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Traité d'amitié et de commerce entre le royaume des Iles Hawaii et la Ville libre et anséatique de Hambourg, signé à Honolulu, le 8 janvier 1848*).

It being desirable that a general convention and instrument of mutual agreement should exist between Hamburg and the Hawaiian Islands, the following Articles, have for that purpose and to that intent, been mutually agreed upon and signed between the governments of Hamburg and that of the Hawaiian Islands.

Art. I. There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the Republic and free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, their heirs and successors.

Art. II. The citizens of the Republic of Hamburg, residing within the dominions of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, shall enjoy the same protection in regard to their civil rights, as well as to their persons and properties, as native subjects; and the King of the Hawaiian Islands engages to grant to citizens of the Republic of Hamburg, the same rights and privileges which now are, or may hereafter be granted to or enjoyed by any other foreigners, subjects of the most favored nation.

Art. III. The protection of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, shall be extended to all Hamburg vessels, their officers and crews, within the harbours, and roads of his dominions. In time of war, they shall receive all possible protection against the enemies of the Republic of Hamburg. In case of shipwreck, the local authorities and officers of the King, shall use their utmost exertions

*) Le traité a été redigé en hawaiien et en anglais. Nous ne donnons que le texte anglais. Nous ignorons si le traité a été ratifié pas les deux parties contractantes; nous savons seulement qu'en décembre 1849 le sénat de Hambourg proposa à l'assemblée constitutionelle des citoyens d'assentir à cette ratification.

to succur them and secure them from plunder. The salvage dues shall be settled according to the general law of salvage, and in case of dispute, shall be regulated by arbitrators chosen by both parties.

Art. IV. The desertion of seamen belonging to Hamburg vessels, shall be severely repressed by the local authorities, who shall employ all means at their disposal to arrest and confine deserters, and the lawful expenses shall be defrayed by the captain or owners. In such cases no unnecessary severity is to be used, and due notice is to be immediately given to the Hamburg Consul, agreeably to the 6th Art. of this treaty.

Art. V. Hamburg citizens shall be allowed to reside or settle on any part of the dominions of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, upon obtaining a document certifying that they are worthy persons, from the Hamburg Consul, whose duty it is, not to give any such document to others than bona fide citizens of the Republic of Hamburg. In the case of Hamburg sailors wishing to remain on the islands, permission shall be previously obtained of the government by the Hamburg Consul.

Art. VI. It is agreed that the Hamburg Consul shall be instructed to zealously attempt to settle amicably, and extra judicially, all difficulties arising with Hamburg citizens; and that when any case is brought before the court of foreign causes, the presiding judge shall, with the least possible delay, communicate knowledge thereof to the Hamburg Consul, also that when Hamburg sailors or citizens are committed, in consequence of police or other offences, information shall be conveyed to him, forthwith, by the Prefect or other officer of the Police.

Art. VII. No productions of the Republic of Hamburg or any other goods on board of or imported in Hamburg ships, that can be imported by other foreign ships, shall be prohibited, nor pay more than those duties levied on goods of the most favored nation. Any alteration in the duties levied on goods, shall not take effect nor be enforced, until twelve calendar months after the first public notification of such change.

Art. VIII. Hamburg merchandise and property, or goods imported in Hamburg vessels, liable to an entrance duty higher than 5 per cent ad valorem, shall be allowed to be bonded, paying only the usual transit duty.

Art. IX. All Hamburg vessels shall have the right and privilege of disposing of their cargoes, or any part thereof, at all or any of the ports of the Hawaiian dominions, now open, or that may hereafter be opened to foreign commerce, and to take in any produce of the Hawaiian Islands which they may receive in payment of such cargoes. But they shall not be allowed to take any goods or merchandise or freight from one island or port to another, such coasting trade being restricted to bottoms sailing under the Hawaiian flag.

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Art. X. The subjects of His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, shall in their commercial relations, or relations of any other nature, with the Republic and free Hanseatic City of Hamburg and her dependencies, be treated on the footing of the most favored nation.

Done at Honolulu, this 8th day of Jan. 1848.

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Additional Art. This treaty shall not be permanently binding till it receive the ratification of the Senate of the Republic and free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, but in the meanwhile for the sake of Hamburg vessels or citizens arriving, it is mutually agreed that it shall take effect, provisionally from the date of its ratification by His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands.

Done at Honolulu, this 8th day of Jan. 1848.

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Déclaration du Sénat de la Ville libre de Hambourg relative à l'abolition reciproque des droits différentiels entre le Brésil et la ville libre de Hambourg, signée à Hambourg le 31 janvier 1848.

Nachdem durch ein Dekret Sr. Majestät des Kaisers von Brasilien vom 1. October 1847 verfügt worden, dass vom 1. Juli d. J. an, in den Häfen von Brasilien fremde Schiffe und deren Ladungen einem Differentialzolle unterworfen werden sollen, mit Ausnahme jedoch der Schiffe und deren Ladungen, welche Staaten angehören, die in ihren Häfen Brasilianische Schiffe und deren Ladungen den Nationalen gleich behandeln, so bringt E. H. Rath hierdurch zur öffentlichen Kunde, dass nach hierselbst bereits bestehenden gesetzlichen Anordnungen in Hamburgischen Häfen von Brasilianischen Schiffen und deren Ladungen keine andere und höhere Abgaben erhoben werden, als von Hamburgischen Schiffen und deren Ladungen zu bezahlen sind. E. H. Rath fügt dieser Bekanntmachung hinzu, dass, nach einer Ihm gewordenen officiellen Mittheilung, die Kaiserlich Brasilianische Regierung, in Berücksichtigung dieser gleichmässigen Behandlung Hamburgischer und Brasilianischer Schiffe in Hamburgischen Häfen, eine bisher noch bestandene Abgabenverschiedenheit in Brasilien für Pässe des Herrn Marineministers aufgehoben hat, so dass in Zukunft Hamburgische Schiffe nur 6720 Reis für solche Pässe, gleich den Brasilianischen Schiffen, statt der bisherigen 10240 Reis, in Brasilianischen Häfen zu zahlen haben werden. Hamburg, den 31. Januar 1848.

Gegeben in Unserer Raths-Versammlung.



Traité de paix, d'amitié, de limites et d'arrangement définitif, entre les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique et la République de Mexique, signé à Guadalupe Hidalgo, le 2 février 1848. Suivi des articles 1 et 5 de la convention non ratifiée en date du 20 novembre 1843*).

Texte anglais.


Texte espagnol.

In the name of Almighty En el nombre de Dios God: Todo-Poderoso: The United States of AmeLos Estados Unidos Mexirica and the United Mexican canos y los Estados Unidos States, animated by a sin- de América, animados de un cere desire to put an end sincero deseo de poner térto the calamities of the war mino a las calamidades de which unhappily exists be- la guerra que desgraciadatween the two republics, and mente existe entre ambas to establish upon solid repúblicas, y de establecer basis relations of peace and sobre báses sólidas relaciofriendship, which shall con- nes de paz y buena amistad, fer reciprocal benefits upon que procuren recíprocas venthe citizens of both, and tajas á los ciudadanos de assure the concord, harmony, uno y otro pais, y afianzen and mutual confidence whe- la concordia, armonia y múrein the two people should tua seguridad en que deben live, as good neighbours, have vivir, como buenos vecinos, for that purpose appointed los dos pueblos han nomtheir respective plenipoten- brado á este efecto sus restiaries that is to say, the pectivos plenipotenciarios; á President of the United States saber, el Presidente de la has appointed Nicholas P. república Mexicana á Don Trist, a citizen of the United Bernardo Couto, Don Miguel States, and the President of Atristain, y Don Luis Gonthe Mexican republic has ap- zaga Cuevas, ciudadanos de

*) Voir Murhard Tom. XI. p. 387. Les ratifications ont été échangées à Queretaro, le 30 mai 1848.

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