Branches:-LIVERPOOL, BRISTOL, GLASGOW, AND DERBY, J. S. & Co. beg to inform Consumers residing abroad that their Soda Water, Lemonade, Potass, Malvern Seltzer, and other Mineral Waters, which continue to enjoy such universal reputation, are prepared with special care for export, thereby ensuring their condition on arrival. Consumers, when ordering through Agents, are requested to particularize Schweppe's, as otherwise Waters of inferior quality are sometimes shipped, thereby causing disappointment and loss. As there are now many spurious imitations, it is thought desirable to call the attention of the public to the fact, and inform them that every bottle of the genuina is protected by a label bearing the name and trade mark-a fountain. SCHWEPPE'S SODA WATER, Protected by a Red Label over the Cork. Protected by a Red Label over the Cork, and White Label on Side. SCHWEPPE'S LEMONADE, Protected by a Yellow Label on the Side. SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER, Protected by a Red and White Label over the Cork, and Oval Label on Side. The above, as well as all their other manufactures, are to be obtained of all respectable Chemists, Wine Merchants, and Grocers; and wholesale from their Manufactory, London, or from their Branches, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol, and Derby. Messes supplied at Wholesale Prices. SHIPPING ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 010 OSLER'S CRYSTAL GLASS CHANDELIERS, Wall Lights and Lustres for Gas and Candles, CHANDELIERS IN BRONZE & ORMOLU, KEROSENE & MODERATOR LAMPS FOR INDIA & HOME USE. TABLE GLASS OF ALL KINDS. London-Show Rooms, 45, Oxford Street, W. ESTABLISHED 1807. |