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the barley-water fome proportion of poppy. But if the body be very loose, add to the barley-water one part of dry feeds of acid pomegranates, and one part of poppy.

But, if it be requifite to bind the body, instead of barley-water, take meal of peeled barley, and the meal of pomegranate-feeds; boil thefe in the fame manner as barley-water is made, and let the fick drink of this, as he would drink of barley-water either alone, or with bambu fugar and gum-arabic mixed with it, if a looseness should make it neceffary; or with the medicines which I shall describe anon. For barley-water, mixed with pomegranate-juice, is very serviceable in the fmall-pox, and more efpecially in the meafles. But the waters of the gourd, of the Indian pumpion, and of the cucumber; the mucilage of fleawort-feeds, and the like, of whatever kind, which make a mild phlegm, and easy to be fpit up; thefe waters, I fay, are more useful in the measles, than in the fmall-pox; unless it be in thofe forts of the fmall-pox, which are accompanied with a malignity and heat, together with a violent fever and want of fleep.

But in those cafes of the fmall-pox, wherein the fever and inflammation are not fo vehement, those things above mentioned, and others of the like kind, have no other effect, but to render them flower, and to protract the whole courfe of the difeafe: wherefore it will be your bufinefs to have recourfe to this or that fort of medicines, or to abstain from them, as occafion fhall require. For when the fmall-pox happens to be in the highest degree of heat and putrefaction, with the addition of moisture; then those things which have a cooling, drying, and condenfing quality, are more proper; fuch as juice of pome


granates, verjuice, and others of the fame nature,

But when the difeafe is the mealles, which arife from a vehement ebullition of the bile blended with the blood; thofe things which have the twofold virtue of cooling and humecting, are the moft proper in their cure; inasmuch as the corrupted blood is tempered and corrected by their means. For the blood of a perfon, in the measles, is like ftagnating water, which putrefies by long ftanding; whereby its natural texture is deftroyed, and, by the action of the fun, it contracts a vitious acrimony, But if these waters are mixed with rain, or any other running fweet water, they foon recover their former wholefomeness.

Moreover, in the fmall-pox barley-gruel is beneficial, if it be taken with fugar and pomegranate-juice, or with a proper quantity of julap; giving due attention to the patient's loofe or coftive ftate, as likewife to his greater or leffer degree of heat: except that barley-water is lighter to take, eafier to swallow, and more fuitable to the throat and breast. Wherefore, act according to these directions, after you have been apprifed, that barley-water is more proper for perfons in the measles, than in the fall-pox; unless the fmall-pox happen to be of a bad fort, in the manner we have mentioned.

As to the reft, vetches well cleanfed are good in the fmall pox, if a food be prepared of them with the juice of acid pomegranates, or with vinegar: the meal of lentils is ufeful alio, if the meal be wrought up with cold water.

Know likewife, that cold water is more ferviceable to a patient in the mealles, than in the fmall pox; as being fafer, and of a more certain effect.


Now, when you fee the fmall-pox attended with great inflammation, and a ftoppage in the pulfe and respiration; then give extinguishing medicines, proportioned to the symptoms: if they are less urgent, employ few; if very urgent, employ many.

But never allow the eating of young birds, until the pulfe and breath have returned to their natural ftate; nor till the puftules are thoroughly withered, and the scabs fallen off

Let us now turn the difcourfe upon loofening the belly, and reftringing the fame in the small-pox.

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Of managing the difcharges of the belly, in the



HE belly is generally loose in the small-pox and measles towards their decline, but especially in the mealles. For which reafon, every thing must be avoided which opens the body, after the fmall-pox and measles are conducted to the end; even though the body be bound. But if it be lax, inftantly abftain carefully from those things which give stools: although it be neceffary in the beginning of these two difeafes, and before they are on the decline, to give a laxative. For it is fometimes requifite to open the body in the fmall-pox, either upon account of the excefs of heat and pain in the head; or in order to ease nature of her load, and leffen the morbific matter, when you have reafon to think it over-abundant. And it will be really fo, when you find the body, both before and after bleeding, neither weakened nor


wafted; but, on the contrary, bloated and full, with a palenefs, or a little rednefs, and a fluctuating pulfe. For fometimes, in fuch a ftate, bleeding will not be neceffary, and it will be fufficient to evacuate the fuperfluous humidity: and that efpecially, when the aforefaid figns evidently appear; and besides, if, through the fluggishness of the fever, the body be dejected, and entirely void of a red colour. In this ftate, a very proper medicine is a decoction of yellow myrobalans, if it be drank with white hard fugar, and the juice of an acid pomegranate, (two or three, if there be occafion), bruifed with the pulp and internal tunicles. For it is the quality of these two medicines to purge the body of the fuperfluous humours, together with part of the bile, without raifing any heat; efpecially the pomegranate-juice; and to leave nothing behind them in the intestines. And this is the beft medicine which can be given in this case.

But in the meafles give the juice of Damafcene plums, and the plums themselves, fresh gathered, either alone, or bruifed with julap, adding fugar to them. But avoid the medicine called tarangioben *; for it is as prejudicial in the meafles, as honey is in the fmall-pox; both upon account of the exceffive heat which it occafions, and of increafing the naufeating and uneafinefs of the fick. In like manner carefully avoid giving them the juice of ivy, or of the black violet to drink; because they both equally heighten the disorder in the body.

Now, whereas the first and most neceflary remedy

A fort of manna among the Sogdians, Medes, and Babylonians, which concretes on the leaves of certain fhrubs, and is gathered thence.


in the fmall-pox, is to draw blood, when it is too much in quantity, or there is no profpect of checking its ebullition by any other means, even by extinguents; but there is a neceffity for taking a little away, as well for relieving nature, as for abating the fulness of the blood-veffels, and easing them of their overgreat load, which must otherwife be productive of very bad confequences; efpecially if the blood be heated to that degree, that a violent inflammation might enfue in the fame manner it behoves you, in the beginning of the measles, to draw off fome of the bile, when you perceive it over-abundant; and then to pursue what remains of it by extinguents. Now, the fign of an exceffive redundancy of the bile is, the violence of the inflammation, and the uneafinefs, together with the difcharge of the fame bile, both by vomit and stool, and a bitterness in the mouth.

But if the quantity of the bile is not exceffive, and yet there is an uneafinefs, and thirst, and vehement heat, without any appearance of bile, either by vomit or ftool; though its quantity, I fay, be not exceffive, we may however judge it to be of a bad quality, in proportion to the violence of the inflammation and uneafinefs.

And this is what I have thought proper, that you fhould know, concerning the management of the difcharges of the belly, when it is loofe in the beginning of these two diftempers. Now, if the belly be lax, give nothing laxative; for in this case, any thing that increases the difcharges is not fafe in either of the diftempers. But while the belly continues loofe, order the patient, instead of barley-water, to drink barleygruel; and if it be neceffary, boil the barley-gruel

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