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dependencies in the far East. Nearer the European limits Russia found it advisable to settle accounts with the Khan of Khiva, a prince who had made himself obnoxious by the murder of certain Russian merchants, and other actions of a political nature. The expedition ordered against Khiva in October was subsequently delayed; and the news received just before the close of this year was, that the Khivese had invaded the Russian territory, that nine thousand men were besieging the Russian forts of Old and New Emba, and two thousand infesting the lower course of the Emba River, while other detachments were marching against the post of Krasnovodsk on the Caspian, and Fort Irgles on the OrenburgTurkestan road; also that Russian reinforcements had been sent in haste to the Emba Forts from Orenburg and Irghis.

The dangerous illness of the Czarevitch at Christmas caused great alarm; but, as in the case of our own Prince of Wales at the same period of the preceding year, the symptoms began to ameliorate before the season was over.


The great contest within the Roman Catholic Church had its effect among the subjects of the Mahometan ruler. To the Armenian Church question we have already had occasion to allude. The Hassounites and anti-Hassounites represented the respective parties of Infallibilists and "Old Catholics." Another ecclesiastical topic of interest was the Bulgarian Church question, which, as has been already said, turned upon the demand of the Bulgarians to manage their own religious affairs, instead of being subject to the Greek Patriarchate of Constantinople. After a long conflict with the Greek Patriarch, the Sultan issued a decree on the 24th of February, permitting the election of an Exarch for the Bulgarian Church, and recommending three prelates-Passios, Anthimos (Metropolitan of Widdin), and Hilarion (Bishop of Loftcha)-as the fittest candidates for the post. Hilarion was then elected by the Bulgarian Church Council; but the election was not confirmed, as the Patriarch could not admit to the dignity of Exarch a priest who had repeatedly been censured for his liberal opinions, and had been twice excommunicated. It was then decided to elect the more moderate Metropolitan Anthimos of Widdin. The Ecumenical Council at Constantinople in the month of September declared the Church of Bulgaria to be schismatical.

The Turkish Government sustained a great loss in September by the death of Djemel Pasha, the able Minister of Foreign Affairs, which occurred quite suddenly as he was returning by railway from a complimentary mission to the Emperor of Russia. Other Ministerial changes occurred abruptly this year. In the month of July the Grand Vizier, Mahmoud Pasha, fell into disgrace, and was

made to resign office in favour of Midhat Pasha, Governor of Bagdad. Mahmoud had represented Russian influence in the Councils of the Porte; Midhat represented Austrian influence. But Midhat's sway was short. It was said that he would not, like his predecessor, lay the savings of the State Treasury at the Sultan's disposal. Rudschi Pasha was appointed Grand Vizier in his place. The true key of Turkish politics this year seems to be discoverable in two motifs: the Sultan's wish to alter the succession, and the influence which the Russian Ambassador, General Ignatieff, had succeeded in establishing over his councils. With regard to the succession, the Sultan's eager desire was to get his own eldest son, Youssouf Izeddin, declared his heir, in conformity with the usual European system, instead of Murad Effendi, the eldest son of his brother the late Sultan Abdul Medjid, who, having been born under his father's reign, had, according to Turkish law, a prior claim to a cousin born before his father had ascended the throne. The policy of Russia was to favour the Sultan's wishes in this respect, through the ministry of those Grand Viziers with whom General Ignatieff had established an entente cordiale.

An Egyptian expedition against Abyssinia, in punishment of a raid committed by the Abyssinians on Egyptian territory, calis for mention. The Khedive was credited with ambitious designs of annexation, for which he was not sorry to seize on the first available pretext, and is said to have found a useful instrument in Werner Munzingas, the French consul in Abyssinia, and an élève of the Jesuits.

We must also advert to the ill-treatment of the Jews by the populace at Smyrna and in Roumanía, and the refusal of Roumanian juries to find verdicts against the offenders. The Bill for the settlement of the Roumanian Railway question was passed at the beginning of the year.

Finally, we must bestow a glance on the Servian Principality, which was a source of some disquiet this year both to Turkey and Austria. Prince Milan Obrenovitch, fourth Prince of Servia of that family, attained his majority in the month of August, and entered upon the full exercise of his sovereign powers. The event was celebrated at Belgrade with great demonstrations of popular rejoicing. A million and a half of the Servian population are subjects of the King of Hungary, and these Servians, it would seem, are not the least impatient of the race for the realization of the great "idea" which contemplates a transfer of their allegiance from the Emperor Francis Joseph to Prince Milan. But as the notion of a disintegration of the Hungarian kingdom to favour the constitution of the Servian kingdom, of which Prince Milan and his subjects dream, is not one that Magyar statesmen can entertain for a moment, this question seems likely to become one of great difficulty and danger. The Servians, in fact, seek to found a Servian kingdom which shall include the whole Servian race.

Prince Milan opened the Servian Parliament, or Skuptschina, at Kragujevacz, in the month of October, and made a speech setting

forth the condition and aims of his Government. In November the Minister for Foreign Affairs announced that certain pending difficulties with the Turkish Government, relative to two frontier fortresses-Zakar and Little Svornik-were to be settled by negotiation with the Porte, and not by foreign intervention.


The Greek Government underwent two changes of Ministry this year. In January M. Zaïmes gave place to M. Bulgares, after which the Chamber was dissolved, and a new general election took place. In July Bulgares was superseded by M. Deligeorges. The last Ministerial crisis was brought about by the question of the Laurium mines, which, after undergoing a constant blundering treatment for a year past, was brought into European prominence this autumn by the course of events. The dispute now rested on the claim of the Greek Government to tax the scoria and débris of the old mines in the district which the French adventurer M. Roux, and the Italian M. Serpieri, had, in 1864, purchased the right of working. The lessees complained of an ex post facto law, charging them for liabilities for eight years back. At the end of the year the question was referred to the Governments of Austria, Germany, and Russia, who agreed in recommending arbitration.


NORTH AMERICA.-UNITED STATES.-International Questions with England-Assassination of James Fisk-Break-down of the Erie Ring-Jay Gould-Trials of Oakey Hall and of Judge Barnard-Decision of Supreme Court on the Mormons -Bills in Congress-Speech of Senator Sumner-Presidential Election Campaign -Horace Greeley-Conventions at Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Louisville, Pittsburg-State Elections of October-Election of General Grant as President-Death of Mr. Greeley-Opening of Congress-President's MessageFinance-Death of Mr. Seward-Fire at Boston-Politics of Louisiana-Arizona Diamond Bubble.

MEXICO.-Death of President Juarez-Honduras Civil War.

SOUTH AMERICA.-BRAZIL.-Treaty with Paraguay.

PERU.-Revolution, and Murder of President Balta.

BOLIVIA.-Murder of President Morales.

ASIA. CHINA. The Emperor's Marriage-Treaty with Japan.
JAPAN.-Reforms- Railway opened.


THE two leading subjects of interest this year, in the history of the United States, are the diplomatic relations of the Government with

the Government of Great Britain; and the Presidential election, with the circumstances connected with it. The first series of incidents filled up the earlier part of the year, culminating in the Geneva Arbitration in September, with the subsequent arbitration of the Emperor of Germany in the San Juan boundary question on the 21st of October.

The Presidential election took place on the 5th of November, and was the central spring of internal politics from the time that Congress was prorogued in June.

The international negotiations and discussions with England on the Alabama question, the Indirect Claims, the Supplemental Treaty, the Award, the Counter-claims, and the San Juan Arbitration, have already come under review in the English portion of our history, and we shall therefore not return to them here, but occupy our space with the history of the Presidential election, and also with some other matters, which, if of less wide and stirring interest, nevertheless carry on the record of the internal policy of the United States, or reveal some characteristic features of the national life.

The assassination of Colonel James Fisk, on the 6th of January, removed from the scene of action the most notorious of the speculators who had enriched themselves and damaged the credit of their country by the transactions connected with the "Erie Ring." Fisk was shot dead in the Grand Central Hotel, New York, by Edward Stokes, a rival in the affections of a mistress whom he was visiting. Great was the excitement in New York at the news; greater, it is said, than any public event had caused since the assassination of President Lincoln. Stokes was apprehended and committed for trial. The death of Fisk had the effect of deepening the popular movement against the Ring, while it removed from the working of that fraudulent conspiracy its ablest and most energetic member. Mr. Jay Gould, who had hitherto shared with Fisk the principal hazard and responsibility, now found himself in difficulties which he was incompetent to surmount. A panic set in among the directors; one by one they dropped off; and when the final attack by the indignant public was made on the 11th of March in the Grand Opera House, which had been the main triumph of Fisk's magnificence and the citadel of his government, Gould, after struggling at his post against the newly-elected Board, literally forced to retire from room to room, while the police-force he had summoned declined to aid him, finally on the following day succumbed, capitulated, and acquiesced in seeing the respectable names of General Dix, General M'Clellan, and Mr. Sherman substituted in the chief direction of the Erie Railway for those of the broken and disgraced "Ring" of which he had been so prominent a member. The repeal of the "Erie Classification Act" soon afterwards, by the New York Legislature, completed his defeat. The new direction quitted the Opera House, the scene of former frauds, to re-establish their headquarters in the former office of the Railway.

For a short time Gould's name was allowed to remain among the directors, but he soon retired altogether, and a suit was instituted against him by the new managers for damages incurred by his maladministration. The bill of complaint was served upon the defendant on the 1st of July. It recited numerous breaches of trust and violations of law from the time of Gould's election as President in October, 1867, to his being ousted from his office. His management was charged with causing an over-issue of capital stock of the Erie Railway, the repeated elections of fraudulent Boards of Directors, and the unlawful issue of $10,000,000 bonds appropriated to himself and his confederates. The bill of complaint also adverted to the injury to the Erie Railway from Gould's flight to the State of New Jersey some years before, and his expenditure of $1,000,000 of the railway money to extricate himself from the embarrassments caused by his frauds; also to another fraudulent issue of $38,000,000 bonds to "water" the stock, unlawful payment of heavy claims to Vanderbilt and others, fraudulent transactions with connecting railways, the building and leasing of the Grand Opera House, &c. For all of these things damages were claimed amounting to $10,000,000. The suit was still pending, when, several months later in the year, Gould contrived to mix himself up in a swindling operation known as the "North Western Corner," which furnished such strong evidence of malpractices on his part that, on being arrested, he became frightened, and agreed, in consideration of the Erie Directors withdrawing their suit against him, to make restitution of property to the amount of more than $9,000,000, this restitution embracing 60,000 shares of Erie common stock, and the Grand Opera House itself.

The trial of Mayor Hall, of " Tammany" notoriety, was proceeding simultaneously with the Erie Revolution. It ended abruptly, however, on a technical point, the New York Recorder deciding that Judge Daly's Court, by which the Mayor was being tried, had no legal existence; and that he, the Recorder alone, by the laws of New York, was authorized to hold a Court of Sessions such as Judge Daly was improperly holding. The eleven jurors were, therefore, discharged, the Court dissolved, and the Mayor set free. After their discharge the jurors are said to have assured the Mayor that no evidence that they had heard implicated him in any criminal action.

He was tried again in October, when, after the counsel had occupied two days in their closing speeches, and after a charge by Judge Brady, the jury announced that they could not agree, and were consequently discharged.

Another triumphant incident in the war of public opinion against the fraudulent "Rings" of Tammany and Erie was the deposition of Judge Barnard from the judicial bench in the same month of October. The constitution of the State of New York gives the people security against a bad judge by providing for his removal after impeachment before the Senate of the State. Of late years, however,

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