; and a Petition from Mr James Robertson, anent Terms of Communion, were read. As the hour of adjournment is so near that it would not be possible to dispose of the Report and other papers now read, it was agreed to resume consideration of these at the forenoon sederunt of to-morrow.

The Convener of the Home Mission Committee (Rev. JOHN M'DERMID) gave in the Report of the Committee.

The Report was received, with thanks to the Convener and Committee. The Committee was reappointed-to consist of Revs. John M'Dermid, Andrew Symington, John Edgar, William Milroy, David Taylor, and Charles N. M'Caig; with Messrs John Robertson, James Reid, and Matthew Fairley,-Rev. John M'Dermid, Convener.


GLASGOW, 6th May 1869. 6.30 P.M.

It was agreed that the Public Collections appointed by Synod for this year be the following, viz. :-For Ministerial Support Fund, on first Sab

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