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Boards of Managers wishing to nominate a Special Local Secretary for the own or district in which they are situated should apply to the Board of Education before the 23rd January.

When Boards of Managers are asked to nominate a Special Loca Secretary, a Special Committee of the several Chairmen, or an equal number of delegates from each Board of Managers, should be formed for the purpose. The meeting, of which at least one week's notice should be given, will, as a rule, be convened by the Local Authority under the Technical Instruction Act (or by its Committee) when it supervises classes under the Board, or failing this by the Chairman of the School which has been longest in connection with the Board; but the meeting will elect its own Chairman. The nomination or recommendation must be sent to the Board by the Chairman of the Special Committee not later than 8th February. If the Special Committee fail to come to an agreement, or if it nominate a person of whom the Board cannot approve, the Board will appoint the Special Local Secretary. The appointment of the Special Local Secretary and Assistants rests with the Board, and is for one year only.

In the deliberations and voting of the Special Committee weight should be given to the opinions of the representatives of different Boards in proportion to the number of classes and the number of students superintended by each Board. The details for giving effect to this principle are left to the locality to decide.

When a Special Local Secretary has been appointed the Board corresponds with him alone on all subjects connected with the examinations. He must arrange for holding the examinations at convenient centres, subject to the approval of the Board, the number of these centres being as few as possible. The Special Local Secretary may act in the place of an assistant for any period on which there is an examination at but one centre. Otherwise, as he is charged with the general supervision of the examinations, he is not to act in the place of an assistant except in the case of an emergency.

The Special Local Secretary, after noting the application made to him under § XXVIII. on Form 119, must forward the forms and fees to the Board not later than the 10th March and 5th May respectively. If desired the lists of names of candidates for the Advanced and Honours Examinations may be retained by him until after the examinations; they must, however, be forwarded to the Board not later than the 30th June. The lists of names of candidates for the Elementary Examinations must accompany the Form 119. The Special Local Secretary may, therefore, find it desirable to arrange with the managers to furnish their lists of such candidates in duplicate.

Whilst the Board make the appointment of a Special Local Secretary to manage the whole business of the examinations, the financial arrangements involved are, subject to the provisions of the Directory, entirely under the control of the Special Committee by which the Special Local Secretary is nominated, and to which Special Committee he is required to submit his account. The Special Local Secretary shall account for the fees paid by the candidates for examination to the Special Committee, who will use them in helping to provide the moiety required from the locality for examination expenses to meet the grant given by the Board.

The Special Local Secretary is allowed a fee* of half a guinea for each period of three or four hours during which an examination in Science or Art, or in both, is to be held. When, however, he acts in place of an assistant he will receive no additional fee. He is also allowed a fee* of half a guinea for every 75 papers worked at the examination.

For attendance throughout an examination in a subject or subjects of Science or Art (or both) which extends over a period of 3 or 4 hours, each assistant who attends for that period is allowed a fee of half a guinea. Where that period is materially exceeded, the Board may allow a double fee.


These fees will not be paid by the Board in respect of Elementary Stage Examinations. When an examination in the Elementary Stage is held concurrently with an examination in the Advanced Stage the same Superintendents may supervise both examinations provided the total number of candidates to which their supervision is restricted by the regulations is not exceeded. The cost of additional Superintendents necessitated by the regulations must be defrayed wholly from local sources.





Forms (Schools of Art and Art Classes) and (Science Classes), containing Instructions as to Transmission of Works for the Annual Examination in London, are under revision, but attention is called to the following revised regulations as to the character and amount of Students' work to be selected and submitted by managers for examination in respect of payments and prizes.


Only such works as those in the Subjects given below, and no more than the stipulated number of works in each Subject, may be submitted from the same Student. None but really competent work should be sent up for examination.


In each of the Subjects la, 1c, 1d, one Imperial sheet may be submitted, which must be similar in character and importance to such as are required for the Art Class Teacher's and Art Master's Certificates.

In each of the Subjects 3b, 5a, 5b, one work may be submitted, which must be similar in character and importance to such as are required for the Art Class Teacher's Certificate.

In Subject 8b', two sheets of careful studies of details of the figure from the cast and one well executed study of a head from the round may be submitted.

In Subject 8b2, two drawings only of the figure from the Antique such as are required for the Art Master's Certificate may be submitted.

In Subject 8c1, two sheets of carefully and well-drawn studies of hands and feet, and one similar study of a head, from life, may be submitted. (Rapid time studies are not admissible.)

In Subject 8c2, two careful drawings of a figure from the life, each on an Imperial sheet of drawing paper, may be submitted.

In Subject 8d, one study of drapery on an Antique figure, on an Imperial sheet of drawing paper, and one Imperial sheet of two or three studies of drapery on the living model, may be submitted.

In Subject Se, two Imperial sheets containing studies on a small scale executed in a short time, of varied shortly sustained poses of the human figure, or portions of the figure, may be submitted. Drawings similar in character and size to those made at the personal examinations may not be submitted.

In Subject 9, one carefully studied and well drawn work only, on an Imperial sheet, or one modelled work either in the round or in relief in the division 9a may be submitted.

In Subject 10, two sheets of careful and well drawn studies of flowers, foliage, and objects of natural history may be submitted.

In Subject 11, one careful painting only may be submitted.

In Subject 12, one careful painting from an important piece of ornament may be submitted.

In Subjects 14a and 14b, one careful study of a single plant or one sheet of well drawn and carefully executed studies of various plants, Subject 14a,

and one careful study of a building or one sheet of carefully executed studies of buildings, Subject 14b, may be submitted.

In each of the Subjects 15a and 15b, one work only may be submitted. These must be more important and more carefully carried out than exercises worked at personal examinations in Still Life Painting.

In Subject 16, one careful painting may be submitted.

In Subject 17b, one carefully studied and well executed painting from drapery on the living model and one careful and complete painting from a head (Life) may be submitted.

In Subject 17c, two careful and complete paintings of the nude figure (Life) may be submitted.


NOTE. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of the modelled work to be submitted, which should represent the best work only of thoroughly competent students.

In each of the Subjects 18b and 18c, one work only may be submitted. These must be of important pieces of ornament and not of fragmentary details.

In each of the Subjects 196', 191, 19c, 19d, 19h, 1962, 19k, and 19e, one careful work only may be submitted.

In Subject 20, one careful and important work only may be submitted.


In each of the Subjects 22a, 22b, and 22c one Imperial sheet of careful and complete studies mxy be submitted. Sketches made in a short time, and elementary designs which have been adapted or only slightly altered from suggestions given in the course of lessons by the master, on the blackboard or otherwise, must not be sent up.

In Subject 22e, one Imperial sheet of capital and other letters, with arrangements of them to fill such spaces as an oblong and a triangle, may be submitted. Students should be encouraged to take for this latter purpose sentences from the works of well known authors.

In Subject 22d, two Imperial sheets only of carefully selected and well arranged studies may be submitted.

In Subject 23a, sets consisting of not more than four carefully finished drawings and one set of work such as is required in this subject for the Art Master's Certificate, may be submitted.

In Subjects 23h, 23c, 23d, 23e and 23f, only important finished work beyond such as is done at the personal examinations and a few carefully selected working designs accompanied by specimens made from them in materials may be submited.

One work such as that required for Art Certificates in respect of each of the combined subjects 14 and 22-14 and 23c and 20 and 23e may be submitted.


Only such works as those in the subjects given below, and no more than the stipulated number of works in each subject, may be submitted from the same student. None but really competent work should be sent up for examination. Due regard should be paid to the directions in the accompanying memorandum upon the preparation of Machine Drawings.

In each of the Subjects 1a, 1c, 1d, le, one Imperial sheet only of carefully worked studies only may be submitted. These should be executed in fine

pencil line, or ink, to exhibit the power of the student in careful draughtsmanship with instruments.

In Subject 1b, one good tracing only such as is indicated in the following memorandum may be submitted.

In each of the Subjects 23g and 23h one good set of work of not more than three or four drawings may be submitted. The following memorandum applies especially to work in these subjects.

In each of the Subjects 23a and 23b, two or three sheets only of wellexecuted drawings may be submitted. These should be as far as possible in the nature of good working drawings, such as are actually prepared for use by builders.


In Engineering drawings (either in Subject 1b, from the flat, or in Subjects 23g and 23h, from measurement or designs) shading is seldom important; even colouring is not very important in drawings of machinery. An elevation or any projection which shows merely the outside appearance of an engineering object is seldom of much value in comparison with a section. Students must endeavour to produce working drawings which would be respected in actual engineering drawing-offices and workshops and for this purpose it is necessary to pay particular attention to lining.

A beginner should learn the use of his instruments in tracing. He ought to take great pains with his lines so that they shall all be of the same thickness, and so that the eye cannot detect the point of junction between one arc of a circle and another, or a straight line.

He ought not to be encouraged to submit for examination inked copies of drawings on white paper, but rather of very perfect tracings. Lines ought to be fairly thick.

A design or drawing from measurement ought to be drawn first on white paper with hard pencil in the ordinary way: the lines which are so often inked in ought only to be firmly drawn in softer pencil, the superfluous pencil lines being rubbed out; a very perfect tracing ought now to be made in ink, so that it could be repeatedly photographed for distribution to workmen and others. The student ought to send in his pencil drawing, his tracing, and if possible one photographic print on blue paper. If after making one tracing he finds it better to alter his pencil design, he ought to submit more than one tracing, thus giving alternative designs of certain details.

Although it is most usual to have the lines of one sheet all of the same thickness, tracings with shade lines are also in common use and may be presented. In this case two thicknesses ought to be adhered to, except where shade lines change gradually into thinner lines.


These must be duly entered on the supplementary fly-leaf to Form 528. Only one certificate work in each subject, or one set of certificate works where more than one certificate work in the same subject is required, may be submitted in one year by the same student for any one certificate. Every work so forwarded must be clearly marked with the title and Group of the Certificate for which it is submitted.

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