An Act to regulate the conduct of Her Majesty's Subjects during the existence of hostilities between foreign States with which Her Majesty is at peace. The Colonial Office List - Page 183by Great Britain. Colonial Office - 1877Full view - About this book
 | Charles Sumner - Slavery - 1873 - 568 pages
...most authoritative judg1 The recent British Foreign Enlistment Act, passed August 9, 1870, entitled " An Act to regulate the conduct of her Majesty's subjects...foreign states with which her Majesty is at peace," makes it illegal, if nny person within her Majesty's dominions " builds or agrees to build, or causes... | |
 | United States. Department of State - United States - 1870 - 552 pages
...Majesty l» at peace. August 9, 1870. Whereas it is expedient to make provision for the regulation of the conduct of her Majesty's subjects during the existence...foreign states with which her Majesty is at peace — Be it. enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1870 - 1142 pages
...provide Superannuation Allowances for their Officers. 00. An Act to regulate the conduct of Пег Majesty's subjects during the existence of hostilities...foreign states with which Her Majesty is at peace. 91. An Act for the relief of persons admitted to the office of Priest or Deacon in tho Church of England.... | |
 | United States. Department of State - Alabama claims - 1871 - 456 pages of the Alabama, Florida, &c. 119 120 ¡BRITISH F0REION ENLISTMENT ACT, PASSED AUOUST 9, 1870. AN ACT to regulate the conduct of Her Majesty's subjects...foreign states with which Her Majesty is at peace. August 9, 1870. Whereas it is expedient to make provision for the regulation of the conduct of Her... | |
 | Law - 1871 - 374 pages
...And whereas in and by a certain statute made and passed in the present year of Her Majesty, entitled, "An Act to regulate the conduct of Her Majesty's subjects...foreign States with which Her Majesty is at peace," it is, among other things, declared and enacted as follows : — " Illetjal Enlistment. " If any person,... | |
 | Theodore Dwight Woolsey - International law - 1871 - 492 pages
...Mountague Bernard's " British Neutrality," 403-406. the earlier act was repealed. This law is entitled " An Act to regulate the conduct of her Majesty's subjects...foreign states with which her Majesty is at peace." It may be cited also, for all purposes, as " the foreign enlistment act, 1870." The parts of this act... | |
 | United States. Department of State - Alabama claims - 1871 - 464 pages
...Majesty is at peace. August 9, 1870. VVhcrcas it is expedient to make provision for the regulation of the conduct of Her Majesty's subjects during the existence...foreign states with which Her Majesty is at peace — Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the... | |
 | Robert Phillimore - International law - 1871 - 800 pages at peace. [9th August, ""1870.] " Whereas it is expedient to make provision for the regulation of the : conduct of Her Majesty's subjects during the...foreign States with which Her Majesty is at peace : " Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the... | |
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