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pounded fine, and of alum, each two drachms. With this liniment anoint the body, carefully avoiding thofe places which are ulcerated or excoriated, or even too near an approach to them; because the medicine would raise a violent inflammation. Let the liniment lie on the parts for the space of an hour ; then wash it off with a decoction in water of emblic myrobalans, white tamarifk-berries, myrtle-leaves, and pomegranate peels.

If the puftules are dried by these means, it is well; if not, take the whiteft fort of bole (not the red bole), add to it of Andarene falt, and of dry bread crumbled fine, each a tenth part. Make a liniment, with which rub the fkin; let it lie on for an hour or two, and then wash it off.

Now we are to treat of taking off the dried fcales, and crufts, or efchars.

CH A P. X...

Of taking away the dry fcabs and efchars.

Hen the fmall-pox is withered, and the dry

fcales and efchars ftill remain on the skin, ex

amine them well; and to thofe that are finall, and thoroughly dried up, apply warm fefamine-oil every now and then, till they are foftened, and fall off: but thofe of the face are to be managed with oil of pistaches. For the larger fort, which resemble efchars, if you find any moisture remaining in them, cut them off carefully, without any application of oil. And if the places from whence you have removed the eschars, contain but little moisture, it is to be dried up with


foft cotton, as I have already said: but if they contain much, they are to be dried gradually; besprinkling them with the red aromatic powder, composed of aloe, frankincense, farcocol, and dragon's blood, efpecially if they begin to leffen, and fink in ; and with alum and Andarene falt, if they are even with the reft of the furface of the body, and do not fink in: then wait till a new efchar or scab is formed on them. If there be any return of moisture, repeat the fame dreffings. And in fine, when the moisture is entirely exhaufted, then anoint the parts with oil, until the crufts are foftened, and all fallen off.

Next follows a difcourfe on deftroying the marks of the finall-pox.

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Of deftroying the marks of the small-pox.

'HE marks of the small-pox are of two forts: for


they are either in the eye, or on the rest of the body. Now, with respect to the eye, the part on which the fimall-pox broke out, has an opaque whitenefs in it, as we have already observed. If this hap

pens in the eyes of children, or young perfons of a moist constitution of body, and tender skin, it will be the more eafily deterged.

Now, the medicines which deterge the eye, and take off the whitenefs, are thefe: borax, or nitre made into cakes, Andarene falt, fal-ammoniac, glafs, the fcoriæ of glafs, coral, tutty, lapis hæmatites, verdigreafe; baftard fponge, the fea-crab, the dungs or excrements of fparrows, fwallows, ftarlings, mice,


bats, and of the Arabian or Lybian lizard; musk, the fediment of urine; the acorus, ebony, cornel-water, Arabian fugar, dregs of vinegar burnt, myrrh, fandaracha or juniper gum, commonly called varnish, gums of the olive and bitter almond trees, and the milky juice of wild lettuce. It will be best to use thefe, when the patient is juft come out of the bath, or after holding his head over the fteam of hot water. But mild medicines alone, nay the mildest of thefe, are to be employed, especially in foft and moist bodies.

The description of a mild medicine, which removes the white fpecks from the eye.

Let the eye be sprinkled with farcocol, and white fugar-candy.

Another more efficacious.

Let the eye be sprinkled with bastard sponge, farcocol, and fugar.

Another still more powerful.

Take of verdigreafe ten drachms; myrrh, fagapenum, fal-ammoniac, farcocol, of each two drachms and a half; bastard sponge, fcoriæ of glafs, and borax, or nitre in cakes, of each three drachms. Then take of fweet cane ten drachms, and the fame quantity of cornel-water. Boil thefe in ten times the weight of water, till the decoction becomes thick : then diffolve the gums in it, and mix all well together into an ophthalmic collyrium. Afterwards, as occafion fhall require, to this mixture add ebony in an oil bottle. Cleanfe the part affected gently and often with a needle or ftyle; taking care to apply the collyrium frequently, both before and after the operation. And lastly, fprinkle it with the powder of VOL. II. B b


the milder fort of the medicines. But be fure to look carefully into the eye every day. For if it be painted, or look angry, omit this treatment for fome days, and then repeat it; for this method of cure is very powerful and efficacious.

As to the medicines, which take off the marks of the final pox from the face and the rest of the body, they are thefe white litharge, dried reed-roots, rotten bones powdered, baftard fponge, coral, farcocol, almonds, birthwort, the ben-nut, radifh-feed, pumpion-feed, rocket-feed, the flower of beans, rice, lupins, and kidney-beans. On these pour the aqua amurcæ, and barley-water.

The defcription of a liniment, which effaces the marks of the fmall-pox.

Take of the flower of chiches and beans, each three drachms; of pumpion-feed five drachms; of white litharge two drachms; of dried reed-roots three drachms. Pound all together in barley-water : then apply it to the parts feveral times fucceffively, after the patient has received the fleam of hot water, or after coming out of the bath. Then again wash him in a bath, made of pumpion-rinds, dried violets, bran, and pounded chiches, boiled in water: rub him well, and apply the liniment a second time.

The defcription of another liniment of greater efficacy.

Take of bean-meal five drachms; bitter-almonds, fweet coftus, rocket-feed, and radish-feed, of each two drachms and a half: apply it, as we have already directed.

Another liniment more efficacious still.

Take of bitter almonds peeled five drachms; ra

dish-feed, rocket-feed, roots of coftus, and long birthwort, of each two drachms and a half; of borax, or nitre made into cakes, three drachms; of pepper one drachm and a half: ufe them as we have already directed. Afterwards, wash the parts with radifh-water, or with thofe things which we have ordered. And those are the medicines which efface the marks and fears of the fmall-pox,

But in order to efface the pock-holes, and render them even with the reft of the furface of the body, do thus: Let the body be anointed with butter, and well tinged with the herb cyperis, or with its powder; let the patient use the bath frequently, and be rubbed down after it.

Now we are to direct what ought to be given to a patient in the fmall-pox by way of aliment, and to treat of the medicines which have relation to it.


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Of the diet of patients in the fmall-pox.

O a patient in the fmall-pox it is neceffary to give barley-water, prepared in the fame manner, and with the fame art, as that which is ufually given to perfons in acute and hot difeafes. If the fever be moderate, and the body fomewhat coftive, it must be fweetened with white fugar-candy; but if the heat of the fever be intenfe, and the body loofe, pour to it half a measure of the juice of acid pomegranates, pounded with their feeds: but the pulps and inward thin tunicles are to be avoided; for they are laxative. If the patient be restlefs, and cannot fleep, add to

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