THE LAW TIMES: THE JOURNAL AND RECORD OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. FROM NOVEMBER 1874 TO APRIL 1875. VOLUME LVIII. LONDON: PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE 1875. LAW TIMES, Beazley v. Potter, 158. Blake v. Mercer and Peacock, 416. Bolland, ex parte; re Palethorpe, 416. Bostel, re, 29. Stephens, re, 219. Sutton v. Polak; re Taylor, 103. Thomas and Smith, re, 29. Thompson, re, 399. Vickers, re; ex parte Barker, 400. Brooke, re; ex parte, Lewis, Stead, and Rawdon Westwell, re, 309. Stead, 159. Bumford, re, J., 11. Clewett, re J. S., 309. Wildes, re George Henry, 327. Wilkes, ex parte; re Pinches, 49. Woolley v. Disney, 11. SUBJECTS OF CASES. Act of bankruptcy-Execution creditor-Seizure Setting aside, 156. Adjournment of meeting of creditors-Power of Liquidation-Creditor with proveable debt, 291. English and foreign creditors, 11. Refusal-Assets, 454. Special resolution-Injunction, 12. Mortgagees' rights-Jurisdiction of court to restrain Order and disposition-Custom of trade-Letting Partnership-Joint and separate creditors-Right of Separate adjudication-Joint creditor, 217. Preferential claim as a workman-Workmen con. Promissory note-Non-payment - Jurisdiction of Assignment-Bill of sale-Fraudulent preference, Proof of creditor-Election of trustee, 400. 83. Debt, 220. Rejection of-Motion to admit proof dismissed, Property acquired during continuance of bank. Quorum of creditors-Trustee appointed by virtue Proceedings-Rejection of proof by trustee, Receiver-Negligence - Employment of debtor-- 159. Debtor's statement-Fresh meeting, 454. Deposit money, application for payment of, 236. Fraudulent preference, 49. Essential conditions Burden of proof of good Notice of bankruptcy, 310. Payment under pressure-Liquidation, 82. Infant-Liability to adjudication, 290. Joint and separate estate-Right of joint creditor Legal departments commission, the, 176. Misappropriaton, 66. Receivers and managers, 308. Charges, 158. Two appointments-Costs-Taxation, 271. Reform of the Bankruptcy Laws, 140. Registration of resolutions, 235. Restoring order refused until receiver appointed, 309. Successive petitions for liquidation, 217. Choice of Duties of registrar-Proofs of rela. In bankruptcy, the duties of a, 12. Voluntary payment to protect surety-Fraudulent Winding-up bankrupt estates, 82, 159. Landowners preparing Conveyances to their Hinde Palmer's Act 1869, 291. Birmingham Law Society, 255. Building Societies' Act 1874, 222. Society Mortgages, 401, 417. Burial Boards and the Clergy, 105. Burning Questions of the Profession, The, 292. Claims of Returning Officers, 143. Clerks in District Registries conducting Probate Coles v. Pilkington, 85. Commissions for Oaths in the Queen's Bench, 237, Common Law Commissioners to administer Oaths, Practice in County Courts, 222. Preliminary Examination, 346. Privilege of the Profession, 275. Probate and Divorce Sittings Papers and Cause Lists, 14. Professional Remuneration, 180. Public Prosecutors, 311. Queen's Bench Commissions for Oaths, 274. Railway Inspectors as Advocates, 104. Registrarship of the Lord Mayor's Court, The, 14. Incorporated Law Society and the Legal Relations between the two branches of the Profes- Practitioners' Society, 85. Interpreters in Welsh Courts, 364. Judicature Act and Law Examination, The, 51. Commissions for Oaths and Designation of Jurymen in the Forest Courts, 198. Land and Law Reform, 143. Titles and Transfer Bill 1875, The, 311, 401. Transfer, 329. Transfer Bill, The, 363. Transfers and Registration, 292. Law Clerks, 105. Dispensing Orders, &c., 123. Legal Advisers at Courts Martial, 418. Licensing Act 1874, The, 105. and the Brewing Trade, 456. Certificates, 14. Master and Servants' Act The, 255. sion, 222. Salaries of Lawyers' Clerks, 50. or University of Law Bill, The, 456. School Board Prosecutions, 143. Searches, inquiries, and notices, 435. 418. COUNTY COURT DECISIONS AND PROCEEDINGS. NAMES OF CASES. London and North Western Railway Company v. | Bailiff, Assault on, 324. Addie v. The London and North Western Railway London and North Western Railway Company Breconshire Coal and Lime Company, The, v. The Payne v. The South Eastern Railway Company, Eddison v. Hick, 415. Elliott, re, 121. Flitters v. Allfrey, 807. Gaunt and another v. Brook, 186. Gillow and Co. v. Great Eastern Railway Company, 103. 361. Proprietors of Plymouth Pier v. Owners of the iron Reeves v. Davies and Perkins, 361. Sears v. Great Eastern Railway Company, 397. Sefton v. Whittaker, 395. Shaw v. Taylor, 433. Shepherd v. Straker, 8. Stanley v. Peach, 118. Steeds, re, 27. Tipping v. The Midland Railway, 102. Tour v. Fern, 324. Vipan and another v. Warner, 343. Warren v. Great Western Railway Company, 414. Watton v. Laslett, 81. White v. Hughes, 120. Willett v. Grey, 119. Williams v. Wells, 362. Winn v. Hill and others, 176. Woolf, re Solomon, 27. Woolnough v. Ringwood, 28. Wyatt . London, Brighton, and South Coast Rail- way Company, 137. SUBJECTS OF CASES. Accountant, Action against, 118. Admiralty-Damage to pier-Claim in rem, 290. Agistment-Negligence, 306. Attorney, Breach of contract by, 100. Attorneys, The Judge and the, 416, Equity-Suit-Restraining-Married woman next Judgment - Estoppel - Removal by defendant- Roads-Fences-Liability to maintain-Inclosure By auction-Trade Marks Act-Special con- Of horse-Deposit-Horse stolen-Recovery of Solicitor-Alleged negligence-Liability, 120. Specific performance-Purchase-Right to title- Time within which to bring action-Lapse-Juris- Trade usage-Liability for defects in work, 450. Mode of charging as between spinner and Judicature Bill, The New, 426. Supreme Court of Judicature Act, The, 22, 59, 93, Legal Departments Commission and Equity Courts, Tipperary Election Petition, The, 371. |