NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPE CASES & BLOTTERS, IN SETS. Size of Case, 81⁄2 by 634 by 44; size of Blotter, II by 9. Extra Gilt, superior finish, top of Envelope Case lined Silk... Russia, Gold and plain lines Turkey Morocco, inlaid border, Gold and plain lines, extra size Blotter, with bevilled boards ... TOURISTS' WRITING CASES. WITH SAFETY INK, LIGHT BOX, PAPER, ENVELOPES, AND LOOSE BLOTTER. Fluted Roan, Gilt Border, Lined Fancy Paper, Double-action Lock, 834 by 5% o French Morocco, Gilt Fillets, Lined French Morocco O 86 O II 6 99 Gilt Fillets, Lined Fancy French Morocco, Gilt Lines, Gilt Double- 2 9 by 6 by 134 2 15 ... 3 15 4 15 0 Lined Calf throughout, extra finish, ditto, ditto 1, St. James's Street, London. With safety Ink, Light and Pen Drawer, Paper and Envelopes, and Loose Blotting Book, 11 by 8 by 2. £ s. d. French Morocco throughout I 7 O Turkey Morocco, lined French Morocco, Gilt Double-Action Lock ditto 2 3 6 Improved arrangement, Large safety Ink, new Light Box, and increased space for Paper and Envelopes, 111⁄2 by 8% by 2. Russia, lined French Morocco, Gilt Double-action Lock ... extra quality, lined Calf, Registered Handle Plates, ditto... ... COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' WRITING CASES. Solid Leather, Stitched Edges, Flexible, with Pockets for Stationery, Large Blotter, Outside Straps, Double-action Lock. 1, St. James's Street, London. THE ULSTER TOURIST CASE. This Case admits of wide expansion, and is specially adapted to the requirements of those engaged in large correspondence. It adjusts itself to its contents by means of selfacting expanding straps, so that it can be locked at any degree of thickness. French Morocco throughout, Double-action Lock I 8 0 200 96 I 17 6 2 12 1, St. James's Street, London. Note Desks, Papeteries, &c., fitted, 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d., 5s., 7s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 19s. 6d., 27s. 6d.,, ENVELOPE BOXES 2s. 6d., 35., 4s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 10s. 6d. each and upwards. ... ... Is. 6d., 25., 2s. 6d. each. 25. Ditto, Limp, two pockets, Russia lined satin envelope shape ... Ditto Carriage Card Cases, in Russia and Morocco, containing Visiting Book, Porcelain Slate, |