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vessel to be put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her sufficiency and that of her equipment.

are owners, and


served in regard to boilers heretofore made, unless the proportion between such boilers and the cylin ders, or some other cause, renders it manifest that Second. They shall also inspect the boilers of such its application would he unjust, in winch cases ine steamers before the same shall be used, and once inspectors may depart from these rules, if it can in every year thereafter, subjecting them to a hy-be done with safety; but in no case shall the workdrostatic pressure, the limit to which, not exceeding pressure allowed exceed the hydrostatic test. ing one hundred and sixty-five pounds to the square and no valve under any circumstances shall be inch for high-pressure boilers, may be prescribed onded or so managed in any way as to subject a by the owner or the master, and shall satisfy them-boiler to a greater pressure than the amount a lowselves by examination and experimental trials that ed by the inspectors, nor shall any boiler or pipe the boilers are well nude, of good and suitable be approved which is made in whole or in part of material; that the openings for the passage of bad imaterial, or is unsafe in its form, or dangerous water and steam respectively, and all pipes and from defective workmanship, age, use, or any other tubes exposed to heat, are of proper dimensione, cause. and free from obstruction; that the spaces between Fourth. That, when the inspection in detail is the flues are sufficient, and that the fire line of the completed, and the inspectors approve of the vesfurnace is below the prescribed water line of the sel and her equipment throughout, they shall make boilers; and that such boilers, and the machinery, and subscribe a certificate to the collector of the and the appurtenances, may be safely employed in district, substantially as follows:the service proposed in the written application, State of, District of without peril to life; and shall also satisfy them Application having been made in writing by selves that the safety-valves are of suitable dimento the subscribers, inspectors for said sions, sufficient in number, well arranged, and in-district, to examine the steamer of good working order (one of which may, if neces-whereof sary in the opinion of the inspectors to secure safety, master, we, having performed that service, now, be taken wholly from the control of all persons en on this -, anno Domini yayed in naviyating such vessel); that there is a suitado certify that she was built in the year— ble number of gauge-cocks properly inserted, and all respects stanchi, seaworthy, and in good consuitable water-guage and steam-guage, indicating dition for navigation, having suitable means of esthe hight of the water and the pressure of the steam; cape, in case of accident, from the main to the that in or upon the outside flue of each outside high upper deck; that she is provided with hereinsert pressure boiler, there is placed alloyed metals, fusi- the number of state-rooms and berths for cabin pasble by the heat of the boiler when raised to the high-sengers, the number of berths for deck or other est working pressure allowed, and that in or upon classes of passengers, the number of passengers of the top of the flues of all other high-pressure boilers each class for whom she has accommodations, and in the steamer such alloyed metals are placed as in case of steamers sailing to or from any Euroaforesaid, fusing at ten pounds greater pressure rean port, or any port on the Atlantic or Pacific, a than said metals on the outside boilers, thereby in distauce of one thousand miles or upward, the each case letting steam escape; and that adequate number of each she is permitted to carry; and in and certain provision is made for an ample supply case of a steamer sailing to any other port, a disof water to feed the boilers at all times, whether tance of five hundred miles or upward, the num. such vessel is in motion or not; so that in high-ber of deck passengers she is permitted to carry; pressure boilers the water shall not be less than tour inshes above the flue: Provided, however, in steamers hereafter supplied with new high-pressure boilers, if the alloy fuses on the outer boilers ut a pressure of ten pounds exceeding the working pressure allowed, and at twenty pounds above said pressure on the inner boilers it shall be a sufficient Compliance with this act.

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also the number of boilers, and the form, dimen sions, and material of which each boiler is made, the thickness of the metal, and when made, if after this act takes effect, and of iron, whether they are such in all respects as the act requires, whether each boiler has been tried by hydrostatic test, the amount of pressure to the square inch in pounds applied to it, whether the amount allowed as the mximum working power was determined by the rule prescribed by this act, if not the reason for a departure from it; also the number of sufety-valves

Third. That, in subjecting to the hydrostatic test aforesaid, high-pressure boilers, the inpectors shail assume one hundred and ten pounds to be square juch as the maximum pressure allowable as a work-required, their capacity, the load prescribed for ing power for a new boiler forty-two inches in each valve, how many are left in the control of the diameter, made of inspected iron plates, at least persons navigating the vessel, whether one is one fourth of an inch thick, in the best manner, and withdrawn and the manner of securing it against of the quality herein required, and shall rate the interference; also the number and dimensions of working power of all high-pressure boilers, ac- supply pipes, and whether they and the other means cording to their strength compared with: this provided are sufficient at all times, and under all standard; and in all cases the test applied shall ex- circunstances, when in good order, to keep the ceed the working power allowed in the ratio of water up four inches at least above the top of the one hundred and sixty-five to one hundred and ten, flue; also the number and dimensions of the steamand no high-pressure boilers hereafter made, shall pipes, the number and kind of engines, the dimenbe rated above this standard; and in subjecting sions of their cylinders, the number and capacity low-pressure boilers to the test aforesaid, the in- of the forcing-pumps, and how worked; the numispectors shall allow as a working power of each ber and kind of gauge-cocks, water and steam now boiler, a pressure of only three-fourths the gauges, where situate, and how secured; also the number of pounds to the square inch to which it inanner of using alloyed metals and the pressure shall have been subjected by the hydrostatic test, at which they are known by the inspectors to fuse; and found to be sufficient therefor, using the water the equipments for the extinguishment of fires, inin such tests at a temperature not exceeding sixty clud ng hose, fire-buckets, and axes; the provisions degrees Fahrenheit; but should such inspectors be for saving life in case of accident, including boats, of the opinion that said boiler, by reason of its con- life-preservers, and substitutes therefor, where struction or material, will not safely allow so high kept, and all other provisions made on board for a working pressure, they may fix the working the security of the lives of passengers.] And we pressure at less than three-fourths of said test pres- further certify, that the equipment of the vessel Bure, and no low-pressure boiler hereafter made. throughout, including pipes. pumps, and other shall be rated in its working pressure above the means to keep the water up to the point aforesaid, atoresaid standard; the same rules shall be ob-hose, boats, life-preservers, and other things. is in


conformity with the provisions of law, and that their doings in the premises, and such supervising we declare it to be our deliberate conviction, inspector may revoke the decision of such local founded upon the inspection which we have made, board of inspectors, and license such pilot or en that the vessel may be employed as a steamer upon gineer; and like proceedings, upon the same con the waters pathed in the application, without peril ditions, may be had by the master or owner of any to life from any imperfection of form, materials, such vessel, or of any steamboat boiler, for which workmanship, or arrangement of the several parts, the said local board shall have refused, upon inor from 8e or use. And we further certify that spection, to give a certificate of approva), or shall said vessel is to run within the following limite, to have notified such master or owner of any repairs wit: From to and back, touching at necessary after such certificate has been granted. intermediate places. Tenth. It shall be unlawful for any person to em And which certificate shall be verified by the ploy, or any person to serve as engineer or pinot, oaths of the inspectors signing it, before a person on any such vessel, who is not licensed by the incompetent by law to administer oaths. And inspectors; and any one so offending shall forfeit one case the said inspectors do not grant a certificate hundred dollars for each offence: Provided, however, of approval, they shall state, in writing, and sign That if a vessel leaves her port with a complement the same, their reasons for their disapproval. of engineers and pilots, and on her voyage is deFifth. Upon the application of the master or prived of their services, or the services of any of owner of any steamer employed in the carriage of them, without the consent, fault, or collusion of passengers, for a license to carry gunpowder, oil the master, owner, or any one interested in the of turpentine, oil of vitriol, camphine, or other ex-vessel, the deficiency may be temporarily supplied, plosive barning fluids and materials which ignite until others, licensed, can be obtained. by friction, or either of them, the inspectors shall Eleventh. In addition to the annual inspection, it examine such vessel, and if they find that she is shall be the duty of said board to examine seasonprovided with chests or safes composed of metal,ably steamers arriving and departing, so often as or entirely lined therewith, or one or more apart to enable them to detect any neglect to comply with ments thoroughly lined with metal at a secure dis-the requirements of law, and also any defects or tance from any fire, they may grant a certificate to imperfections becoming apparent after the inspecthat effect, authorizing such vessel to carry as tion aforesaid, and tending to render the navigation freight any of the articles aforesaid, those of each of the vessel unsafe, which service may be per description to be secured in such chest, safe, or formed by one of the board: and if he shall disapartment, containing no other article, and carried cover an omission to comply with the law, or that at a distance from any fire to be specified in the cer- repairs have become necessary to make the vessel tificate; any certificate may be annulled at any time safe, he shall at once notify the master, stating in by the inspectors, upon proof that any of the pro-the notice what is required; and if the master visions of this act have been violated. deems the requirements unreasonable or unnecesSixth. The said inspectors shall keep a regular sary, he may take the opinion of the board thereon, record of certificates of inspections of vessels, and if dissatisfied with the decision of such board, their boilers, engines, and machinery, whether of may apply for a re-examination of the case to the approval or disapproval, and when recorded, the supervising inspector, as is hereinbefore provided; original shall be delivered to the collector of the and if he shall neglect to comply with the requiredistrict; they shall keep a like record of certificates ment of the local board, and shall employ the ves authorizing gunpowder, oil of turpentine, &c., to sel by navigating her, the master and owner shall be carried as freight, and when recorded, deliver be liable for any damage to the passengers and the originals to said collector; they shall keep a their baggage, which shall occur from any defects like record of all licenses to pilots and engineers, so as aforesaid stated in said notice, which shall be and all revocations thereof, and shall from time to in writing, and all inspections and orders shall be time report to the supervising inspector of their re-promptly made by the inspectors; no inspectors of spective districts, in writing, their decisions on all one district shall modify or annul the doings of applications for such licenses, or proceedings for those of another di trict, in regard to repairs, uuthe revocation thereof, and all testimony received less there is a change in the state of things demandby them in such proceedings. ing more repaire than were thought necessary when the order was made.

Seventh. The inspectors shall license and classify all engineers and pilots of steamers carrying pas


Twelfth. The said board, when requested, shall inspect steamers belonging to districts where no such board is established.

Eighth. Whenever any person claiming to be qualified to perform the duty of engineer upon pas- Thirteenth. The said board of inspectors shall senger steamers shall apply to the board of inspec-have power to summon and compel the attendance tors, they shall examine the applicant, and if they of witnesses, as in courts of law, and may examine deem him qualified, shall give him a certificate to charges of misconduct or incompetency against any that effect for one year. licensed engineer, and, upon sufficient proof, shail immediately revoke his license.

Ninth. Whenever any person claiming to be a skilful pilot, shall offer himself for a license, the Fourteenth. That the said board shall report said board shall make diligent inquiry as to his promptly all their doings to the chief officer of the character and merits; and if satisfied that be pos-custoшus as well as all omissions or refusals to comBesses the requisite skill, and is trustworthy and ply with the provisions of law on the part of any faithful, they shall give him a certificate to that owner or master. effect, licensing him for one year to be a pilot of Fifteenth. That it shall at all times be the duty of any such vessel within the limit prescribed in the all licensed engineers and pilots, and all mates, to certificate; but the license of any such engineer or assist the inspectors in the examination of any such pilot, may be revoked upon proof of negligence, vessels to which any such engineer, mate, or pilot unskilfulness, or inattention to the duties of the belongs, and to point out all defects and imperfec station: Provided, however, If in cases of refusal to tions in the hull or apparatus for steaming, and also license engineers or pilots, and in cases of revocato make known to them, at the earliest opportunity, tion of any license by the local board of inspectors, any engineer or pilot deeming himself wronged by Buch refusal or revocation may, within thirty days after notice thereof, on application to a supervising inspector, have his case examined anew by such supervising inspector, upon producing a certified copy of the reasons assigned by the local board for

all accidents occasioning serious injury to the ves set or her equipment, whereby life may be in dan er, and in default thereof, the license of any such engineer or pilot shall be revoked.

SEC. 10 u those cases where the number of pas sengers is limited by the inspector's certificate, it shall not be lawful to take on board of any steamer


a greater number of passengers than is certified by for all damage occasioned by such fraud or decepthe Inspectors in the certificate; and the master and owners shall be liable to any person suing for the same, to forfeit the amount of passage money and ten dollars for each passenger beyond the numper allowed. And, in all cases of an express or implied undertaking to transport passengers, or to supply them with food and lodging, from place to place, and suitable provision is not inade of a full and adequate supply of good and wholesome food and water, and of suitable lodging for all such passengers, or where burges or other craft, impeding the progress, are taken in tow, for a distance exceeding five hundred miles, without previous and seasonable notice to such passengers, in all such cases the owners and the vessel shall be liable to refund all the money paid for the passage, and to pay also the damage sustained by such default or de.ay.

SEC. 1. If the master of a steamer, or any other person, shall intentionally load or obstruct the safety valve or valves of a boiler, or shall employ any other means or device whereby the boiler shall be subjected to a greater pressure than the amount allowed by the certificate of the inspectors, or shall intentionally derange or hinder the oporation of any machinery or device employed to denote the state of the water or ateam in any boiler, or to give warning of approaching danger, it shall in any such Case be a misdemeanor, and any and every person concerned therein, shall forfeit two hundred dollars, and may, at the discretion of the court, be in addition thereto imprisoned not exceeding eighteen months.

SEC. 18. In order to carry this act fully into execution, the President of the United States shall, with the advice of the Senate, appoint nine supervising inspectors, who shall be selected for their knowledge, skill, and experience in the uses of steam for navigation, and who are competent judges not only of the character of vessels, but of all parts of the machinery employed in steaming, who shall assemble together at such places as they may agree upon, once in each year at least, for joint consultation, and the establishment of rules and regulations for their own conduct and that of the several boards of inspectors within the districts, and also to assign to each of the said nine inspectors the limits of territory within which be shall perform his duties. And the said supervising inspectors shall each be paid for his services after the rate of fifteen hundred dollars a year, and in addition thereto his actual reasonable travelling expenses, incurred in the necessary performance of his duty, when away from the principal port in his district.

SEC. 19. The supervising inspectors shall watch over all parts of the territory assigned them, shall visit, conifer with, and examine into the doings of the several boards of inspectors, and shall, whenever they think it expedient, visit such vessels licensed, and examine into their condition, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this act have been complied with, both by the board of inspectors and the master and owners. SEC. 20. Whenever a supervising inspector ascertains that the master, engineer, pilot, or owners SEC. 12. If at any time there be a deficiency of of any such vessel, fail to perform their duties, water in a boiler, unless the same happens through according to the provisions of this act, he shall inevitable accident, the master, if it be by his order, report the facts in writing to the board in the dis asgent, or connivance, and also the engineer, or trict where the vessel belongs. and, if need be, other person, whose duty it is to keep up the sup-cause the negligent or offending parties to be proa ply, shall be guilty of an offense for which they ecuted; and if he has good reason to believe there shall severally be fined one hundred dollars each; has been, through negligence, or from any other and if an explosion or collapse happens in conse-cause, a failure of the board who inspected the ves quence of such deficiency, they may be further sel to do its duty, he shall report the facts in writing punished by imprisonment, not less than six nor more than eighteen months.

SEC. 13. Hereafter all boilers of steamboats made of tron, shall be constructed of plates which have been stamped according to the provisions of this act. SEC 14. It shall be the duty of the boiler inspectors to ascertain the quality of the material of which the boiler-plates submitted to their inspection are made, and no boiler shalt be approved which is made of any but wrought iron, of a quality equal to good iron made with charcoal.

SEC. 15 Plates of boiler-iron shall be distinctly and permanently stamped in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, and, if practicable, in such place or places that the mark shall be left visible after the plates are worked into boilers, with the name of the manufacturer, the quality of the iron, and whether or not hammered, and the place where the same is manufactured.

SEC. 16. It shall be unlawful to use in such vessel for generating steam for power a boiler or steainpipe connecting the boilers, made, after the passage of this act, of any iron unless it has been stamped by the manufacturer as herein provided; and if any person shall make for use in any such vessel, a boiler of iron not so stamped, he shall forfeit five hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt by any person suing for the same; and any person using, or causing to be used in any such vessel, such a boiler to generate steam for power, shall forfeit a like sum for each offense.

SEC. 17. If any person shall counterfeit the marks and stamps required by this act, he shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned not exceeding two years. And if any person shall mark plates with the name or marks of another, with intent to mislead, deceive, or defraud, such person shall be liable to any one injured thereby,

to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall cause immediate investigation into the truth of the complaint, and if he deems the cause sufficient, shall remove the delinquent.

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SEC, 21. It shall be the duty of such supervising Inspectors to see that the said several boards within therrespective collection districts execute their duties faithfully, promptly, and, as far as possible, uniformly, in all places.

SEC. 22. The said supervising inspectors shall also visit collection districts in which there are no boards of inspectors, if there be any, where steamers are owned or employed, and each one shall have full power to inspect any steamer or boilers of each steamer in any such district.

SEC. 23. It shall be the duty of each of the collectors, or other chief officer of the customs for the districts aforesaid, except San Francisco, to make known. without delay, to the collectore of all the said districts, except San Francisco, the names of all persons licensed as engineers or pilots for such vessels, and the names of all persons from whom, upon application, licenses have been withheld, and the names of all whose licenses have been revoked or suspended, and also the names of all such vessels which neglect or refuse to make such repairs as may be ordered under the provisions of this act, and the names of all for which license has been ou application refused.

SEC. 24. It shall be the duty of the collectors or other chief officers of the customs, and of the in spectors aforesaid, with the said several districts, to enforce the provisions of law against all such steamers arriving and departing; and upon proof that any collector or other chief officer of the cus toms, or inspector, has negligently or intentionally omitted his dury in this particular, such delinquent shall be removed from office, and eball siso be sub

ject to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense, to be sued for in an action of debt before any court of competent jurisdiction.

hull; and any person sustaining loss or injury through the carelessness. negligence, or wilful misconduct of an engineer or pilot, or their neglect or SEC. 25. The collector or other chief officer of refusal to obey the provisions of law herein prethe customs, shall retain on file all original certifi-scribed as to navigating such steamers, may sue cates of the inspectors required by this act to be such engineer or pilot, and recover damages for delivered to him, and shall give to the master or any such injury caused. owner of the vessel therein named, two certified copies thereof, one of which shall be placed in some conspicuous place in the vessel, where it will be most likely to be observed by passengers and others, and there kept at all times, the other shall be retained by such master or owner, as evidence of the authority thereby conferred: and if any person shall carry any passenger on board any such steamer, not having a certified copy of the certificate of approval, placed and kept as aforesaid, or who shall carry any gunpowder or explosive burning flaids, or materials which ignite by fiction, as freight on board any steamer carrying passengers, not having a certificate authorizing the same, or who shall stow or carry any of said articles at a place or in a manner not authorized by such certificate, shall forfeit and pay for each offense one hundred dollars.

SEC. 31. Before issuing the annual license to any such steamer, the collector or other chief officer of the customs for the port or district, shall demand and receive from the owner or owners of the steamer, as a compensation for the inspections and examinations made for the year, the following sume, in addition to the fees for issuing enrolment and licenses now allowed by law, according to the tonnage of the vessel, to wit: for each vessel of a thousand tons and over, thirty-five dollars; for each of five hundred tons and over but less than one thousand tons, thirty dollars; and for each under five hundred tons and over one hundred and twentyfive tons, twenty-five dollars; and for each under one hundred and twenty-five tons, twenty dollars, at the time of obtaining registry, and once in each year thereafter, pay, according to the rate of tonnage before mentioned, the sum of money herein fixed: and each engineer and pilot, licensed as herein provided, shall pay for the first certificate granted by any inspector or inspectors the sum of five dollars, and for each subsequent certificate one dollar, to such inspector or inspectors, to be accounted for and paid over to the collector or other SEC. 27. If any such vessel carrying passengers, chief officer of the customs, and the sums derived having a license and certificate as required by this from all the sources above specified, shall be quaract, shall be navigated without having her hull, ac-terly accounted for and paid over to the United commodations, boilers, engines, machinery, and States in the same manner as other revenue. their appurtenances, and all equipments in all SEC. 32. Each inspector shall keep an accurate acthings conformable to such certificate, the master count of every such steamer boarded by him during or commander by whom she shall be so navigated, the year, and of all his official acts and doings which. having knowledge of such defect, shall be punished in the form of a report, he shall communicate to the by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or im-collector or other chief officer of the customs, on prisonment not exceeding two months, or both. the first days of May and November, in each year.

SEC. 26. Every inspector who shall wilfully certify falsely touching any such steam passenger vessel in any certificate signed or sworn to by him, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.

SEC. 28. On any steamers navigating rivers only, SEC. 33. The inspectors in the following districts when from darkness, fog, or other cause, the pilot shall each be allowed annually the following comon watch shall be of opinion that the navigation is pensation, to be paid under the direction of the unsafe, or from accident to or derangement of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the manner officers machinery of the boat, the engineer on watch shall of the revenue are paid, to wit: For the district of be of the opinion that the further navigation of the Portland, $300; Boston, $800; New London, $300; vessel is unsafe, the vessel shall be brought to New York, $2,000; Philadelphia, $1,000: Baltianchor or moored as soon as it prudently can be more, $1,000; Norfolk, $300; Charleston, $400; Sadone; but if the person in command shall, after being vannah, $400; Mobile, $1,000; New Orleans $2,000; so admonished by either of such officers, elect to Galveston, 8300; St. Louis, $1,500; Nashville. $400; pursue such voyage, he shall do the same; hut in Louisville, $1,200; Cincinnati, $1,500; Wheeling, such case both he and the owners of such steamer $500; Pittsburgh, $1,500; Chicago, $500; Detroit, shall be answerable for all damages which shall $800; Cleveland, $500; Buffalo, $1,200; Oswego, arise to the person of any passenger and his bag-$300; Vermont, $200; San Francisco. $1,500. gage from said causes in so pursuing the voyage, SEC. 34. The Secretery of the Treasury shall proand no degree of care or diligence shall in such vide the inspectors with a suitable number of incase be held to justify or excuse the person in com-struments, of uniform construction, so as to give mand or said owners. uniform results to test the strength of boilers.

SEC. 29. It shall be the duty of the supervising in- SEC. 35. It shall be the duty of the master of any spectors to establish such rules and regulations to such steamer, to cause to be kept a correct list of be observed by all such vessels in passing each all the passengers received and delivered from day other as they shall, from time to time, deem neces-to day, noting the places where received and where sary for safety; should any pilot, engineer, or landed, which record shall be open to the inspection master of any such vessel neglect, or wilfully refuse to observe the regulations, any delinquent so neglecting or refusing, shall be liable to a penalty of thir y dollars, and to all damage done to any passenger in his person or baggage by such neglect or refusal; and no such vessel shall be justified in coming into collision with another if it can be avoided.

of the inspectors and officers of the customs at all times; and in case of default, the said master shall forfeit one hundred dollars, which penalty, as well as that for excess of passengers, shall be a lien upon the vessel.

SEC. 36. Every master or commander of any such steamer, shall keep on board of such steamer at least two copies of this act, to be furnished to him by the Secretary of the Treasury; and if the master or commander neglects or refuses so to do, or shall unreasonably refuse to exhibit a copy of the same to any passenger who shall ask it, he shall forfeit twenty dollars.

SEC. 30. Whenever any damage is sustained by any passenger or his baggage, from explosion, fire, collision, or other cause, the master and the owner of such vessel, or either of them, and the vessel, shall be liable to each and every person so injured, to the full amount of damage, if it happens through Sec. 37. Any inspector who shall, upon any preany neglect to comply with the provisions of law tense, receive any fee or reward for his services herein prescribed, or through known defects or im-rendered under this act, except what is herein perfections of the steaming apparatus, or of the allowed to him, shall forfeit his office, and if found

SEC. 44. All parts of laws heretofore made, which are suspended by or are inconsistent with this act,

guilty, on indictment, be otherwise punished, ac-effect upon the passage thereof, and all other parts. Cording to the aggravation of the offeuse, by fine shall go into effect at the times and places as fulnot exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisou-lows: In the districts of New Orleans, St Louis. ment not exceeding six months. or both. Louisville, Cincinnati, Wheeling, Pittsburgh. NashSEC. 38. All engineers and pilots of any such ves-ville, Mobile, and Galveston, on the first day of sel shall, before entering upon their duties, make January next, and in all other districts on the first solemn oath before one of the inspectors herein day of March next. provided for, to be recorded with the certificate, that he will faithfully and honestly, according to his best skill and judgment, perform all the duties re-are hereby repealed. quired of him by this act, without concealment or reservation; and if any such engineer, pilot, or any witness summoned under this act as a witness, shall, when under examination on oath, knowingly and intentionally falsify the truth, such person shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and, if convicted, be punished accordingly.

An Act for the relief of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company-Extends the time for the payment of duties on the iron imported for the construction of the Wilmington and Mânchester Railroad four years, taking the bond of of the duties. the Railroad company as security for the payment

SEC. 39. The supervising inspectors appointed under the provisions of this act shall, within their respective districts, under the direction of the SecAn Act to create an additional Land-Office in the retary of the Treasury, take the examination, or Territory of Minnesota-Authorizes the formation receive the statements in writing, of persons of of a new Land District in Minnesota, to be called practical knowledge and experience in the navigation of steam-vessels, the construction and use of the Sauk River District, with a land-office at such boilers. engines, machinery, and equipments, touch-point as the President may direct.


Contingent expenses of Senate and
House, &c.


370.517 50.000

ing the form, material, and construction of engines and their appurtenances; the causes of the An Act making appropriations for the Civil and explosion of boilers and collapse of flues, and the Diplomatic Expenses of the Government for the means of prevention; the kind and description of year ending June 30, 1833, and for other purposes. safety-valves, water and steam-gauges, or indica--This act appropriates as follows: tors; equipment for the extinguishment of fires, Pay and mileage of Senators and memand for the preservation of life in case of accident on board of such vessels, and all other means in use or proper to be adopted for the better security of the lives of persons on board vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam; the advantages and disadvantages of the different descriptions of boilers, engines, and their appurtenances, safetyvalves, water and steam-gauges, or indicators, equipments for the prevention or extinguishment of fires, and the preservation of life in case of accident, in use on board such vessels; whether any, and what, further legislation is necessary or proper for the better security of the lives of persons on board such steam-vessels; which examination and statements so taken and received, shall be trausmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, at such time as he shall scribe.

SEC. 40. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause such interrogatories to be prepared and published, as in his opinion may be proper, to elicit the information contemplated by the preceding section, and upon the receipt of the examination and statements taken by the inspectors, shall report the same to Congress, together with the recommendation of such other provisions as he may deem proper to be made for the better security of the lives of persons on board steamvessels.

SEC. 41. All penalties imposed by this act, may be recovered in an action of debt by any person who will sue therefor in any court of the United States.

Gratuity to Thomas Ritchie..
Repairs, &c., of Congressional Library
Salary of the President.
Expenses of the State Department..
Do. Treasury do..

U. S. Territorial Governments.
Do. U. 8. Judiciary
Pay of Surveyors-General and their

Expenses of Light-House Establish






Do. Department of the Interior.
War Department..








Post-Office do.



[blocks in formation]

















Do. of the Independent Treasary.
Expenditures of Coast-Survey..
For the erection and repair of Marin

For the erection, completion, and re
Intercourse with foreign nations....
pair of Custom-Houses..
Pay of Land Commissioners, Registers,
Receivers, &c..

abled Seamen.. Miscellaneous items...


100,(W)0 399,7.17

SEC. 42. This act shall not apply to public vessels For surveying the public lands. of the United States, or vessels of other countries, Erection and repairs of public buildings nor to steamers used as ferry boats, tug boats, tow-For running Mexican boundary line. ing boats, nor to steamers not exceeding one hun-For Books for Congressmen. dred and fifty tons burden, and used in whole or in For a Branch-Mint at San Francisco.. part for navigating canals. The inspection and For deficiency in fund for Relief of Discertificate required by this act, shall in all cases of ocean steamers constructed under contract with the United States for the purpose, if desired, of being converted into war-steamers, be made by a chief engineer of the navy, to be detailed for that service Total appropriations...... $8.206,7€) by the Secretary of the Navy; and he shall report both to said Secretary and to the supervising in- engaged in the Department at Washington, whose The act provides that Clerks and employces spector of the district where he shall make any salaries do not exceed $1,200 per annum, shall he Inspection. SEC. 43. All such parts of this act as authorize increased 20 per cent., and those over $1,200, and the appointment and qualification of inspectors, and under 81 600, be increased 10 per cent. Al-o the licensing of engineers and pilots, shall take provides that no Senator or member of the House,

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