Multilateral treaties, general-Continued Vol. Page Amelioration of condition of wounded (second Geneva convention), 2:2183 Geneva convention of 1906, final protocol_. 2:2196 Protocol concerning differences as to interpretation of con- 2:2202 Geneva convention of 1864, adoption of additional articles as Central American peace conference, treaties concluded at. Wash- Establishment of a Central American court of justice, 1907.. 2:200 2:2000 China, final protocol entered into at conclusion of Boxer troubles in New agreement concerning Whang Pu conservancy, 1905. Documents, official, scientific, and literary publications, 1886- Customs tariff, for publication of Drugs, unification of pharmacopoeial formula for, 1906– Settlement of disputes, 1899_. Reservation__. 2:203 2:2062 2:20 2:190 2:199 2:192 2:209 2:2016 2:2032 2:28 Annex containing rules----- Hague, second- Senate resolution of ratification____ Maritime warfare and Geneva convention, 1899_ Declaration as to launching of projectiles and explosives, 1899_ 2:2002 Pacific settlement of international disputes, 1907- 2:242 2:2048 2.997 Senate resolution of ratification__-- Limitation of force for recovery of contract debts, 1907- 2:247 2:2248 Laying of automatic submarine contact mines, 1907- Rights and duties of neutral powers and persons in war on 2:2281 ༡.༡༦༦ 2:2304 2:2314 2:02 Senate resolution of ratification____- Rights and duties of neutral powers in naval war, 1907- 2:2341 2:2312 sives from balloons, 1907. Annex containing by-laws__. Hospital ships, exemptions of, 1904. Declaration prohibiting the discharge of projectiles and explo Final act----- Annex to, concerning judicial arbitration court.... Health, international office of, arrangement for establishment of 2:24 Industrial property, 1883----- Supplementary convention, 1891---- Senate resolution of ratification-- 2:2216 2:2135 2:1935 2:1943 2:1944 2:1945 Multilateral treaties, general-Continued Vol. Page Sanitary convention (Central and South American states), 1905 2: 2144 Annexes in French.. Proces verbal of ratification_-_-. Slave trade, African, general act for repression of, 1890. Deposit of ratifications_. Submarine cables, 1884--- 2:2066 2:2109 2:2129 2: 1964 2:1991 2:1991 2:1949 Abolition of foreign settlements in Chosen. Seoul. Apr. 21, 1913 3:3086 International air transportation) – Protocol, extension to colonies. Sept. 23, 1910- Bills of lading for carriage of goods by sea, unifications of certain Commission to consider amendments of the laws of war. Washing- 3:3768 3:2943 3:2952 4:4935 3:3139 Limiting commission's jurisdiction. Washington. Feb. 4, 1922 3:3140 Financial consortium in China. Peking. Jan. 18, 1921. "Four Power Pact" with Great Britain, France, and Japan, relating Import and export prohibitions and restrictions, adoption of. 4:5261 3:3822 4:4883 4:4886 4:4849 4:5104 Industrial property, protection of. The Hague. Nov. 6, 1925. Limitation of naval armament known as the "Washington Naval 4. 4889. Limitation of naval armament, "London Naval Treaty of 1930." 4:5268 Limitation of naval armament, "Second London Naval Treaty.' 4:5548 Load lines convention and final protocol. London. July 5, 1930__- 4:5287 Multilateral treaties, general-Continued Vol Page Load lines convention; amendment recommended by the President 4:5546 Narcotics; Suppression of abuse; opium and other drugs. The 3:302 Narcotic drugs. Geneva. July 13, 1931_. 4:5001 Prisoners of war. Obscene publications. Paris. May 4, 1910.... Preservation and protection of fur seals. Washington. July 7, "Nine Power Pact"; regarding revision of Chinese customs tariff. "Nine Power Pact"; regarding principles and policies to be fol- Protection of industrial property. Washington. June 2, 1911. 3:203 3:2983 Protection of lives of neutrals and noncombatants at sea in time of 3:3116 Radiotelegraph Convention and Regulations. Washington. Nov. 4:5000 Radiotelegraph. London. July 5, 1912. 3:34 3:316 Service regulations affixed. London. July, 1912- 3:3061 4:513 Restraint of arms and ammunition trade in China. Peking. May 3:3821 Safety of life at sea, with regulations. London. May 31, 1929.. Sanitary aerial navigation, concluded at The Hague. Apr. 12, 4:54 3:29 Sanitary convention. Paris. June 21, 1926. Revising convention 4:49 Silver, memorandum of agreement regarding price of, July 22, 24, 4:5500 Wireless telegraph. Berlin. Nov. 3, 1906. Supplemental article. Jan. 19, 1916. Whangpu conservancy. Peking. Apr. 9, 1912 Supplementary agreement. Nov. 3, 1906. Service regulations annexed. Nov. 3, 1906- Whaling, regulation of. Geneva. Sept. 24, 1931. Signed by Whaling; international agreement for the regulation of. London. Weights and measures. Sevres. Oct. 6, 1921. Convention revising Telecommunication convention, general radio regulations and final Trade in arms and ammunition, etc., supervision of. Geneva. Liquor traffic in Africa. St. Germain-en-Laye. Sept. 10, 1919. Slave trade and slavery, to suppress. Geneva. Sept. 25, 1926 4: 4:4960 4:5500 4:456 4:3752 4:496 4:5379 4:498 4:5372 3:343 3:304 3:29 3:2896 3:26 3:2902 Multilateral treaties, general-Continued Muscat (see Zanzibar) Vol. Page 4:5635 4:5209 1:1228 Narcotic drugs. Geneva. July 13, 1931. General multilateral__ 4:5351 3:3025 Nassau; convention concerning: Convention abolishing Droit d'Aubaine 2:1231 Nationality of women. Montevideo. Dec. 26, 1933. With American republics--- 4:4813 Naturalized citizens; status of. Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 13, 1906. With 3:2882 Naval forces on Great Lakes; agreement with Great Britain concern- 1:628 Netherlands, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789–1909]: Arbitration; extension of 1908 convention. Washington. May 9, 1914- 3:2734 Arbitration; extension of 1908 convention. Washington. Mar. 8, 3:2736 Arbitration; extending duration of convention of May 2, 1908. 4:4507 Arbitration; further extending duration of convention of May 2, 4:4517 Arbitration; new treaty enlarging scope and obligations of conven- 4:4518 4:4504 Oil interests in Mexico, protection of. Washington. June 2, 1914 Smuggling intoxicating liquors, prevention of. Washington. Aug. 4:4516 3:2735 4:4512 4:4509 Newfoundland fisheries, agreements by exchange of notes concerning, Special agreement submitting dispute to arbitration, 1909- 1:835 1:843. Nicaragua, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Protocol for arbitration of Orr & Laubenheimer and Post Glover 2:1290 Award- 2:122 Protocol for the construction of an interoceanic canal, 1900------- 2:129) Customs matters, most-favored-nation treatment of. Managua. 4:4520 Naturalization. Managua. Dec. 7, 1908- 3:2735 Extension of ratification period. Managua. June 17, 1911 3:2739 3:2740 Washington. 3:27 4:48 4:4872 "Nine Power Pact"; regarding revision of Chinese customs tariff. Extradition provision. Norway, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: 2:1298 2:1299 2:1306 2:1306 2:130 Amendatory, 1904. 2:1304 [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: Advancement of peace. Washington. June 24, 1914.. 3:2745 Commission appointments; extension of time. Jan. 7-12, 1915. 3:2747 3:274 Arbitration; extension of 1908 convention. Washington. Mar. 30, 3:2748 Arbitration; requisitioned shipping. Washington. June 30, 1921. 3:2749 4:4523 Spitzbergen. (See Multilateral treaties, general.) Smuggling intoxicating liquors, prevention of. Washington. May Military service or acts of allegiance of persons having dual nation- Arbitration; new treaty, enlarging scope and obligations of conven- 4:4540 4:4527 4:4542 4:4525 Extradition treaty, 1896__ Obscene publications. Paris. May 4, 1910. General multilateral. 3:2913 [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: Friendship, commerce, and extradition, 1871. 2:1313 2:1310 Ottoman Empire (see under Turkey, 4:5695). Panama, treaties with. [Volumes I and II, 1789-1909]: 2:1349 Colombia, treaty with, 1846, concerning New Granada.- 2:13 Boundary. Panama. Sept. 2, 1914_. Alcoholic liquors; transit through Canal Zone territory. Panama [Volumes III and IV, 1909-1937]: 1:312 4:4550 Claims. Washington. July 28, 1926_ 3:2770 Damages caused by riot at Panama City, determination of. Claims; modifying claims convention of July 28, 1926. Panama. 4:4546 4:4552 Declaration of values on exports. Washington. Apr. 17, 1913---- 3:2767 3:2778 |