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a First Class at the Art Examinations in

(j.) Architecture (Subject 1d);

(k.) Drawing from the Life;t

(1.) Anatomy:

(m.) Painting Ornament;

(n.) Principles of Ornament;

(0.) Design, Advanced Stage (Subject 23c);

(p.) Modelling the head from the Life (four hours);

(q.) Modelling Design, Advanced Stage.

Successes obtained under old rules will be accepted as far as possible in lieu of the above (j to q).


Applications will be considered for successes in these subjects obtained by Students at the National Competition within the last ten years, to be counted as equivalent to the acceptance of Certificate works in these subjects.

Candidates' successes (First Class and National Competition Award) in subjects not included in the foregoing Certificates may, on special application being made, be endorsed on their Art Master's Certificate.

Candidates who have obtained successes for certificates, Groups II. to VI., may complete the requiremen's under the Directory for 1900, for those certificates, and may receive them.

A scheme of ART MASTER'S CERTIFICATES additional to the above mentioned Art Master's Certificate, is in preparation, and will be issued as soon as possible.

Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Board that a Life Model cannot be obtained for this examination, Drawing from a complete full-size Antique figure will be accepted instead.


N.B.-Unless these instructions are strictly observed the grant may be reduced or withheld.

All Registers must be kept on the School premises, and be always available for inspection by the Managers or by the Inspector of the Board.

The absence of a Register will be an absolute bar to the payment of the claim which it should support as a Voucher.



1. Managers are required to preserve a record of all students who join the School, which must be sent to the Board if asked for. It is not essential that Form 486 should be used. But copies of that Form will be issued to Managers on application.



N.B. The restrictions in respect of registration laid down on pages 10 to 13 of Directory should be carefully observed.

2. The age of the student must be entered against his name in the Attendance Register. The names in this Register should be as nearly as possible in alphabetical order. All entries must be in ink, and no blank columns may be left. In cases where there is insufficient space in the Attendance Register to record attendances at all the lessons which are to be given during the session, the Board will, on application, supply either interleaves or a new Register.

3. In order to record the presence of students at a lesson, the register may be marked by calling over the names, or it may be made up from tallies, or sheets circulated for signature, or by any other process which the Managers may consider most convenient and sufficient to enable them to certify the attendances, provided that the process does not lend itself to abuse and is approved by the Inspector.

4. To substantiate a claim for an attendance at instruction in Science, whether it be of an hour, or of an hour and a half, or of 40 minutes, the name of the student must have been recorded, by whatever process is in use for registration, so as to leave time for a lesson of at least 50 minutes, or 1 hour and 20 minutes, or 30 minutes, as the case may be, before the end of the attendance. For instruction in Art each attendance must be at least of an hour's duration. Registration of attendances of shorter duration is not permitted. The attendance of any student who leaves before the qualifying time must be cancelled.

5. Managers when visiting the classes should record on the front of the Attendance Register the number of students actually present at the time of their visits, attesting the same by their dated signatures; they should also see that the Registers are properly kept

6. The Attendance Register may only be used for one session and must accompany the form of claim for grant which is sent to the Poard at the end of the Session. When Forms 120 and 120a for a subsequent Session are received, a fresh Attendance Register will be issued.

7. The Secretary of the Managers, when forwarding the Attendance Register to the Board, is requested to retain a memorandum of such information as he will require in order to fill up the Annual Report, Form



8. A separate Register Form 486a for theoretical Science subjects and Form 4869 for subjects of practical Science-must be used for each stage of each subject of Science taught. Divisions a and b of Subject VI., and divisions a, b, and c of Subject VIII., count as separate subjects under this rule. The attendance of Honours Students must be recorded in a separate Register.

The attendances of students, while executing science works for examination under § XXXIII of the Directory, must be recorded in a special Register (Form 486a) separate from that used to record attendances for a Science Attendance Grant.

Lessons may not be registered in more than two subjects of Science other than I. and V. for a student on any one day, except on Saturdays, when lessons in three subjects may be registered.

As far as the restriction in the preceding paragraph is concerned, theoretical and practical instruction in any subject in which the latter has been sanctioned by the Board will be counted as instruction in one subject. Mathematics and Practical Mathematics count, for this purpose, as one subject.

When lessons of less than one hour's duration are exceptionally sanctioned, three lessons in one day may be registered, but not more than two lessons in any one subject; otherwise no student may be recorded more than once upon any one day as present at instruction in any one Science subject, but a second lesson in a subject may be marked for special consideration under the provisions of the two following paragraphs.

In cases where a Science Class meets for more than the minimum period required (which minimum period is 1 hours in Practical subjects and usually 1 hour in Theoretical subjects) the register may be re-opened and again closed, provided that the second closing takes place 1 hour (or 14 hours if the class meets for practical work) after the register is first closed.

If special consideration of an extended lesson under the provisions of § XLII.c, p. 25 Directory, is desired, it will be necessary on re-opening the register, to indicate those students whose instruction is continued over the extended period by drawing a firm horizontal line (-) across the diagonal line which denotes their attendance during the minimum period (see par. 9).

9. The presence or absence of each student must be entered IN INK; his presence is to be indicated by a diagonal line ( \ ) and his absence by a nought (0). The total number of students present at each meeting of the class must be entered at the foot of that column in which their attendance for the day is recorded, and such entry is to be made when the register is marked, and to be verified by the teacher's initials; SUBSEQUENT ALTERATIONS AND POSTING UP OF ATTENDANCES, OR OF TOTALS, ARE PROHIBITED. Should a mistake in registration occur, the fact must be reported, before the next lesson, to the Secretary of the Managers, who will note the circumstances upon the register with his dated signature


10. One Register only (Form 4866) must be kept for all attendances made in any or all of the Groups I., II., III., and IV.

For purposes of registration the subjects are grouped as follows:

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11. The presence of a student must be recorded by the Roman numeral of the Group I., II., III., or IV., in respect of the subjects in which he is on that occasion receiving instruction; his absence must be recorded by a nought (0). The total number of students present during the day is to be made up and initialled by the teacher giving the instruction; SUBSEQUENT ALTERATIONS AND POSTING UP OF ATTENDANCES, OR OF TOTALS, ARE PROHIBITED. Should a mistake in registration occur, the fact must be reported, before the next lesson, to the Secretary of the Managers, who will note the circumstances upon the Register with his dated signature.

12. When a class meets for more than one hour, or more frequently than once a day, a separate column may be used in respect of the registration of each attendance given by a student. But the registration of the attendance for which the grant can be claimed must be made in BLACK INK; whereas the registration of other and duplicate attendances must be made in RED INK, or in such a manner that it is distinctly different from that which is to be considered for the attendance grant.

The two or three or more columns, which may be used for all the attendances on one day, must be headed with the date of the day; and each column must be headed with the period of the class meeting to which the registration relates.

13. The attendance of a student may not be registered for grants in more than two different Groups of Subjects on any one day nor for more than one lesson per diem in the same Group. On Saturdays one lesson may be registered in each of any three Groups.

14. A separate register--Form 486c-must be kept for attendances in each of the subjects for which payments are made on the results of examination, viz. :-8c", 19h, 236, 23d, and 23f. The presence of a student must be recorded in these registers by the letter "P. (See instructions on last page of Form 486c).

Form 9
S. & A.


(N.B.-In addition to these Evening Examinations, Day Examinations in certain subjects of Science and Art will be held during June, 1902. For particulars see Form 90d.)

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7 to 9.30 p.m.


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cluding half an hour for
collection of papers prior
to Memory Drawing at

TIQUE, Subject 862.

Mathematical instruments re-

DESIGN, Elementary and Advanced Stages and Honours, Subjects 23c and 23d.

Mathematical instruments may be used. Tracing paper may be supplied by superintendents to candidates, but candidates may not bring any with them.


Mathematical instrumente required.


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