The differences between the two editions are the following: 1. The matter from pages 1 to 8, inclusive, is new in the present edition. The substance of the preliminary remarks in the old copies has been transferred to the notes, in order to make room for a table of contents. 2. A more complete appendix is added in the place of the old appendix, and the opportunity has been taken to correct in this appendix misprints and errors in the text, and to supply omissions and deficiencies. The mistakes and errors on pages 9 to 16, inclusive, are corrected in this reprint, and are not noted in the appendix. 3. Historical notes have been added, which it is hoped may be found useful. The compiler is permitted to say that they have had the benefit of the revision of Mr. Caleb Cushing, and of Mr. William Hunter, the Second Assistant Secretary of State. 4. A copious analytical index has been added, on which some labor has been spent to secure accuracy. 5. A synoptical index has been added, made from the marginal abstracts as printed on the treaties. In this index the opportunity has been taken to correct all known errors in the titles of the treaties in the text of the work, and to give, respecting each treaty, whenever possible, the dates-1, of its conclusion; 2, of the action of the Senate upon it; 3, of its ratification by the President; 4, of the exchange of the ratifications; 5, of the President's proclamation. The compiler of the Notes and Index takes this opportunity to express his obligations to Mr. John H. Haswell, Chief of the Bureau of Archives and Indexes at the Department of State, for his care in verifying the numerous citations and references, (several thousand in all ;) and to Mr. Almon M. Clapp, Congressional Printer, and Mr. Henry T. Brian, Foreman of the Government Printing Office, for the great care in proof-reading which has secured what it is hoped may prove to be a great degree of accuracy. 1 J. C. BANCROFT DAVIS. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, September 1, 1873. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. BORNEO: June 23, 1850. Peace and amity; consular jurisdiction BRAZIL: December 12, 1828. Friendship, commerce, and navigation BRUNSWICK AND LUNEBURG: August 21, 1854. Disposal of property CENTRAL AMERICA: December 5, 1825. Commerce and navigation CHILI: May 16, 1832. Friendship, commerce, and navigation November 10, 1858. Arbitration of Macedonian claims. CHINA: July 3, 1844. Peace, amity, and commerce June 18, 1858. Peace, amity, and commerce.. July 28,1865. (Additional articles.) Amity, commerce, and navigation..... COLOMBIA, REPUBLIC OF: (See also Ecuador, New Granada, and Venezuela.) GERMAN EMPIRE: December 11, 1871. Consuls and trade-marks. GREAT BRITAIN: November 30, 1782. Preliminary to treaty of peace. January 18, 1873. As to places for holding sessions of Claims Commission. (Appendix) 912 March 10, 1873. Protocol of conference respecting Northwest Water Bound- 912 June 7, 1873. Protocol of conference respecting time when Articles 18 to 25 914 Page. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: December 20, 1849. Commerce, navigation, extradition, &c. HAYTI: November 3, 1864. Commerce, navigation, extradition, &c..... HESSE: March 26, 1844. (Hesse-Cassel.) Abolition of droit d'aubaine and 475 August 1, 1868. (Grand Duchy of.) Naturalization. (For Elector of Hesse, Grand Duke of Hesse and on Rhine, and Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg, see Prussia and other States of the Germanic Confedera- huur: February 8, 1868. Rights, &c., of consuls March 23, 1865. Extradition 500 LIBERLA: October 21, 1862. Commerce and navigation.. MADAGASCAR: February 14, 1867. Commerce, rights of citizens, consular juris- November 27, 1872. Extension of Claims Commission. (Appendix) 916 Morocco: January, 1787. Peace and friendship. 588 December 30, 1853. (Accession.) (Appendix.) Extradition.. ORANGE FREE STATE: December 22, 1871. Friendship, Commerce, Extradition. PERU-BOLIVIA: November 30, 1836. Friendship, commerce, and navigation .. July 26, 1851. Friendship, commerce, and navigation July 22, 1856. Rights of neutrals at sea. PORTUGAL: August 26, 1840. Commerce and navigation February 26, 1851. Certain claims to be referred to an arbiter. SAXONY: May 14, 1845. Abolition of droit d'aubaine and taxes on emigration. SCHAUMBURG LIPPE: June 7, 1854. (Accession.) (Appendix.) Extradition.... |