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" Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the authority of the master. "
The Colonial Office List - Page 191
by Great Britain. Colonial Office - 1877
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Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and ..., Volume 27

Great Britain. Foreign Office - Commercial treaties - 1917 - 1316 pages
...housebreaking. Arson. Robbery with violence. Threats by letter or otherwise, with intent to oxtort. Piney by the law of nations. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do •o. Assault on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life or to do ff rievous bodily...
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British and Foreign State Papers, Volume 108

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Great Britain - 1918 - 1012 pages
...Kidnapping ; Housebrenkiug ; Mischief by fire j Robbery ; Kitortion or attempt to commit extortion ; I'iracy by law of nations ; Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so; Assault on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life or to cause grievous hurt ; Revolt...
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The Law Times, Volume 49

Law - 1870 - 568 pages
...criminal by any statute ; rape, abduction, child-stealing, burglary and housebreaking, arson, robbery with violence, threats, by letter or otherwise, with intent to extort ; piracy, by law of nations or municipal law ; sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so ; assault...
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Recueil des traités et conventions conclus par l'Autriche avec ..., Volume 15

Austria - Austria - 1878 - 838 pages
...otherwise with intent to extort. 16. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting to do so. 17. Assaults on board a ship on the high seas, with intent to destroy life, or to do grievous bodily harm. 18. Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt, by two or more person* on board a ship on the high seas, against...
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Das Staatsarchiv: Sammlung der offiziellen Aktenstücke zur ..., Volume 65

History, Modern - 1902 - 336 pages
...of the master; || c) Wrongfully sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting to do so; || d) Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to do grievous bodily harm. || 12. Crimes *rand offenses against the laws of both countries for the suppression...
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Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Part 1, Volume 1

United States. Department of State - United States - 1873 - 774 pages
...time being iii force. Rape. Abduction. Child-stealing. Burglary and house-breaking. Arson. Robbery with violence. Threats by letter or otherwise Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with iuteut to destroy life or to do grievous bodily harm. Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more...
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The Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 14

Law - 1870 - 788 pages
...rape, abduction, child stealing, burglary and housebreaking, arson, robbery with violence, threats with intent to extort, piracy by law of nations, sinking...or attempting or conspiring to do so; assaults on high seas with intent to destroy life or do grievous bodily harm, revolt or conspiracy to revolt by...
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Reports of Cases in Criminal Law Argued and Determined in All the ..., Volume 11

Edward William Cox - Criminal law - 1871 - 856 pages
...Threats by letter or otherwise with intent to extort. The~E*radi- P"™}' by law of nations. tion Act. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting...intent to destroy life or to do grievous bodily harm. Eevolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the...
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