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with meal of pomegranate-feeds; of which let him drink, before he returns to the ufe of barley-water. And if, this notwithstanding, the loofenefs. ftill increases, mix gum-arabic and bambu-sugar in his drink in this manner.


Take of gum-arabic two drachms; of bambu-fugar one drachm: reduce them to the confiftence of a collyrium then on four ounces of the barley-gruel pour fome of the medicine which I am going to describe; let it ftand for an hour, and give it to the patient to drink.

The description of the medicine.

Take of red rofes ground fine, bambu-fugar; forrel-feed, fumack, and barberries, of each equal parts; alfo gum-arabic, fealed earth, poppy-rinds, balaustines, or pomegranate-flowers, of each half the quantity: let the patient drink three drachms of thefe, with one ounce of the juice of acid pomegra


But, if the loofenefs ftill continues, and has weakened the patient, give him draughts of al-râib, that is, four skimmed milk, with the best fort of biscuit, and a little gum-arabic.

Finally, whenever a dyfentery appears, the method of cure must be taken from the place where we have treated of that fubject.

Now, it remains, that we fpeak of thofe who recover, and of those who die of the fmall-pox and measles.


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Of the curable and incurable small-pox and measles.


'HE fmall-pox and measles are of the number of hot difeafes, and therefore have many things in common with them. Now, the chief prognostic figns in those who recover, are, a freedom of refpiration, a thorough foundness of mind, and an appetite for food, an agility to motion, a right ftate of the pulfe, the patient's good opinion of his difeafe, a convenient posture in bed, and but little toffing about and inquietude of body.

Hence, a judgment may be formed of bad figns, the greateft part of which we have related in the book, entitled, Almanfori*.

These things following particularly regard the fmall-pox and measles,

When the puftules of the small-pox are white, large, feparate, few in number, eafy and speedy in coming out, and the fever not violent or burning, nor attended with much inquietude of body or concern of mind; and are fo qualified, that the heat, concern, and inquietude diminish upon their eruption, and entirely cease, when the eruption is completed: that fort is curable, and threatens little or no danger. To these the next in goodness are, white large puftules, though very numerous and coherent; if they come out eafily, and their total eruption eases the patient of his uneafinefs and exceffive heat, as we have already mentioned.

*There is a MS. copy of this book in the Bodleian library, Narciff. Marsh, N° 376.


But when their eruption is performed with difficulty, and the patient does not grow better upon their coming out, they are a bad fort: although there is not fo much reason to be afraid, if he should be ill while they are coming out, as if he continues fo after the eruption.

But there is a bad, and even a fatal fort of white large puftules, to wit, those which run together, and fpread fo, that many of them unite, and occupy large fpaces of the body; or become like broad circles, and in colour resemble fat.

As to thofe puftules which are white, very fmall, coalefcing, hard, warty, and contain no fluid; they are of a bad kind: and their badnefs is in proportion to the degree of difficulty in their ripening, and to the continuance of the fymptoms on their eruption. But if the symptoms are not abated, after the eruption is finished, it is a mortal fign.

Thofe puftules alfo are all bad, which turn green, purple, or black. But if, befides, a fwooning and palpitation of the heart come on; this is the worst fign of all, nay a fign of certain death.

And when the fever increases after the eruption of the small-pox, it is a bad fign. But if the fever ceases at the time of the eruption, it is a good fign. Doubled puftules indicate a great quantity of the matter of the disease: and if they are of the curable kind, they portend recovery; but if of the mortal kind, death.

Those measles are the fafeft, which have not too much redness: but if they turn pale, it is a bad fign; the green and purple forts are both mortal. When either the fmall-pox or meafles fink in fuddenly, after

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they began to shoot out; and then the patient is feized with inquietude and anxiety, and a fwooning comes on; it is a fign of fpeedy death; unless they push out again, after they have fubfided.


If the puftules appear on the first day of the fever, they will haften their progrefs, and be of quicker motion if the eruption is protracted to the third day, it will advance moderately; but if the firft appearance paffes the fourth day, the eruption will be completed dully and flowly,

When the appearance begins on the good critical days, it is a falutary fign, especially if the patient finds himself better at the end of the eruption; and fo on the contrary. But when the puftules begin to run into one another, and to spread; and at the fame time the inquietude increafes confiderably, and the belly fwells or is bloated; then death is near at hand. When the smaller fort of puftules, which contain no fluid, grow hard; and a delirium comes on at the fome time; the patient is near his end. When it happens that the small-pox and meafles appear and difappear alternately, and are attended with anxiety and a delirium; this is a sign of death, of what colour foever the puftules are: but it is feldom the cafe of white puftules, or of those which ripen quick. When towards the end of the fmall-pox there is a great perturbation of the humours, and the patient is feized with a very violent pain in a leg, hand, or any other limb; or the puftules are speedily converted into a green or red colour; and thereupon he grows weaker than he was before, and the weakness ftill increafes by the quick returns of the pain, and the limb contracts various colours; thefe are figns of death.


But if nevertheless the patient grows ftronger, he will recover, and that limb will be cured.

Now, if you fcarify that limb the very moment when the pain begins to feize it, you will render great fervice to the patient, if he grows ftronger after the incifion; and the limb will alfo be preferved from mortification.

But, in this dangerous cafe, nothing cooling must be applied to the limb, upon any account whatfoever : but either fcarify it, or plunge it into hot water, if you fee that the patient can bear it.

Wherefore, as we have run over all the articles, which we propofed to ourselves; and have amply enough treated, both of this difeafe, and the method of prefervation from it; we here break off the thread of our difcourfe.

To the beftower of Strength to finish this work, be praife without end, as he is worthy of being celebrated and praised.


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