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gone out of the kingdom ;” but,reader, beef," continues the writer, gives forget not the reason; they are taxed" out of it.

Aristides is not content with the farmers' mode of living; he calls upon the reader to enter a farm-house, and tells him, he will "no longer find the farmer's daughters, Madge and Molly, (for such "he will have their names) feeding hogs, "fetching or milking cows, churning "butter, or making cheese;" but will find them in the back parlour, drawing or at music, or preparing for a county ball. But, reader, be not content with stepping into one; go into nine, and see if idleness is the order of the day; see if they are not attempting to earn their livelihood by making cheese, or perform ing some other duties. But, mark me, do not come from town to do this, when you have taken a fashionable breakfast at ten o'clock, and then, after a ride of twenty miles, expect to find them churning their butter. No, no, they will have half finished before you get from your beds; they will be in their back parlour, if they have one, mending their garments, or recreating themselves by some agreeable and pleasant amusement, perhaps at music, perhaps at drawing, or perhaps embroidering. Allow me to ask Aristides, what harm there is in farmers' daughters amusing themselves in this way, provided they do not neglect their business? Does it follow of course, then that they cannot make pie, pudding, or dumplin, because they learn music? Or because they sometimes sit in their back parlour, must they neglect going into the dairy?

way to modern delicacy." This also is true; but the reason, Sir, is, because their own mutton and pork is cheaper to them. After all, Mr. COBBETT, why does Aristides envy the farmers? Does he think they live in luxury? Does he think they get too rick? If he does, let him try; let him take a farm at 41. per acre; let him pay 31. per acre in taxes; after he has tilled and sown the ground with all possible care, let him get fifteen bushels of blighted wheat per acre; let him pay like an honest man the tenth of all he has laid out on it to the church; let him make 6s. the bushel of the remainder, and then he will know and taste the sweets of farming; then, he may sport his "military-cut upper-coat of su"perfine, lined with silk," and his Wellingtonian boots; and then, instead of keeping his curricle, he had better march along with that illustrious personage, the next time he goes to fight for the re-establishment of the Pope and the Inquisition, than attempt to raise another year's rent and taxes.

Aristides pities the poor; so do I. He wonders why they should be made to eat dear bread; so do I. He says bread ought to be cheap; so do I. But, instead of envying the supposed riches of the farmer, I would pray Parliament to take off the taxes; to do away the support of a vile system of corruption, so as to enable the landlords to lower their rents, and the tenant his corn. I would pray that we might be relieved of tythes, that curse to agriculture, which supports a set of men, a tenth of whom are scarcely But the "old mare (what a grievance !) worth any thing but to roar out 'Church "is discarded." It is true; for those" and State;" a system which every agriwho kept her only, have found it necessary, by the late increase of assessed taxes, to make shift without her, and are content to walk.--But why may not farmers have the privilege of getting money enough to enable them to ride a good nag, as well as a tradesman? As for their curricles, gigs, and chaises," is there one in fifty, or even in a hundred, that keep any of them? I shall pass over the young gentleman, his " hobnails "end smock frock, and carter's whip,' although I consider there is a medium between this and the other dress, which Aristides describes; and would wish to know, why a farmer may not be a gentleman. "The ox's cheek, and leg of


culturist ought to set his hands against; and by doing which they would prove their patriotism, their sincerity for national improvement more than the support of wars, or of agricultural societies,

-Aristides-it behoves you, as an active citizen, to give a proof of your sincerity in wishing bread cheaper, and the people happier, by helping to promote such a petition, and if yours and our prayer is heard, and the taxes and tythes taken off, then we shall have bread cheap; then we shall be content and happy: that will be the period, and not till that period arrives. "I am, &c.

A FRIEND TO SINCERITY, Hertford, March 3, 1815.


per quarter was possible. Now Sir, I
presume that no comment is necessary,
and that I need only add that whoever
thinks this gentleman did wrong in this
instance, or in giving similar informa-
tion to all his foreign correspondents, or
that gentlemen in this profession collec-
tively in giving such information to all
their respective foreign connexions are
censurable, is ignorant of the regular
practice and interests of commercial
trade, and of what constitutes credit
and respectability in the contracting of it.
I have no hesitation in adding that every
regular factor of foreign grain must have
remitted such information to each of

MR. COBBETT. Having from the commencement of the present and preceding discussions upon the proposed alterations of the Corn Laws, in behalf both of agriculture and the grower, given the most constant attention to the argument whereby they have been supported, and also to those which have been opposed to them, permit me through the medium of your invaluable Journal, to make a few remarks upon the same. From the occasional conversation with the farmer and grower of coru, I frankly confess myself to be one of those who have been persuaded that a very consi-their respectable correspondents, by the derable and valuable body of men among earliest opportunities after the expected the farming tenantry, require the protec- rise, probably by the succeeding post. tion stated to be sought in their behalf; I cannot however pass from the subject and as far as my observation has ex- of importation, (which will doubtless betended, I am also fully satisfied that come very considerable to the port of the class of agricultural labourers, col- this metropolis) without noticing, though lectively and distinctively as a body, re- with great deference to your superior quire consideration and legislative assist- judgement, that I do not think in con ance. Presuming therefore, that these nexion with a durable peace that the statements are facts; 1 must conclude proposed measure will have quite the that they ought to be duly weighed, and effect in raising the price of the London generously appreciated in connexion with quartern loaf, which has been supposed; all remonstrances against any measures certainly not for a permanency. If the that are proposed professedly to obtain price should pass 13d. I must attribute a fair and proper amelioration, which I it to the alarm which these obnoxious conclude the present measures, precipi measures have excited. This remark tating through the houses of parliament, I beg you will not suppress. Should are not calculated to produce, but, on the price exceed, it would certainly only the contrary, are practically mischievous benefit the class of speculators whose and particularly inconsistent with public ability to enrich themselves at the public welfare. However, Sir, as you have al- expence, you would not I am sure willingly ready fully and repeatedly proved this contribute to. I do not allude to regu latter opinion, I shall only add one fact lar middle men, whose credit with their in confirmation of one of the objections connexions, and whose permanent inwhich reflecting persons stated in the terest is involved in regular profits, and first instance. I allude to their assertion, not in fluctuating prices. But, Sir, are "That if the proposed measure could the inhabitants of this ancient and enbe established, the difference conse-lightened metropolis to be persuaded by quently paid in the higher price of foreign corn, can but prove principally a premium or bonus to the foreign grower of, and dealer in corn." The following fact I humbly presume is convincing on the subject. A cornfactor (whose name can be supplied as soon as those measures were known to be sanctioned by the Government, and likely to be established ander some modification, immediately in formed a foreign correspondent, advising him to delay his shipments and wait a few weeks for advanced markets; and mark reader, as a rise of no less than 17s,

the country representatives, that without absolute dearth, and with free communication to and from the coasts of the continent, that 13d. or 1s.or even 9d. should be the permanent price of this portion of food? My reason for concluding that bread would not under the proposed measures exceed the price I have stated during the continuation of peace, is that inasmuch as the said measure of prohibiting the first sale of the importations of foreign corn, when under 80s. would have the effect sought of advancing corn to that price, so likewise there would

such an immense importation and de-
posit take place, to obtain that price
on the advance, that it must necessarily
keep it down to the lowest possible ad
ditional advance that would ensure an
equal chance of sale, which must be
connived at, otherwise there would pro
bably be wanted a protection or indem-
nification bill, in behalf of the interested
parties, and of the foreign proprietor.
Thus it is obvious that if importation is
to take place in any way, it must produce
the same competition between the fo-
reign and British growers of corn, which
now exists between the British and Irish;
and unless the two latter are first upon
a fair footing, to oppose it in such a de-
gree as must eventually produce their
ruin, or call for absolute prohibition in
their behalf, a remedy which we have
been led to suppose, might if this coun-
try once relied principally on foreigners
for its consumption, in its application,
occasion as great a fall in the prices of
corn throughout the exporting and corn
growing nations of Europe, as might
probably produce a general revolution,
or lead to a war with this country to pre-
vent it. But, Sir, what good is the
grower of corn, and the agricultural
fabourer of this country, to derive from
a measure that will always ensure a rival
at his protecting price, seeing that go-
vernment is determined that whenever
bigh prices or large demands prevail, the
foreigner is then to close in, and to reap
the greater advantages, for it is evident
that the cheap grower who must in this
case reap a large profit, has the decided
advantage in holding back to engross
such a market.

circumstances, whenever material distinctions and differences exist, in order to arrive either at fair premises or just conclusions. It is a species of the comiconest craft used in vulgar controversy, to confound all distinctions. It would be equally mischievous, and not a jot more injurious, to assume distinctions that are frivolous or unfounded. In venturing therefore to state that the farmers should be considered as differently interested in point of claims in the present instance, and in adding that the individuals appear to me to form in Great Britain three distinet and nearly equal parties, with very different pretensions, it is proper to explain, that this is my private view of their case, and also that it is not grounded upon very intimate knowledge with, or extensive information on the subject, but merely derived from a few residents in diferent parts of England, in several of which very dissimilar customs prevail in the letting of estates, and consequently in the circumstances and claims of the landed tenantry. In some parts of the country nearly the whole of the tenantry are without leases, and many of them have now been so, for many years past; and as the custom has very much increased, it is probabic that the persons thus situated, amount to one third of the whole number of farmers. The next class of farmers are those who hold either long or short leases at an exorbitant rent, taken during the high prices of every species of produce, and the limited supply of the importation of foreign corn. Several of these persons it is said, occupy a number of estates or very large farms, but I do really believe But having allowed the partial accu- that neither in number nor in point of recy of the statement of our opponents the quantity of land which they occupy in behalf of the farmer and his servant, that they form more than a third of the I would advocate their cause as earnestly interest in question. Certainly the emas I would that of any other class of in- barrassments of the farmer at the present dividuals. For elicitating their particu- time, are not exclusively among these lar cases, I shall proceed on the present persons. The last division consists of occasion, by giving the master the pre- those farmers who have been more caucedence, though only on account of the tious and successful, and are now living courtesy due to him from his superior upon and cultivating their own property, situation, for as men and members of adding to those the gentlemen farmers society, I know no difference in their (a term by no means novel) who perhaps relative importance, or in their claims to have caluvated under their own inspechumanity. To appreciate the interest, tion a small part of their estate, for the Dilonsof the farmers collectively, orsake either of amusement, or improvemen, or of societyment and discovery, rather than by way ously necessary to of competition with the more dependent distinet states and farmer.These two descriptions of persons,

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with those tenants who have long old leases, or who have contracted prudently with liberal and uninformed Cits for renewals, beyond doubt comprise a full third of the parties interested in the growth of corn and the farming business. The first class of farmers which I have instanced, are those who have no leases. These persons have been considered as mere vassals of the landlord, but I think very improperly, and that the term is inappropriate, and totally inadequate to appreciate their situation and wretched

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that these persons do not pay so much rent per acre, as the farmer in some other districts; this objection is allowed to be correct, and even in several instances where the farmers will be gainers by their present leases. But this only makes the practice more intolerable. It is evident that those persons cannot pay a rack rent equally as high as the leasehold tenant of a well managed and conditioned farm, in the first instance; because the security of reaping the advantage of his improvements, and expenditure of property, on the esIt is very obvious, that in the pre- tate, during his enjoyment of the lease, sent state of society these persons receive would have induced him to cultivate and no particular protection nor equivalent stock it, to the utmost of his ability. advantage, neither are they to be fairly But no farmers of property would take reckoned tenants at will. The farming land to do the same, upon an uncertain business is the only employment they terms, nor is there any probability of are adapted to follow, and if they profess persons without property becoming ademoral principles and integrity, desiring quate to such an expenditure, unless by to live by their exertions, and duly and certain possession at a moderate rent, for fully to discharge the just demands, a given number of years. This is a how small soever of their servants and chance that certain landholders, for the others, they must continue to make the sake of enjoying a most arbitrary power, best of it. If they have none they must or for the gaining of a few pounds more still do the same; without character, in the first instance, appear determined credit or property, their profession is to continue denying them. In passing the sole medium of their existence. The from this subject, I would hazard a conwhole of these do not probably pay ajecture and venture to suppose, that if this rack 1ent, but it is notoriously other-increasing practice should become genewise with the majority; they are doomed ral throughout Great Britain, as the whether corn is high or low, to pay the face of the country recovers its mili tary exactions of their landlords, to the utter-population, it would approach that state most farthing. This class of farmers therefore are not at all interested in protecting prices, but they want, and so does agriculture, as far as connected with them, this innovation suppressed; this growing imitation of Irish customs put a stop to; this unnatural association with civilization broken down. It is also obvious that the protection of agriculture by an enhancement of prices, would not as far as it is connected with this class of farmers, contribute to the enrichment and employment of the other classes of society: no, their poverty would still remain, and they would continue in this respect, the least useful body of the community. Having no inducements for exertion, they would also continue to be very inferior agriculturists. They may sign their landlord's petitions for protecting prices, but it is evident the protection they want, is from high and fluctuating rents, in connexion with It may be said

more certain tenure.

of anarchy, so often prevailing in the sister kingdom; of which country I would venture to add, that under similar circumstances, more serious troubles and difficulties must occur than any hitherto encountered.

Government ought, however, to interpose and fine both landholders for letting, and tenants for occupying, farms without leases; and that also, if not contracted for between the resident tenant, and the real proprietor, when such. This would, in some measure, defend the unwary, of the latter order, from those speculators in the taking of farms, who deal in leases, and the fariner from the same; and also from the obnoxious class of interloping overseers in the management of large estates.

The next class of farmers, in behalf of whom pretensions are made for corn protecting prices, are those who have taken leases during the extreme high price of Corn, and other provisions; but the

difficulties in which these persons are involved, are justly merited by the majority of them; inasmuch as it was their speculations, for extensive occu pancy, which occasioned those high prices, both of rents and provisions, in connexion with circumstances that favored the issue. To place the subject, in reference to themselves, in a clear point of view, it should be thus stated. "That by rendering the land less fruitful in provisions, and agricultural productions, the money value, or price "received for the produce became con"siderably enhanced," a necessary consequence, in connexion with a proportionate demand for the various productions. That this is a substantial part, or a necessary consequence, of the improved system of large farms, and unlimited occupancy is obvious. That it is the keystone upon which the whole system Iringes, is incontrovertible.

With proprietors and monopolizing farmers, the contest of the system for large or for small farms, is simply, does the latter, or the former, produce the most money, not the greatest quantum of commody. Thus, does the produce of any given quantity of land; in 60 small farms, in fruit, vegetables, poultry, pork; bunter, chezze, corn, and pasture; sell for as much with a limited or equivalent demand, as the produce" of the same land, divided only into three farms. The value in quantity and price, of the two last mentioned branches of agriculture, being equal in both instances, and it being possible for the three farms to supply the demand for the former commodities, though not to raise the quantifies of the 60 farms; it is therefore pretty obvious, that the large farm system has well paidthose who succeeded ir jostling their reighbours out of House, home, and enployment; and that the large land-holders' urses have been filled thereby; and that they both would continue to prosper while the two principle depar'nents of agriculture remained as lucrative as be fore, or unless some other uncontrolable circumstances should proscribe the sysfenr. Such air occurrence may probably Be a natural effect of a continuation of peace; but independently of any such fa tare event great deductipits have already taken place in the prices and profits of the other leading department of agriculSere, and althio/ we have not property

participated in the fail of the price of animal food (the consequence of the failure of government contracts) in the London markets (which I must conclude very unfair, though I hold the middle man in equal respect and worthy of efficient profits) yet it is notorions that it has generally taken place to a very great extent, and that the lease occupiers of large. farms,whether men of property or not, are at their wits' end, both from the fall in value of their stock, and the unconditional obligation of their leases. Now, Sir, are not the persons thus ruined or likely to be so, entitled to assistance? and would it not be politic in the country to grant it in behalf of agriculture. If the statement before you is a conect one, it would be most impolitic and most unjust in the government to require it. But should not the landlords be compelled, or rather ought they not voluntarily to lower their rents? The latter is for their private consideration, but were I a landlord thus situated, I should not choose to comply with any suggestion to that effect, unless in such peculiar case where it became my interest to do so, or unless' I could be assured that' land-holders throughout the country would do so generally. But, Sir, I completely deny that government have any right to interfere between the pacties in this case, altho' I' am prepared to allow that they have precettent in interfering to regulate and res strict the importation of corn, or rather in the present instance in tending and' affempting to do so, and as has been forcibly shewn, a very bad precedent, yet I do not think that government can interfere even in an indirect way. It has however been surmised by some essayists or the subject, that by taxing those landlord's estates which are let at a high rent, and by relieving the occupying tenant,paying such rent of his taxes, that some thing might be done, But I do not think that the body of land holders, with all their preachings to the populace on the subject of passiveness, would be brought to submit; and I also think that if they could, it would even at présent, and assuredly hereafter; he found totally inadequate. It appears to ne, that the situation of these distressed and unworthy persons is irretrievable, and that' more of them will become bankrupts, to the affliction of their creditors both just and usurious, or to the parting with

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