ORDERS IN COUNCIL; REGULATIONS OF TRADING COM- REPORTS OF ADJUDGED CASES; OPINIONS OF LAW OFFICERS; AND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE RUSSIA & LEVANT DUES; DUTIES OF SCAVAGE, PACKAGE, & BAILLAGE; & PILOTAGE & DOCK RATES. The Statutes brought down to the end of 59 Geo. 3. Fifth Edition. BY CHARLES POPE, CONTROLLING SURVEYOR OF THE WAREHOUSES, AND EDITOR OF THE CUSTOMS In the way that I shall now propound, the entire body and substance of the Law shall remain, only LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE COMPILER, BY BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY, PATERNOSTER-ROW; BOOKSELLERS. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES BATHURST, M. P. &c. &c. &c. CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER, ONE OF HIS MAJES- ONE OF THE MEMBERS IN PARLIAMENT FOR THE SIR, FROM the high respect which I, in common with the Inhabitants of Bristol, together with the Nation at large, entertain for your Character and Talents, I feel peculiarly gratified by the Permission to inscribe to you this Fifth Edition of THE PRACTICAL ABRIDGEMENT OF THE LAWS OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Few persons being so competent as yourself to judge of its execution, I shall be still further gratified, if it receive your approval. I have the honour to be, BRISTOL, August 16, 1819. SIR, Your very Faithful and Devoted Servant, CHARLES POPE. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES BATHURST, M. P. &c. &c. &c. CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER, ONE OF HIS MAJES SIR, FROM the high respect which I, in common with the Inhabitants of Bristol, together with the Nation at large, entertain for your Character and Talents, I feel peculiarly gratified by the Permission to inscribe to you this Fifth Edition of THE PRACTICAL ABRIDGEMENT OF THE LAWS OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Few persons being so competent as yourself to judge of its execution, I shall be still further gratified, if it receive your approval. I have the honour to be, SIR, Your very Faithful and BRISTOL, August 16, 1819. Devoted Servant, CHARLES POPE. |