APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 1947 HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON H. R. 6335 A BILL MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENT Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations 87108 UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1946 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 1947 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1947 UNITED STATES SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE Washington, D. C. The committee met, pursuant to recess, at 10:30 a. m., Hon. Carl Hayden presiding. Present: Senators Hayden, McKellar, Thomas of Oklahoma, Wherry, and Cordon. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR REQUESTING AMENDMENTS Senator HAYDEN. The committee will be in order. I addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Interior asking for his comments on the bill as reported to the House of Representatives. I have received a letter from him which states that the changes desired by the departments are included for the consideration of the committee. I ask that the Secretary's letter be included at the beginning of the hearing, together with the amendments submitted by the Secretary. (The letter and amendments referred to are as follows:) Hon. CARL HAYDEN, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Washington, Мау 15, 1946. Chairman, Subcommittee in Charge of Interior Department Appropriation Bill, United States Senate. MY DEAR SENATOR HAYDEN: I thank you for the opportunity given by your letter of May 7 for recommending essential changes in the Interior Department appropriation bill now before your committee. The changes desired by the Department are enclosed and for the convenience of the committee have been prepared in the form of amendments together with an explanatory statement covering each such change. In view of the vital importance of certain of these matters, a hearing before your committee will be appreciated in order that we may present in detail more information than is contained in the explanatory notes. We shall be glad to make available any other information which your committee may desire to obtain in its consideration of the Interior bill. Sincerely yours, J. A. KRUG, Secretary of the Interior. : 1 |