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great deal had been done to promote | ground for our making war upon that "the happiness of nations, and if Bon-nation, or on the successful rival of the aparte was not suffered to intercept present rulers.-Lord CASTLEREAGH'S "the prospects which were arising, never language does not amount to a declara"could Europe look forward to bright- tion, that we shall be plunged into a war "er days than those which it might now against Napoleon, if he should be placed anticipate. The noble lord sat down upon the throne; and, I am very glad, "amidst loud applause."-Here is a good that it does not, but, I wish it had been deal to remark upon; but, here is NO plain in the negative; for, I am fully ANSWER to Mr. WHITBREAD's ques- convinced, that such a war would be tion. He asked, whether Napoleon's the most calamitous that we ever saw, complaint was just ? whether the treaty drawing into it, as I am sure it would, a of Fontainbleau had not been violated? war with America, or the instant ruin of whether the pension had not gone un- our trade and commerce, which, though paid? whether a plan was not in agitation the nation could exist without them, are, to remove him from Elba? This, none of at this time necessary to enable us to all this, was answered by Ld. CASTLE- pay the taxes absolutely necessary to REAGH, who contented himself with giv- discharge the interest of the Debt.-ing an opinion, that Napoleon and the Only think of a new war in the present Bourbons between them held in their situation of our finances! Only think of hands the power of making England an annual expense of more than 100 happy or miserable for ages, perhaps, to millions sterling! If Napoleon attacks us. come. This is comfortable, to be sure; If he attempts to injure England, let us but, it is no answer to Napoleon's Pro- fight him as long as we have the means clamation. Well, but, Spain? What did of purchasing powder and ball. But, if his lordship say about Spain ?-Mr. he is ready to live in peace with us; peace WHITBBEAD had complained of the con- and friendship with him and his people duct of Ferdinand: and what was the

answer of Lord Castlereagh? why this let us have.--Perhaps all this reasoning

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and all this protesting may be as the reports in the newspapers say:- wholly unnecessary by the events which "The noble lord then briefly alluded to will be announced to us, long before this "the affairs of Spain, and contended, paper will go to the press; but, as the “that painful and disgusting as the pro- Cossack writers had begun to cry out ceedings of one party in that country for war beforehand; I think it right to were against the other, we had no cry out for peace beforehand. right to call that government to ac- It is now Wednesday afternoon, and we "count for its proceedings. He had are told, that Napoleon was at AUTUN ་་ every reason to suppose, that the on Thursday, the 16th instant, in spite Spanish government wished to cherish of all the forces in his front and in his a friendly connection with this coun- rear. It is now said, that he has 15,000 try; nor was there any reason to sus- men after all the desertions from his 8 or pect, that what was called the family 9,000! He is a strange man indeed! compact, at least in its offensive parts, This clearly proves, that there is no "would be renewed with France. Look-reliance to be placed in the newspaper "ing then, generally, at the foreign rela- accounts. According to these accounts ❝tions of the country, he thought them more than 100,000 regulars, besides nahighly satisfactory."-Very good, my tional guards and volunteers, were on lord; and, I beseech you, let us apply foot in pursuit of him more than ten days the same doctrine to France. Let us not ago; and yet he proceeds without a sintalk of war against Napoleon, while hegle shot being fired at him!-A short gives no proof of hostility towards us. time will put an end to all speculation. I grant, that the re-establishment of the Inquisition in Spain is no ground for our going to war with Ferdinand; no ground for our interfering in the domestic affairs of that country; but, then, I hope, that you will be pleased to grant me, in return, that the change of rulers in France, if such change should take place, is no

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.. Thursday afternoon, The great question is decided. Napoleon has entered Paris without a single shot being fired, except in the way of rejoicing, or the least opposition shewn to his resump tion of all his former power and dignity.

His whole journey has, in fact, been a triumph.-Every where he was greeted

rising power and greatness; for the base
purpose of exciting hostile attempts
against her; even when all hopes from
this source failed, how often, and how
anxiously did they endeavour to create
a civil war in that country, by the un-
principled and insidious advice which
they gave the Bourbons, to withdraw
their confidence from those men, who
alone were distinguished for talents, and
upon whom only the nation could rely
in the hour, of danger. The seeming
tranquillity, which was about to diffuse
itself over Europe, had disappointed the
sanguinary hopes of these men of blood;
but these feelings were not eradicated.
They were only put aside as a reserve,
to be ready, when an opportunity oc-
cured, of being again brought into action.
The return of Napoleon, they now con-
sider that opportunity; and instead of
uniting with thirty millions of people
in bailing an event, which, if the sove
reigns of Europe studied their true in-
terests, might be rendered conducive to
general happiness,they hold it up to view
in no other light then as a signal to un-
sheath the sword, to replunge this coun
try into all the horrors of interminable
war, and to draw the allied powers into
a new union, similar to that fatal union,
which was formed in the early part of
the revolution, which roused the whole
population of France, and enabled thems
so effectually to defeat the projects, and.
to batile all the attempts of their invaders.s

with acclamations, not only by the military, but by the inhabitants, men, women and children. All seem to have considered his return a jubilee, as a deliverance from some terrible calamity, as the greatest of blessings which could be conferred on any people. The hopes of those men of blood, who were confident that Napoleon could not reach the capital, but over the slaughtered bodies of the National Guards, have been for ever blasted.-Even the household roops of the unfortunate Louis, the tens of thousands of Volunteers who assembled yound him, and the "lives and fortune men," who swore that they would spend heir last shilling, and shed the last drop of their blood in defence of his person and government. These all deserted him, and rendered homage to the man whom they had, only a few moments before, deugun.ced a rebel and a traitor. Napoleon will know how to estimate the loyalty of these supporters of "ancient insti"tutions."It is to the people that be owes every thing. It was the people who at brst called him to the throne of France. It is the voice of the people, now more united and fervent than ever, which re-echoes that call; and as long as he retains a firm hold of their affections, which he can only do by making their happiness his principal care, no power on earth, I am persuaded, can shake the stability of bis throse Never, indeed, in the whole history of the world, was there a monarch, with a competitor for the crown' in possession of the capital, who obtained the prize with so much case, or was so cordially received, as Na- reason to bless that delay in the marchs poleon has been, even by the friends of "of the Congress, which many were disIns rival-Wil, so many proofs of the posed to blame. Had they terminated, entire devotion of a whole nation, not sa- their proceedings last Autumn," thes tisfy the fiends of war, that this wonder-"monarchs would have retornéd zonie→) fil man is in reality the sovereign of their "their troops' would have been reduced. choice -What better evidence would "to the peace establislament, and thei these wretches have of the fact?- Or "Conquerors of Paris would Lave beens rather, do they not shut their eyes against in Poland, and in Russia, ia Storia or; all evidence? Do they not consider war "in Hungary. But they are on the fall their harvest, to bring about which they war jooting –ell ready to eat at once. would sacritice every principle of honor "IN A FORTNIGHT WE SHALL SEE and of justice, if it can be supposed that THEM AGAIN ON THIS SIDE THE they possess any-Con it be forgotten "REINE. Deeply therefore as we regietIrow cagenthey were, when they tlfought "this successful invasion of Bonaparte, the power of the Bourbons re-established, "we see no reason" to" dispona.' to involve Trance in a new war with her Caprincipled miscreant!--Are we to be neighbours?--How they insuited that told, after the terrible experience oftengallant ration; how they endeavoured ty-five years of murderous war, that a to sow the seeds of jealousy as to her real of it is a blessing? Is it possible

The Courier, abeady anticipating thes fruits of this, to them, promising harvest, exultingly exclaims- -"now we shall have


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to look at the state of our own country, the objects with which his mind were (to say nothing of other states) reduced employed. He felt that he had not yet by war to the verge of bankruptcy, and done enough for France. She had claims shat out from almost every other nation upon him which it was his imperious duty as a manufacturing and commercial peo-to discharge. The post events of his ple; is it possible, I ask, to contemplate life might have served" to point a moral, so gloomy and deplorable a picture, and or adorn a tale;" but he wished to yet "not see reason to despond," in the occupy the more dignified page of history; prospect which the return of hostilities he was desirous to ensure the suffrages of opens to our view? Have the bedlam-posterity by deeds rather than by words; ites of the Courier and the Times con- a vast field for action opened before him. templated the mighty odds that is now There he has embarked his all, his valour, against us! When we entered upon the bis skill, his claims to the homage of a late war with France, her fiances were great nation; there he will refute all the deranged, an intense load of debt hung calumnies which his enemies have heaped round her neck, and her armies were in upon him; and there, I, for one, most a state of disorganization. Our finances, fervently hope, Le will render Limon the contrary, were in their vigoar, our seif worthy of the high destiny to debt trifing, compared to what it is now, which he has been called, by cultivating and our naval and military force in habits of peace amongst his subjects.the highest state of disciplice. rance It has been with feelings of sincere rehas come out of the contest renovatec; gret that I have observed an actress of we have retired, ruined in our commerce, Louis XVIII, "to the French army," ruined in our mamdactures, and ruined in which that unfortunate Monarch seems in our finances. The national debt of to have wished to attach the military to France has been swept away. Ours has his interests, by the fears of a civil war, encreased to the fearful amount of Gne and a foreign invasion. Think, (says Theusana Millions! la 1732, it was be) that if the enemy should triumph, only two hundred and fifty-nine millions. civil war would immediately be kindied It is true, our Lects and armies, particu- amongst us, and that at the very molarly the former, obtained considerable "pent more than 300,000 foreigners, success in the late contest with i rance. "whose arms 1 could no longer chain, -Ent, wil all the force we may be c "would rush from every side on our to bring against her, be sufficiem to make "country." This proclamation Lears to an impression upon her in her now for- have been “ printed from the original in midable condition? What has the late "the king's own kand.” To what a low pause in the hostile operations on the ebb must that Sovereign's &fairs have contment been, but a breathing period | been reduced, when he resorted to meafor brance a poned during which her sures of such a description, instead of armies have been enormously encréased, confiding in the loyalty of his people; by the return of her veteran troops; and when he menaced them with the bayonets (quat is of still more cutsequence to her) of 350,000 folcigners, instead of Adying during which that astonishing genius, on the justice of his cause, and on the who Bow directs her affairs, has not only | fidelity of that nation, who, it what he lind leisure to counteract that foul fica-has all along been telling us is true, were son, which compehed him to abdicate ready to a man to die for him. I am His throne, but to digest and bring to aid, if the allies should really have. maturity plans for the future glory and an intention to interfuie in the settlement security of that empire to which he has of the internal Government of France, been called by the spontaneous and un- that this address of Louis has produced nimeus voice of on admiting and grateful that effect. The reception which Napeople. We were told that he had be-poleon Las met with, has banished from come corpulent end inactive, in the isle of Lita; that he hid gi en up all idea of agam appearing as a puble Character on the theatre of the world, and that he occupied his le ure hours there, by writing a history of his eventful life.—Very Gulerent deed, it now appears, were

my mind at idea of a civil war in that delighall country; but I cannot conceal my apprehensions, that the language of Louis may be regarded by the enemies of Napoleon, as an invitation agam to attempt the subversion of his power, and thus rekindle the fanes of war in Europe.

I see that Louis XVIII. on the 19th inst.
officially announced to the foreign
"Ministers at Paris," that it was his in-
tention to repair to Lille, where he
hoped to meet "the members of the
"diplomatic body accredited at his
"court." Is it intended at this meet-upon all generations to come.
ing to arrange with the foreign Ministers
a plan for the entrance of the " 300,000
"foreigners" into France? Have the
Bourbons already forgot, that it was
owing to measures of this description
Louis XVI. was dethroned, and ulti-
mately lost his life? Looking to the past,
I cannot anticipate a more favourable re-
sult to this new attempt upon France, if
such an attempt is really in contempla-
tion, than that which took place, when all
Europe combined marched its numerous
armies into that territory, for the avowed
purpose of regulating its internal Govern
ment. If experience has placed at the
head of the allied forces more able com-
manders, France has, in this respect,
been, at least, equally benefitted---Na-
poleon himself is more than a match for
any General in Europe; and although
some of his Marshals have abandoned
him, there are many, who continue at-
tached to his cause, fully capable of
taking the field with every probability of
success. Then consider the spirit with
which the French soldiers must now be
animated; the enthusiasm with which
the return of Napoleon has inspired them.
This of itself is sufficient to conduct
them to any enterprize into which he
might lead them; but when there is
added to this the "love of country," the
fame which inspires every patriot when
the territory which gave him birth is trod-
den by a foreign foe; when this noble
feeling is mixed up with that ardent
personal affection, which the soldiers of
France entertain for the man who led
them to so many victories, I cannot en-
tertain a doubt as to the termination of
the contest.-But should this country,
notwithstanding all these considerations,
still seek a war with France, where are
we to find the means of keeping in our
pay, those immense foreign armies, those
300,000 foreigners" with which Louis
the desired menaced his enemies, and
which, it is necessary we should keep con-
stantly in our pay, if we seriously intend
to wage war until we finally overthrow
Napoleon?-Even with the Property Tax,
which the unanimous voice of the nation

has consigned to its deserved fate, we
found it impossible to answer the un-
ceasing demands of the allies, without
resorting to public loans, the interest of
which imposed new and overwhelming
taxes not only upon this generation, but
Are we

able then, in the event of another twenty years war, to bear the burdens which must atteud it? Is the monied interest, as they call themselves, sufficiently rich to advance seven or eight hundred mil lions to ministers, as was done during the last war, for the "glorious deliver"ance"of the countries of Europe?—And are the people prepared to pay those taxes, that must be levied, to meet the interest which such an enormous expenditure will occasion?-These are questions which ought to be solved, and that satisfactorily, before this nation again allow itself to be dragged into a contest, the only object of which, according to our corrupt newspapers, is to restore Louis the 18th, to the throne of France, and to destroy that man, who is already restored by the unamious consent of the French people.

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Bay of Juan, March 1, 1815. NAPOLEON, by the grace of God and the constitution of the Empire, Emperor of the French. &c. &c. &c.

TO THE FRENCH PEOPLE. FRENCHMEN!-The defection of the Duke of Castiglione delivered up Lyons, without defence, to our enemies; the army of which I confided in him the command, was by the number of its battalions, the bravery and patriotism of the troops which composed it, fully able to beat the Austrian corps opposed to it, and to get into the rear of the left wing of the enemy's army, which threatencd Paris.

The victories of Champ Aubert, of Montmirail, of Chateau Thierry, of Vauchanp, of Mormans, of Montereau, of Craone, of Rheims, of Arcy-sur-Aube, and of St. Dizier; the rising of the brave peasants of Lorraine, of Champagne, of Alsace, of Franche Comte and of Bourgoin, and the

position which I had taken on the rear of the enemy's army, by separating it from its magazines, from its parks of reserve, from its convoy and all its equipages, had placed it in a desperate situation. The French were never on the point of being more powerful, and the flower of the enemy's army was lost without resource: it would have found its grave in those vast countries which it had mercilessly ravaged, when the treason of the Duke of Ragusa, gave up the capital, and disorganized the army. The unexpected conduct of those two Generals, who betrayed at once their country, their Prince, and their benefactor, changed the destiny of the war. The disastrous situation of the enemy was such, that at the conclusion of the affair which took place before Paris, it was without ammunition, on account of its separation from its parks of reserve. Under these new and important circumstances, my heart was rent, but my soul remained unshaken. I consulted only the interest of the country. I exiled myself on a rock in the middle of the sea. My life was, and ought to be, still useful to you. I did not permit the great number of citizens, who wished to accompany me, to partake my lot. I The Grand Marshal performing the thought their presence useful to France; functions of Major-General of the Grand and I took with me only a handful of Army. (Signed) Count BERTRAND,

cused my long slumber; you reproached me for sacrificing to my repose the great interests of the country. I have crossed the seas in the midst of dangers of every kind: I arrive amongst you to resume my rights, which are your's. All that individuals have done, written, or said, since the capture of Paris, I will be for ever ignorant of: it shall not at all influence the recollections which I preserve of the important services which they have performed. These are circun!stances of such a nature as to be above human organization. Frenchmen! There is no nation, however small it may be, which has not had the right, and which may not withdraw itself from the disgrace of obeying a Prince imposed on it by an enemy momentarily victorious. When Charles VII. re-entered Paris, and overthrew the ephemeral throne of Henry V. he acknowledged that he held his throne from the valour of his heroes, and not from a Prince Regent of England. it is thus that to you alone, and to the brave men of the army, I account it, and shail always account it, my glory to owe every thing. By the Lmperor,

brave men, necessary for my guard. Raised to the Throne by your choice, all that has been done without you is illegitimate. For twenty-five years France has had new interests,




Gulf of Juan, March 1, 1815. NAPOLEON, by the grace of God and


institutions, and new glory, which could the Constitution of the Empire, Emperor only be secured by a national Govern- of the French, &c. &c. &c. ment, and by a Dynasty created under these new circumstances. A Prince who should reign over you, who should SOLDIERS! We were not conquered; be seated on my throne by the power of two men risen from our ranks betrayed those very armies which ravaged our our laurels, their country, their frince, territory would in vain attempt to sup- their benefactor. Those whom during port himself with the principles of feudal twenty-five years we have seen traversing. law: he would not be able to recover all Europe to raise up euenies against us; the honour and the rights of more who have pas,ed their lives in fighting than a small number of individuals, against us in the ranks of foreign armies, enemies of the people, who, for twen- cursing our fine France, shall they prety-five years, have condemned them tend to command and control our in all our national assemblies. Your eagles, on which they have not dared tranquillity at home, and your conse-ever to look? Shall we endure that they quence abroad, would be lost for ever.— should inherit the fruits of our glorious Frenchmen! In my exile I heard your labours-that they should clothe themcomplaints and your wishes you de-selves with our honours and our goods--Kanded that Government of your choice that they should calumniate our glory ? whicle tone was legitimate. Your acYou ag. If their pengar should continue, all would

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