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Was Sir W. Drummond to be allowed | unfounded; but he also shewed, what
to taiat the public mind with such matter, seems to have touched the author quite as
without a syllable of answer or animad-nearly, that, under an ostentatious display
version? Was the Bible not to be heard of deep erudition, he is one of the most
even in its defence? Was this novel method shallow of men; that he has used terms
of discovering truth to be adopted, that without any knowledge of their meaning,
one side of the question only should be has heaped blunder upon blunder, com-
heard, and a complete bar put upon the mitted inaccuracy after inaccuracy, and
mouths of all opponents, because the book asserted the boldest falsehoods without the
which required an answer was unpublished? slightest excuse; and that, during all this
Was it to become an allowed and esta- time, he has stolen a great part of his mat-
blished privilege of wealth, to circulate opi- ter from preceding infidel writers, while
nions of every description, no matter how he endeavoured to assume to himself the
noxious to society, in full security from credit of all the learning which he pro-
animadversion or contradiction, by the sim- duced. Thus Mr. D'Oyly not only de-
ple expedient of writing a book and dis-feated the opposer of revelation, in his
tributing it gratuitously? I guess, no man purpose, but stripped the vain jack-daw of
in his senses will maintain so wild a po- his stolen plumes; and shewed that the
sition as this. In the case then of Sir W. imposing appearances of deep crudition,
Drummond, what was to be done? It is which the CEDIPUS JUDAICUS conveyed,
true, that he might have been prosecuted in were of the most hollow and fallacious de-
a court of law for blasphemy; for, there scription. I wish neither you nor any one
is no doubt, that, in the contemplation of else to take all this on my assertion, but
the law, a book gratuitously circulated, is call upon every one to enquire for himself,
no less a publication than one which is by reading the EDIPUS JUDAICUS, and
sold at the booksellers shops; and, if this the remarks which have been made upon
course had been taken, it is tolerably cer-it. Your correspondent tells you, that
tain that this Sicilian Knight, and British three anonymous writers have started up
Privy Councillor, would have been raised in defence of the EDIPUS JUDAICUS, and
to more public notoriety than he had yet have shown the ignorance and malice of
attained, by the pillory. But as you, Mr. the person who wrote against it. These
Cobbett, I observe, contend very strenu-three anonymous writers, it is pretty well
ously against any use of legal prosecutions known, are no other than Sir W. D.
towards persons who write against the himself in disguise. They have written,
Bible, you must be the last person to it is true, a very bulky volume in professed
maintain that such a proceeding ought to defence of the EDIPUS JUDAICUS, but
have been adopted towards Sir W. Drum-have almost entirely substituted railing
mond. Thus, then, unless the free license and scurrilous invective for sound argu-
was to be granted to him, of saying what ments; and instead of defending Sir W.
he pleased against the Bible, unnoticed D.'s blunders, have indicted whole reams
and unchastised, it was absolutely neces- of personal abuse against his opponent.
sary that some literary opponent should An anonymous pamphlet, signed J. R. has
enter the lists against him, and examine since appeared, in which it has been most
a little the truth of his assertions, and the fully shewn, that, notwithstanding all
soundness of his pretensions. Accordingly, which is boldly affirmed by these virulent
the clergyman, whose name your corres- writers (of whose mode of argument, by
pondent mentions, came forward for that the way, your correspondent gives no very
purpose, and addressed, in the first place, unfair specimen), Mr. D'Oyly's charges
some letters of remonstrance to the author, and proofs against Sir Wm. Drummond
on the nature of his attack on revelation, remain good in every essential part. I
and followed these up by an enquiry into must repeat, that I wish not any single
the truth, accuracy, and learning which he person to believe what I here affirm, solely
displayed. I perceive your correspondent to on my assertion; but as you have thought
affirm, that the CEDIPUS JUDAICUS of Sir it right to publish an cr-parte statement
W.Drummond "displays a fund of prodigious from one correspondent, it seems but fair
erudition!!!" On the contrary, Mr. that you should give equal publicity to the
D'Oyly not only shewed, in every point, opinion of another respecting this matter.
that his attempts to impeach the truth of
Your's, &c.
the biblical histories were most futile and Dec. 30, 1814.


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against any man of quality; or a Minis"ter against a President of Parliament? “Such a letter is straight sent to him, and "he instantly sent from home, sometimes "into a remote province. Is the Go


same compassion; a victim must be of"ferred to his holy rage."

LETTRES DE CACHET. "Signet, lie in the hands of the Ministers, SIR,-Your recent remarks on the un66 as well as in those of the Under Governors handsome and illiberal newspaper abuse of" of Provinces, to be used at their discrethe people of France, and the measures of" tion, frequently to gratify their own their Government, are fully corroborated" vengeance. Is an Intendant piqued by the manner in which the Morning Chronicle, of last week, adverted to the proceedings against General Excelmans, who had been ordered under arrest by the King of France. Of this officer the Chronicle observed, that he had "petition-"vernor's Lady, or daughter, disgusted at "ed both Chambers for redress, and has "another lady in the place, finer and more "stated his willingness to surrender him- "admired than herself, her punishment is "self the moment a trial is promised him, decreed, and the poor rival sent a wan"and his reasons for withdrawing himself" dering; a crime is easily forged, and "momentarily from the oppression which" the sufferer has no remedy. The smallest "this renewed system of Lettres de Cachet" affront to a Monk in favour (and Monks, "had inflicted on him."Either the "God knows, are soon offended), finds the writer of this article is entirely ignorant of" the nature of Lettres de Cachet, or he must have been influenced by motives of No one who reads this description of the worst kind, to compare the order given Lettres de Cachet, will be able to discover in this case to that terrible instrument. any resemblance to these in the proceedIn the justly celebrated answer to the ings against General Excelmans. He was Bourbon proclamation, published in your not put under arrest to gratify the caprice of REGISTER of the 15th January, I observe any Minister, Deputy Governor, Mistress, some very pertinent remarks on the subject or Monk. He was, in the first instance, of Lettres de Cachet, extracted from Ir. ordered to remove from Paris, by com Arthur Young's Survey of France. To mand of the King, for an offence, real or these may be added the following more de-supposed, against the State. Had there tailed account by Gordon, an able writer been any intention to revive the Lettres de in the cause of ficedom, whose works were Cachet, the General would have been published about the beginning of last cen-seized and sent to prison, without any ce tury :-" The French Government, though remony, instead of giving him an oppor a mild one for an arbitrary one, is yet a tunity to remove himself. But did he 66 very terrible one to an Englishman. All obey the order of his Sovereign? On the "the advantages in it are not comparable contrary, he remonstrated against it, and "to one single advantage in ours: I mean persisted in continuing at Paris. Even "the Act of Habeas Corpus, which se- then, no violence was used, though, if he cures, at least rescues, from all wanton had been previously innocent, his disobe"and oppressive imprisonment. In France, dience might have been converted into "by the word of a Minister, the greatest, a crime, and he dealt with accordingly. "the most innocent, subject, may, from The order to leave Paris was dated caprice, or a whisper, or the pique of a the 10th. On the 14th he had not "mistress, be committed to a dungeon for gone to his place of destination, which "his life, or the best part of it, or as long led the Minister to put a guard on his "as the Minister, or his mistress or mi-house. In this stage of the business, and "nion pleases. Some have been there shut in place of sending him to prison, or even up in dismal durance and solitude for securing his person, the order was renewed, years together, though no harm was and twenty-four hours allowed him to re"meant them; not for any offence real move himself. "or imaginary, but only through mistake "and likeness of names. Thus a Minister "has sometimes committed his favorites, "and useful agents, who lay in misery for 46 years, and might have perished in it, had "not accident contributed to undeceive "him. Such orders, called Letters of the

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Still he continued refrac tory. It was, therefore, considered expe dient to place him under arrest; but no attempt having been made to convey him from his house, an opportunity was thus afforded the General to make his escape.

Such being the well authenticated nature of the Lettres de Cachet, and such the true


and a


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During the whole expo

The man

state of General Excelman's case, as given" riff Court. even in the Morning Chronicle itself, bow" is it possible to acquit the writer in that" filth but with stones. sure, they were assailed not only with Journal of a base and malicious calumny The man, who "seemed at first to treat his punishment as against the French Government, when he" a joke, was particularly aimed at, and denominates its proceedings "oppression," "must have received much bodily hurt. "renewed system of Lettres de "The woman, however, did not wholly "Cacket?"-It is not my wish to advocate "escape. From the blood on her cap, she the conduct of the present Rulers of France," seemed to have been wounded on the or to attach blame to the individual who "head. The stones were thrown chiefly, has incurred their displeasure. The charge" if not entirely, by a party of lads stapreferred by the former may be unfounded." tioned near the new building erecting on The latter, of course, must be innocent.— "the site of the old gaol. When the hour But it is not necessary that either of these" was elapsed, the disgraceful business did points should be established, to shew that "not terminate. There were those among the proceedings against the General me-"the mob who thought the sport far too rited the harsh terms by which they have" fine to be given up so soon. been described by the Chronicle. In this "was, according to their jargon, put land of liberty, where the Habeas Corpus," through the mill.' He was cuffed and says, "secures, at least rescues, "kicked, and knocked down and raised up, "from all wanton and oppressive impri-"at the pleasure of the by-standers. In "sonment," numbers of persons are neces- "the Candleriggs-street, to which the mob sarily arrested, and even imprisoned, who it" moved, he was thrown into a cart, whose afterwards turns out are entirely innocent." driver for some time drove him along, We have each known individuals, for rea-"humouring the amusement; but, finding sons of State, kept in close custody, with-" that neither himself nor his horse escaped out any suspension of the Habeas Corpus." the punishment meant for the old man, he Would we not call that man a knave, or "loosed his cart, and tumbled him out on a fool, who would charge our Government "the street. In the course of the fray he with oppression for sanctioning those pro-" was repeatedly raised shoulder-high, and ceedings? What, then, are we to think "exhibited in his grey-hairs, torn garof the Editor of such a paper as the Morn-"ments, and swollen features, a most pitiing Chronicle, when we see him bringing" able spectacle. At length he was rea similar charge against the French Go-"scued by the exertions of the Police, and vernment, who appear to have acted a part "taken to the office in Albion-street." not more reprehensible than ours? Is it possible, as I asked before, to acquit such a man of wanton and deliberate malice ?Your's, &c. January 4, 1815.


That scenes, no less savage and barbarous than those described above, have been exhibited in London, within these few years, no one will pretend to deny; but that they should exist in Scotland, the seat of learning, where " pure and undefiled "religion" has more professors than any THE PILLORY. where else, and where we ought to look MR. COBBETT,I should like to be for a more distinguished display of its huinformed why our neighbours the Scotch, mane and benevolent effects; that such a who have been so long celebrated for their spectacle should be witnessed, at this time liberality of sentiment, and so far famed for of day, in such a country, is a phenomenon their hospitality, should have degenerated well deserving the attention of those who so much of late years, as to permit the fol-feel interested in the cultivation of public lowing disgraceful affair, (the account of morals, and in the improvement of our criwhich has appeared in all our newspapers) minal code. I question much, whether in to be transacted amongst them:all Europe, even in “demoralized" France "BRUTAL BEHAVIOUR.-Wednesday, itself, an instance can be produced where "between one and two o'clock, William popular fury has been permitted to dis"Coil and Elizabeth Roberts, his wife, charge itself with such marks of ferocity, stood in the pillory at the cross of Glas- as in the case of the hoary-headed wretch gow, for Wilful Perjury, of which who was given up by the Magistrates of "they were lately convicted at the She-Glasgow to be cuffed, kicked, and knocked

Those to whom the country is already indebted for many excellent reforms in our criminal code, will have much to combat, in the way of prejudice, before they can accomplish all they propose. But as they have already experienced the beneficial advantages of perseverance, they


down, all for the "amusement" of the "observance." Much as has been done of pious and hospitable inhabitants of that late towards ameliorating our criminal highly cultivated and enlightened city!!! law, there still remains a vast accumulation The pillory is evidently a vestige of that of abuse and error, which it will require feudal barbarism which formerly overspread more than ordinary exertion and talent to Europe; and although it is not now at- overcome. tended, as then, with the painful infliction of having the ears nailed to the instrument of disgrace, or the check branded with a hot iron, it is a punishment that must, in many cases, be worse than death, when the culprit, through a mistaken policy, is left to the mercy of an infuriated mob.-may pretty safely calculate, that as long as It would be difficult, I think, to point out they continue to keep the object steadily the wisdom of that law, which leaves the in view, they need be under no apprehendegree of punishment of a criminal to be sions as to the result.-Yours, &c. determined, and inflicted, by the multitude, who neither know, or are capable of justly appreciating, the offence with which he is charged. The case of the man at Glasgow was no doubt of a very aggravated nature. But are all persons condemned to the pillory of the same description? Have we not had that sentence put in execution for mere matters of opinion? and can it se- It is true that a room is now fitting up riously be said that any person thus situated in the prison for sick persons, but this ought to be consigned to the hands of a room will not contain more than four beds, set of unprincipled ruffians, to be kicked which is a very inadequate accommodation. and cuffed, as long as they please, for their As the University Officers are at this time amusement? Why should not the law endeavouring to apprehend all the prostiexplicitly define and apportion the degree tutes who are ill of a certain disease, the of punishment belonging to each offence? prison, should the winter be severe, will Why should so glaring a proof of its inef present a scene of more than usual mificacy be permitted for one moment to sery. The writer will feel himself much exist? Where our national character is obliged to any resident Member of the so much involved, and the rights of huma- | University of Cambridge, who will favou nity so deeply implicated, it surely would him, through the medium of your REGISTER, be no disgrace if our legislators would with a full and accurate account of the meexert themselves to get a practice abolish-thod pursued there with respect to these ed, which, on all occasions, would be unfortunate women. 66 more honoured in the breach than in the

UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. SIR,-You will much oblige the writer of the letter which appeared in your last REGISTER on the subject of the Oxford prison, by inserting the following Postscript to it :

Oxford, Jan. 2, 1815.

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, 94, Strand.


VOL. XXVII. No. 2.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 1815. [Price 1s.




called the Reformers," a low and degraded

THE IMPLACABLE ENEMY OF TYRANNY." crew," having amongst them "


Peace between England and America

Botley. January 9, 1815.

по honour

"able distinctions " and he expressed his
pleasure, that they were, as he said, fight-
ing on the side of our enemy. They were,
in his eyes, so contemptible, that he was
glad we had them for enemies, and espe-
cially, as, in their chastisement, republican-
ism would be humbled in the dust, if not


Such were the sentiments of the greater

DEAR SIR,-Before I proceed to the proposed subject of this Letter, I think it right just to notice, that I have, in address-wholly destroyed. ing you now, omitted the addition of Esq. at the end of your name. It is become part of the nation, at the time when the high time for us, and all those who think as Kings and Potentates of Germany paid us we do, to partake, in no degree whatever, a visit, and when the "Bits of Striped in this sort of foolery, especially when we Bunting" were seen reversed under the are writing, or speaking, upon the subject | Royal flag on the Serpentine River. There of a peace, which has been made with a had, indeed, occurred, before that time, nation, whose Chief Magistrate never pre- events, which, one would have hoped, tends to any title above that of "fellow-would have checked this contemptuous way "citizen," which he shares in common with of thinking. The defeat and capture of the all the people of the free and happy coun- Guerriere, the Macedonian, the Java, the ry, at the head of whese Government he Peacock, and divers other smaller ships of has been placed by the unbought votes of war, by that Republic, whose very name his "fellow-citizens." we affected to despise, might have been expected to create a doubt, at least, of our power to annihilate the Republic in any very short space of time. But the nation had been cheated here, too, by the corrupt press, who persuaded them, that all these losses arose from causes other than those of the skill and valour of the Republicans. At one time, it was superior numbers; at another, heavier metal; at another, our own seamen inveigled into the Republican ships. The peace has been produced by various This delusion was kept up for two years, causes. When Napoleon had been put until the incursion in the Chesapeake down, this country was drunk with exulta- seemed to have closed the scene; and, you tion. The war with America was gene-' will bear in mind, that, at that time, it was ally looked upon as the mere sport of a the almost universal opinion, that our Remonth of two. Our newspapers published gent would soon send out his Viceroy to reports of speeches, or pretended speeches Washington City. (for it is the same thing in effect), in which the orators scoffed at the idea of our having any trouble in subduing a people, with two or three thousand miles of sca-coast, defend ed by raw militia, and by "half a dozen fir frigates, with bits of striped bunting at "their mast heads." This phrase will be long remembered. One of our Orators called the Americans, as he had before

In my former Letter I stated, as clearly as I was able consistent with brevity, the real cause of the war; and also the real causes of its continuance after the European peace. I shall now endeavour to state clearly the real causes of the peace; and then we shall come to those consequences, which, I think, we shall find to be of the utmost importance to the cause of freedom all over the world.

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It was even at this very moment, however, that the tide began to turn. gallant little army of Republicans, on the Niagara frontier, had before proved, at Chippawa, that they were made of the same stuff that composed their ancestors; and, at Fort Erie, they now gave a second most signal proof of the same kind. While these never-surpassed acts of devə

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