Great Britain-Continued Commerce and navigation, 1815_ Canadian International Boundary, treaty concerning, 1908- Claims convention, 1896--- Decision of commission___ Claims protocol, 1891--- Claims treaty (Hudson Bay Company, 1863). Award- Claims convention, 1854- Claims convention, 1853.. Award- Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 1850_ Commercial proclamation, 1907. Commercial convention, 1827_ Extension of, 1827-.. Copyright proclamation, 1891_-. Extradition convention, 1842. Deserters from merchant vessels, treaty for recovery of, 1892- Original modus vivendi concerning, 1888, pending ratification of Treaty of 1854.. Boundary and restoration of slaves, 1818_. Geneva award___ France and Great Britain, preliminary articles of treaty between, Convention continuing in force Article III, treaty of 1818. 1:645 Vol. Page 1:8135 1:639 1:766 1:770 1:743 1:688 1:690 1:673 1:04 1:668 1:650 1:812 1:645 1:64 1:645 1:746 1:762 1:650 1:740 1:790 1:798 1:738 1:805 1:827 1:738 1:66 1:631 1:585 Hay-Pauncefote treaty. 1:717 Horseshoe Reef, protocol ceding to United States, 1850-.. 1:78 struction of first article of the treaty of Dec. 24, 1814. Indemnities and settlement of debts, convention for, 1802_. Indemnity for slaves, convention relative to, 1826__. Indemnity under award of Emperor of Russia as to the true con- Joint high commission, protocol in reference to appointment of, 1898. 1:770 1:590 Naturalization convention, 1870_ 1:773 Naturalization, renunciation of, 1871_. 1:691 Naval forces on Great Lakes, 1817-- 1:698 Newfoundland fisheries, agreements by exchange of notes concern- 1:628 1907. 1:805 1908 1:811 Prisoners, conveyance of, wreckage and salvage, 1908_ Portugal, protocol with, concerning arbitration of claims.. Property, tenure and disposition of, 1899_. 1909- Special agreement submitting dispute to arbitration, 1909. 1:832 1:841 1:835 North Atlantic coast fisheries, special agreement submitting to arbi- 1:853 1:835 1:808 1:612 1:586 1:500 1:612 2:1460 2:1462 1:830 1:774 1:776 1:777 St. Helena declaration, concerning-. Great Britain-Continued Reciprocity treaty, fisheries, duties, and navigation, British North Samoan Islands, general act for government of, 1889. Vol. Page 1:668 1:627 2:1576 Convention to adjust question of, between the United States, 2:1595 Claims, 1899_. 2:1589 Decision--- 2:1591 Settlement of all causes for differences, 1871 (Treaty of Washing- ton, 1871) 1:700 Awards. (See footnotes, pages 701, 705, 709, and pages Additional article (meeting place of commission, 1873) Special agreement submitting the North Atlantic Coast fisheries, Trade-marks, declaration concerning, treaty of 1877_ 1:737 Venezuelan claims, protocol with Germany, Italy, and United States, 2:1872 Award___. 2:1878 War of 1812, effect of, on all treaties preceding treaty of 1814, letter 1:580 Washington, Treaty of 1871_- 1:700 Awards. (See footnotes, pages 701, 705, 709, and pages 716- Zanzibar, treaty relinquishing extra-territorial rights in, 1905_. [See under Canada for treaties concerning that country.] 3:2642 Extension for appointment of commission. Nov. 3, 1915------ 3: 2644 3:2636 Arbitration. Extension of 1908 convention. Washington. June 3:2649 Arbitration. Washington. June 23, 1923. Agreement extending 4:4223 Boundary, North Borneo-Philippine Archipelago, delimiting. Wash- 4:4261 Cameroons, defining rights of nationals in. London. Feb. 10, 1925- 4:4235 Intervale. July 3, 1907– Washington. July 10, 1907--- 3:2605 Great Britain-Continued Vol. Page Exemption of commercial travelers' samples from customs inspec- 3:2626 Extradition. Exchange of notes. Extradition between Philippine 3:25 4:4274 Fur seals, preservation of. Washington. Feb. 7, 1911. 3:2629 3:2639 Mexico. Exchange of notes. Protection of mines or mining inter- 3:264) London. Dec. 3, 1924. 4:4227 Pecuniary claims agreement. Washington. Aug. 18, 1910. 3:2619 Schedule of claims-- Terms of submission. July 6, 1911.. 3:22 3:221 Pecuniary claims, exchange of notes regarding disposal of certain. 4:425 Radio broadcasting, to prevent interference, respecting Great 4:4248 3:250 Protocol explanatory, 1837– Reciprocal military service. Washington. June 3, 1918-- Consular convention, 1902....... 1:84 Arbitration. Washington. June 19, 1930_ [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: 1:8% Conciliation. Washington. June 19, 1930. 4:4 Establishment. Athens. Nov. 21, 1936- Customs matters, most-favored-nation treatment. Athens. Dec. 9, 4:429 4:4081 4:420 Reciprocal military service. Washington. Aug. 30, 1918-. 4:420 Guam: Treaty with Spain, 1898. Smuggling of intoxicating liquors, prevention of. Washington. 3:200 4:4284 Extradition treaty, 1903_ Guatemala, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: 2:161 Patent convention, 1906- 1:878 Peace, friendship, commerce, and navigation, 1849_ Property, 1901. Protocol for arbitration of claim of Robert H. May, 1900- Supplemental protocol__ Trade-mark convention, 1901- [Volumes III and IV, 1909–1937]: Nov. 3, 1915 3:2 Advancement of peace. Washington. Sept. 20, 1913. Haiti (formerly Hayti), treaties with. 1:882 1:861 1:56 1:871 1:873 1:875 1:873 3:200 Traveling salesmen. Washington. Dec. 3, 1918. 4:4998 Claims- Lazare and Pellitier, protocol_. Award- Metzger, protocol__. Supplemental, 1900_. Award- Amity, commerce, navigation, and extradition, 1864–. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: 3:267 1:921 1:045 1:32 1:864 1:960 1:96 1:969 1:969 [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: Customs matters, most-favored-nation treatment in. Port-au- 4:4301 Establishment of claims commission. Port-au-Prince. Oct. 3, 1919 3:2678 Port-au-Prince. Mar. 28, 1917. 3:2677 Finances, economic development, and tranquillity of Haiti. Port- 3:2673 Modification of protocol of Oct. 3, 1919. June 1-3, 1922- 3:2682 3:2683 Hanover, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Hanseatic Republics, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Hawaiian Islands, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Friendship, commerce and navigation, and extradition, 1849_ Honduras, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Friendship, commerce, and navigation, 1864. 1:952 Naturalization, 1908-- 1:958 [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: Advancement of peace. Washington. Nov. 3, 1913.. 3:2690 3:2685 Extradition. Tegucigalpa. Feb. 21, 1927; supplementing conven- 4:4305 Friendship, commerce, and consular rights. Tegucigalpa. Dec. 7, 4:4306 Hungary,' treaties with. [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: Arbitration; extension of convention, Austria-Hungary, Washing- Establishment of friendly relations. Budapest. Aug. 29, 1921---- 3:2693 Oct. 21, 1921___ 3:2696 Armistice convention with Austria-Hungary. Villa Guisti, near 3:3529 Supplementary protocol. 3:3532 Application of armistice in Hungary. Belgrade. Nov. 13, 1918 3:3537 3:3539 Protocol 3:3696 Declaration 3:3697 Friendship, commerce, and consular rights. Washington. June 24, 4:4318 Obligations, agreement concerning, Austria and Hungary. Wash- 4:3928 1 For previous treaties with or concerning Hungary, see Austria-Hungary, p. 5664. Import and export prohibitions and restrictions. Signed at Geneva. Industrial property, London, June 2, 1934. Revising convention of Mar. 4:5104 4:5516 4:4945 4:4959 Institute of agriculture. Rome. Apr. 21, 1926. Revising convention International air navigation. Warsaw. Oct. 12, 1929. General mul- 4:4841 4:5250 4:4677 International trade in arms, ammunition, and implements of war. International commissions of inquiry, establishment of. Washington. 4:5531 3:2885 Ge- Costa Rica, protocol with, 1900_. Interoceanic canal, treaties concerning. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: 4:4906 1:312 1:351 Extradition. Baghdad. June 7, 1934___. Inventions, patents, designs, and industrial models; protection of; 1:957 Arbitration convention, 1908__. Italy, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Rights of the United States and its nationals in Iraq. London. 4:4378 4:4335 Commercial agreement, 1900__. Commerce and navigation, 1871- 1:992 1:969 Consular convention, 1868__. Supplementary commercial agreement, 1909. 1:987 1:004 Consular convention, 1878_. Additional article, Feb. 8, 1868- 1:961 1:966 1881. 1:977 Copyright proclamation, 1892_ 1:93 1884_. Trade-marks, in China, 1905. Morocco, 1903.......... Award- Extradition convention, 1868. Additional article, 1869_ Trade-marks, declaration concerning, 1882. Venezulean claims, protocol with Germany, Great Britain, and Arbitration. Extension of duration. Washington. May 28, 1913 3:270 Arbitration. Extension of duration. Washington, Mar. 20, 1919 3:2711 [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: 2:1878 |