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Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan June 17 Telegraph line on land: Instructions to assist (telegram).


Same to same..

June 18

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tele. June 25 gram).

174 Same to same..

June 25

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan June 26 (telegram).

175 Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine

June 27

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan June 30 (telegram).

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tel. July 2 egram).

the Central and South American Telegraph
Co. in securing fair consideration of their ap-
plication for a line to the Argentine frontier,
in view of negotiations by English companies
to purchase the only line now existing.
Same subject: Incloses a copy of a letter writ-
ten to the Department by the president of
the Central and South American Telegraph

Same subject: The company refusing to open
direct communication with Valparaiso, can not
expect favors of the Chilean Government.
Same subject: Gives the additional reason that
the application is believed to be a move for
the depreciation of the land-line stock.
Mediation: Information from the naval officers
confirms the impression that the insurgents,
contrary to Mr. Egan's report, would accept
the good offices of the United States, and fie
is instructed to ascertain whether the Gov-
ernment would likewise accept the same.
Same subject: Incloses correspondence toward
restoration of peace passed between the Junta
and Rear-Admiral McCann, of the U. S. Navy,
accompanying it with a denial that it was car
ried at his request, and a statement that me-
diation present can not be considered.
Cable of the Central and South American Tele-
graph Co.: The company are prevented from
operating it between Iquique and Valparaiso,
and would open direct connection between the
latter place and Peru but fear the officials at
Iquique would then cut it.

Sanie subject: Recommends that the company
accept the offer of Chilean Government to pay
expenses and guarantee against damages to
the cable, in the opening of direct cominuni-
cation with Valparaiso.

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Blaine July 3 Neutrality: War vessel desired by Chilean Gov-

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Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan July 14 (telegram).

180 Mr. Egan to Mr. Wharton.... July 16 Same to same



July 16

ernment. The Navy Department has none for

Revolution: Closing of certain ports to com-
merce. In view of the assurance that Ameri-
can vessels will not be molested, no instruc-
tion in that respect seems necessary.
Mediation: Insists upon the correctness of
his views regarding difficulties in the way of
restoration of peace as presented in Nos.

172 and 175.

Cable of the Central and South American Tele-
graph Co. will be connected in the open sea
on the 20th of July.

Same subject: Acknowledges the receipt of the
above telegram.

Revolution: Cruelties alleged against both
sides are grossly exaggerated; instances

Mr.Wharton to Mr. Egan.... July 21 Neutrality: Explains for what reasons the en

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tel. July 25 egram).

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan July 25 (telegram).

voys of the Junta now in Washington could
not be recognized by the Government of the
United States.

Clearance to vessels will be granted by Chilean
Government only under condition that re-
spective ministers will sign agreement to
have their vessels released by force if com-
pelled to enter insurgent ports; asks if he
can give the required assurance, as the repre-
sentatives of Great Britain, Germany, and
France have done.

Same subject: Declines permission requested
in the above telegram, and says the United
States will always take proper steps to pro-
tect vessels flying its flag.



















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Aug. 3


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Same subject: Alleged partiality of British
navy to the insurgents' cause. Transmits
instances asserted by the Chilean Govern-
ment, and incloses article from la Nacion
Aug. 5 Telegrams received by way of Europe are fre-
quently unintelligible; recommends the us
ing of the Central and South American Co.'s

Aug. 8 Outrage on Mr. Herbert C. Stevenson, a United
States citizen, by the intendante of Concep
cion: Regret has been expressed and an in-
demnity of $2,000 satisfactory to him, paid Mr.
Stevenson. Letter of regret inclosed.
Revolution: Attack on the South by the insur-
gents anticipated; movements in sympathy
with them repressed with barbarity.
Asylum afforded to two members of the revolu
tionary party. On hearing that threats had
been informally made to search his and other
legations on that account, he energetically pro-

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Aug. 19

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Aug. 20


Same to same.

Aug. 24


Same to same (telegram)..... Aug. 27

Revolution: Rout of the Government forces at
Concon, near Valparaiso, and ensuing demor-
alization of the Balmaceda party; measures
suggested by Mr. Egan to avert the sacking
of Valparaiso, which, however, was not at-
tacked by the victors.

Same subject: Another victory of the revolu
tionists reported and a decisive battle ex-
pected; communications between Valparaiso
and the capital cut off; asks to be informed
by the Department of any news obtained.

Mr. McCreery to Mr. Blaine Aug. 28 Same subject: Defeat of the Government troops;

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Valparaiso, surrendered to foreign naval com-
manders for preservation of order, is being
entered by the revolutionists.
Same subject: Communicates information con-
tained in the above.









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Sept. 7

Same to same (telegram)..... Sept. 7 Mr. Egan to Mr. Wharton Sept. 7 (telegram).

Same subject: Requests telegraphic reply to
the above telegram.


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Same subject: Provisional government estab
lished on the 4th is accepted by the people
and in cordial communication with the lega

Same subject: Provisional Government has offi-
cially notified the legation of its constitution
and assumption of power, and has been like-
wise recognized.



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Asylum: Refugees on board American and Ger-
mian war vessels. Informal feelers for their
surrender are met by positive refusal of the
American legation and German admiral.
Paper money issued by the late government will
be recognized by the new one.
Members of the cabinet appointed.
General elections will take place on Oct. 18.





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Same to same (telegram).......

Sept. 24

Same to same (telegram).......

Asylum: Refugees in the legation would be
tried criminally and their lives endangered if
surrendered; it will not be done except under
safe conduct. The legation is watched by
police; two of the servants have been ar-
rested and are in prison; firm protest has been

Sept. 25 Disrespect to legation: Arrests of visitors
amount to 20 in two days; no reply has been
made to his protest and he has entered another.
Same subject: The question of right of asylum
will be discussed later, but the United States
will insist that no disrespect is shown to the
legation, and prompt action from Chile is ex-

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan Sept. 26 (telegram).

Same to same (telegram)..

Sept. 26

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (telegram).

Sept. 27

Same to same (telegram).....

Sept. 28

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Sept. 29

Same to same (telegram)....

Sept. 30

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Egan Oct. (telegram).

Same to same (telegram)

Asylum: Information concerning the refugees

Same subject: Reply to the above; names former
situations, etc., of refugees given; the charge
of conspiracy brought against them has been
denied in a note in which safe conduct is again
asked for; that favor was granted to 2 officers
who had entered the British legation.
Same subject: No answer has been made to his
note referred to above.
Same subject: Particulars regarding the ques-
tions of asylum condensed in previous tele-
grams; status of the case regarding the other
legations; correspondence with minister of
foreign affairs relating thereto inclosed.
Same subject: Safe conduct refused by minister
of foreign affairs, who renews the charge of
conspiracy against the refugees; no more ar-
rests of visitors to the legation have been

1 Same subject: The right of asylum can not now
be denied by Chile after being freely recog
nized; deprecates acts of disrespect to the
legation, and recommends that the asylum be
not abused by the refugees.
Same subject: Instructions to keep the Depart-
ment fully advised.



Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tele. Oct. gram).


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Same subject: The minister of foreign affairs
denies any intention of disrespect to the lega
tion, but insists upon the right of taking out.
side of the legation precautions against con-

Same subject: Information concerning refugees
in other legations requested.

6 Disrespect to legation: Confirms in detail pre-
vious telegrams; particulars concerning sev-
eral of the American and other visitors ar-
rested on leaving the legation; the Spanish
minister has agreed to act in harmony with
the United States minister respecting the ref-
ugees in his legation; his correspondence and
interviews with the minister of foreign af-
Asylum: Number of refugees originally re-
ceived and actually remaining in the several
legations given; visitors to Spanish legation
also arrested; no safe conduct granted in any
case, but some allowed to leave under bond."
Outrage on Mr. Stephenson: Action reported in
No. 191 is approved.

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Same subject: Incloses notes referred to in the telegrams of Oct. 13 and 17 and decree instituting criminal proceedings against refugees. Assault on seamen of the U.S. S. Baltimore: Announces the killing of one and wounding of 5 men, and the wounding of 1 Chilean. Same subject: Letters of Capt. Schley, of the Baltimore, to the legation and to the intendente of Valparaiso.

Asylum: Substance of the reply to request for safe conduct in which the right of Chile to decline to grant the same is maintained. Another decree provides that prisoners will not be brought before the courts or liberated even under order of the supreme courts. Victory of the Liberals at the polls. Same subject: substance of Mr. Egan's reply to the above suspending discussion pending decision of the United States Government, but giving reasons why the refusal of safe con. duct must be interpreted as an unfriendly act. Assault on the seamen of the Baltimore: Capt. Schley reports the attack to have been unprovoked; the legation will wait for instructions.

Same subject: In view of the participation of the police and of the delay on the part of the Government of Chile to offer any expression of regret or of purpose to punish the perpetrators, instructs him to request an explana


Asylum: Persistent refusal to grant safe conduct; he thinks further exchange of notes would be useless.

Assault on the seamen of the Baltimore: Asks what reparation is expected. Asylum: Incloses, with comments, copies of the notes from and to the Chilean Government and decree of the Junta and of the Su. preme Court relative to refugees. Political: Result of the legislative elections. Instructions to maintain his position and to draw for any amount needed."

Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Reply of the Chilean Government to Mr. Egan's note. It will recognize no authority to judge the case but that established by the nation. The American sailors were made to sign a document in Spanish, and no officer allowed to be present at the examination. Same subject: Confirms with particulars the above telegram; incloses Capt. Schley's letter to the legation and report to the board of investigation, and notes exchanged with the Chilean foreign office.

Same subject: The investigation is secret; Capt. Schley and the United States consul at Valparaiso have been invited to submit evidence and will refer it to the legation; requests instructions.

Same subject: Reply of the minister of foreign affairs expresses no regret; says that the result will be communicated and the guilty punished, and gives the report of the intendente exonerating the police; denying any knowledge of the origin of the trouble or of Riggin's murderer, and describing the assault as a free fight among drunken sailors. Instructions of Oct. 28 acknowledged.. Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Instructions to have the paper signed by the sailors shown to him and to allow no officer or man to testify except in the presence of a counsel in his own language and publicly. Same subject: Capt. Schley has been advised to tender evidence in accordance with the above instructions; the same judge who refused to let officers of the Baltimore attend the examination, granted that favor to the secretary of the German consulate in a similar circumstance one month earlier.




















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220 Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine.....

1891. Nov. 3

Mr. Blaine to Mr. McCreery (telegram).

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (telegram).

Nov. 3

Same subject: Confirms in detail his telegrams
of Oct. 31 and Nov. 3. Incloses note of minis
ter of foreign affairs referred to in the tele-
gram of Oct. 31; two letters of Capt. Schley
giving the names of witnesses and reply
thereto; correspondence between Capt. Schley
and the intendente of Valparaiso, and letter
of the United States consul at Valparaiso, rel-
ative to the favor mentioned in the telegram
of Nov. 3 as having been granted to the sec-
retary of the German consulate.
Same subject: Full information requested by

Nov. 7 Outrage on fireman Shields of the steamship
Keweenaw, reported by consul at Valparaiso;
the ill treatment followed upon arrest on a
charge of drunkenness.

Same to same (telegram)..... Nov. 7 Asylum: Threats against the legation fo

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Nov. 7

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Nov. 8
Nov. 9

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mented by the press alleging a conspiracy of
the refugees. Measures were taken by the
authorities against hostile demonstration, re-
solved in a public meeting, but no denial of
the charge was made previously to the meet-
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: In-
closes correspondence between Capt. Schley
and the intendente in regard to witnesses,
and second letter from the United States con-
sul at Valparaiso relative to the attendance
of secretary of the German consulate at in-
Same subject: Full report transmitted as di
rected by Mr. Blaine's telegram of Nov. 3.
Outrage on Patrick Shields, of the Keweenaw :
Incloses letter of United States consul to in-
tendente at Valparaiso, together with medical
report of injuries sustained, reply of inten-
tendente referring the matter to the judge of
crime, and consul's letter reporting that
Shields' name does not appear on the police
records and that Shields was not brought be-
fore any court.

Nov. 9 Asylum: "Confirmatory of telegram of Nov. 7;
incloses extract of La Union relating to al
leged conspiracy and object of the meeting,
call of said meeting, protest of Mr. Egan and
Señor Matta's reply, and denial of conspiracy
by the intendente."









Same to same (telegram)..

Nov. 10 Friendly sentiments expressed by the president
of the provisional government at the call
made officially by Mr. Egan.


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Nov. 10
Nov. 11



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Same subject: Confirms the above..
Election of Señor Montt for President and res-
ignation of the provisional government at the
convening of Congress. New cabinet not yet
formed, but better feeling is.anticipated.
Confirms the above
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore; The
investigation is declared by Señor Matta to
be delayed by the refusal of Capt. Schley and
Consul McCreery to supply the judge with
necssary information pending instructions
from the legation.



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The cabinet remains in office as previously con-
stituted, but changes are expected before the
end of the year.


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Confirms the above..


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