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be the duty of these institutions to render an exact account of the quantity of samshoo (hanshin) imported and of the total production in the district, subject to the stipulations of this Agreement, and, also, to establish external marks distinguishing samshoo (hanshin) offered for sale from all other preparations of alcohol.

XII. The Chinese Government undertakes to introduce within a zone extending 10 versts (20 Chinese li), each side of the Chinese Eastern Railway line, measures against alcoholism fully corresponding to all such measures as shall be adopted within the limits of the area of the said railway, according as these measures are introduced. Due and timely notice of the introduction of such measures shall be given to the Chinese Government.

As regards samshoo (hanshin), so soon as the preparation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic liquors shall be entirely prohibited and suppressed within the area of the Chinese Eastern Railway, the sale of that liquor to Russian subjects in the abovementioned zone and its exportation out of that zone into Russia shall in like manner be prohibited. Further, the establishment of samshoo (hanshin) distilleries and shops in places where such did not previously exist shall not be allowed. Similarly, the quantity of samshoo (hanshin) produced and sold by distilleries and shops now existing shall not be allowed to exceed the amount at present produced and sold.

XIII. The Russian and Chinese Governments shall enter into negotiations with the Foreign Powers with the object of securing the application of the present Agreement to Foreign Subjects in the places open to foreign trade situated in the regions in which this Agreement is operative.

XIV. The Chinese Authorities will see to it that no person infringes the stipulations of this Agreement.

On the request of the Russian Authorities, the competent Chinese institutions will place at their disposal the necessary detailed information respecting the struggle with alcoholism.

If Russian Officials deem it necessary to visit any of the regions mentioned in this Agreement in order to procure information, they shall give due notice thereof to the Chinese Authorities, who will render them every assistance.

Harbin, 8/21 May, 1916.


His Imperial Russian Majesty's
Consul-General in Harbin.


Military Governor of the Pinchiang
Circuit and Commissioner for
Foreign Affairs.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between China and Russia confirming the Agreement, May 8 (21), 1916,* respecting the Manufacture and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors along the frontiers between North Manchuria and Siberia.-Peking, June 27 (July 10), 1916.†


No. 1.-Communication addressed by the Russian Minister in Peking to the Chinese Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs. dated June 27th July 10th, 1916, No. 109.

I HAVE the honour to inform your Excellency that :

1. The Imperial Government has approved the RussoChinese Agreement signed at Harbin on May 8th/21st of this year by Collegiate Councillor Trautschold, His Imperial Majesty's Consul-General in that town, and by the Military Governor of the Pinchiang Circuit and Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Li Hung Mou.

2. The text of Article 5 of the Agreement shall read as follows:

"The conveyance as cargo by ships along the river Sungari from Harbin to the point where it discharges into the Amur of all alcohol in whatever quantity is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to samshoo (hanshin) and other wines."

3. The said Agreement shall go into force two months from this date, i.e., August 27th/September 9th, 1916.


No. 2.-Communication addressed by the Chinese Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Russian Minister in Peking, dated June 27th July 10th, 1916, No. 91.

I HAVE the honour to inform your Excellency that :


1. The Chinese Government has approved the Sino-Russian Agreement signed at Harbin on May 8th/21st of this year by the Military Governor of the Pinchiang Circuit and Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Li Hung Mou, and the Russian Consul-General in that town, Collegiate Councillor Trautschold. * Page 821.

↑ Russian Official Bulletin of Laws, August 19 (September 1), 1916.

2. The text of Article 5 of the Agreement shall read as follows::

"The conveyance as cargo by ships along the river Sungari from Harbin to the point where it discharges into. the Amur of all alcohol in whatever quantity is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to samshoo and other wines."

3. The said Agreement shall go into force two months from this date. i.e., August 27th/September 9th, 1916.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between China and the United States extending the time for the Appointment of the Permanent International Commission under Article II of the Treaty of September 15, 1914.*-Washington, Mav 11/19, 1916.†

(No. 1.)--The United States Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.


Department of State,

Washington, May 11, 1916.

Ir not having been found feasible to complete the International Commission provided for in the Treaty of the 15th September, 1914, between the United States and China for the advancement of the general cause of peace, I have the honour to suggest, for the consideration of your Government, that the time within which the organization of the Commission may be completed be extended by an exchange of notes from the 22nd April, 1916, to the 1st August, 1916.

Your formal notification in writing that your Government receives the suggestion favourably will be regarded on this Government's part as sufficient to give effect to the extension, and I shall be glad to receive your assurance that it will be so regarded by your Government also.

[blocks in formation]

(No. 2.) The Chinese Minister to the United States Secretary


of State.
Chinese Legation,

Washington, May 19, 1916.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 11th instant, in which you are good enough to suggest, for the consideration of my Government, that the time within which the organization of the International Commission provided for in the Treaty of the 15th September 1914, between China and the United States, for the advancement of the general cause of peace may be completed, be extended by an exchange of notes from the 22nd April, 1916, to the 1st August, 1916.

I am authorised by my Government to inform you in reply that my Government is pleased to accept this suggestion of your Government and accordingly regards the extension of time from the 22nd April, 1916, to the 1st August, 1916, for the organization of the Commission as effective by this exchange of notes.

Accept, etc.,


Honourable Robert Lansing,

Secretary of State.

TREATY between Colombia and Equator defining the Boundary between the two Countries.-Signed at Bogotá, July 15, 1916.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Bogotá, January 26, 1917.] (Translation.)

THE Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Equator, with the object of definitely settling all controversies with regard to their territorial rights, and in order by this means to strengthen their bonds of friendship and further their mutual interests, have resolved to determine their common frontier by means of a public treaty, for which purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, namely:

By His Excellency the President of Colombia: Señor Don Marco Fidel Suárez, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Señor Doctor

*For original Spanish text see "Diario Oficial" of the Republic of Colombia, January 31, 1917.

Nicolas Esguerra; Señor Doctor José Maria Gonzalez Valencia; Señor Doctor Hernando Holguin y Caro; Señor Doctor Antonio José Uribe; and Señor Doctor Carlos Adolfo Urueta, members of the Commission for Foreign Affairs of Colombia; and by his Excellency the President of Equator: Señor Doctor Alberto Muñoz Vernaza, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Equator to Colombia;

Who, having exhibited to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles :

ART. I. The frontier line between the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Equator shall be agreed, determined, and fixed as follows: Starting from the mouth of the river Mataje, on the Pacific Ocean, it will follow the upward course of the river in question till it strikes the head waters of the river in the summit of the great branch of the Andes which separates the tributaries of the river Santiago from those which flow to the Mira; the line of frontier follows the above-mentioned summit as far as the head-waters of the river Cañumbí, and then follows the downward course of this river until it joins the Mira: it follows the upward course of this river until it joins the river San Juan; it follows the upward course of this river as far as the mouth of the stream or ravine of Agua Hedionda, which it follows up to its commencement in the volcano of Chiles; it follows this summit until it meets the chief source of the river Carchi; it follows the downward course of this river as far as the mouth of the ravine of Tejes or Teques; and follows this ravine as far as the ridge of La Quinta, whence it follows the line of the ridge of Troya and the summits of this as far as the plain of Los Ricos; it then follows the ravine of Pun from its commencement down to its mouth in the Chingual (or Chunquer according to some geographers); from there it follows a line to the summit from where descends the principal source of the river San Miguel; it follows the downward course of this river as far as the Sucumbios, and follows this river down to its mouth in the Putumayo; from this mouth it follows a south-west direction to the watershed between the Putumayo and the Napo; and along this watershed to the principal source of the river Ambiyacú, and along the course of this river to its mouth in the Amazons: It is understood that the territories situated on the northern bank of the Amazons, and lying between this frontier line and the boundary of Brazil, belong to the Colombia. This is without prejudice on the part of Colombia to the possible rights of third parties.

II. The islands in the bay of Panguapí in the mouth of the river Mataje shall belong respectively to the State which is in actual possession of them.

III. The Governments of Colombia and of Equator shall. appoint a mixed commission composed of three individuals on

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