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General Solignac demanded that a commission of five members should wait upon his Majesty, and declare personally the urgency of his decision; but he retracted his proposition, upon information received of the forthcoming message, and agreed to protract the demand for one hour: in other words consented, that Napoleon should wear the crown for an hour longer, and should have the opportunity of resigning that which should otherwise be snatched from him. The Prince of Eckmülh then appeared, and read an extract from a dispatch from the Duke of Dalmatia, purporting that the guard had rallied at Avesnes, and that Marshal Grouchy had beaten the remainder of the Prussian army on the 18th; so that the forces on the frontier amounted to 60,000 men, to which might be added 10,000 more, with some cavalry, and 100 pieces of cannon. He continued, by saying, "that a declaration of treason against every " national guard, or soldier of the line, who " should desert his colours, might yet save the "country." A member asked if it was true, that the light troops of the allies were advanced as far as Laon. The marshal denied the fact; and repeated his fidelity to the nation. At eleven the sitting adjourned, but was resumed at twelve. At one o'clock, the Dukes of Otranto and Vicenza, the Prince d'Eckmülh, and Count Carnot were introduced: the president then arose, and looking towards the galleries, said, "I am about " to read an important act, which is communicat"ed to me by his Majesty's ministers. I beg to "remind you of the regulation, which forbids "all sign of disapproval or approbation." He then proceeded thus.

Declaration to the French People. "Frenchmen!-In beginning the war to sus"tain the national independence, I reckoned " upon the union of all efforts and of all inclina"tions, and upon the concurrence of all the na"tional authorities. I had sufficient foundation " in hoping for success, and I braved all the de"clarations of the potentates against me. Cir"cumstances appear to me to be changed. I " offer myself as a sacrifice to the hate of the " enemies of France. I pray that their declara" tions may prove sincere, and that their real ob"ject of attack has been myself alone. My " political life is come to a close, and I proclaim


my son, under the title of Napoleon the Second, "Emperor of the French. The present ministers " will form provisionally a council of govern. "ment. The interest which I feel for my son " induces me to invite the chambers to organize

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a regency, by a law, and without delay. Unite

"all of you, if you would consult the public "safety, and if you would remain an indepen

"dent nation.



The abdication of Napoleon was heard with respectful silence. Although expected, it was cheerfully received by such members as doubted of the result of their efforts, and dreaded the resolution of the Emperor. It was known that two of their body had entered the Elysée on the afternoon of the day before, and had delivered their opinion of the necessity of this measure. It was known that Napoleon had defied the chambers to force him to such a step, and had declared that he had means of resistance, and would employ them. Add to this, that many members had received notification, by letter, that a thirteenth Vendemiere, or an eighteenth Brumaire, was in contemplation; and their dissolution, and perhaps destruction, already resolved upon at the palace. The national guard was in the hands of officers of the line; troops were crowding to Paris; the federates might rise; and a civil war in the capital might be the only hope and resource of the national representation. It is not, then, to be wondered at, that this apparently spontaneous resignation should be hailed with pleasure by the representatives, and should have extorted from them sentiments of gratitude for an act which allayed their fear, and confirmed their authority.

The Duke of Otranto was the first to break silence; he reminded the chamber, that in the negotiations which might ensue they could not forget to stipulate for the interests of him whỏ had for so many years presided over the destinies of their country; and M. Dupin, pronouncing the abdication to be grand and generous, and worthy of the national gratitude, proposed resolutions, one of which declared, that the commissioners who should treat immediately with the allies, should, in securing the rights and independence of the nation, stipulate particularly for the inviolability of the person of Napoleon. The propositions of M. Dupin were to this effect. "The "chamber of representatives accepts the abdica" tion of Napoleon Bonaparte, and declares the "throne vacant until the declaration of the will " of the nation. The chamber places his person "under the safeguard of the national honour. "The chamber of representatives declares itself " a constituent assembly to form a constitution. "The chamber will form commissioners out of " its body to treat with the allies. The provisional government is to be composed of the present

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"ministers and a commission chosen in the "chamber. Marshal Macdonald is named gene" ralissimo, provisionally, of the army and navy; "General Lafayette commander in chief of the " national guard of Paris, and Marshal Oudinot " second in command." These proposals seemed to overthrow the new dynasty at once; and a M. Garreau read the sixty-seventh article of the constitution as a reply to them; which was more strongly enforced by M. Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely, who, in an eloquent and affecting speech, demanded, not as a minister, which he was no longer, but as a representative, "some "expressions of national gratitude toward the " man who was yesterday at the head of the na"tion; whom they had proclaimed Great; whom " posterity would judge; who being clothed by "the people with sovereign power, had restored * it to that people without reserve, without any " personal condition." He proposed, and the assembly adopted the proposition, "that the pre"sident and his vice-presidents and secretaries " should repair to Napoleon to express to him, in "the name of the nation, the gratitude and re"spect with which the chamber accepted the "noble sacrifice which he has made for the in"dependence and happiness of France; and, "secondly, that a commission of five members,

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