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tion to country were performing on the same time; the land army met, as far as borders of Lakes Ontario and Erie, Lake it went, with a very gallant resistance, Champlain exhibited a spectacle, which though it behaved, on its part, with equal struck with wonder all the Continent of gallantry; and Mr. Macomb must, in all Europe, and which, in fact, astounded every probability, have yielded, in time, to a force man of sense here, who had before clamour- so greatly superior, if the attack by water ed for the war. It is true, that this was had not been frustrated. But on the water only a repetition of the scene, exhibited the side, the Republican Commodore Macdoyear before on Lake Erie, where, with annough, though his force was inferior to inferior number of men and guns, the Re- ours, and has been so stated in the official publican Commodore Perry had beaten and dispatch of Sir George Prevost himself, actually captured, the whole of our fleet not only defeated our fleet, but captured under Commodore Barclay; but, all eyes the whole of the ships, one of which was were at that time fixed on the Continent of 36 guns, while the largest of the Reof Europe. The expected fall of Napoleon, publican ships was of no more than 26 and the real victories over him, made the guns! The Governor-General, seeing the loss on Lake Erie (a loss of immense im- fate of the fleet, knowing that the taking portance, as is now seen) to be thought of the fort after that would only lead to a nothing of. Our great object then was, speedy retreat from it, and fearing the Napoleon. Him once subdued, the Re- consequences of an attack on his way back public, it was thought, would be done for to Canada, raised the siege, and hastened in a trice. To suppose, that she would be back towards Montreal with all imaginable able to stand against us, for any length of speed, pursued by the little Republican time, appeared, to most men, perfectly ri- army, and leaving behind him, as the Rediculous. A far greater part of the nation publicans state, immense quantities of thought that it was our army who had put stores, ammunition, &c. besides great down Napoleon. Indeed, the Commander numbers of prisoners and deserters. They. of them was called, "the conqueror of may have exaggerated in these their ac“France;" and, it was said, that a part of counts, but the Canada newspapers stated the Conquerors of France, sent to America, that 150 of our men deserted; and, which would, in a few months, "reduce" the is a thing never to be forgotten, our Micountry. nisters have never published in the Gazette Sir George Prevost's account of his memorable retreat, though they have published his dispatches relating to all the movements of the army before and after that retreat.

A part of them were, accordingly, sent thither; and now we are going to view their exploits against the Republicans on the borders of Lake Champlain. The Governor-General of Canada, Sir George Prevost, having received the reinforce- This blow did, in fact, decide the quesments from France, invaded the Republiction of war, or peace. There was much at the head of 14,000 men, with five blustering about it here; it was affected Major-Generals under him, four troops of to treat the thing lightly; the Times, and Dragoons, four companies of Royal Artil- other venal newspapers, represented it as a lery, one brigade of Rocketeers, one bri- mere trifling occurrence, which would soon gade of Royal Sappers and Miners. The be overbalanced by sweeping victories on first object was to dislodge the Republicans our part. But upon the back of this came from Fort Moreau, near the town of the brilliant success of the Republicans in Plattsburgh, on the edge of the Lake, repulsing our squadron, and burning one of about. 15 miles within the boundary line of our ships before Fort Mobille, in the Gulph the Republic. In this fort were 1,500 of Mexico; and thus, while we had to Republican regulars, and no more, and vaunt of our predatory adventures against 6,000 volunteers and militia from the the city of Washington, the town of States of Vermont and New York, under Alexandria, and the villages of Frenchthe command of a very gallant and accom- town and Stonington, the fame of the Replished citizen, named Macomb, a Briga-publican arms, by land as well as sea, dier-General in the Republican service While Sir George Prevost attacked the fort by land, Commodore Downie, with his fleet, was to attack it by water. The attack, on both sides, commenced at the

sounded in every car and glowed in every heart, along the whole extent of the sixteen hundred miles which lie between Canada and the Mexican Gulph.

In Europe these events produced a pro

digious sensation. Those who wished to those taxes, the existence of which dependsee a check given to the all-predominanted on the duration of the war. naval power of England, rejoiced at them; In the meanwhile, the Ministers, preand every where they excited and called vious to their knowledge of the battles of forth admiration of the Republicans. There Chippawa, Fort Erie, Plattsburgh, Lake had been, during the struggle on the Con- Champlain, and Fort Mobille, had put for tinent, no leisure to contemplate the trans- ward, at Ghent, very high pretensions. atlantic contest; but it now became an They had proposed, as a SINE QUA NON, object of universal attention; and Europe, they expulsion of the Republicans from a so long accustomed to regard English naval considerable portion of their territory, in invincibility, when the force on both sides behalf of the savages in alliance with us; was equal, or nearly equal, as a thing re- they had demanded, though not as a sine qua ceived and universally admitted, was sur-non, the surrender of the Lakes to our prised beyond expression at the undeniable proof of the contrary. The world was now called on to witness the combat between England and America single-handed. The former was at the summit of power and glory; she had captured or destroyed almost all the naval force in Europe; those powers who had any naval force left were her allies, and were receiving subsidies from her; she had an army of regulars of 200,000 men, flushed with victory; she had just marched part of this army through the heart of France herself; she had a thousand ships of war afloat, commanded These demands having been transmitted by men who never dreamt of defeat. This to the President, he, instead of listening to was the power that now waged war, single- them, laid them before the Congress, with handed, against the only Republic, the an expression of his indation at them; only Commonwealth, remaining in the and in this feeling be appeared only to have world. The friends of freedom, who were anticipated his fellow-citizens throughout not well acquainted with America, had the country, with the exception of a handbeen trembling for her. They did not ful of aristocratical intriguers in the State seem to entertain any hopes of her escape. of Massachusetts. New and vigorous They thought it scarcely possible, that she measures were adopted for prosecuting the should, with her Democratical Government war. The Congress hastened on Bills for and her handful of an army, without offi-raising and paying soldiers and sailors; cers and without stores, resist England for making the militia more efficient; for even for a year single-handed; and they expediting the building of ships; erecting saw no power able if willing, or willing if fortifications; providing floating batteries. able, to lend the Republic the smallest de-In short, it was now clearly seen, that the gree of assistance.

King, even with the prohibition to the Americans to erect fortifications on the borders which would remain to them; they had demanded a line of communication between Quebec and our territories east of the Penobscot, through the territories of the Republic. The American Negociators declined any discussion of these conditions, until they should receive instructions from their Government; alledging, and very justly, that this was the first time that any such grounds of war, or dispute, had been mentioned by us.

Government of the Republic was equal to a time of war as well as to a time of peace; that we had to carry on a contest, at 3,000 miles distance, against a brave, free, and great nation; and that the aristocratical faction, on whom some men had depended for aid, were sneaking off into pitiful subterfuges, afraid any longer to shew a hankering after our cause.

But when the battles of Lake Champlain were announced; and when it was seen by the President's Message to his fellow-citizens of the Congress, that the Republican Government marched on with a firm step, and had resolved not to yield one single point to our menaces, or our attacks, a very different view of the contest arose. The English nation, which had been exult- In this state of things; with this proing in the idea of giving the Yankeys" aspect before them, the Ministers wisely redrubbing," began to think, that the under-solved to abandon their demands, and to taking was not so very easy to execute; make peace, leaving things as they stood and seeing no prospect of an end to the before the war. The Opposition, who had war and its expences, they began to cry pledged themselves to the support of the ort for the abolition of the greatest of war spon the old ground, that is to say,

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that peace has been made, and not one single point has been yielded to us.

We now come to the most important and most interesting part of our subject; namely, THE CONSEQUENCES of this peace, made at such a time and under such circumstances. Considered as to its probable and almost necessary consequences, it is, in my opinion, an event of infinitely greater importance to the world than any that has taken place since the discovery of the Art of Printing. But I will not enter further into the subject, 'till I have laid before you, or, rather, put upon record, for the sake of reference, some of the overflowings of gall, which this event has brought from the throats of the sworn

upon the ground of impressment, began to protest against it upon the ground of conquest; and, if the war had continued, there is no doubt that they would have greatly embarrassed the Ministry upon this subject, especially as the continuation of the war was the only remaining excuse for the continuation of the war taxes, against which petitions were preparing in every part of the kingdom. Here we cannot help observing how wise it was in Mr. Madison to make public our demands. If these had been kept secret, till after the close of the war, how long might not that war have drawled on? The demands would never, perhaps, have been known. How wise is it, then, in the Americans to have framed their Government in such a way as to pre-enemies of freedom. You have observed, vent mischievous State secrets from exist- that those public prints in England, which ing! How wise to have made all their were the most bitter against Napoleon, rulers really responsible for their acts! have been also the most bitter against the How wise to secure, upon all important American President; a fact which ought points, an appeal to themselves! The Pre- to make people reflect a little before they sident was very coarsely treated here by give way to such outrageous abuse of the some persons, who ought to have known former, though we must always regard him better, for having exposed the conferences. as a traitor to the cause of liberty, having It was said to be an act unprecedented in married a King's daughter, made himself a civilized nation. "Civilized nations," an Emperor, and propped up and created you will perceive, mean nations governed Kings, for the sake of his and his family's by Kings and other hereditary sovereigns; aggrandizement. Still, it is clear, that the and, in that sense, the Americans cer- writers, whom I have now in my eye, tainly are not a civilized nation. But thought him more favourable to freedom anhy should such papers be kept secret? than those who have succeeded him; beOr, at least, why should they not be cause no sooner was he down, than they set male public, if the Government chooses upon the American President with the to make them public? When once a Go- same degree of fury, with which they had vernment has dispatches in its hands, attacked Napoleon; and they recommended there is no law that deprives it of the li- the deposing of him, upon "the same prinberty to make what use of them it pleases."ciple," they said, that they had recomNothing could be more fair than Mr. Madison's mode of proceeding. The aris tocratical faction, whom we called our friends, were crying out for peace; the whole of the American people were represented, in our newspapers, as disapproving There are several of our public prints, of the war, and as wishing for peace on our indeed, a very great majority of them, in terms. What, then, could Mr. Madison country as well as in town, which have do more just and more candid than publish urged the justice and necessity of extinto the people the whole of those terms.-guishing the American Government; that "There they are," said he, " decide upon "ill-organized association;" that "mis"them. Sav: will you have peace upon "chievous example of the existence of a "these terms? I am, myself, ready to" Government, founded on Democratical· Li perish, rather than make such a peace. "Rebellion." This peal was rung from Now, let me hear what you have to say." one end of the country to the other. But A nation of free men agreed with him, that the print, which led the van in this new they would perish rather than yield to such crusade against liberty, was that vile newsterms; and, indeed, rather than yield to paper, the Times, to which paper we and the world owe no small portion of those consequences which will result from the

"one single point," thongh of ever so ittle importance. The result has been,

mended the deposing of Napoleon. You will not fail to have observed this, and to have traced it to its true source; but, I am afraid that it has passed unobserved by but too large a portion of the nation.

using their utmost endeavours to urge this
nation on to fight against America, until
they saw" the world delivered of the mis-
"chievous example of the cxistence of a
"Government, founded on the principles of
"Democratical Rebellion." It is for the

peace of Ghent, followed by such a war.—
This print was, upon this occasion, the
trumpet of all the haters of freedom; all
those who look with Satanic eyes on the
happiness of the free people of America;
all those who have been hatched in, and
yet are kept alive by, Bribery and Cor-worthy part of the FEDERALISTS to con-
ruption. To judge of the feelings excited sider if these notorious facts square with
in the bosoms of this malignant swarm by their reputation, whether as Republicans,
the peace of Ghent; to enjoy the spectacle as freemen, as faithful to their country, or,
of their disappointment and mortification; even as honest men. As to the Strongs,
of their alternate rage and despondency; the Otises, the Goodloe Harpers, the
of the hell that burns in their bosoms: to Walshes, they have, in this way, nothing
enjoy this spectacle, a spectacle which we to lose. Every sound mind is made up
ought to enjoy, after having endured the with regard to them, and others like them;
insolence of their triumph for so many but, I should think, that the praises of the
years; to enjoy this spectacle we must Times newspaper must make the great body
again look into this same print; hear their of the Federalists look about them.
wailing, view the gnashing of their teeth,
see now the foam of revenge, and then the
drivel of despair, issue from their mouths,
teeming with execrations. With the help
of the Ministers, we have, for once, beat
the sons and daughters of corruption; and
if we bear our success with moderation,
let us, at any rate, hear and laugh at the
cries of our always cruel, and, until now, 29th Dec. 1814" Without entering
insolent enemy. It is right, too, that the" at present into the details of the Treaty,
Republicans themselves should know what" (on which we have much to observe
these wretches now have to say; these "hereafter), we confess that we look
wretches, whom nothing would satisfy short" anxiously to its non-ratification; be-
of the subversion of the Republican Go-" cause we hope an opportunity will be af-
vernment; short of destroying that "mis-"forded to our brave seamen to retire
"chievous example, the existence of a Go-" from the contest,-not, as they now are,
"vernment founded on Democratical Rebel-" beaten and disgraced; not with the los
"lion." As far as I have been able to do it" of that trident which Nelson, when
openly through the press, I have, during the dying, placed in his country's grasp; not
war, as you will have perceived, made" leaving the marine laurel on the unwor-
known the denunciations of these wretches" thy brows of a Rodgers; but, with an
against the liberties of America; and it" ample and full revenge for the captures
may not be less useful to make known their" of the Guerriere, the Macedonian, the
wailings, their fears, their despair at the" Java, and the numerous other ships that
peace; and the Republicans of America" have been surrendered on the Ocean,
ought always to bear in mind, that these "besides the whole flotillas destroyed on
same wretches, who are ready to gnaw
"Lake Erie and Lake Champlain. Let
their own flesh at seeing their hopes of "us not deceive ourselves. These victo-
destroying liberty in America blasted; "ries have given birth to a spirit, which,
they ought always to bear in mind, that "if not checked, will, in а few years, create
these same wretches it was, who praised, "an American navy truly formidable.
and who still praise, the conduct of the Go-"They have excited in other nations, who
vernor Strong, Mr. Otis, Mr. Pickering, "foolishly envy our maritime preponder-
Mr. Goodloe Harper, Mr. Walsh the "ance, an undissembled joy, at beholding
reviewer, and their associates. The FEDE-" our course so powerfully arrested. Per-
RALISTS, too, amongst whom there are "haps it would not be asserting too much.
many worthy men, look steadily at these "to say, that they have detracted as much.
facts; and consider how it must stand" from the opinion of our strength by sea,
with their reputation, when it is notorious,
66 as the victories of Wellington have en-
that all those in England, who praise, or
"hanced that of our strength by land."
give the preference to them, have been

We will now re-peruse the articles, to
which I have so often alluded. I will in-
sert them, without interruption, one after
another, according to their dates, reserving
my remarks, if any should be necessary,
for the close; and requesting you to pay
particular attention to the passages printed
in Italics, or in CAPITALS.


30th Dec. 1814.-"The state of the

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"Funds may be said to afford a most strik- "America herself, i to belie common sense "ing comment on the text of those who "and universal experience." 'Two or "have the front to call the Treaty of "three of our ships have struck to a "Ghent "honourable" to this country. "force vastly superior -No, not two "What? An honourable Peace, with the" or three, but many, on the Ocean, and"last of our adversaries, with a populous" whole squadrons on the Lakes and "and commercial nation-and yet a de- their numbers are to be viewed with pression in the Public Funds! The thing" relation to the comparative magnitude of is impossible. There is a moral incon-two navies. Scarcely is there one Amesistency in the facts. But the truth, un- "rican ship of war, which has not to happily, peeps out in the course of the beast a victory over the British flag; eulogy bestowed on this famous specimen" scarcely one British ship in thirty or "of diplomatic ingenuity. The Peace is," forty, that has beaten an American. Our "like that of Amiens, a Peace of Necessity" seamen, it is urged, have on all occasions "and upon what grounds? A lean-" fought bravely. Who denies it? Our "ing to certain points,' it seems, has" complaint is, that with the bravest sea"been hinted' at the Congress of Vienna." men, and the most powerful navy in the ર Now, let us put this mysterious language world, we retire from the contest when "into plain English. It can bear no "the balance of defeat is so heavily against "other construction than this-that Russia," us. Be it accident, or be it misconduct, we or Austria, or Prussia, has avowed an "enquire not now into the cause; the cer "inclination to support the innovations on “tain, the inevitable consequences are what public law, which Mr. Madison asserts. "we look to, and these may be summed up Might not this have been foretold,-was" in few words-the speedy growth of an "it not foretold in this paper above six" American navy-and the recurrence of "months ago? Was it not the very ar- " a new and much more formidable Amerigument we urged for pushing the war in "can war. From that fatal moment when America with the utmost vigour, whilst the flag of the Guerriere was truck, yet the field was open, and our adversary" there has been quite a rage for building "without allies? And is it not a motive (6 ships of war in the United States. Their "for the same conduct, even at this late" navy has been nearly doubled, and their period? If any of the Powers who have" vessels are of extraordinary magnitude. "received our subsidies, or have been re- The people, naturally vain, boastful, and "scued from destruction by our courage "insolent, have been filled with an abso"and example, have had the baseness to "lute contempt of our maritime power, "turn against us, it is morally certain," and a furious eagerness to beat down our "that the Treaty of Ghent will confirm" maritime pretensions. Those passions, "them in their resolution. They will re- "which have been inflamed by success, "flect that we have attempted to force" could only have been cooled by what in แ our principles on America, and have vulgar but emphatic language has been "failed. Nay, that we have retired from "termed "a sound flogging" but, un"the combat with the stripes yet bleeding" fortunately, our Christian meekness has on our back with the recent defcats" induced us rather to kiss the rod, than at Plattsburgh, and on Lake Champlain" to retaliate its exercise. Such false and avenged. To make peace at such a "feeble humanity is not calculated for the moment, they will think, betrays a dead-" guidance of nations. War is, indeed, a ness to the feelings of honour, and shews" tremendous engine of justice; but when a timidity of disposition, inviting further" justice wields the sword, she must be ininsult. IF we could have pointed to "flexible. Looking neither to the right "America overthrown, we should surely "nor to the left, she must pursue her blow, "have stood on much higher ground at "until the evil is clean rooted out. This "Vienna, and every where else, than we "is not blind rage, or blinder revenge; "possibly can do now. Even yet, how"but it is a discriminating, a calm, and 66 ever. IF we could but close the war with "even a tender calculation of consequences. some great naval triumph, the reputa- "Better is it, that we should grapple with "tion of our maritime greatness might be "the young lion, when he is first fleshed "partially restored; bnt to say, that it" with the taste of our flocks, than wait "has not hitherto suffered in the estima-" until, in the maturity of his strength, he tion of all Europe, and what is worse, of "bears away at once both sheep and shep

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