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similar written or printed statement or argument.

VIII. The Arbitrator may, for any cause deemed by him sufficient, extend the periods fixed by Articles V, VI, and VII, or any of them, by the allowance of thirty days additional.

IX. The High Contracting Parties agree to request that the decision of the Arbitrator may, if possible, be made within six months of the delivery of the Argument on both sides.

They further agree to request that the decision may be made in writing, dated, and signed, and that it may be in duplicate; one copy to be handed to the Representative of Great Britain for his Government, and the other copy to be handed to the Representative of the United States of Brazil for his Government.

X. The High Contracting Parties engage to accept the decision pronounced by the Arbitrator as a full, perfect, and final settlement of the question referred to him.

XI. The High Contracting Parties agree that the Indians and other persons living in any portion of the disputed territory, which may by the award of the Arbitrator be assigned either to the Colony of British Guiana or to the United States of Brazil shall, within eighteen months of the date of the award, have the option of removing into the territory of Brazil or of the Colony, as the case may be, themselves,

ou argumento escripto ou impresso.

VIII. O Arbitro póde, por

qualquer causa que qualquer causa que lhe parecer sufficiente, prorogar os prazos fixados nos Artigos V, V1, e VII, ou qualquer d'elles, concedendo trinta dias addicionaes.

IX. As Altas Partes Contractantes concordam en solli citar que a decisão do Arbitro seja dada, sendo possivel, dentro de seis mezes contados da entrega do "Argumento" das duas Partes.

Concordam tambem em sollicitar que a decisão seja dada por escripto, datada, e assignada, e que seja lavrada em duplicata, sendo um dos exemplares entregue ao Representante da Gran Bretanha para o seu Governo, e o outro entregue ao Representante dos Estados Unidos do Brazil para o seu Governo.

X. As Altas Partes Contractantes obrigamse a aceitar a decisão proferida pelo Arbitro como solução completa, perfeita e definitiva da questão a elle sujeita.

XI. As Altas Partes Contractantes concordam que os Indios e outros habitantes de qualquer parte do territorio contestado que pela sentença do Arbitro venha a ser attribuida ou á Colonia da Guyana Britannica ou aos Estados Unidos do Brazil, terão, dentro de dezoito mezes da data da sentença, a opção de se retirarem para o territorio do Brazil ou da Colonia, como seja o caso, eltes e suas familias,

their families, and their movable property, and of freely disposing of their immovable property, and the said High Contracting Parties reciprocally undertake to grant every facility for the exercise of such option,

XII. Each Government shall provide for the expense of preparing and submitting its Case. Any expenses connected with the arbitral proceedings shall be defrayed by the two Parties in equal moieties.

XIII. The present Treaty, when duly ratified, shall come into force immediately after the exchange of ratifications, which shall take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro within four months from this date, or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have hereunto affixed our seals.

Done in duplicate at London, the 6th day of November, 1901.


com os bens moveis que possuam, e de disporem livremente dos seus bens de raiz, e as Altas Partes Contractantes reciprocamente se obrigam a proporcionar todas as facilidades para o uso d'essa opção.

XII. Cada Governo satisfará as despezas do preparo e apresentação de sua causa. As despezas occasionadas pelo processo Arbitral serão pagas repartidamente pelas duas Paries.

XIII. O presente Tratado, uma vez devidamente ratificado, entrará immediatamente em vigor depois da troca das ratificações, a qual terá logar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro dentro de quatro mezes d'esta data, ou antes se fôr possivel.

Em testemunho do que os respectivos Plenipotenciarios firmaram o mesmo Tratado e lhe puzeram os seus sellos.

Feito em duplicata em Londres, em 6 de Novembro de 1901.



THE Plenipotentiaries on signing the foregoing Treaty declare, as part and complement of it and subject to the ratification of the same, that the High Contracting Parties adopt as the frontier between the Colony of British Guiana and the United States of Brazil the watershedline between the Amazon basin


Os Plenipotenciarios ao assigrarem o Tratado que precede declaram, como parte e complemento d'elle e sujeito a ratificação do mesmo, que as Altas Partes Contractantes adoptam como fronteira entre a Colonia da Guyana Britannica e os Estados Unidos do Brazil a linha divisoria dus aguas entre a bacia do

and the basins of the Corentyne and the Essequibo from the source of the Corentyne to that of the Rupununi, or of the Takutu, or to a point between them, according to the decision of the Arbitrator.


Amazonas e as bacias do Corentyne e do Essequibo desde a nascente do Corentyne até á do Rupununi ou á do Takutú, ou a um ponto entre ellas, conforme a decisão do Arbitro.



CONVENTION between Great Britain and Denmark, for regulating the Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Ocean surrounding the Faröe Islands and Iceland.—Signed at London, June 24, 1901.*

[Ratifications exchanged at London, May 28, 1902.]

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty the King of Denmark, being desirous of regulating the fisheries of their respective subjects outside Danish territorial waters in the ocean surrounding the Faroe Islands and Iceland, have resolved to conclude for this purpose a Convention, and have named their Plenipotentiaries as follows:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty FitzMaurice, Marquess of Lansdowne, Earl Wycombe, Viscount Caln and Calnstone, and Lord Wycombe, Baron of Chipping Wycombe, Baron Nairne, Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelburne, Viscount Clanmaurice and Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw, and Dunkerron, a Peer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c., His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and

His Majesty the King of Denmark, M. Frants Ernst de Bille, his Chamberlain and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Grand Cross of the Order of Danebrog, and decorated with the Silver Cross of the same Order, &c.;

Who, after having communicated the one to the other their full

* Signed also in the Danish language,

powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. The provisions of the present Convention, the object of which is to regulate the police of the fisheries in the ocean surrounding the Faröe Islands and Iceland outside the territorial waters of these islands, shall apply to the subjects of the High Contracting Parties.

II. The subjects of His Majesty the King of Denmark shall enjoy the exclusive right of fishery within the distance of 3 miles from low-water mark along the whole extent of the coasts of the said islands, as well as of the dependent islets, rocks, and banks.

As regards bays, the distance of 3 miles shall be measured from a straight line drawn across the bay, in the part nearest the entrance, at the first point where the width does not exceed 10 miles.

The present Article shall not prejudice the freedom of navigation or anchorage in territorial waters accorded to fishing boats, provided they conform to the Danish Police Regulations ruling this matter, amongst others the one stipulating that trawling vessels, while sojourning in territorial waters, shall have their trawling gear stowed away in-board.

III. The miles mentioned in the preceding Article are geographical miles, whereof 60 make a degree of latitude.

IV. The geographical limits for the application of the present Convention shall be fixed as follows:

On the south by a line commencing from where the meridian of North Unst Lighthouse (Shetland Islands) meets the parallel of 61st degree of north latitude to a point where the 9th meridian of west longitude meets the parallel of 60° north latitude, and from thence westward along that parallel to the meridian of 27° west longitude;

On the west by the meridian of 27° west longitude;

On the north by the parallel of 67° 30′ of north latitude; On the east by the meridian of the North Unst Lighthouse. The aforesaid limits are shown on the chart appended to the present Convention.*

V. The fishing-boats of the High Contracting Parties shall be registered in accordance with the administrative regulations in force in their respective countries.

For each port there shall be a consecutive series of numbers, preceded by one or two initial letters, which shall be specified by the superior competent authority.

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Each Government shall draw up a list showing these initial


*For Chart, see Parliamentary Paper [C. 1530], "Treaty Series, No. 5, 1903."

This list, together with all modifications which may subsequently be made in it, shall be notified to the other Government.

VI. Fishing-boats shall bear the initial letter or letters of the port to which they belong, and the registry number in the series of numbers for that port.

VII. The name of each fishing-boat and that of the port to which she belongs shall be painted in white oil colour on a black ground on the stern of the boat, in letters which shall be at least 8 centim. in height and 12 millim. in breadth.

VIII. The letter or letters and numbers which shall have been assigned to a vessel on its registration shall be painted in white oil colour on a black ground, and so as to be clearly visible, on each bow of the vessel, 8 or 10 centim. below the gunwale, provided the space admit it. The letters and numbers of vessels of 15 tons burden (gross tonnage) and upwards shall be 45 centim. in height and 6 centim. in breadth.

For boats of less than 15 tons burden (gross tonnage) the dimensions shall, if possible, be 25 centim. in height and 4 centim. in breadth.

The same letters and numbers shall also be painted in oil colour on each side of the mainsail of the boat immediately above the close reef, and in such a manner as to be plainly visible; they shall be painted on white sails in black, on black sails in white, and on sails of an intermediate shade in black or in white as may be decided by the authority superintending the marking, in accordance with Article V of the present Convention.

Steam fishing-vessels shall, in addition, bear the above marks on the funnel in a plainly visible manner. These marks should be of the same dimensions as those on the bow.

The letter or letters and numbers on the sails shall be one-third larger in every way than those placed on the bows of the boat.

IX. Fishing-boats may not have, either on their outside, on their saile, or on their funnels, any names, letters, or numbers, other than those prescribed by Articles VI, VII, and VIII of the present Convention.

X. The names, letters, and numbers placed on the boats and on their sails and funnels shall not be effaced, altered, made illegible, covered, or concealed in any manner whatsoever.

XI. All the small boats, buoys, principal floats, trawls, grapnels, anchors, and generally all fishing implements, shall be marked with the letter or letters and numbers of the boats to which they belong. These letters and numbers shall be large enough to be easily distinguished. The owners of the nets or other fishing implements may further distinguish them by any private marks they think proper.

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