J. SCHWEPPE & CO., Manufacturers of Mineral Waters, PURVEYORS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEEN AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. HEAD OFFICE-51, BERNERS ST., LONDON. BRANCHES AT LIVERPOOL, BRISTOL, DERBY, GLASGOW, & SYDNEY, N.S.W. Agents for France -MORGAN & CO.. 68, Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. MANUFACTORY & SHOW ROOMS, BROAD STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Glass Dinner Services, Glass Flower Vases. Glass Lustres & Wall Lights. Glass & Metal Chandeliers. China Dessert Services. China and Parian Groups. Sole Agents for the Venice & Murano Glass Co. To meet the increasing demand upon their China and Earthenware Department, New and Spacious Rooms have been opened extending to Newman Street, of which they invite inspection. LONDON SHOW ROOMS, 45, OXFORD STREET, W. Inventors and Sole Proprietors of the "Prototype" System of Manufacture, BRASS AND WOOD MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS And to the Armies and Navies of France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, &c., Instruments made on the "Prototype System" are distinguished by perfect purity and elasticity of tone, power and roundness in forte, softness and facility in piano, increased compass, strength, durability, and Economy, and being more easy to blow, beginners make quicker progress on them than on any others. TO NATIVE BANDS.-A Special Class of extra strong shield-plated Instruments, to resist wear and tear of Foreign Service. Instruments used in Crimean War still in service !!! TO CAVALRY BANDS.-Light, portable Instruments, specially designed for use on Horseback. LATEST PATENTED INVENTIONS. SILENT VALVE "PROTOTYPE" INSTRUMENTS. No clicking noise, no breaking of springs, true and direct action of the valve, giving greater ease to the player. DUPLEX TROMBONE, combination of Slide and Valve Trombone, Two Instruments in One. NEW PATENT BAND LAMPS AND STANDS. Large Stores of Brass, Reed, and String Band Appurtenances of all kinds. "LIVERPOOL" BAND JOURNAL (Military)... 29/6 per Ann. "BANDMASTER" JOURNAL, for Brass Bands... 12/0 per Ann. Full Brass Band Journal, 23/0; small ditto... 19/0 Extra Parts, 1/0 each. Extra Parts, 2/0 each. LONDON Office 198, EUSTON ROAD. Works-16, 17, 18, SOUTHAMPTON MEWS. PARIS-92, Rue d'Angouleme. NEW YORK-57, East 91st Street. ST. PETERSBURG-Perspective de Nevsky |