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mutual desire to strengthen and draw closer the ties of friendship and harmony, which so happily exist between the two courts, having thought proper, with this view, to regulate, by a preliminary and secret convention, certain points of their mu

ditional article of the above-mentioned | Brit. maj., has signed the present prelimi treaty, whether as première mise en cam-nary declaration, and has affixed thereto pagne, or as current subsidy, in case the seal of his arms. Done at St. Petersthat the negociations, which are about to burgh, the 28th July (9th Aug.), 1805. be set on foot by the French government, | (L. S.) G. L. GOWER. do not terminate in war.-- -He declares, No. III.-Preliminary and Secret Convenmoreover, that if the said negociations shall tion between his Maj. and the King of not be brought to a conclusion before the Sweden, signed at Stockholm, 3d Dec. 31st day of December, 1805, the expiration of the first three months shall be the His maj. the king of the united kingterm of the payments, which are to be con-dom of Gt. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. tinued monthly, until the commencement the king of Sweden, being animated with a of hostilities. His imperial and royal maj. having engaged to embody an armed force of not less than 320,000 men, the undersigned consents, that the advances to be made, under the head of première mise en campagne, shall be paid according to this calculation, with this condition neverthe-tual interests, relative to the present siless, that if, contrary to all expectation, tuation of affairs; their said majesties have the Austrian armies do not amount to the named for that purpose, his maj. the king of force above specified, his Brit. maj. may the united kingdom of G. Brit. and Ireland, deduct from this payment a sum propor- the sieur Henry Pierrepont his envoy extr. tionate to the numbers that are wanting. and minister plenip., and his maj. the king The British ambassador cannot con-of Sweden, the sieur Frederick, d'Ehrensent to the modifications and demands con- heim, president of his chancery, and comtained in the paper, intituled, "Remarks mander of his order of the polar star, who, on some particular objects of the Conven- after having reciprocally communicated tion, signed between the courts of Peters- their full powers, have agreed upon the burgh and of London, the 30th of March, (1st of April)" of this year; as he has hitherto received no instructions from his court, which authorise him to accede to such demands.-The British ambassador accepts the accession of his maj. the emperor and king, under the conditions specified in the preliminary declarations ex-purpose; this sum shall be remitted in changed this day between the plenipoten- three payments, at the interval of a month tiaries of their imperial and royal majesties, between each, the first of which is to bewith this formal reservation, that this ac- come due upon the ratifications of this conceptation shall not be considered as valid, vention being exchanged. Art. II. His nor the above-mentioned engagements maj. the king of Sweden engages, so long obligatory, unless the court of Vienna shall, as the war between Sweden and France on their side, conform themselves to the continues, or during the space of 18 months whole of the stipulations of the said act. for the least, to permit the establishment -The undersigned, in delivering to his of a depôt in Swedish Pomerania, either at exc. prince Czartoryski (count de Stadion) Stralsund, or in the island of Rugen, or in the present preliminary declaration which both those places, for the corps of Hanois to be in the place, and have the validity verians, which his Brit. maj. shall be deof the most solemn treaty, is authorised to sirous of raising there.-Art. III. The offiannounce to him at the same time, that he cers appointed to raise the said levies, is ready to proceed immediately on these shall be allowed to clothe, arm, and victual bases, to the conclusion of the formal act them, to form them into battalions, and to of accession of the court of Vienna to the remove them out of Swedish Pomerania concert of the 30th March (11th April).- into such places, and in such proportions, These presents shall be ratified by the re-as his Brit. maj. shall judge proper.-Art. spective courts, in the shortest possible IV. The stipulations of the two preceding term.--In witness whereof, the under-articles being founded on the principle signed, by virtue of the full powers of his that Sweden is actually a declared belliVOL. VI. Appendix.

following articles:-Art. I. His Brit. maj. in order to enable his Swedish maj. more effectually to provide for the defence of Stralsund, against any attack whatever on the part of the French, engages to pay, once for all, the sum of 60,000l. sterling, which is to be appropriated solely to that


gerent party, it is understood that the purpose, their said majesties have chosen said articles II. and III. are to be sus-and named for their plenipotentiaries, viz. pended in their operations until his his maj. the king of the united kingdom of Swedish maj. shall find himself, by the G. Brit. and Ireland, the hon. Henry return of the open season, in a situation Pierrepont, his envoy extra. and minister to send additional reinforcements, into pleuipo. with his Swedish maj., and his maj. Pomerania, insomuch that no measure the king of Sweden, the sieur John Chrisrelative to these dispositions can be ad- topher baron de Toll, a lord of the kingopted before that time.-Art.V. His maj.dom of Sweden, gov.-gen. of the duchy of the king of Sweden engages, moreover, to Scania, gen, of cavalry in his armies, chief grant to the subjects of his Brit. maj. during of the reg. of carbineers of Scania, knight the continuance of the war between G. and commander of his orders, and knight Brit. and France, the right of an entrepôt at of all the Russian orders; who have agreed Stralsund, for all the articles of the growth, upon the following articles-Art. I. The produce, and merchandize, as well of G. preliminary and secret convention conBrit. as of her colonies, shipped in British cluded between the two sovereigns on 3d or Swedish vessels. All such articles in- Dec. 1804 is renewed, and shall continue tended for re-exportation, whether by sea in full force and validity during the period or land, shall only pay a duty of three quar-bereinafter specified in art. VII.-Art. II. ters per cent. ad valorem; and those for his maj. the king of G. Brit. conceiving consumption, such duties only as are actually that the object stated in the preamble canestablished at the port of Stralsund with re-not be more completely attained, with respect to the most favoured nations. A more spect to Swedish Pomerania, than by maindetailed arrangement of this branch of com-taining the fortress of Stralsund in a remerce, as likewise of other points whereby spectable state of defence, in order to prethe commercial interests of the two nations serve a rallying point and place of retreat might be more closely connected, is to be for the forces of the allied powers, and esreserved for a particular act.-Art. VI. His pecially for the troops of the emperor of all maj. the king of the united kingdom of the Russias, in case his imper. maj. should G. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. the king be desirous of landing his forces at that of Sweden, mutually engage to ratify the place, in order to co-operate in the genepresent act, and the ratifications thereof shall ral plan, engages to pay monthly the sum be exchanged in the space of six weeks, or of 18007. sterling for every 1000 men of sooner if possible, to be computed from the regular troops, with which his Swedish day of its signature. In witness whereof, maj. shall reinforce the usual garrison of we the undersigned, furnished with the full the city of Stralsund.-Art. III. A garrison powers of our respective sovereigns, have of 8000 men in the whole being deemed signed the present convention, and have sufficient for the defence of this place, and thereunto affixed the seals of our arms. the usual garrison, including the burgher Done at Stockholm, the 3d of Dec. 1804.militia, amounting to upwards of 4000, it (Was signed) HENRY PIERREPONT. F. D'EHRENHEIM.

No. IV.-Convention between his Maj. and the King of Sweden, signed at Helsingborg the 31st Aug. 1805.

is understood, that the reinforcementspoken of in the preceding article, shall not exceed 4000 men of regular troops, so that the subsidies to be furnished by his maj. the king of G. Brit. will amount to the His maj. the king of the united kingdom sum of 72001. sterling per month.—Art. of G. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. the IV. The payment of the above-mentioned king of Sweden, animated with equal de-subsidies shall be made before the end of sire to contribute, by all the means which every month, and shall be computed from the Providence has placed at their disposal, to first day of July last, for the Swedish troops, put an end to the misfortunes which disturb amounting to 1500 men, actually in Stralthe peace of Europe, and particularly con-sund, and for the reinforcements which vinced of the urgency of securing the for- may arrive there from the day of landing. tified places in the north of Germany Art. V. The two high contracting parties against all hostile enterprise, have agreed not having been able to agree upon the exto enter into stipulations for that purpose, penses of transport, his maj. the king of by a separate convention, in addition to the Sweden, desirous of affording a convincing preliminary and secret one concluded be- proof of his wish to contribute to the suc tween them on the 3d of Dec. last; for which cess of the common cause, engages to be at

the sole charge of conveying to Pomerania present act, in virtue of our full powers, the troops which are to be sent there, in that his maj. the emperor of all the Russias pursuance of the present convention, and guarantees the convention, which has been not to require any thing for their return.-signed this day, between his maj. the king ART. VI. His maj. the emperor of all the of the united kingdom of G. Brit. and IreRussias having signified his desire to land a land, and his maj. the king of Sweden, in part of his troops in Pomerania, his Swe- all its extent, as well with the two separate dish maj. engages, in consequence of the articles which are annexed to it, and which present convention, to afford every facility form part of the same, as of all other conin his power to such disembarkation, and ditions, clauses, and stipulations, which are moreover to enter into particular stipula- contained therein, in the best possible form; tions with his imperial maj. on that head. and that his imperial maj. will cause to be -ART. VII. As the conditions of the ob-forwarded and delivered, the particular raligations contained in the articles II. & III. tifications of this act of guarantee. In faith of the preliminary and secret convention, of which, we have signed the present act, limit the enjoyment of the privileges therein granted to the king of G. Britain, to the duration of the war between Sweden and France, or to the period of eighteen months for the least, and his Britannic maj. not having availed himself of the stipulations of the above-mentioned two articles, his maj. the king of Sweden engages to extend them as long as the subsidies fixed by the present convention, shall be discharged by G. Brit., and whilst that power shall continue the war against France, in conjunction with Russia.-Art. VIII. The ratification of the present convention shall be exchanged at Stockholm, within six weeks, or sooner, if possible.-In witness whereof, we the undersigned, in virtue of our powers, have signed the present convention, and have affixed thereto the seals of our arms. Done at Helsingborg, the 31st of Aug. 1805. (Was signed) HENRY PIERREPONT. J. C. BARON DE TOLL.

No. IV. (A)-Act of Guarantee by the Emperor of Russia, of the Convention signed at Helsingborg, on the 3d of Dec. 1804. A convention having been concluded this day, by the intervention of his maj. the emperor of all the Russias, between his maj. the king of the united kingdom of G. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. the king of Sweden, to provide for the reinforcement of the garrison of Stralsund, in pursuance of the secret and preliminary convention of the 3d of Dec. 1804; the two high contracting parties have amicably requested his imperial maj. to consent to guarantee the execution of so desirable an object. His maj. the emperor of all the Russias has accordingly willingly agreed to a measure which tends solely to so salutary an end; and having thereunto furnished us with his full powers, we the undersigned envoy extra. and minister plenip. of his imperial majesty, declare and assure by this

and have caused the seal of our arms to be
thereto affixed, and have exchanged it
against the acts of acceptation; as shall
be likewise exchanged the ratifications of
the present act against the ratifications of
the said acts of acceptation, in the space
of six weeks, or sooner, if possible. Done
at Helsingborg this 31st day of Aug. 1805,
No. IV. (B)-Acceptance by his maj. of the
Russian Guarantee to the Treaty of Hel-
sinborg, of 31st Aug. 1805.

A convention having been concluded this day, by the intervention of his maj. the emperor of all the Russias, between his maj. the king of the united kingdom of G. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. the king of Sweden, to provide for the reinforcement of the garrison of Stralsund, in pursuance of the secret and preliminary convention of the 3d of Dec. 1804; and his said imperial maj. having also granted, at the request of the high contracting parties a guarantee to all the stipulations contained in the said convention, the undersigned, envoy extra.. and minister plenip. of his maj. the king of the united kingdom of G. Brit. and Ireland, receives with acknowledgement the act of guarantee which has been delivered to him this day, in the name of his imperial maj. of all the Russias, by his envoy extra. and minister plenip., and declares, at the same time, that his Brit. maj. will cause to be forwarded and delivered, the ratification of this act of acceptation.-In faith of which, the undersigned minister plenip, has signed this present act, and has caused the seal of his arms to be thereto affixed, and has exchanged it against the act of guarantee above mentioned; as shall also be exchanged, the ratifications of the present act against the ratifications of the said act of guarantee within the space of six weeks, or sooner if possible. Done at Helsinborg,

No. V.-Treaty between His Majesty and the King of Sweden, signed at Beckascog, 3d of Oct. 1805.

this 31st day of Aug. 1805. (Signed) | separate art., and have caused the seal of HENRY PIERREPONT. our arms to be thereto affixed.-Done at No. IV. (C)-First Separate Article of the Helsingborg, this 31st day of Aug. 1805. Convention of Helsinborg, signed 31st-Signed HENRY PIERREPONT. T. E. Aug. 1805. BARON DE TOLL. His maj. the king of the united kingdom of G. Brit. and Ireland, and his maj. the king of Sweden, have agreed by the present separate and additional article, that In the name of the Most Holy and the subsidies fixed by the second and third Undivided Trinity! His maj, the king of articles of the convention signed this day, the united kingdom of G. Britain and Ireshall continue to be paid by G. Brit. during land, and his maj, the king of Sweden, in the continuance of the war between that pursuance of the ties of friendship and good power and France, conjointly with Russia, understanding by which they are at preor as long as the state of affairs and the ope- sent so happily united, desirous of esta rations of the allies, shall require that the blishing a more direct communication upon fortress of Stralsund be kept in a respect- every thing which relates to the present able state of defence, unless the two high war, which the French govt. has excited contracting parties shall mutually consent to against several powers, by measures equally the cessation of such subsidies. In both unjust and offensive, and by conducting cases, if the term of their payment should itself upon principles incompatible with the happen when the sea is innavigable. His security and tranquillity of every indepenBrit. maj. engages, nevertheless, to conti- dent state; their said majesties have nue their payment, according to the same judged proper to concert together upon rate theretofore, till the day of the return the means of opposing a sufficient barrier of the Swedish troops into Pomerania, which to the misfortunes which menace the whole shall take place by the earliest opportunity. of Europe. In consequence, they have This separate article shall have the chosen and named for their plenipotensame force and validity as if it were inserted, tiaries, namely, his maj. the king of the word for word, in the convention signed united kingdom of G. Britain and Ireland, this day, and shall be ratified at the same the hon. Henry Pierrepont, bis envoy extra. time.-In faith of which, we the under-and minister plenip. to his Swedish maj.; signed, by virtue of our full powers, have signed the present separate art., and have caused the seal of our arms to be affixed thereto. Done at Helsingborg, the 31st day of Aug. 1805.-Signed, HENRY PIERREPONT. T. E. BARON DE TOLL. No. IV. (D) Second Separate Article of the Convention of Helsingborg, signed the 31st of Aug. 1805.

and his maj. the king of Sweden, the Sieur Christopher Baron de Toll, a lord of the kingdom of Sweden, gov. gen. of the duchy of Scania, gen. of cavalry in his armies, chief of the regiment of carbineers of Scania, knight and commander of his orders, and knight of all the Russian orders; who after having communicated their respective full powers, have agreed upon the followThe Hanoverian troops, which (ining articles :-ART. 1. There shall be a perpursuance of the stipulations of the second fect understanding, friendship, and alliance and third art. of the secret and preliminary between his Brit. maj. and his maj. the king Convention of the 3d Dec. 1804, renewed of Sweden.-ART. 2. The convention conby the seventh art. of the present conven- cluded between their said majesties on the tion) may be hereafter assembled in Swedish 31st Aug. last, is hereby renewed, and shall Pomerania, shall continue, as long as they remain in full force and validity, indepenremain in that province, under the su-dent of the new stipulations contained in the preme orders of the commander-in-chief present treaty. ART. 3. His maj, the king of the united forces, without any violation of Sweden, desirous of co-operating with of the rights established in the three above-effect towards the success of the general mentioned articles. This separate art. plan, engages to furnish a corps of troops, shall have the same force and validity, as destined to act against the common enemy, if it were inserted, word for word, in the in concert with the allies, and especially convention signed this day, and shall be with the troops of his imperial maj, of all ratified at the same time.--In faith of the Russias, which shall be landed in Powhich, we the undersigned, by virtue of merania. The number of Swedish troops our full powers, have signed the present employed for this purpose, shall be fixed,

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AND 4TH FEB. 1806.

in every case, at 12,000 men.-Art. 4. His Brit. maj., in order to facilitate to his Swedish maj. the means of acting with vigour, and conformably to the sentiments of zeal and interest, by which he is animated for the common cause, engages to furnish | No. I.-Copy of a Dispatch from Sir Arthur

Paget to Lord Mulgrave, (No. 47.) dated
Vienna, June 5, 1805.

him an annual subsidy, at the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings sterling for every man ; which subsidy shall be paid in equal pro- My lord; when I was with count Coportions, at the end of each month.-ART. bentzl yesterday morning, I found him 5. His Brit. maj. moreover engages, as a considerably agitated on account of the incompensation for the expenses of assem- telligence he had received from Genoa. bling, equipping, and conveying the said He began by telling me that he was extroops, to furnish, under the head of put-tremely anxious for my arrival here, in ting them in motion, a sum equal to five order to communicate to me some informonths subsidy, to be calculated according mation which had been received by him to the scale laid down in the preceding art. the preceding evening by a courier. He and payable immediately after the ratifica- then sent for the dispatches he had retion of the present treaty.-ART. 6. The received from the imperial minister at two high contracting parties engage not to Genoa, and gave them to me to read; the lay down their arms, nor to conclude peace substance of them is contained in my prewith the common enemy, but by mutual ceding number.-The originals had been consent; but, on the contrary, to remain sent in the night to the emperor at Prague, firmly and inseparably united, as long as and the vice-chancellor was just dispatchthe war lasts, and until the conclusion of a ing an estafette with the intelligence to St. general pacification.-ART. 7. In pursuance Petersburgh. I wrote a few lines in his of the engagements agreed upon between room by this opportunity, to apprize his the two high contracting parties by virtue of majesty's ambassador at that court of these the preceding art. not to lay down their circumstances, Count Cobentzl asked me arms but by common consent, his Brit. maj. if I meant to transmit the account by a engages to continue the subsidies stipulated messenger, and indeed seemed rather deby the present treaty, until the end of the sirous that I should; but, upon calculation, war.-ART. 8. His Brit. maj., in order as it appeared certain that that govt. will have well to cover the expenses of the return of received it sooner through France. This, the Swedish army, as of all other objects however, led me to ask the vice-chancellor connected therewith, engages to continue what he conjectured to be the sentiments the subsidies stipulated by the present trea- of the govt. upon this important event; to ty, until three months after the peace.- this question he replied, that I must be ART. 9. His Brit. maj., impressed with the aware that it had made a very deep and importance of putting the fortress of Stral- serious impression upon his imperial sund in the best possible state of defence, maj.'s ministers; but that, in the emperor's engages to place, immediately after the ex- absence, he could not take upon himself change of the ratifications of the present entirely to say more; that he conceived, treaty, at the disposal of his Swedish maj. that the first order he should receive from the additional sum of 50,000l. sterling for his imperial maj. would be to recall the that purpose.-ART.10. The present treaty whole mission from Genoa.-The intershall be ratified by the two high contracting view ended here, after a considerable time parties, and the ratifications thereof shall had elapsed in the perusal of the different be exchanged in six weeks, or sooner, if papers. I have the honour to be, &c. possible. In witness whereof, we the un-(Signed) ARTHUR Paget. dersigned, in virtue of our powers, have Copy of a Dispatch (No. 52.) from Sir Arsigned the present treaty, and have thereunto affixed the seals of our arms.-Done at Beckascog, the 3d Oct. 1805. (Was signed) HENRY PIERREPONT. J. C. BARON PE TOLL.

thur Paget to Lord Mulgrave, dated Vienna, 22d June 1805.

My lord; it is, I believe, felt here, that the annexation of Genoa and Placentia are acts which nothing but an appeal to arms can afford a proper satisfaction for; accordingly, I do not find that the emperor has broken silence upon those subjects.-It has

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