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Works gaining these awards will be exhibited in London and in other important towns where suitable space can be provided.

Applications from Managers for the loan of these works must be made not later than 1st July.

XXXIV. In addition to drawings, paintings, and modelled work done by Students in their Schools, work in various materials from Students' designs, such as earthenware, porcelain, glass, metal, wood, paper, leather, textiles, &c., may be submitted to fully illustrate or explain the original drawn, painted, or modelled designs, which have been made by the Students as school work and are at the same time forwarded for examination. Such specimens of Art workmanship will not be considered unless accompanied by the designs for them, drawn, painted, or modelled by the students as school work.


XXXV. Works submitted for certificates by students of Schools of Art and Art Classes (see § XXXIII., p. 21) must be forwarded with the school or class work of the session. For details see Appendix, p. 99.

Works submitted for certificates by Candidates belonging to no School or Class must be sent (carriage prepaid) direct to the Board of Education, South Kensington, London, S.W., on or before the 1st of April. Each such candidate must fill up a supplementary Fly-leaf to Form 528 in respect of the works. submitted.



XXXVI. The Inspector will ascertain that the premises, fittings, and apparatus, etc., are efficient. will also inspect as to the progress of the students, and he may question them in the subjects in which they have been under instruction.

A meeting of the Managers, for which sufficient notice will be given, must, if required, be held when the Inspector visits the school.

The Inspector may require the production of such Accounts and Documents as will enable him to verify the allocation of the receipts and expenditure in respect of subjects aided by the Board.


XXXVII. The payments for instruction in the Elemen- Payments. tary and Advanced Stages of Science, and in groups of Art subjects, are made on the attendances of the pupils, and in Honours and in certain higher subjects of Art. on the results of the examinations. For the payments to Schools of Science, see § LXVII., p. 54 et seqq., and to Training Colleges, see § LXXVI., p. 60.

The payments are made on the certificate of the Certificates Managers :

(a.) that the recognised teacher has given the Students at least 28 registered lessons in a subject of Science or an Art group in respect of which grants may be made, or 50 lessons in a recognised Group of Science and Art subjects of the prescribed duration on separate days during the session, i.e.. between 1st August and following 31st July.

(b) that the conditions of §§ XIV.—XVIII., where applicable, have been fulfilled.

(c.) that each attendance for which the grant is claimed has been duly registered; and that each student has given during the session not less than 14 such attendances in the subject of Science or group of Art subjects for which the grant is payable; or, where Science lessons of less than one hour's duration have been sanctioned, not less than 20 such attendances; or, where a special group of Science and Art subjects has been recognized not less than 28 attendances in at least Two subjects of the group. SCIENCE.

(d) that each student in Honours for whom a payment on results is claimed has received within the two years ended with the Session and since the last examination in the subject at which he was successful at least 20 lessons as defined in (a) in the subject in respect of which the claim is made.


(d) that each Student for whom a payment on results is claimed has received at least 20 lessons as defined in (a) in respect of one or more of the subjects mentioned in § XLIII. Art. (a) and (b).

In case a school or class is compulsorily closed by order of a proper Authority, a special grant may be made (for details, see Appendix, p. 105).

When the examination of a claim for grant shows that the certificate of its accuracy which the managers have furnished is unreliable, a deduction not exceeding the amount erroneously claimed and disallowed will be made.

required from the Managers

Assessment of efficiency of class.

Refusal of grant on unsuitable students.

Future restrictions.

Claims for attendance

grants and payinents on results.

Scale of grants for attendance.

XXXVIII. The Attendance Grant at the minimum rate will be allowed if the Board consider the teaching staff adequate and the teaching and equipment of the school satisfactory. The grant may be increased up to the maximum rate for efficiency, which will be determined by the Board upon (a) the Inspector's Report; (b) the past and current record of the School, and, also, in the case of Advanced work, upon (c) the success of the class at the examinations.

XXXIX. Attendance grants may be refused on students whom the Inspector reports as unqualified either from age or want of sufficient preliminary training to take advantage of the instruction contemplated under the syllabus of the Board.

XL. No Day School which is eligible for recognition under the conditions of § LXXIII. will after the 31st July 1903 be recognized except as therein provided, nor will its Managers be eligible to receive grants for Science other than those promised in that section.

XLI. The rules for claiming attendance grants and for payments on results will be found in the Appendix p. 102




a. For each attendance of the prescribed duration (see § XIV.) at a Night Class from a minimum of 1d. in Mathematics, Stage 1, and of 2d. in othersubjects up to a maximum of 6d. in the Elementary Stage of a theoretical subject, 9d. in the Elementary Stage of a practical subject and Stages 2 and 4 of Mathematics, and 18. 4d. in the Advanced Stage of any subject or Stages 3, 5, 6, or 7 of Mathematics. In dealing with Subjects XI. and XIp. (Organic Chemistry) the Stages are not differentiated.

The minimum rate awarded for Advanced instruction will not, as a rule, be below 4d. per attendance, or in the case of practical work 6d. per atten

dance. A lower rate will be


a. For each attendance of an hour's duration in an Art School or Class, according to the Groups as set forth below, d. to 3d.; 1d. to 5d.; 3d. to 6d. ; or 4d. to 8d. Not more than 40 attendances in Group I. will be counted during one session on behalt of a student nor more than 60 in one or more of the other three Groups. But if Group I. be reckoned with the other Groups, not more than 50 attendances can be counted altogether.

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adopted where there is evidence of serious inadequacy.

In the case of specially recognized groups (see p. 7) the rate of payment for the Elementary course of a group will be from 1d. to 6d. per attendance or to 9d. where practical science forms part of the instruction. For the Advanced course the rate of payment will be from 4d. to 18. 4d. per attendance, and the amount of practical work undertaken will be considered in assessing the rate.

Not more than 60 attendances in any one subject will be counted during one session on behalf of a student nor more than 120 altogether. The payments for attendance at a Day Science Class will be at half the above rates; and not more than 120 attendances in any one subject of Science will be counted during one session on behalf of any one student, nor more than 240 altogether.

Where a special group of subjects has been recognized (p. 7) payments may be made on 120 attendances in one year, in either the Elementary or the Advanced course in respect of each student.

b. Where attendances of less than one hour's duration are exceptionally allowed in day schools, each such attendance will be counted as half an attendance in computing the grant (see § XIV. (b) p. 9). In this case 180 attendances may be registered in any one subject on behalf of each student, or 360 altogether.

c. Where the registered lessons are longer than the pre


Freehand Drawing, in Outline, from flat examples, simple casts, simple plants, etc. Model Drawing, simple groups. Drawing in Light and Shade, from simple casts. Modelling (Subject 18a). Practice in drawing diagrams on the Black Board.

GROUP II. The grant of 1d. to 5d. applies to

Geometrical in respect of stud-
Drawing ents working for
1st Class suc-

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Principles of Ornament and Elementary Design (Subject 22).

Drawing in outline of important Ornament (Subject 36) and of details from Antique figures from casts and of more important plants than those in Group I.

Model Drawing, complex groups Drawing in Light and Shade from important casts, &c. (Subject 56).

Modelling details from Antique figures (Subject 1961).

GROUP III. The grant of 3d. to 6d. applies to

Painting from Still Life (Subject 15).

Painting Ornament (Subject 1123).

Flower Painting (Subject 14).

GROUP IV. The grant of 4d. to 8d. applies to

Principles of Ornament and
Advanced Design (Subject
Modelling Design, Advanced
Stage (Subject 23e),
Architecture (Subject 1d),
Anatomy (Subject 9).
Historic Ornament (Subject

Drawing from the Antique
(Subject 862),

Drawing the Antique from
Memory (Subject 8ƒ),

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the amount and value of the increased time will be taken into consideration by the Inspector in his Report.

d. Classes for teachers and pupil-teachers under the Board of Education held at any hour may, if previously specially sanctioned by the Board, carry payments at the rates for evening classes. These rates will be payable only in respect of individual students who receive in the same session theoretical and practical instruction in at least one subject of Science sufficient to carry payments in that practical subject. The application for such exceptional allowance must be renewed each year.

e. Payments for attendance will not be made on account of the same student in any one year in more than two subjects, other than Mathematics and Subject I. (Practical Plane and Solid Geometry). That is to say, either or both of these subjects may be taken in addition to two other subjects. In the interpretation of this rule, the following are considered as one subject:-(1) All the stages of Mathematics; (2) Both divisions (a) and (b) of Subject VI.; (3) The three divisions (a), (b) and (c) of Subject VIII.; (4) Theoretical and practical instruction in any subject in which the latter is recognised; Section I. of the Elementary Stage of Subject XV., General Biology, of Subject XXIII., Physiography, and of Subject XXV., Hygiene, is treated for this purpose as a stage of those subjects.


Modelling from the Antique (Subject 1962), and details from the Life (Subjects 19d and 197.

Drawing of Draperies on Life and Antique Figures (Subject 8d.)

In dealing with schools established prior to 1897, in exceptional cases the pay.nents for each Group may be increased by an amount not exceeding 2d. an attendance, provided that there be a fair amount of work beyond the first Group done in the School, and that the Teacher hold the Art Class Teacher's or Art Master's certificate.

b. The payment for a student registered for the current session in Groups II., III., or IV., who is or has been successful in the examination in one or more subjects of those Groups, or who has been recommended by the Inspector, will be at the rates for those Groups; but, if he fails or is not presented for examination, it will be at the rate for Group I.

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