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Νον. 15

Same subject: Acknowledges the above com-
munication and conveys the formal accepta-
tion of its terms.
Same subject: Proclamation of the President
promulgating the reciprocity agreement with
the United States of Brazil.
Same subject: Submits tables showing the
share of the United States in the importation
of, and rates of duty levied on, articles in-
cluded in the two categories established by
the agreement with Brazil.

Message of friendship of the Brazilian Con-
gress to the Congress of the United States

Same subject: Acknowledges the receipt of
the above, and returns expressions of friend-

Political situation: Instructs the Brazilian
minister at Washington to transmit to the
President the grateful feelings with which
his interest in the institutions of Brazil and
his advice for their preservation have been


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Senhor Chermout to Senhor



Mr. Kimberly to Mr. Blaine Jan. 24 Seizure of arms on the Colima by the Govern

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Jan. 26

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Jan. 31

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Feb. 4

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pacheco... Feb. 13


Same to same.

ment of Guatemala: Reports his interview
with the minister of foreign affairs, who con-
tended that the late U. S. minister, Mr. Miz-
ner, neglected to carry out the arrangements
agreed upon for reparation; says that he
fixed upon the 26th instant for the date of
their execution. Incloses his letter to Capt.
Johnston informing the said captain of the

Telegraphic communications: Recommends that
steps be taken to maintain and facilitate the
same between the United States and Central

Seizure of arms on the Colima: Incloses the re-
port, by Capt. Johnston, of the reparation
made at San José on the 29th of January by
the commandant of the port.

Same subject: Reports his refusal of the request
made by the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
that he change the word "expiation" to "ex-
planation" in his letter of inst.uctions to
Capt. Johnston.

Rumors of war in Central America: instructs
him to request a definite assurance that the
reported attack by Guatemala and Honduras
on Salvador is not contemplated, and depre
cates war among the Central American Re-

Feb. 20 Telegraphic communications: Instructs him to
carry out the suggestion made in No. 239
(supra) for the preservation of the same be-
tween the United States and Central America
in time of war.

253 Mr. Kimberly to Mr. Blaine. Feb. 23

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Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pacheco... Feb. 28

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Same subject: Incloses a copy of a letter from
the United States consul at Tegucigalpa,
Honduras, reporting various instances of
delay of transmission and requesting the
legation's intervention.

Seizure of arms on the Colima: Reviews Mr.
Kimberly's action in the matter of reparation,
and, referring to previous instructions, points
to the grave omission of reparation due to the
United States for the seizure, and instructs
him to bring the subject to the attention of
the Government of Guatemala.

Mar. 2 Same subject: Refers to Mr. Kimberly's No.
246 and to the instructions above, and the
word expiation" not being adapted to the
requirements of the case; says that the letter
of instructions to Capt. Johnston should be
expunged or at least amended.

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10 Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine... Mar. 11


Rumors of war in Central America. They are
denied by the minister of foreign affairs and
by the President of Guatemala: incloses ex-
tract of the President's message bearing upon
this point and the Barrundia incident; and
an editorial of the Guatemalteco.

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pacheco... Mar. 16 Telegraphic communications between Central


Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine... June


Same to same.


America and the United States. Incloses
further complaint about their bad condition
from the United States consul at Tegucigalpa,
and expresses the hope that a remedy will
soon be applied.

9 Same subject: Reports that he has written a
letter to the minister of foreign affairs of
Salvador in accordance with instructions Nos.
32 and 44.

July 22 Seizure of arms on the Colima: Incloses notes
exchanged with the minister of foreign af-
fairs, who insists that the reparation made by
Col. Toriello was accepted by the United States
chargé d'affaires as complete.

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Pacheco Aug. 10 Right of asylum: Confiscation of the steamship

City of Panama. Advises Mr. Pacheco of the
intelligence received from the minister of for
eign affairs of Salvador of the refusal of the
captain of the steamer to surrender a passen-
ger and of the subsequent sentence of confis
Cation of the vessel and instructs him to pro-
test against any arbitrary action.

Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine Aug. 10 Same subject: Reports the facts stated in the

Mr. Whartou to Mr. Pacheco Aug. 13
Same to same

Aug. 13

above telegram and announces that the City
of Panama was declared confiscated on ar-
rival at Libertad.

Same subject: Confirms preceding telegraphic
instruction and calls for a full report.
Same subject: Incloses telegram of United
States consul at San Salvador and a letter
from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company re-
ferring to the case.

Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine (tel- Aug. 14 Same subject: Reports the safe arrival of the

53 Samie to same.


Same to same.


City of Panama at San Jose de Guatemala,
where the authorities will deliver clearance
papers; protest will be telegraphed at once
to Salvador.

Aug. 18 Same subject: Incloses a copy of his protest
telegraphed to minister of foreign affairs of

Aug. 19 Same subject: Incloses detailed report of Capt.
White of the City of Panama to the com-
pany's general agent at Panama, with its in-
closures; explains that telegraphic commun-
ications with Salvador being interrupted, he
has not yet received any answer to his protest.
action taken by the chargé d'affaires and by
himself, and expresses regret that it should
have led to the misconception on the part of
the Guatemalan Government of the true pur-
port of reparation expected; instructs him to
advise that Government that the question of
indemnity is reserved for future consideration.
Right of asylum: Confiscation of steamship
City of Panama: incloses copies of two notes
from the minister of foreign affairs of Guate
mala relating to the confiscation, and his re-
ply, maintaining the right of Capt. White to
refuse the surrender of a political offender.
Same subject: Instructs him to secure assur-
ance that the City of Panama will not be de-
tained on her return trip to Salvador, and to
enter strong protest against any contemplated
seizure of the ship.

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Pacheco. Aug. 22 Seizure of arms on the Colima: Reviews the

55 M. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine ...

Aug. 26


Mr. Wharton to Mr. Pacheco Aug. 28

Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine... Aug. 31
Same to same (telegram)
Sept. 3

Same subject: Incloses copy of his telegram to
the foreign office of Guatemala in compliance
with the above instructions.
Same subject: The City of Panama will not be
detained longer than permitted under the
contract, and indemnity will be paid if un-
lawful detention be ordered; the confiscation
proceedings will be continued.

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War rumors in Central Amerion: Adverts to
preparations of Guatemala, said to be con-
ducted in New York, and beseeches the
friendly offices of the United States; news-
paper extracts inclosed.



Mr. Blaine to Señor Guirola.. Feb.


Señor Guirola to Mr. Blaine.. Feb. 10

Mr. Blaine to Señor Guirola.. Feb. 18
Same to same
Feb. 27

Same to same

Apr. 23

Same subject: In reply to the above, remarks
that allegations should be first supported by

Same subject: Affirms that Guatemala is pre-
paring for war, and repeats his request of
February 3.

Same subject: The United States will do all in
its power to avert a conflict.
Same subject: The collector of customs at New
York has received instructions to prevent the
violation of neutrality laws.

Same subject: Upon investigation, no prepara-
tions to disturb the peace in Central America
have been found to be carried on-in New York.

Señor Galindo to Mr. Blaine Aug. 8 Right'of asylum: Denounces as an infringe-

Same to same

ment of international law the refusal on the
part of the steam ship City of Panama to sur-
render a passenger.

Aug. 9

Same subject: The steamship City of Panama
declared confiscated.

Mr. Wharton to Señor Galindo Aug. 13

Same subject: Acknowledges the above tele-
grams and announces protest against any ar
bitrary action.



Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine

1890. Aug. 15

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Political situation: Reports differences be-
tween the executive and legislative branches
of the Chilean Government, and announces
the appointment óf a new cabinet, by which
harmony has been restored.

Same subject: The cabinet formed in August
resigned and a new one selected among niem.
bers of the minority favorable to the Presi
dent, who summarily closed the session of

Same to same telegram)............. J. n. 12 Revolution: Reports the revolt of six war vessels:
the army seems to remain loyal and public
order is maintained by the Government.

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1891. Jan. 12

Same to same (telegram)..... Jan. 17

122 Same to same

Jan. 17

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Jan. 19

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Feb. 13

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Feb. 23

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Mar. 4

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Mar. 9

Same subject: Reports the succession of cir-
cumstances which led to the struggle, its ac-
tual status, and the preparations and opera-
tions carried on by both sides.
Same subject: Blockade of Chilean ports by re-
volted fleet reported; United States consuls
have been advised by him to protest.
Same subject: Confirms the above; the repre-
sentatives of Germany, England, and France
have also agreed to have protests made by
the respective consuls.

Same subject: Proclamation of President Bal-
maceda inclosed; the Congressional forces have
landed in Coquimbo, which they hold; the army
is still loyal and rapidly increasing.
Same subject: Recapture of Coquimbo by the
Government forces reported; the army is
rapidly increasing, and, with the exception
of repulsed attempts to land on the part of
the Congressionalists, the peace has not been

Same subject: Arrival at Talcahuano of U. S.
S. Pensacola with Admiral McCann.
Same subject: Capture of Iquique by the Con-
gressionalists reported; the United States
consulate building and property destroyed in
the fight.

Mar. 8 Neutrality of the United States: Use of a war
vessel of the United States requested by the
Chilean Government for the transportation
to Montevideo of bar silver destined to pay.
ment of interest on the national debt.
Political situation: The Liberal or Govern-
ment party nominated for President Señor
Vicuña, whose election is expected.
Revolution: Battle near Iquique gained by the
revolutionists, who have control of the prov
ince of Tarapaca; the sympathies of Eng
lish residents on the side of the revolution-
ists, to whom they gave pecuniary assistance.
Political: Changes in the cabinet reported.
Revolution: War vessels of the United States
which have been or will be sent to Chilean

Mar. 17

Mar. 17
Mar. 23

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Mar. 31

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Same subject: Antofagasta abandoned by the
Government troops; elections took place
without disturbance in all the provinces, ex-
cept that of Tarapaca.

Apr. 1 Neutrality of the United States: A reply to
his telegram of the 8th of March (supia) re-
Revolution: Closing to commerce of certain
ports by the Chilean Government announced.
Same subject: Confirms the preceding telegram
and incloses copy of the blockade decree.
Same subject: The right of considering cases
arising under the blockade decree is reserved.
Same subject: German and British legations
have strongly protested against the closing of
Congressionalist ports, and a German fleet is
on its way to oppose its enforcement. He
has not joined them, but received assurances
that American vessels will not be molested..
Apr. 21 Neutrality of the United States: Purchase of
United States war vessel is carnestly desired
by the Chilean Government; previous advice
Revolution: One English and one German
steamer detained at Coronel; threats of Brit-
ish minister to release his vessel by force.
Same subject: A German fleet will be sent by
the Imperial Government to Chilean waters
from China; this measure is not looked upon
favorably by Chileans.

Apr. 21

Apr. 23

Same to same (telegram)........... Apr. 24

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan (tele- Apr. 25

H. Ex 1, pt. I―iv

Mediation: Asks whether he can act with Bra-
zilian and French representatives toward
restoration of peace.

Same subject: Grants the permission requested
in the preceding telegram.

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Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine

1891. Apr. 27


Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan 159 Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine

Same to same (telegram)..

Apr. 28
May 2
May 4

160 Same to same..

May 4


Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan... May 6


Same to same..
May 7
Mr. McCreery to Mr. Blaine May 8..


Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine......

May 8


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Same subject: Reports that his efforts as medi-
ator will be well received, and that he has had
preliminary conferences with both parties.
Same subject: Confirms telegram of April 25...
Speech of President Balmaceda at the opening
of the new Congress.

Mediation: The good offices of the United States,
Brazil, and France accepted by both parties;
those of Germany and Great Britain declined.
Same subject: A committee of seven duly au
thorized by the revolutionists meet at the
United States legation.

Cable of the Central and South American Tele-
graph Co. Instructions to request special
facilities for its repair. Letter of the presi-
dent of the company inclosed.
Mediation: Confirms the telegram of May 4.
Steamer Itata, the property of the South Amer-
ican Steamship Company taken by force and
impressed in the service of the revolutionary
Mediation and neutrality: Failure of negotia-
tions for peace and presence of the Itata in a
nort of California with munitions of war for
the revolutionary squadron reported.
War vessels of the United States: Movements

Mediation: Instructions to protect envoys of
the revolutionary party who may come with-
in President Balmaceda's jurisdiction under
offer of mediation.

Same subject: Explains and denies report of
threats to the envoys; they have been given
every facility to leave the country.
Same subject: Reports the initiation and prog.
ress of negotiations for peace, and their
abrupt termination in consequence of an at-
tempt on the lives of members of the cabinet,
and the mediators' intervention in behalf of
the envoys' safety which that event had
placed in jeopardy.
Inclosures: Safe conduct for the envoys;
acceptance of good offices by the same; bases
of negotiations submitted by the same; letter
of the minister of foreign affairs to the me-
diators; reply of Mr. Egan, letterof the me-
diators to the envoys, and to the minister of
foreign affairs in regard to termination of ne-
gotiations and of safe conduct.
Political situation: Reports a change of cabinet,
brought about by personal differences among
members of the former cabinet.

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan... May 28 Neutrality: Requests explanations regarding

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan

Same to same (telegram)..

June 1

a rumor that Mr. Egan has advised the Chil
ean Government to issue letters of marque;
incloses a letter from Peru reporting the


Mediation: Instructions to ascertain how the
tender of good offices by the United States
would be received.

June 1 Revolution: A condensed statement by wire
and full report by mail of the situation re-

Same to same (telegram)..... June 1 Neutrality: The Itata and her cargo of arms

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are expected to be shortly returned to the
custody of the courts of the United States.
Revolution: Superiority in forces and resources
of the Government.
Neutrality: The telegram of June 1 acknowl-

Revolution: Resources, forces, and territory
under the control of each of the parties stated
at length; incidents of warfare related; ru-
mors of cruelty on either side denied.
Mediation: Peace propositions would be enter-
tained by the Government, but the revolu-
tionists are averse to making any.
Same subject: Incloses correspondence between
the legation and Admiral McCann, U. S. Navy,
relating to restoration of


112 112


200 20


















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